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The authors present two cases of unsuspected carcinoma of the gallbladder after laparoscopic cholecystectomy in which trocar site metastasis developed during their follow-up. In the first case, a 68 year-old woman with cholecystolithiasis underwent an uneventful laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Histologic examination revealed adenocarcinoma invading the mucosa and muscular layers of the gallbladder. The patient refused additional treatment. Seven months later, metastasis developed in the umbilical port site, which was excised. In the second case, laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed for a symptomatic gallstone in a 78 year-old man. The gallbladder inspection showed thickenning of the infundibulum wall. Histological examination revealed adenocarcinoma invading serosa. No additional treatment was performed because of the patient's advanced age. A metastasis was identified in the 5 mm port site nine months after the operation. Two hepatic metastasis were also demonstrated by ultrasonography.


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A particularly rapid and fatal outcome has been noted in cases of malignant soft-tissue metastases occurring after cancer surgery. Abdominal wall metastases occurring in scars after laparotomy for cancer resection show a similar poor outcome. On the other hand, neoplasm seeding at trocar sites after laparoscopy has been reported with an increasing frequency. A case is presented of a 68-years-old woman with metastatic seeding of non-diagnosed colon cancer at the umbilical trocar site used for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The gallbladder was extracted through the umbilical incision. Pathological examination confirmed chronic cholecystitis. Eight months latter, the patient was seen with a tender umbilical mass protruded through a 4,5 cm the umbilical incision site. Biopsies of this tissue were taken and histopathological examination showed metastatic adenocarcinoma, probably of a gastrointestinal origin. A colonoscopy performed at the same time revealed a 2-cm lesion at the hepatic flexur which was shown to be a differentiated adenocarcinoma. An 8.0 x 6.0 x 6.0-cm pelvic mass without signs of liver metastases was identified by computerised tomography. Diagnostic laparoscopy showed a diffuse peritoneal carcinomatosis. The pelvis could not be approached, except for simple biopsy, and no surgical procedure was performed. It is presumed that the primary colon cancer existed prior to cholecystectomy. Laparoscopy is the procedure of choice to perform cholecystectomy and fundoplication. It has also been increasingly used to diagnose, resect and perform the staging of malignant tumours. As in any relatively new technique, questions arising about its safety and risk of complications must be extensively studied. Many questions about the specific features of laparoscopy promoting cancer growth remain unanswered.


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Cardiac transplant has been performed with an increased frequency as the treatment for end-stage cardiac disease. Although cholelithiasis is more frequent in both pretransplant and posttransplant patients, no standard management approach exists. Pretransplant patients are well recognized for cardiac events, and posttransplant immunossupressed patients are at a considerable risk for septic complications. Because the first presentation of gallstones in this population is often acute cholecystitis, asymptomatic calculi cannot be considered benign and it seems reasonable to recommend pretransplant screening and posttransplant surveillance for gallstones. Prophylatic laparoscopic cholecistectomy should be undertaken in the stable patient to avoid the substantial mortality associated with postoperative acute cholecystitis and urgent cholecystectomy. In this case report we present a 44 year-old male with acute cholecystitis after cardiac transplantation who was submitted to a safe laparoscopic cholecystectomy one year and seven months later.


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Our objective is to report a case of gallbladder torsion treated by laparoscopic cholecystectomy. A 87 year old patient presented with intense right upper quadrant pain, anorexia, nausea and vomiting. Murphy's sign was present at physical examination. Hemogram showed 9.200 leukocytes/mm³, with six bands. Ultrassonography showed a distended gallbladder, perivesicular fluid collection, wall edema, and sludge with stones inside. At laparoscopic cholecystectomy, there was a complete gallbladder torsion with areas of necrosis. There was no postoperative complication. Pathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of acute calculous cholecystitis with areas of necrosis.


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Perforation of the gallbladder during laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be associated with intraperitoneal gallstone spillage. Several complications secondary to lost gallstones in the abdominal cavity have been described. We report a rare complication of abdominal abscess secondary to two gallstones left in the abdominal cavity. A 75-year-old female presented with spontaneous drainage of pus through the umbilicus five years after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. An ultrasonographic evaluation of the abdomen revealed a solid mass of 56x26 mm of diameter, with acoustic shadow, localized distal to the umbilicus. At laparotomy, an abscess with two biliary calculi was drained. The patient had good recovery, with no complication.


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Our objective is to report a case of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a patient with duplicated cystic duct. A 34 year old male presented with episodic pain in the upper rigth quadrant of the abdomen. Murphy' s sign was not present. Ultrassonography showed gallbladder with multiple calculi and a thickened wall. At laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a duplicated cystic duct was found. Careful dissection and intraoperative cholangiography were performed to rule out common bile duct injury.


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Objetivo: proponer un instrumento para el seguimiento de la calidad de la atención de pacientes con patologías quirúrgicas abdominales urgentes. Métodos: se revisaron restropectivamente historias clínicas de pacientes quienes requirieron cirugía general de urgencia (CGU) en agosto de 2013. Se analizaron variables demográficas, factores de riesgo, severidad y desenlace hasta el día 30 postoperatorio. Se incluyeron los indicadores de calidad del National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) y el National Trauma Data Bank, y se adicionaron otros. Resultados: Se intervinieron 231 pacientes de 261 procedimientos de CGU. La edad promedio fue 49 años. Los procedimientos más comunes fueron la colecistectomía laparoscópica (37.2%), la apendicectomía (35.6%), la laparotomía exploratoria (12.6%), el drenaje de colección abdominal (9.1%) y la liberación de adherencias (6.9%). La mortalidad fue de 3.46% (n=8), la morbilidad severa fue de 8.04%. La duración de la hospitalización fue de 6.54 días +/- 5.180 y la de hospitalización en Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo fue de 5.7 días +/- 4.42. La oportunidad de salas de cirugía para la apendicetomía fue de 5 horas para las apendicitis con peritonitis generalizada, y de 8 horas para las apendicitis localizadas, 37 horas para colecistitis, 7.48 horas para colangitis y 2.42 horas para diverticulitis. Conclusiones: Crear de un instrumento para la medición de la calidad de la atención de los pacientes en CGU, es necesario para la autoevaluación institucional y para definir planes de mejoramiento y distribución de los recursos.


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The aim of this study was to verify and describe the presence of microorganisms in the single-use trocar after its use in surgical procedures, and after this device was submitted to cleaning, conditioning, and sterilization by physicochemical processes (formaldehyde, ethylene oxide, and hydrogen peroxide plasma). Twenty-eight trocars of the Ethicon, Auto-suture, and Aesculap brands, were randomly selected and analyzed after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The results have shown that cultures grown of the material collected from the trocars, immediately after its use and before its sterilization process, showed the presence of bacteria and fungi in 46.5% (13). In 53.5% (15) of the trocars, the presence of microorganisms was not detected, very likely due to niche`s scarcity. In the cultures grown of the 28 trocars after being submitted to sterilization processes, the presence of microorganisms was not verified. We can therefore conclude that although trocars possess compartments not easily accessed for cleaning, these devices can be adequately cleaned and effectively sterilized, when well manipulated, in the institution where the study was carried out by the processes of steam sterilization at low temperature and formaldehyde, ethylene oxide, and hydrogen peroxide plasma.


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Background and Objectives - It is essential to reduce health care costs without impairing the quality of care. Propofol is associated to faster recovery and it is known that post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) costs are high. The aim of this study was to evaluate the advantages of two anesthesia regimens - propofol continuous infusion or isoflurane - taking into account the cost of both techniques on PACU stay. Methods - Forty seven patients, physical status ASA I, II and III, undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy were divided into 2 groups according to the anesthetic agent: G1, conventional propofol continuous infusion (100-150 μg.kg-1.min-1) and G2, isoflurane. All patients were induced with sufentanil (1 μg.kg-1) and propofol (2 mg.kg-1) and were kept in a re-inhalation circuit (2 L.min-1 of fresh gas flow) with 50% N2O in O2, sufentanil (0.01 μg.kg-1.min-1) and atracurium (0.5 mg.kg-1), or pancuronium (0.1 mg.kg-1) for asthma patients. All patients received atropine and neostigmine at the end of the surgery. Prophylactic ondansetron, dipyrone and tenoxican were administered and, when necessary, tramadol and N-butylscopolamine. Costs of anesthetic drugs (COST), total PACU stay (t-PACU), and PACU stay after extubation (t-EXT) were computed for both groups. Results - Costs were significantly lower in the isoflurane group but t-PACU was 26 minutes longer and t-EXT G1laparoscopic cholecystectomy showed lower drug costs as compared to propofol. However, isoflurane group patients stayed longer in PACU as compared to propofol continuous infusion group.


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Background/purpose: Gallstones and cholelithiasis are being increasingly diagnosed in children owing to the widespread use of ultrasonography. The treatment of choice is cholecystectomy, and routine intraoperative cholangiography is recommended to explore the common bile duct. The objectives of this study were to describe our experience with the management of gallstone disease in childhood over the last 18 years and to propose an algorithm to guide the approach to cholelithiasis in children based on clinical and ultrasonographic findings. Methods: The data for this study were obtained by reviewing the records of all patients with gallstone disease treated between January 1994 and October 2011. The patients were divided into the following 5 groups based on their symptoms: group 1, asymptomatic; group 2, nonbiliary obstructive symptoms; group 3, acute cholecystitis symptoms; group 4, a history of biliary obstructive symptoms that were completely resolved by the time of surgery; and group 5, ongoing biliary obstructive symptoms. Patients were treated according to an algorithm based on their clinical, ultrasonographic, and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) findings. Results: A total of 223 patients were diagnosed with cholelithiasis, and comorbidities were present in 177 patients (79.3%). The most common comorbidities were hemolytic disorders in 139 patients (62.3%) and previous bariatric surgery in 16 (7.1%). Although symptoms were present in 134 patients (60.0%), cholecystectomy was performed for all patients with cholelithiasis, even if they were asymptomatic; the surgery was laparoscopic in 204 patients and open in 19. Fifty-six patients (25.1%) presented with complications as the first sign of cholelithiasis (eg, pancreatitis, choledocolithiasis, or acute calculous cholecystitis). Intraoperative cholangiography was indicated in 15 children, and it was positive in only 1 (0.4%) for whom ERCP was necessary to extract the stone after a laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). Preoperative ERCP was performed in 11 patients to extract the stones, and a hepaticojejunostomy was indicated in 2 patients. There were no injuries to the hepatic artery or common bile duct in our series. Conclusions: Based on our experience, we can propose an algorithm to guide the approach to cholelithiasis in the pediatric population. The final conclusion is that LC results in limited postoperative complications in children with gallstones. When a diagnosis of choledocolithiasis or dilation of the choledocus is made, ERCP is necessary if obstructive symptoms persist either before or after an LC. Intraoperative cholangiography and laparoscopic common bile duct exploration are not mandatory. Published by Elsevier Inc.


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Background. Previous studies have identified no strong correlation between patients' height and tracheal length in anaesthetized patients. We have attempted to compare vocal cords-carina distance (VCD) in Chinese patients with the dimensions of five commonly used tracheal tubes. In addition, we attempted to find a surface anatomy measurement that would identify patients with 'short tracheas'. Methods. We measured VCD in 130 anaesthetized Chinese patients with a fibreoptic bronchoscope. Also measurements were obtained of the distal ends of five commonly used tracheal tubes. We undertook various surface anatomy measurements on the patients' chest and neck region to predict those patients with short tracheas. Results. VCD averaged 12.6 ((SD) 1.4) cm. In seven patients (5%) this distance was particularly short (between 8.8 and 10.4 cm). Many of the commonly used tracheal tubes would be placed close to or beyond the carina when the black intubation guide mark(s) is (are) at the level of the vocal cords. The VCD of


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Background During recent years laparoscopic cholecystectomy has dramatically increased, sometimes resulting in overtreatment. Aim of this work was to retrospectively analyze all laparoscopic cholecystectomies performed in a single center in order to find the percentage of patients whose surgical treatment may be explained with this general trend, and to speculate about the possible causes. Methods 831 patients who underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy from 1999 to 2008 were retrospectively analyzed. Results At discharge, 43.08% of patients were operated on because of at least one previous episode of biliary colic before the one at admission; 14.08% of patients presented with acute lithiasic cholecystitis; 14.68% were operated on because of an increase in bilirubin level; 1.56% were operated on because of a previous episode of jaundice with normal bilirubin at admission; 0.72% had gallbladder adenomas, 0.72% had cholangitis, 0.36% had biliodigestive fistula and one patient (0.12%) had acalculous cholecystitis. By excluding all these patients, 21.18% were operated on without indications. Conclusions The broadening of indications for laparoscopic cholecystectomy is undisputed and can be considered a consequence of new technologies that have been introduced, increased demand from patients, and the need for practice by inexperienced surgeons. If not prevented, this trend could continue indefinitely.


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Antecedentes. La colecistectomía laparoscópica (CL, Cole-Lap) es el tratamiento de elección en la patología biliar benigna, la que presenta una elevada incidencia en nuestra ciudad y país. En el hospital Vicente Corral, cirujanos en formación y docentes, han participado en el desarrollo de esta técnica desde su inicio. Objetivo. Describir y compartir la experiencia de 14 años de colecistectomía laparoscópica en el Hospital Vicente Corral M. Métodos. Se presenta la casuística descriptiva y retrospectiva de 2.200 pacientes intervenidos por colecistectomía laparoscópica desde mayo de 1994 hasta enero 2008. Resultados. De 2.200 CL, el 79% son de sexo femenino, con promedio de edad de 43 años, con diagnóstico intraoperatorio de colecistitis crónica litiásica en el 82%. Se presentaron complicaciones entre mayores y menores en el 38%, las perforaciones de vesícula con salida de la bilis y las hemorragias provenientes de la arteria cística fueron las más frecuentes. La lesión de la vía biliar principal se registró en el 0.12%. En las 100 primeras cirugías se presentaron 25 complicaciones, mientras que en las 100 últimas fueron 34. El tiempo operatorio promedio fue de 35 minutos en el 2008. Discusión. La colecistectomía laparoscópica demuestra, en nuestro estudio, ser un procedimiento seguro y efectivo en pacientes con colecistitis calculosa aguda o crónica.


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Acute cholecystitis after colonoscopy is a rare event, with less than 10 cases described in the literature. We report the case of a male patient with silent gallstones who underwent colonoscopy for follow-up of his Crohn’s disease. The colonoscopy revealed erosions in the terminal ileum, from which biopsies were taken. A sessile polyp 4 mm in diameter at the recto-sigmoid junction was also removed. Less than 24 h after the colonoscopy, the patient complained of upper right quadrant pain, nausea and vomiting. Based on the clinical findings, laboratory data and ultrasonography, we diagnosed acute cholecystitis and excluded any complication after the colonoscopy. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed and the patient was discharged.