1000 resultados para LAMELLAR CRYSTALS


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The crystallization detail of polyethylene (PE) has been scarcely studied via in-situ approach since it is an extremely fast process. In this work, optical microscopy is used to investigate crystallization details and characteristics of windmill-like polyethylene crystals. It has been shown that the straight edges of the petals appear firstly and grow in pairs from their central junctions, which subsequently induce the surrounding domains in between each pairs of petals to nucleate and crystallize into twisted lamellar overgrowths. The remaining terrace-stacked lamellae which form curved edges of the petals start to develop only after the straight edges of the petals together with the twisted lamellar overgrowths have completed their growth. It is confirmed that the preferential growth direction of these petals are along crystallographic [113] axis, which has an angle of 65, with the typical direction along b-axis adopted also by the twisted lamellar overgrowths.


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The effect of crystallization on the lamellar orientation of poly( styrene)-b-poly(L-lactide) (PS-PLLA) semicrystalline diblock copolymer in thin films has been investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electronic microscopy (TEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). In the melt state, microphase separation leads to a symmetric wetting structure with PLLA blocks located at both polymer/substrate and polymer/air interfaces. The lamellar period is equal to the long period L in bulk determined by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Symmetric wetting structure formed in the melt state provides a model structure to study the crystallization of PLLA monolayer tethered on glassy (T-c < T-g,T-PS) or rubber (T-c > T-g,T-PS) PS substrate. In both cases, it is found that the crystallization of PLLA results in a "sandwich" structure with amorphous PS layer located at both folding surfaces. For T-c <= T-g,T- PS, the crystallization induces a transition of the lamellar orientation from parallel to perpendicular to substrate in between and front of the crystals. In addition, the depletion of materials around the crystals leads to the formation of holes of 1/2 L, leaving the adsorbed monolayer exposure at the bottom of the holes.


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The twisting growth of a branched polyethylene single crystal formed from the melt was observed directly by means of transmission electron and atomic force miscroscopy. The surface stress asymmetry arising from the asymmetry of the surface-fold structure and, chain tilting resulted in the twisting growth of the single crystals. The handedness of the twisting lamellae was consistent With the chain-tilting direction. When multilayer lamellae piled up in a thicker film, the lamellar twist would be inevitably causing screw dislocations.


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Metallocene-catalyzed short chain branched polyethylene single crystals, formed from the melt at a higher crystallization temperature of 114 degreesC, were obtained. Highly elongated lamellae were formed, which are different from truncated lozenge or lenticular shaped single crystals formed at a lower crystallization temperature. It was found that there existed a definite line in the lamellae along the longitudinal growth direction and two regions were separated by the definite line. The lateral habits of both the regions were asymmetrical about the b-axis due to the chain tilting, which was the same as that at a lower crystallization temperature. Generally, the highly elongated lamellae were not straight, but curved towards the opposite direction with chain tilting direction due to a series of edge dislocation within a lamella. The inner side of a lamella was serrated and the outer side was smooth due to the lamellar curvature. The thickness of both regions of a lamella was different, the broader region was thicker than the narrower region, which was different from the uniform thickness of the lamellae formed at a lower crystallization temperature. The different thicknesses within a lamella were considered as the result of the initial thickness difference and the impact of isothermal thickening. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effects of lamellar thickness on the epitaxial crystallization of polyethylene on the oriented isotatic polypropylene have been studied by means of transmission electron microscopy. The results obtained from the bright field electron microscopy and electron diffraction show that the epitaxial orientation of the PE crystals on the iPP substrate depends not only on the thickness of the oriented iPP lamellae, but also on the lamellar thickness of PE crystals. No epitaxial orientation relationship between PE crystal and iPP substrate can be found, when the PE crystals are thicker than the lamellar thickness of iPP along the matching direction. This suggests, that the epitaxial nucleation of PE in the PE/iPP epitaxial system is controlled not only by the chain-row matching, but also by a secondary nucleation process.


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Ionic liquid crystals were obtained by coupling one or two mesogenic units (cholesterol or cyanobiphenyl) to an imidazolium cation. Anions are bromide, bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, and tetrakis(2-thenoyltrifluoroacetonato)europate(III). The mesomorphism of the compounds depends on the type and number of mesogenic units and on the type of anion. In general, the most stable mesophases are observed for the bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide salts. Most of the compounds containing cholesterol moieties show enantiotropic SmA* phases over a broad temperature range, and some of them are room temperature liquid crystals. Modeling of the small-angle X-ray scattering patterns revealed the molecular arrangement in these mesophases. On the contrary, most of the compounds containing cyanobiphenyl groups exhibit monotropic lamellar or nematic mesophases, depending on the number of mesogenic units. The imidazolium salts containing the tetrakis(2-thenoyltrifluoroacetonato)europate(III) anion show an intense red photoluminescence.


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Measurements of H-1 and C-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) for the nano-composite materials formed by the intercalation of hexadecylamine (HDA) in metal oxides (TiO2, V2O5 and MoO3), are reported. The H-1 NMR spin-lattice relaxation in the rotating frame was described by using the spectral density due to Davidson and Cole, which incorporates a distribution of correlation times characterized by a width parameter epsilon. The fitting of the data was obtained for epsilon = 0.74, indicating that the correlation times are distributed over a narrow range in this system. High-resolution C-13 NMR techniques were used to resolve the NMR lines of middle-chain methylene groups in the spectra and variable contact time cross-polarization {H-1-}C-13 experiments were employed to analyze the reorientation dynamics of the CH3 and CH2 groups in the HDA chains.


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Reactions of CeCl3·7H2O and Ce(NO3)3·6H2O with Naacac or NH4acac in aqueous solution at 21 and 45 °C yielded the trihydrate [Ce(acac)3(H2O)2]·H2O and the dihydrate [Ce(acac)3(H2O)2], respectively, whereas similar treatment of (NH4)2[Ce(NO3)6] gave the trihydrate at both temperatures. Desiccation of the hydrates over silica gel left the dihydrate unchanged, whereas the trihydrate underwent decomposition rather than dehydration. Aerial oxidation of [Ce(acac)3(H2O)2] in CH2Cl2 and toluene yielded α-[Ce(acac)4] and β-[Ce(acac)4], respectively, the structure of the former being re-determined with improved precision. Careful treatment of aqueous (NH4)4[Ce(SO4)4] and Hacac (initially pH 1–2) with aqueous ammonia to pH 5 precipitated hydrated [Ce(acac)4], from which [Ce(acac)4]·10H2O was isolated as unstable, light-sensitive single crystals, and the structure was determined. The complex is a laminar clathrate containing layers of Ce(acac)4 molecules sandwiched between extensive hydrogen-bonded layers of water molecules which do not interact with the metal. Electrochemical experiments confirmed the unstable nature of hydrated CeIII(acac)3, while the reduction of [Ce(acac)4] yielded well-defined cyclic voltammograms in acetonitrile and acetone, corresponding to a quasi-reversible process. For the [CeIV(acac)4]/[CeIII(acac)4]redox couple, a calculated reversible potential of 0.22±0.02 V versus SHE was obtained in acetone or acetonitrile (0.1 M Bu4NPF6) at both gold and glassy carbon electrodes. This potential is consistent with the ease of both oxidation and reduction of cerium acetylacetonate complexes as found in the synthetic studies.


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The solid-state pyrolysis of organometallic derivatives of a cyclotriphosphazene is demonstrated to be a new, simple and versatile solid-state templating method for obtaining single-crystal micro- and nanocrystals of transition and valve metal oxides. The technique, when applied to Mo-containing organometallics N3P3[OC6H4CH2CN·Mo(CO)5]6 and N3P3[OC6H4CH2CN·Mo(CO)4 py]6, results in stand-alone and surface-deposited lamellar MoO3 single crystals, as determined by electron and atomic force microscopies and X-ray diffraction. The size and morphology of the resulting crystals can be tuned by the composition of the precursor. X-ray photoelectron and infrared spectroscopies indicate that the deposition of highly lamellar MoO3 directly on an oxidized (400 nm SiO2) surface or (100) single-crystal silicon surfaces yields a layered uniphasic single-crystal film formed by cluster diffusion on the surface during pyrolysis of the metal-carbonyl derivatives. For MoO3 in its layered form, this provides a new route to an important intercalation material for high energy density battery materials.


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Ionic liquid crystals (ILCs) allow the combination of the high ionic conductivity of ionic liquids (ILs) with the supramolecular organization of liquid crystals (LCs). ILCs salts were obtained by the assembly of long-chained diketonylpyridinium cations of the type [HOO^(R(n)pyH)] + and BF_(4)^(-) , ReO_(4)^(-), NO_(3)^(-), CF_(3)SO_(3)^(-), CuCl_(4)^(2-) counter-ions. We have studied the thermal behavior of five series of compounds by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and hot stage polarized light optical microscopy (POM). All materials show thermotropic mesomorphism as well as crystalline polymorphism. X-ray diffraction of the [HOO^(R(12)pyH)][ReO_(4)] crystal reveals a layered structure with alternating polar and apolar sublayers. The mesophases also exhibit a lamellar arrangement detected by variable temperature powder X-ray diffraction. The CuCl_(4)^(2-) salts exhibit the best LC properties followed by the ReO_(4)^(-) ones due to low melting temperature and wide range of existence. The conductivity was probed for the mesophases in one species each from the ReO_(4)^(-) , and CuCl_(4)^(2-) families, and for the solid phase in one of the non-mesomorphic Cl^(-) salts. The highest ionic conductivity was found for the smectic mesophase of the ReO_(4)^(-) containing salt, whereas the solid phases of all salts were dominated by electronic contributions. The ionic conductivity may be favored by the mesophase lamellar structure.