995 resultados para LACUNY Web Team


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During 2007 several independent Victorian secondary schools participated in a study exploring the ways in which the use of learning technologies can support the development of higher order thinking skills for students. This paper focuses on the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) including Web 2.0 technologies for promoting effective teaching and learning in science. A case study methodology was used to describe how individual teachers used ICT and Web 2.0 in their settings. Data included interviews (focus group and individual), questionnaires, monitoring of teacher and student use of smart tools, analysis of curriculum documents and delivery methods and of student work samples. The evaluation used an interpretive methodology to investigate five research areas: Higher-order thinking, Metacognitive awareness, Team work/collaboration, Affect towards school/learning and Ownership of learning. Three cases are reported on in this paper. Each describes how student engagement and learning increased and how teachers’ attitudes and skills developed. Examples of student and teacher blogs are provided to illustrate how such technologies encourage students and teachers to look beyond text science.


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During 2007 several independent Victorian secondary schools participated in a study exploring the ways in which the use of learning technologies can support the development of higher order thinking skills for students. This paper focuses on the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) including Web 2.0 technologies for promoting effective teaching and learning in science. A case study methodology was used to describe how individual teachers used ICT and Web 2.0 in their settings. Data included interviews (focus group and individual), questionnaires, monitoring of teacher and student use of smart tools, analysis of curriculum documents and delivery methods and of student work samples. The evaluation used an interpretive methodology to investigate five research areas'. Higher-order thinking, Metacognitive awareness, Team work/collaboration, Affect towards school/learning and Ownership of learning. Three cases are reported on in this paper. Each describes how student engagement and learning increased and how teachers' attitudes and skills developed. Examples of student and teacher blogs are provided to illustrate how such technologies encourage  students and teachers to look beyond text science.


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Aims: To describe a funded proposal for the development of an on-line evidence based educational program for the management of deteriorating patients.
Background: There are international concerns regarding the management of deteriorating patients with issues around the ‘failure to rescue’. The primary response to these issues has been the development of medical emergency teams with little focus on the education of primary first responders.
Design/Methods: A mixed methods triangulated convergent design. In this four phase proposal we plan to 1. examine nursing student team ability to manage deteriorating patients and based upon these findings 2. develop web based educational material, including interactive scenarios. This educational material will be tested and refined in the third Phase 3, prior to evaluation and dissemination in the final phase.
Conclusion: This project aims to enhance knowledge development for the management of deteriorating patients through rigorous assessment of team performance and to produce a contemporary evidence-based online training program.


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BACKGROUND: Online social networks offer considerable potential for delivery of socially influential health behavior change interventions. OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy, engagement, and feasibility of an online social networking physical activity intervention with pedometers delivered via Facebook app. METHODS: A total of 110 adults with a mean age of 35.6 years (SD 12.4) were recruited online in teams of 3 to 8 friends. Teams were randomly allocated to receive access to a 50-day online social networking physical activity intervention which included self-monitoring, social elements, and pedometers ("Active Team" Facebook app; n=51 individuals, 12 teams) or a wait-listed control condition (n=59 individuals, 13 teams). Assessments were undertaken online at baseline, 8 weeks, and 20 weeks. The primary outcome measure was self-reported weekly moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Secondary outcomes were weekly walking, vigorous physical activity time, moderate physical activity time, overall quality of life, and mental health quality of life. Analyses were undertaken using random-effects mixed modeling, accounting for potential clustering at the team level. Usage statistics were reported descriptively to determine engagement and feasibility. RESULTS: At the 8-week follow-up, the intervention participants had significantly increased their total weekly MVPA by 135 minutes relative to the control group (P=.03), due primarily to increases in walking time (155 min/week increase relative to controls, P<.001). However, statistical differences between groups for total weekly MVPA and walking time were lost at the 20-week follow-up. There were no significant changes in vigorous physical activity, nor overall quality of life or mental health quality of life at either time point. High levels of engagement with the intervention, and particularly the self-monitoring features, were observed. CONCLUSIONS: An online, social networking physical activity intervention with pedometers can produce sizable short-term physical activity changes. Future work is needed to determine how to maintain behavior change in the longer term, how to reach at-need populations, and how to disseminate such interventions on a mass scale. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR): ACTRN12614000488606; https://www.anzctr.org.au/Trial/Registration/TrialReview.aspx?id=366239 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6ZVtu6TMz).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Negli ultimi anni si sente sempre più spesso parlare di cloud computing. L'idea di fondo di questo concetto è quella di pagare per il solo effettivo utilizzo di un servizio, disponibile sulla rete, avendo a disposizione la possibilità di poter variare le proprie risorse utilizzabili a seconda delle necessità, che potrebbero essere, per esempio, applicazioni standard oppure spazi di storage per i dati. Quando cominciò a diffondersi l'utilizzo del Web, la rete Internet veniva raffigurata come una nuvola (cloud) in modo tale che si rendesse l'idea di un'entità esterna rispetto alla nostra casa o al nostro posto di lavoro, un qualcosa cioè al di fuori dei luoghi abituali in cui vengono utilizzati i PC. Tale rappresentazione diventa ora utile per poter spiegare il concetto di cloud computing. Infatti, grazie a questa nuova tecnologia, dati e programmi normalmente presenti nei nostri computer potranno ora trovarsi sul cloud. Molti reparti IT sono costretti a dedicare una parte significativa del loro tempo a progetti di implementazione, manutenzione e upgrade che spesso non danno un vero valore per l'azienda. I team di sviluppo hanno cominciato quindi a rivolgersi a questa nuova tecnologia emergente per poter minimizzare il tempo dedicato ad attività a basso valore aggiunto per potersi concentrare su quelle attività strategiche che possono fare la differenza per un'azienda. Infatti un'infrastruttura come quella cloud computing promette risparmi nei costi amministrativi che raggiungono addirittura il 50% rispetto ad un software standard di tipo client/server. Questa nuova tecnologia sta dando inizio ad un cambiamento epocale nel mondo dello sviluppo delle applicazioni. Il passaggio che si sta effettuando verso le nuove soluzioni cloud computing consente infatti di creare applicazioni solide in tempi decisamente più brevi e con costi assai inferiori, evitando inoltre tutte le seccature associate a server, soluzioni software singole, aggiornamenti, senza contare il personale necessario a gestire tutto questo. L'obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di mostrare una panoramica della progettazione e dello sviluppo di applicazioni Web nel cloud computing, analizzandone pregi e difetti in relazione alle soluzioni software attuali. Nel primo capitolo viene mostrato un quadro generale in riferimento al cloud, mettendo in luce le sue caratteristiche fondamentali, esaminando la sua architettura e valutando vantaggi e svantaggi di tale piattaforma. Nel secondo capitolo viene presentata la nuova metodologia di progettazione nel cloud, operando prima di tutto un confronto con lo sviluppo dei software standard e analizzando poi l'impatto che il cloud computing opera sulla progettazione. Nel terzo capitolo si entra nel merito della progettazione e sviluppo di applicazioni SaaS, specificandone le caratteristiche comuni ed elencando le piattaforme di rilievo allo stato dell'arte. Si entrerà inoltre nel merito della piattaforma Windows Azure. Nel quarto capitolo viene analizzato nel particolare lo sviluppo di applicazioni SaaS Multi-Tenant, specificando livelli e caratteristiche, fino a spiegare le architetture metadata-driven. Nel quinto capitolo viene operato un confronto tra due possibili approcci di sviluppo di un software cloud, analizzando nello specifico le loro differenze a livello di requisiti non funzionali. Nel sesto capitolo, infine, viene effettuata una panoramica dei costi di progettazione di un'applicazione cloud.


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Lo scopo della tesi e quello di giungere alla realizzazione di un prototipo, che si basi su tecnologie specifiche quali GPS, Android e Bluetooth, per l'infrastruttura di un sistema che può essere visto come l'unione di tre macro parti distinte, centrale di controllo, dispositivo mobile e pulsossimetro. Concentrandosi in particolare sugli ultimi due componenti citati e realizzando un sistema di comunicazione che si basa su un Web Service ispirato al modello REST, si giungerà, attraverso un attento processo logico dettato dai canoni dell'ingegneria del software, al prototipo finale. Il prototipo che sarà realizzato rappresenterà oltre che un primo sistema funzionante e operativo, un punto di partenza per estensioni future, con lo scopo di perfezionare le funzionalità già esistenti o di fornirne di aggiuntive.


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El autor de este proyecto es miembro reciente de la asociación SoloBoulder, dedicada a la modalidad de escalada boulder, noticias y actualidad, contenido multimedia, promoción de un equipo de escaladores y defensa de valores medioambientales en la montaña. El principal canal de distribución de contenidos es una página web existente previa a este proyecto. La asociación ha detectado una escasez y mala calidad de recursos en internet en cuanto a guías de zonas donde poder practicar el boulder. Tal circunstancia impulsa la iniciativa de este proyecto fin de carrera. El objetivo general es el desarrollo de una nueva aplicación que proporcione a los usuarios a nivel mundial una guía interactiva de boulder y otros puntos de interés, una red social que permita la creación cooperativa y orgánica de contenido, y servicios web para el consumo de la información desde otras plataformas u organizaciones. El nuevo software desarrollado es independiente de la página web de SoloBoulder previa. No obstante, ambas partes se integran bajo el mismo domino web y aspecto. La nueva aplicación ofrece a escaladores y turistas un servicio informativo e interactivo de calidad, con el que se espera aumentar el número de visitas en todo el sitio web y poder ampliar la difusión de valores medioambientales, diversificar las zonas de boulder y regular las masificadas, favorecer el deporte y brindar al escalador una oportunidad de autopromoción personal. Una gran motivación para el autor también es el proceso de investigación y formación en tecnologías, patrones arquitecturales de diseño y metodologías de trabajo adaptadas a las tendencias actuales en la ingeniería de software, con especial curiosidad hacia el mundo web. A este respecto podemos destacar: metodología de trabajo en proyectos, análisis de proyectos, arquitecturas de software, diseño de software, bases de datos, programación y buenas prácticas, seguridad, interfaz gráfica web, diseño gráfico, Web Performance Optimization, Search Engine Optimization, etc. En resumen, este proyecto constituye un aprendizaje y puesta en práctica de diversos conocimientos adquiridos durante la ejecución del mismo, así como afianzamiento de materias estudiadas en la carrera. Además, el producto desarrollado ofrece un servicio de calidad a los usuarios y favorece el deporte y la autopromoción del escalador. ABSTRACT. The author of this Project is recent member of the association SoloBoulder, dedicated to a rock climbing discipline called bouldering, news, multimedia content, promotion of a team of climbers and defense of environmental values in the mountain. The main content distribution channel is a web page existing previous to this project. The association has detected scarcity and bad quality of resources on the internet about guides of bouldering areas. This circumstance motivates the initiative of this project. The general objective is the development of a new application which provides a worldwide, interactive bouldering guide, including other points of interest, a social network which allows the cooperative and organic creation of content, and web services for consumption of information from other platforms or organizations. The new software developed is independent of the previous SoloBoulder web page. However, both parts are integrated under the same domain and appearance. The new application offers to climbers and tourists a quality informative and interactive service, with which we hope to increase the number of visits in the whole web site and be able to expand the dissemination of environmental values, diversify boulder areas and regulate the overcrowded ones, encourage sport and offer to the climber an opportunity of self-promotion. A strong motivation for the author is also the process of investigation and education in technologies, architectural design patterns and working methodologies adapted to the actual trends in software engineering, with special curiosity about the web world. In this regard we could highlight: project working methodologies, project analysis, software architectures, software design, data bases, programming and good practices, security, graphic web interface, graphic design, Web Performance Optimization, Search Engine Optimization, etc. To sum up, this project constitutes learning and practice of diverse knowledge acquired during its execution, as well as consolidation of subjects studied in the degree. In addition, the product developed offers a quality service to the users and favors the sport and the selfpromotion of the climber.


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BAPNE Method is a method based on cognitive stimulation integrating music and movement through body percussion. The aim of this research is to explore its whole potential as a tool to build teams. Team building is a philosophy for work design, and since over two decades ago, it defends that obtaining a high performance and organizing efficiency is more useful to perceive employees as interdependent members in a team of work than individuals ones. From this viewpoint, this research advocates that BAPNE Method’s body percussion practice will have an impact on this vision of team work directly. For its own characteristics, body percussion stimulates ways of contact in movement, which ease social ties and, especially, promote group cohesion. Through social, body and, affective dimension; BAPNE Method is capable of developing a shared vision and a single aim, to stimulate team work identity and an atmosphere of trust; and finally, to improve individual communication and satisfaction levels in group tasks.


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The revelation of the top-secret US intelligence-led PRISM Programme has triggered wide-ranging debates across Europe. Press reports have shed new light on the electronic surveillance ‘fishing expeditions’ of the US National Security Agency and the FBI into the world’s largest electronic communications companies. This Policy Brief by a team of legal specialists and political scientists addresses the main controversies raised by the PRISM affair and the policy challenges that it poses for the EU. Two main arguments are presented: First, the leaks over the PRISM programme have undermined the trust that EU citizens have in their governments and the European institutions to safeguard and protect their privacy; and second, the PRISM affair raises questions regarding the capacity of EU institutions to draw lessons from the past and to protect the data of its citizens and residents in the context of transatlantic relations. The Policy Brief puts forward a set of policy recommendations for the EU to follow and implement a robust data protection strategy in response to the affair.