85 resultados para LA0.7CA0.3MNO3
Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) data were collected for La0.65Sr0.35MnO3 prepared through an alternative method from a stoichiometric mixture of Mn2O3, La2O3, and SrO2, fired at 1300 degreesC for 16 h. XRD analysis using the Rietveld method was carried out and it was found that manganite has rhombohedral symmetry (space group R(3) over bar c). The lattice parameters are found to be a=5.5032 Angstrom and c=13.3674 Angstrom. The bond valence computation indicates that the initial inclusion of Sr occurs at higher temperature. (C) 2002 International Centre for Diffraction Data.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This work introduces the results from the performing of impedance spectroscopy on the transition metals oxide Ca1.2La0.8FeIrO6. It was sought to understand the behavior of one sample from its impedance spectra for different AC voltages and temperature values and if an applied external magnetic field at room temperature would cause some change on it. The results revealed that the Ca1.2La0.8FeIrO6 at high temperatures shows conductive and inductive behavior and that the resistance increases with frequency, phenomenon known as Kelvin effect. At 150 K, the spectrum real part no longer consists with the theoretical prediction of Kelvin effect, starting to be influenced by the utilized voltages, condition that inexists on theory. At low temperatures (10, 20, 30 K) it was observed resistive and capacitive behavior, being possible on these conditions, associate to the sample a paralel RC circuit in series with a contact resistance with a fitting from the ZSim software. This fitting allowed the obtaining of capacitance, DC resistance and contact resistance values. The application of a 700G magnetic field at room temperature didn't cause changes on the spectra
In the last years, extensive research has been devoted to develop novel materials and structures with high electrochemical performance for intermediate-temperatures solid-oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs) electrodes. In recent works, we have investigated the structural and electrochemical properties of La0:6Sr0:4CoO3 (LSCO) and La0:6Sr0:4Co1¡yFeyO3 (LSCFO) nanostructured cathodes, finding that they exhibit excellent electrocatalytic properties for the oxygen reduction reaction [1,2]. These materials were prepared by a pore-wetting technique using polycarbonate porous membranes as templates. Two average pore sizes were used: 200 nm and 800 nm. Our scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) study showed that the lower pore size yielded nanorods, while nanotubes were obtained with the bigger pore size. All the samples were calcined at 1000oC in order to produce materials with the desired perovskite-type crystal structure. In this work, we analyze the oxidation states of Co and Fe and the local atomic order of LSCO and LSCFO nanotubes and nanowires for various compositions. For this pur- pose we performed XANES and EXAFS studies on both Co and Fe K edges. These measurements were carried out at the D08B-XAFS2 beamline of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS). XANES spectroscopy showed that Co and Fe only change slightly their oxidation state upon Fe addition. Surprisingly, XANES results indicated that the content of oxygen vacancies is low, even though it is well-known that these materials are mixed ionic-electronic conductors. EXAFS results were consistent with those expected according to the rhombohedral crystal structure determined in previous X-ray powder dffraction investigations. [1] M.G. Bellino et al, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129 (2007) 3066 [2] J.G. Sacanell et al., J. Power Sources 195 (2010) 1786
Le celle a combustibile ad ossido solido (SOFC) sono reattori elettrochimici che convertono l’energia chimica di un gas combustibile direttamente in energia elettrica con un’alta efficienza e con basse emissioni. Il materiale più comunemente usato come anodo, il Ni/YSZ cermet, mostra però numerosi svantaggi nell’applicazione quali la suscettibilità all’avvelenamento da zolfo e la deposizione di coke per cracking degli idrocarburi usati come combustibile. E’ perciò necessario sviluppare materiali alternativi che sopperiscano a questi problemi. Il titanato di stronzio drogato con lantanio con stechiometria La0.4Sr0.4TiO3 (LST) è stato scelto come anodo alternativo per le ottime proprietà possedute. Lo scopo del lavoro di tesi è stato quindi lo studio dell’influenza della natura dei precursori, delle condizioni di sintesi e dell’aggiunta di agenti porizzanti necessari per l’ottenimento della fase perovskitica pura e con porosità controllata. In un primo tempo è stata verificata la possibilità di ottenere la fase La0.4Sr0.4TiO3 pura mediante sintesi allo stato solido, trattando termicamente miscele di precursori diversi. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato che l’utilizzo di nitrati metallici porta a risultati migliori rispetto all’utilizzo di carbonati ed ossidi poiché permette la formazione della fase perovskite a temperature inferiori e con una purezza maggiore. Poiché l’analisi elementare sui materiali preparati in questa prima fase ha evidenziato un problema sulla stechiometria, il metodo di sintesi è stato ottimizzato solubilizzando preventivamente i precursori di lantanio e stronzio e determinandone il titolo mediante ICP. Inoltre, sono state effettuate delle sintesi utilizzando TiO2 a diversa area superficiale, per verificare l’effetto sulle fasi formate di una maggior reattività di questo componente. Per completezza la perovskite è stata sintetizzata anche tramite sintesi sol-gel, utilizzando il metodo Pechini, ottenendo a 700°C la fase pura. L’analisi morfologica ha evidenziato che le polveri con caratteristiche migliori per la formatura sono quelle ottenute tramite sintesi allo stato solido. Le pastiglie prodotte, miscelando tali polveri e agenti porizzanti opportuni, hanno evidenziato la stabilità della fase perovskitica voluta ma anche la necessità di ottimizzare l’aggiunta del porizzante per avere una porosità adeguata all’applicazione del sistema quale anodo SOFC.
The microstructure and thermoelectric properties of Yb-doped Ca0.9-x Yb x La0.1 MnO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.05) ceramics prepared by using the Pechini method derived powders have been investigated. X-ray diffraction analysis has shown that all samples exhibit single phase with orthorhombic perovskite structure. All ceramic samples possess high relative densities, ranging from 97.04% to 98.65%. The Seebeck coefficient is negative, indicating n-type conduction in all samples. The substitution of Yb for Ca leads to a marked decrease in the electrical resistivity, along with a moderate decrease in the absolute value of the Seebeck coefficient. The highest power factor is obtained for the sample with x = 0.05. The electrical conduction in these compounds is due to electrons hopping between Mn3+ and Mn4+, which is enhanced by increasing Yb content.
The structure, thermal stability, morphology and ion conductivity of titanium perovskites with the general formula Li3xLn2/3−xTiO3 (Ln = rare earth element; 3x= 0.30) are studied in the context of their possible use as solid electrolyte materials for lithium ion batteries. Materials are prepared by a glycine-nitrate method using different sintering treatments, with a cation-disorder-induced structural transition from tetragonal to cubic symmetry, detected as quenching temperature increases. SEM images show that the average grain size increases with increasing sintering temperature and time. Slightly higher bulk conductivity values have been observed for quenched samples sintered at high temperature. Bulk conductivity decreases with the lanthanide ion size. A slight conductivity enhancement, always limited by grain boundaries, is observed for longer sintering times. TDX measurements of the electrolyte/cathode mixtures also show a good stability of the electrolytes in the temperature range of 30-1100ºC.
La0.6Sr0.4M0.1Fe0.9O3-δ (M: Co, Ni and Cu) perovskite nanostructures were synthesized using low frequency ultrasound assisted synthesis technique and effect of substitution of Fe by Co, Ni and Cu on crystal structure and mechanical properties in La0.6Sr0.4FeO3-δ perovskite were studied. The HRTEM and Rietveld refinement analyses revealed the uniform equi-axial shape of the obtained nanostructures with the existence of La0.6Sr0.4M0.1Fe0.9O3−δ with mixed rhombohedral and orthorhombic structures. Substitution of Cu decreases the melting point of La0.6Sr0.4FeO3-δ. The results of mechanical characterizations show that La0.6Sr0.4Co0.1Fe0.9O3−δ and La0.6Sr0.4Ni0.1Fe0.9O3−δ have ferroelastic behavior and comparable elastic moduli, however, subtitution of Ni shows higher hardness and lower fracture toughness than Co in Bsite doping
Doped lanthanum chromite ( LaCrO3 ) has been the most common material used as interconnect in solid oxide fuel cells for high temperature ( SOFC-HT ) that enabling the stack of SOFCs. The reduction of the operating temperature, to around 800 º C, of solid oxide fuel cells enabled the use of metallic interconnects as an alternative to ceramic LaCrO3, From the practical point of view, to be a strong candidate for interconnect the material must have good physical and mechanical properties such as resistance to oxidizing and reducing environments, easy manufacture and appropriate thermo-mechanical properties. Thus, a study on the physic-mechanical interconnects La0,8Sr0,2Cr0,92Co0,08O3 ceramics for SOFC -AT obtained by the method of combustion , as well as thermo-mechanical properties of metallic interconnects (AISI 444) covered with La0,8Ca0,2CrO3 by deposition technique by spray-pyrolysis fuel cells for intermediate temperature (IT-SOFCs). The La0,8Sr0,2Cr0,92Co0,08O3 was characterized by X -ray diffraction(XRD) , density and porosity , Vickers hardness (HV) , the flexural strength at room temperature and 900 °C and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The X -ray diffraction confirmed the phase formation and LaCrO3 and CoCr2O4, in order 6 GPa hardness and mechanical strength at room temperature was 62 MPa ceramic Interconnector. The coated metal interconnects La0,8Ca0,2CrO3 passed the identification by XRD after deposition of the film after the oxidation test. The oxidative behavior showed increased resistance to oxidation of the metal substrate covered by La0,8Ca0,2CrO3 In flexural strength of the coated metal substrate, it was noticed only in the increased room temperature. The a SEM analysis proved the formation of Cr2O3 and (Cr,Mn)3O4 layers on metal substrate and confirmed the stability of the ceramic La0,8 Ca0,2CrO3 film after oxidative test
Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) are highly promising materials for molecular engineering of electronic and spintronics devices thanks to their surface functionalization properties. In this direction, alkylphosphonic acids have been used to functionalize the most common ferromagnetic electrode in organic spintronics: La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (LSMO). However, a study on the influence of SAMs grafting on LSMO electronic and magnetic properties is still missing. In this letter, we probe the influence of alkylphosphonic acids-based SAMs on the electronic and magnetic properties of the LSMO surface using different spectroscopies. We observe by X-ray photoemission and X-ray absorption that the grafting of the molecules on the LSMO surface induces a reduction of the Mn oxidation state. Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy measurements also show that the LSMO work function can be modified by surface dipoles opening the door to both tune the charge and spin injection efficiencies in organic devices such as organic light-emitting diodes.
The effect of controlled In3+ substitution on to the B-site in the perovskite oxygen ion conductor La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O2.85 (LSGM) has been examined with a view to exploring the influence on oxygen ion conductivity. In combination with the electrical conductivity study, detailed microstructural analysis was used to verify the location of the substituting cation and to determine the nature of secondary phase formation. The indium species clearly substituted for Ga3+ on the B-site of the lattice and the electrical conductivity showed a gradual decrease as the In+3 content increased. The interpretation of this data was complicated by the formation of the secondary phases LaInO3 and LaSrGaO4. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y2O3 is a c-type rare earth oxide with a fluorite-related structure. This material has been used to refractory because of its high thermal stability and excellent resistance to hydration. In this study, the effective index was suggested in order to improve the electrolytic properties of Y2O3-based oxide. (CexY1-x)(2)O3+delta (x = 0.25 and 0.3) and [LaaSrbCe0.25Y(1-a-b)](2)O3+delta (a = 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15, b = 0, 0.006 and 0.0125) were prepared as the examples with intermediate and high index, respectively. The specimens with high index value such as (La0.15Ce0.25Y0.60)(2)O-3.25 and (La0.1Sr0.0125Ce0.25Y0.6375)(2)O-3.24 consisted of two phases such as c-type and fluorite, although (Ce0.25Y0.75)(2)O-3.25 with intermediate index value had a single phase of c-type rare earth oxide. Microanalysis indicates that a grain in the (La0.1Sr0.0125Ce0.25Y0.6375)(2)O-3.23(7) sintered body consists of c-type and fluorite phases. An interface between c-type and fluorite phases is coherent in a grain. This suggests that this effective index guides the crystal structure in the specimen to fluorite and the examined composition introduces the interface between c-type and fluorite in the microstructure. The electrochemical properties of specimens including Y2O3 were characterized on the basis of the suggested index. The electrical conductivity of Y2O3-based materials increased with an increase of the index. The apparent activation energy of Y2O3-based materials decreased with increasing index. The ionic transport number of oxygen of the specimens was improved by enhancement of the index, confirming validity of the index. The oxide ionic conductive region of (La0.1Sr0.0125Ce0.25Y0.(6375))(2)O-3.23(7) with high effective index extended up to P-O2 = 10(-18) atm at 800 degreesC, although the specimens with low or intermediate index showed p- or n-type semi-conduction in the same P-O2 region at 800 and 1000 degreesC. These results suggest that the interface between c-type and fluorite phases also contributes to improve the electrolytic properties in the grain. It is concluded that the improvement of electrolytic properties in Y2O3-based materials is attributable to the microstructure with interface between two phases in a grain and the fluorite structure guided by the suggested index. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Doped ceria (CeO2) compounds are fluorite-type oxides which show oxide ionic conductivity higher than yttria-stabilized zirconia in oxidizing atmosphere. As a consequence of this, considerable interest has been shown in applications of these materials for low or intermediate temperature operation of solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). In this study, the effective index was suggested to maximize the ionic conductivity in La2O3-CeO2 based oxides. The index considers the fluorite structure, and combines the expected oxygen vacancy level with the ionic radius mismatch between host and dopant cations. Using this approach, the ionic conductivity of this system has been optimized and tested under operating conditions of SOFCs. LaxCe1-xO2-delta (x = 0.125, 0.15, 0.175, and 0.20), (LaxSr1-x)(0.175)Ce0.825O2-delta (x = 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4), and (La1-xSr0.2Bax)(0.175)Ce0.825O2-delta (x 5 0.03, 0.05, and 0.07) were prepared and characterized as the specimens with low, intermediate, and high index, respectively. The ionic conductivity was increased with increasing suggested index. The transmission electron microscopy analysis suggested that partial substitution of alkaline earth elements in place of La into Ce site contributes to a decrease of microdomain size and an improvement of conductivity. (La0.75Sr0.2Ba0.05)(0.175)Ce0.825O1.891 with high index and small microdomains exhibited the highest conductivity, wide ionic domain, and good performance in SOFCs. (C) 2003 The Electrochemical Society.
We report on experiments of spin filtering through ultrathin single-crystal layers of the insulating and ferromagnetic oxide BiMnO3 (BMO). The spin polarization of the electrons tunneling from a gold electrode through BMO is analyzed with a counterelectrode of the half-metallic oxide La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (LSMO). At 3 K we find a 50% change of the tunnel resistances according to whether the magnetizations of BMO and LSMO are parallel or opposite. This effect corresponds to a spin-filtering efficiency of up to 22%. Our results thus show the potential of complex ferromagnetic insulating oxides for spin filtering and injection.