959 resultados para L-Band spectrum


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The design and development of an L-band printed dipole antenna. optimized for wide-band applications near first resonance, is reported. This design has achieved more than 48% impedance bandwidth (VSWR 2:1), without degrading its overall radiation efficiency


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Design, development and experimental observations of a L: band printed dipole antenna is presented.Bandwidth enhancement is achieved by end-loading or the dipole arms. Using the present technique Impedance bandwidth van be enhanced up to 50% without degrading the efficiency of the antenna.


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This paper reports a high efficiency class-F power amplifier based on a gallium nitride high electron mobility transistor (GaN-HEMT), which is designed at the L band of 1640 MHz. The design is based on source and load pull measurements. During the design process, the parasitics of the package of the device are also taken into account in order to achieve the optimal class-F load condition at the intrinsic drain of the transistor. The fabricated class-F power amplifier achieved a maximum drain efficiency (DE) of 77.8% and a output power of 39.6 W on a bandwidth of 280 MHz. Simulation and measurement results have shown good agreement.


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Résumé : Dans les couverts forestiers, le suivi de l’humidité du sol permet de prévenir plusieurs désastres tels que la paludification, les incendies et les inondations. Comme ce paramètre est très dynamique dans l’espace et dans le temps, son estimation à grande échelle présente un grand défi, d’où le recours à la télédétection radar. Le capteur radar à synthèse d’ouverture (RSO) est couramment utilisé grâce à sa vaste couverture et sa résolution spatiale élevée. Contrairement aux sols nus et aux zones agricoles, le suivi de l’humidité du sol en zone forestière est très peu étudié à cause de la complexité des processus de diffusion dans ce type de milieu. En effet, la forte atténuation de la contribution du sol par la végétation et la forte contribution de volume issue de la végétation réduisent énormément la sensibilité du signal radar à l’humidité du sol. Des études portées sur des couverts forestiers ont montré que le signal radar en bande C provient principalement de la couche supérieure et sature vite avec la densité de la végétation. Cependant, très peu d’études ont exploré le potentiel des paramètres polarimétriques, dérivés d’un capteur polarimétrique comme RADARSAT-2, pour suivre l’humidité du sol sur les couverts forestiers. L’effet du couvert végétal est moins important avec la bande L en raison de son importante profondeur de pénétration qui permet de mieux informer sur l’humidité du sol. L’objectif principal de ce projet est de suivre l’humidité du sol à partir de données radar entièrement polarimétriques en bandes C et L sur des sites forestiers. Les données utilisées sont celles de la campagne terrain Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation EXperiment 2012 (SMAPVEX12) tenue du 6 juin au 17 juillet 2012 au Manitoba (Canada). Quatre sites forestiers de feuillus ont été échantillonnés. L’espèce majoritaire présente est le peuplier faux-tremble. Les données utilisées incluent des mesures de l’humidité du sol, de la rugosité de surface du sol, des caractéristiques des sites forestiers (arbres, sous-bois, litières…) et des données radar entièrement polarimétriques aéroportées et satellitaires acquises respectivement, en bande L (UAVSAR) à 30˚ et 40˚ et en bande C (RADARSAT-2) entre 20˚ et 30˚. Plusieurs paramètres polarimétriques ont été dérivés des données UAVSAR et RADARSAT-2 : les coefficients de corrélation (ρHHVV, φHHVV, etc); la hauteur du socle; l’entropie (H), l’anisotropie (A) et l’angle alpha extraits de la décomposition de Cloude-Pottier; les puissances de diffusion de surface (Ps), de double bond (Pd) extraites de la décomposition de Freeman-Durden, etc. Des relations entre les données radar (coefficients de rétrodiffusion multifréquences et multipolarisations (linéaires et circulaires) et les paramètres polarimétriques) et l’humidité du sol ont été développées et analysées. Les résultats ont montré que 1) En bande L, plusieurs paramètres optimaux permettent le suivi de l’humidité du sol en zone forestière avec un coefficient de corrélation significatif (p-value < 0,05): σ[indice supérieur 0] linéaire et σ[indice supérieur 0] circulaire (le coefficient de corrélation, r, varie entre 0,60 et 0,96), Ps (r entre 0,59 et 0,84), Pd (r entre 0,6 et 0,82), ρHHHV_30˚, ρVVHV_30˚, φHHHV_30˚ and φHHVV_30˚ (r entre 0,56 et 0,81) alors qu’en bande C, ils sont réduits à φHHHV, φVVHV et φHHVV (r est autour de 0,90). 2) En bande L, les paramètres polarimétriques n’ont pas montré de valeur ajoutée par rapport aux signaux conventionnels multipolarisés d’amplitude, pour le suivi de l’humidité du sol sur les sites forestiers. En revanche, en bande C, certains paramètres polarimétriques ont montré de meilleures relations significatives avec l’humidité du sol que les signaux conventionnels multipolarisés d’amplitude.


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The electronic structures of pyrite-type transition-metal chalcogenides MS2-xSex (M = Fe, Co, Ni) has been investigated by photoemission and inverse-photoemission spectroscopy. The valence-band spectrum of ferromagnetic CoS2 does not show exchange splitting of the Co 3d peak, in disagreement with band-structure calculations. High-resolution photoemission spectra of NiS1.55Se0.45 shows spectral weight transfer from low (similar or equal to 50 meV) to high (0.2-0.5 eV) binding energies, in going from the metallic to the insulating phase.


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The thermal oxidation process of the indium nitride (InN) nanorods (NRs) was studied. The SEM studies reveal that the cracked and burst mechanism for the formation of indium oxide (In2O3) nanostructures by oxidizing the InN NRs at higher temperatures. XRD results confirm the bcc crystal structure of the as prepared In2O3 nanostructures. Strong and broad photoluminescence spectrum located at the green to red region with maximum intensity at 566 nm along with a weak ultraviolet emission at 338 nm were observed due to oxygen vacancy levels and free excitonic transitions, respectively. The valence band onset energy of 2.1 eV was observed from the XPS valence band spectrum, clearly justifies the alignment of Fermi level to the donor level created due to the presence of oxygen vacancies which were observed in the PL spectrum. The elemental ratio In:O in as prepared In2O3 was found to be 42:58 which is in close agreement with the stoichiometric value of 40:60. A downward shift was observed in the Raman peak positions due to a possible phonon confinement effect in the nanoparticles formed in bursting mechanism. Such single junction devices exhibit promising photovoltaic performance with fill factor and conversion efficiency of 21% and 0.2%, respectively, under concentrated AM1.5 illumination.


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We investigated the use of a deep-etched fused-silica grating with triangular-shaped grooves as a highly efficient polarizing beam splitter (PBS). A triangular-groove PBS grating is designed at a wavelength of 1550 nm to be used in optical communication. When it is illuminated in Littrow mounting, the transmitted TE- and TM-polarized waves are mainly diffracted in the minus-first and zeroth orders, respectively. The design condition is based on the average differences of the grating mode indices, which is verified by using rigorous coupled-wave analysis. The designed PBS grating is highly efficient over the C+L band range for both TE and TM polarizations (> 97.68 %). It is shown that such a triangular-groove PBS grating can exhibit a higher diffraction efficiency, a larger extinction ratio, and less reflection loss than the binary-phase fused-silica PBS grating. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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The physical meaning and methods of determining loudness were reviewed Loudness is a psychoacoustic metric which closely corresponds to the perceived intensity of a sound stimulus. It can be determined by graphical procedures, numerical methods, or by commercial software. These methods typically require the consideration of the 1/3 octave band spectrum of the sound of interest. The sounds considered in this paper are a 1 kHz tone and pink noise. The loudness of these sounds was calculated in eight ways using different combinations of input data and calculation methods. All the methods considered are based on Zwicker loudness. It was determined that, of the combinations considered, only the commercial software dBSonic and the loudness calculation procedure detailed in DIN 45631 using 1/3 octave band levels filtered using ANSI S1.11-1986 gave the correct values of loudness for a 1 kHz tone. Comparing the results between the sources also demonstrated the difference between sound pressure level and loudness. It was apparent that the calculation and filtering methods must be considered together, as a given calculation will produce different results for different 1/3 octave band input. In the literature reviewed, no reference provided a guide to the selection of the type of filtering that should be used in conjunction with the loudness computation method.


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Four types of sensitized luminescence of Dy3+ are reported: (1) by a host having a broad-band spectrum as in Na3Y0.99Dy0.01(VO4)(2); (2) by a sensitizer having a broad-band spectrum as in Ca2B2O5:Dy3+, Bi3+; (3) by a sensitizer having a narrow-band spectrum as in Mg2Gd7.9Dy0.1(SiO4)(6)O-2; (4) by a sensitizer having a broad-band spectrum and energy migration as in Gd compounds such as Ca1.96Pb0.04Gd7.9Dy0.1(SiO4)(6)O-2. The luminescent intensity of Dy3+ can be enhanced in these ways.


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We show that by introducing a gap at the center of the helical sections (where the current is minimum) of a lambda/2 quadrifilar helix antenna (QHA) and varying the axial length and radial gap between the overlapping volutes, the antenna gives a 28% impedance bandwidth which is nine times the bandwidth of a conventional QHA. A 16% bandwidth with a front to back ratio of >= 14 dB is achievable with 5-14% reduction in the size of the QHA. The structure can yield a monopole radiation pattern suitable for terrestrial applications or a hemispherical pattern suitable for satellite use. The simulation results are validated by measurements at L-band.


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The impedance and radiation pattern parameters of a lambda/2 quadrifilar helix antenna (QHA) with turn angles in the range 0 degrees to 235 degrees are analyzed. It is shown that by selecting the helix turn angle to satisfy the minimum bandwidth and beamwidth requirements, an improved electrical performance and a reduction in the physical size of the antenna is obtained. This is demonstrated by comparing the performance of a conventional half turn QHA with structures having a smaller pitch length. The computed results are validated by experimental data at L-band.


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Introduction: The quadrifilar helix antenna (QHA) is used widely for terrestrial [1] and space communication systems [2], where it is necessary to generate a circularly polarised cardioid-shaped radiation pattern with a high front-to-back ratio and low cross-polarisation. The radiating structure comprises four helical conductors which are excited in phase quadrature at the feed point, which is usually located at the centre of the top radials. The physical size of the quadrifilar antenna can be reduced by dielectric loading [3] or by meandering the printed linear elements [4]. However, in the former arrangement dielectric absorption reduces the radiation efficiency of the antenna, and the latter technique is not suitable for constructing free standing wire structures, which are normally used for spacecraft payloads in the VHF and UHF bands [2]. This Letter shows that a significant reduction in the axial length of a 1/2 turn half-wavelength QHA can be achieved by modifying the geometry of the helices in the region around the midpoint where a current null exists. Simulated and experimental results at L band are used to show that a size reduction of up to 15% is possible without significantly degrading the pattern shape and the bandwidth.


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The Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere instrument reveals solar atmospheric fluctuations at high frequencies. Spectra of variations of the G-band intensity (IG ) and Ca II K-line intensity (IK ) show correlated fluctuations above white noise to frequencies beyond 300 mHz and 50 mHz, respectively. The noise-corrected G-band spectrum for f = 28-326 mHz shows a power law with exponent -1.21 ± 0.02, consistent with the presence of turbulent motions. G-band spectral power in the 25-100 mHz ("UHF") range is concentrated at the locations of magnetic bright points in the intergranular lanes and is highly intermittent in time. The intermittence of the UHF G-band fluctuations, shown by a positive kurtosis ?, also suggests turbulence. Combining values of IG , IK , UHF power, and ? reveals two distinct states of the solar atmosphere. State 1, including almost all the data, is characterized by low IG , IK , and UHF power and ? ˜ 6. State 2, including only a very small fraction of the data, is characterized by high IG , IK , and UHF power and ? ˜ 3. Superposed epoch analysis shows that the UHF power peaks simultaneously with spatio-temporal IG maxima in either state. For State 1, IK shows 3.5 minute chromospheric oscillations with maxima occurring 21 s after IG maxima implying a 150-210 km effective height difference. However, for State 2 the IK and IG maxima are simultaneous; in this highly magnetized environment sites of G-band and K-line emission may be spatially close together.


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The potential for implementation of retrodirective arrays as antenna terminals for future integrated satellite and terrestrial mobile communications is discussed in this paper. Particularly, in the context of the Inmarsat L-band system we address the issues related to array antenna element capacity to produce high-quality circular polarized radiation pattern over large angles of arrival. We also discuss circuitry reduction methodologies and their effect on retrodirected beam characteristics. The possibility of circular polarization modulation of the re-transmit signal is also discussed.


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We present an in depth look at the challenges involved in using analogue retrodirective arrays for satellite communications. The main technical issues surrounding the development of a retrodirective (self-steering) Satellite Communications (SATCOM) system are given and techniques for mitigating these issues provided. Detailed results are given for a prototype high performance circularly polarized retrodirective array architecture suitable for mounting on an un-stabilized mobile platform. The paper concludes with practical retrodirective L-band array results with the array used to acquire actual broadband satellite data signals from a commercial L-band satellite system. Received satellite signals as low as -130dBm at the antenna elements are tracked. Accurate self-tracking occurs over the azimuth range of up to +/- 40 degrees.