1000 resultados para Kirjakulttuuri kaupungissa 1700-luvulla
Cet ouvrage en propose une image différente des vallées latérales du Valais qui aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles participent aux grands mouvements qui agitent l'Europe et parfois même les anticipent. Les grandes questions religieuses, politiques et culturelles - rôle de l'Église, éducation, libertés, droits individuels et collectifs... - passionnent et divisent les communautés locales. L'étude révèle enfin un aspect insoupçonné : dans les luttes pour le pouvoir et pour des valeurs sociales et culturelles, les attitudes et les comportements sexuels jouent un rôle central et jusqu'à présent négligé.
The Asian Diaspora in the Americas in the 16th and 17th has been neglected by scholars for a long time. This fact is baffling, not only for the great interest of this topic in of itself, but also because it could provide new knowledge of colonial Mexico, especially in terms of the interaction among the many groups that populated the colony. This early movement of people and ideas across the largest extension of water in the planet is characteristic of what has been called the ¿archaic globalization,¿ and thus research on these matters could contribute to the history of globalization.In this presentation, I seek to further elaborate on the themes outlined by Edward Slack in The Chinos in New Spain: A Corrective Lens for a Distorted Image, an article published in 2009 in the Journal of World History. Firstly, I would like to bring forth some evidence that indicates that Asian religious practices were present in Mexico in the 1600s. Furthermore, I will argue that the traces of these practices are still visible today, in the form of a popular fortune-telling tradition. Secondly, I intend to provide some information about the arrival, settlement and distribution of the Asian Diaspora. I will focus on their distribution within Mexico City. Thirdly, I will elaborate on their occupations, social status and daily life, as well as in the patterns in marriages and relations with other groups. And lastly, I will show how the guild of barbers served as an Asian immigrant reception network.
[Acte. 1700-10-12. Fontainebleau]
Contient : « Mémoire pour Mrs les Maîtres des requestes, commissaires départis dans les provinces »
[Acte. 1700-09-14. Marly]
Kirje 6.8.1926