951 resultados para Keynes, John Maynard, 1883-1946 - Influencia - Ramos, Guerreiro - 1915-1982


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This chapter explores the influence of economic ideas on media policies, particularly the work of John Maynard Keynes, Joseph Schumpeter and Karl Marx. It critically appraises the development of new media policies, and arguments that neo-liberal principles have been the primary driver of such policies.


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Contenido: El tratamiento de la providencia general de Dios en Santo Tomás de Aquino / Gabriel Delgado – Sobre el ente posible y necesario en Tomás de Aquino / Alberto Berro – El apogeo del nominalismo escolástico y la imposibilidad de la metafísica / Mario Enrique Sacchi – La psicologia de Nietzsche e il suo influsso nella Psicoanalisi / Martín F. Echavarría – Ernst Cassirer: de la tragedia a la ambivalencia de la cultura (parte II) / Amán Rosales Rodríguez – Conocimiento y respuesta al valor. Enfoque fenomenológico axiológico de von Hildebrand / Elizabeth Da Dalt de Mangione -- Heidegger, Aristóteles y la Escolástica / Silvana Filippi – Los “juicios directos” y la probabilidad. Introducción al concepto de probabilidad según John Maynard Keynes / Marcelo Luis Imperiale – Generalis Relativitatis Theoria: geometria et philosophia / Ramiro Délio Borges de Meneses – El arte de gobernar. Nota sobre Michel Foucault a 20 años de su muerte -- Bibliografía


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Resumen: Axel Leijonhufvud, economista reconocido internacionalmente por sus trabajos sobre la literatura de John Maynard Keynes y el keynesianismo (Leijonhufvud, 1968), ofreció su lectura de la crisis subprime de 2008, reconociendo que la misma encaja más con la teoría austríaca del ciclo económico de Ludwig von Mises y Friedrich Hayek, que con el marco teórico keynesiano. En este artículo ofrecemos evidencia para tal afirmación.


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In recent years, there has been an increase in research on conventions motivated by the game-theoretic contributions of the philosopher David Lewis. Prior to this surge in interest, discussions of convention in economics had been tied to the analysis of John Maynard Keynes's writings. These literatures are distinct and have very little overlap. Yet this confluence of interests raises interesting methodological questions. Does the use of a common term, convention, denote a set of shared concerns? Can we identify what differentiates the game theoretic models from the Keynesian ones? This paper maps out the three most developed accounts of convention within economics and discusses their relations with each other in an attempt to provide an answer.


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This thesis sought to explain the development of a code that has been under-represented in Victoria's sporting history. The pioneers of trotting built a foundation of experience, skills and bloodlines that was able to be built upon when the sport re-emerged from the control of John Wren in 1946.


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The idea of considering imprecision in probabilities is old, beginning with the Booles George work, who in 1854 wanted to reconcile the classical logic, which allows the modeling of complete ignorance, with probabilities. In 1921, John Maynard Keynes in his book made explicit use of intervals to represent the imprecision in probabilities. But only from the work ofWalley in 1991 that were established principles that should be respected by a probability theory that deals with inaccuracies. With the emergence of the theory of fuzzy sets by Lotfi Zadeh in 1965, there is another way of dealing with uncertainty and imprecision of concepts. Quickly, they began to propose several ways to consider the ideas of Zadeh in probabilities, to deal with inaccuracies, either in the events associated with the probabilities or in the values of probabilities. In particular, James Buckley, from 2003 begins to develop a probability theory in which the fuzzy values of the probabilities are fuzzy numbers. This fuzzy probability, follows analogous principles to Walley imprecise probabilities. On the other hand, the uses of real numbers between 0 and 1 as truth degrees, as originally proposed by Zadeh, has the drawback to use very precise values for dealing with uncertainties (as one can distinguish a fairly element satisfies a property with a 0.423 level of something that meets with grade 0.424?). This motivated the development of several extensions of fuzzy set theory which includes some kind of inaccuracy. This work consider the Krassimir Atanassov extension proposed in 1983, which add an extra degree of uncertainty to model the moment of hesitation to assign the membership degree, and therefore a value indicate the degree to which the object belongs to the set while the other, the degree to which it not belongs to the set. In the Zadeh fuzzy set theory, this non membership degree is, by default, the complement of the membership degree. Thus, in this approach the non-membership degree is somehow independent of the membership degree, and this difference between the non-membership degree and the complement of the membership degree reveals the hesitation at the moment to assign a membership degree. This new extension today is called of Atanassov s intuitionistic fuzzy sets theory. It is worth noting that the term intuitionistic here has no relation to the term intuitionistic as known in the context of intuitionistic logic. In this work, will be developed two proposals for interval probability: the restricted interval probability and the unrestricted interval probability, are also introduced two notions of fuzzy probability: the constrained fuzzy probability and the unconstrained fuzzy probability and will eventually be introduced two notions of intuitionistic fuzzy probability: the restricted intuitionistic fuzzy probability and the unrestricted intuitionistic fuzzy probability


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Contains facsimile reproductions of original title-pages.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The assertion about the unique 'complexity' or the peculiarly intricate character of social phenomena has, at least within sociology, a long, venerable and virtually uncontested tradition. At the turn of the last century, classical social theorists, for example, Georg Simmel and Emile Durkheim, made prominent and repeated reference to this attribute of the subject matter of sociology and the degree to which it complicates, even inhibits the development and application of social scientific knowledge. Our paper explores the origins, the basis and the consequences of this assertion and asks in particular whether the classic complexity assertion still deserves to be invoked in analyses that ask about the production and the utilization of social scientific knowledge in modern society. We present John Maynard Keynes' economic theory and its practical applications as an illustration. We conclude that the practical value of social scientific knowledge is not dependent on a faithful, in the sense of complete, representation of social reality. Instead, social scientific knowledge that wants to optimize its practicality has to attend and attach itself to elements of social situations that can be altered or are actionable.


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The assertion about the peculiarly intricate and complex character of social phenomena has, in much of social discourse, a virtually uncontested tradition. A significant part of the premise about the complexity of social phenomena is the conviction that it complicates, perhaps even inhibits the development and application of social scientific knowledge. Our paper explores the origins, the basis and the consequences of this assertion and asks in particular whether the classic complexity assertion still deserves to be invoked in analyses that ask about the production and the utilization of social scientific knowledge in modern society. We refer to one of the most prominent and politically influential social scientific theories, John Maynard Keynes' economic theory as an illustration. We conclude that, the practical value of social scientific knowledge is not necessarily dependent on a faithful, in the sense of complete, representation of (complex) social reality. Practical knowledge is context sensitive if not project bound. Social scientific knowledge that wants to optimize its practicality has to attend and attach itself to elements of practical social situations that can be altered or are actionable by relevant actors. This chapter represents an effort to re-examine the relation between social reality, social scientific knowledge and its practical application. There is a widely accepted view about the potential social utility of social scientific knowledge that invokes the peculiar complexity of social reality as an impediment to good theoretical comprehension and hence to its applicability.


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John Maynard Keynes als »Retter des Kapitalismus« hat die westlichen Demokratien grundlegend verändert und die Grundlagen für eine neue und erneut aktuelle Wirtschaftspolitik geschaffen. Im Fall der »Rassenhygiene« haben Wissenschaftler als Vordenker der Vernichtung kulturelle und politische Ressourcen genutzt, um ihre Wissensansprüche durchzusetzen – mit fatalen Folgen. Der Klimawandel schließlich ist ein von Wissenschaftlern, Politikern und Experten intensiv diskutiertes Thema, gleichwohl haben die diesbezüglichen Erkenntnisse einen überraschend geringen Einfluß auf die praktische Politik. Anhand dieser drei Beispiele untersucht das Buch das prekäre Verhältnis von Wissen und politischer Macht.


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Las disputas en torno a determinados aspectos del dinero, como su neutralidad y el carácter endógeno o exógeno de la oferta monetaria, han sido permanentes entre las distintas escuelas de pensamiento y autores, estando su origen, probablemente, en la época de desarrollo del pensamiento escolástico. En este artículo pretendemos, en primer lugar, realizar un recorrido cronológico e histórico sobre el tratamiento científico económico del dinero, para, en segundo lugar, poner sobre la mesa la macroeconomía ortodoxa a la que han dado lugar las interpretaciones al respecto, así como los enfoques alternativos frente a este pensamiento dominante. Finalmente, intentamos poner en valor los desarrollos monetarios post-keynesianos, integrados en lo que denominan “Economía Monetaria de Producción”, confrontándolos con la llamada Nueva Síntesis Neoclásica.


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107 Briefe zwischen Max Horkheimer und Leo Löwenthal; 10 Briefe von Max Horkheimer an Samuel H. Flowerman (Sandy); 1 Brief von Samuel H. Flowerman an Frederick Pollock, 26.03.1946; 2 Briefe von Max Horkheimer an Herbert Marcuse, 1946; 1 Brief von Leo Löwenthal an Reiwald, [Juli 1946]; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an John Slawson, [Juli 1946]; 1 Brief von dem American Jewish Committee an Leo Löwenthal, 20.06.1946; 1 Brief von dem Coulmbia University Bookstore (New York) an Leo Löwenthal, 18.06.1946; 1 Brief von Frank D. Fackenthal an Max Horkheimer, 14.06.1946;