640 resultados para KIDNEYS


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"Extracted from his recently completed work on Animal chemistry."-Pref.


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Background. In the Southeast United States, African Americans have an estimated incidence of hypertension and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) that is five times greater than Caucasians. Higher rates of low birth weight (LBW) among African Americans is suggested to predispose African Americans to the higher risk, possibly by reducing the number of glomeruli that develop in the kidney. This study investigates the relationships between age, race, gender, total glomerular number (N-glom), mean glomerular volume (V-glom), body surface area (BSA), and birth weight. Methods. Stereologic estimates of N-glom and V-glom were obtained using the physical disector/fractionator combination for autopsy kidneys from 37 African Americans and 19 Caucasians. Results. N-glom was normally distributed and ranged from 227,327 to 1,825,380, an 8.0-fold difference. A direct linear relationship was observed between N-glom and birth weight (r=0.423, P=0.0012) with a regression coefficient that predicted an increase of 257,426 glomeruli per kilogram increase in birth weight (alpha=0.050:0.908). Among adults there was a 4.9-fold range in V-glom , and in adults, V-glom was strongly and inversely correlated with N-glom (r=-0.640, P=0.000002). Adult V-glom showed no significant correlation with BSA for males (r=-0.0150, P=0.936), although it did for females (r=0.606, P=0.022). No racial differences in average N-glom or V-glom were observed. Conclusion. Birth weight is a strong determinant of N-glom and thereby of glomerular size in the postnatal kidney. The findings support the hypothesis that LBW by impairing nephron development is a risk factor for hypertension and ESRD in adulthood.


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This work was supported by the NHS Grampian project grant to MD, HMW and PAB, and Tenovus Scotland project grant to MD and NM. MD is funded by Diabetes UK and British Heart Foundation; NM was funded by the British Heart Foundation Intermediate Fellowship. EKL was funded by the BBSRC-DTG postgraduate studentship. This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health (RO1 DK-096311 to TWG).


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Kidney transplantation is the preferred treatment for many end stage renal disease patients; however, the small number of organs for transplantation does not allow all patients to have access to this scarce resource. An allocation system for deceased donor kidneys should be anchored to transparent policies and rules. It should take into account the relationship between supply and demand, hence seeking a balance between the higher net benefit of survival that can be provided by a particular organ and the transplant candidates’ waiting time (as well as the probability of being transplanted).


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Background: Renal cystic diseases are important causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Objectives: We report the pattern of renal cystic disease in children and evaluate the outcome of children with multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK). Patients and Methods: Retrospective study of all children with cystic kidney diseases at King Abdulaziz University hospital from 2006 to 2014. Results: Total of 55 children (30 males); 25 MCDK, 22 polycystic kidney diseases (PKD), 4 nephronophthises and 4 renal cysts. Consanguinity was positive in 96.2%. MCDK and simple renal cyst patients had good renal function while PKD and nephronophthisis developed renal impairment. Most MCKD were diagnosed ante-natally, 16 of them were followed up for 3.4 (1.97) year. Their last creatinine was 33.9 (13.5) umol/L. MCDK was spontaneously involuted at mean age of 2.6 (1.3) years in 56%. Conclusions: MCDK is the commonest cystic renal disease and diagnosed ante-natally in the majority of cases. It has a good prognosis.


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In India, as in most countries where trade in human organs is legally prohibited, policies governing transplantation from living donors are designed to identify and exclude prospective donors who have a commercial interest in donation. The effective implementation of such policies requires resources, training and motivation on the part of health professionals responsible for organ procurement and transplantation. If professionals are unconvinced by or unfamiliar with the ethical justification of the relevant laws and policies, they may fail to perform a robust evaluation of prospective donors and transplant candidates, and to act on suspicions or evidence of illicit activities. I comment here on a recent paper by Aggarwal and Adhikary (2016), in which the authors imply that tolerance of illicit commercialism in living kidney donation programmes is not unreasonable, given the insufficiency of kidneys available for transplantation. I argue that such tolerance is unethical not only because of the harmful consequences of kidney trafficking, but because professional tolerance of commercialism undermines public trust in organ procurement programmes and impairs the development of sustainable donation and transplant systems.


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Volume measurements are useful in many branches of science and medicine. They are usually accomplished by acquiring a sequence of cross sectional images through the object using an appropriate scanning modality, for example x-ray computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance (MR) or ultrasound (US). In the cases of CT and MR, a dividing cubes algorithm can be used to describe the surface as a triangle mesh. However, such algorithms are not suitable for US data, especially when the image sequence is multiplanar (as it usually is). This problem may be overcome by manually tracing regions of interest (ROIs) on the registered multiplanar images and connecting the points into a triangular mesh. In this paper we describe and evaluate a new discreet form of Gauss’ theorem which enables the calculation of the volume of any enclosed surface described by a triangular mesh. The volume is calculated by summing the vector product of the centroid, area and normal of each surface triangle. The algorithm was tested on computer-generated objects, US-scanned balloons, livers and kidneys and CT-scanned clay rocks. The results, expressed as the mean percentage difference ± one standard deviation were 1.2 ± 2.3, 5.5 ± 4.7, 3.0 ± 3.2 and −1.2 ± 3.2% for balloons, livers, kidneys and rocks respectively. The results compare favourably with other volume estimation methods such as planimetry and tetrahedral decomposition.


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A system is described for calculating volume from a sequence of multiplanar 2D ultrasound images. Ultrasound images are captured using a video digitising card (Hauppauge Win/TV card) installed in a personal computer, and regions of interest transformed into 3D space using position and orientation data obtained from an electromagnetic device (Polbemus, Fastrak). The accuracy of the system was assessed by scanning 10 water filled balloons (13-141 ml), 10 kidneys (147  200 ml) and 16 fetal livers (8  37 ml) in water using an Acuson 128XP/10 (5 MHz curvilinear probe). Volume was calculated using the ellipsoid, planimetry, tetrahedral and ray tracing methods and compared with the actual volume measured by weighing (balloons) and water displacement (kidneys and livers). The mean percentage error for the ray tracing method was 0.9 ± 2.4%, 2.7 ± 2.3%, 6.6 ± 5.4% for balloons, kidneys and livers, respectively. So far the system has been used clinically to scan fetal livers and lungs, neonate brain ventricles and adult prostate glands.


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A new system is described for estimating volume from a series of multiplanar 2D ultrasound images. Ultrasound images are captured using a personal computer video digitizing card and an electromagnetic localization system is used to record the pose of the ultrasound images. The accuracy of the system was assessed by scanning four groups of ten cadaveric kidneys on four different ultrasound machines. Scan image planes were oriented either radially, in parallel or slanted at 30 C to the vertical. The cross-sectional images of the kidneys were traced using a mouse and the outline points transformed to 3D space using the Fastrak position and orientation data. Points on adjacent region of interest outlines were connected to form a triangle mesh and the volume of the kidneys estimated using the ellipsoid, planimetry, tetrahedral and ray tracing methods. There was little difference between the results for the different scan techniques or volume estimation algorithms, although, perhaps as expected, the ellipsoid results were the least precise. For radial scanning and ray tracing, the mean and standard deviation of the percentage errors for the four different machines were as follows: Hitachi EUB-240, −3.0 ± 2.7%; Tosbee RM3, −0.1 ± 2.3%; Hitachi EUB-415, 0.2 ± 2.3%; Acuson, 2.7 ± 2.3%.