997 resultados para Joseph, père, 1577-1638.


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Australian Higher Education universities, like many other international universities, have undergone reform and political change. The Bradley review of Higher Education commissioned by the Australian Government (2008) continues to advocate the need to increase the proportion of the population to attain higher education qualifications. The review questions the structure, organisation and financial position of Australia to effectively compete in the global economy. This position paper situates itself at a metropolitan Australian university in Melbourne within the Faculty of Arts and Education with the authors as academics based in the School of Education as Course Directors. We are faced with challenges and dilemmas regarding selecting pre-service teachers, meeting faculty targets and preparing the course structure in relation the new Australian Qualification Framework (2013) and the Australian Teaching Standards Framework (2012). The purpose of this position paper is to share strategies and invite international dialogue in relation to some of these challenges and dilemmas. Using narrative inquiry, reflective practice and document analysis as our methodology, we discuss two secondary programs at Unnamed University (Bachelor of Teaching [Secondary] and Bachelor of Teaching [Science]) as we prepare pre-service secondary teachers for the profession. The university aims to drive the digital frontier in a very dynamic environment that includes open educational resources, new delivery platforms and ways of assessing learners. These developments have initiated new ways of thinking about how to manage issues of teaching and learning with larger and varied cohorts of students.


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In December 2008, the Australian Government was presented with a report from a Review of Australian HigherEducation known as the ‘Bradley Review’. The report clearly articulates many challenges that lie ahead; it questions thestructure, organisation and financial position of Australia to effectively compete in the global economy. This paperprovides a succinct discussion of some of the challenges and dilemmas encountered at a metropolitan Australianuniversity in Melbourne within the Faculty of Arts and Education in the School of Education. The courses will bereaccredited in 2016 and has to comply with the new Australian Qualification Framework (AQF), the AustralianTeaching Standards Framework (AITSL) and the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT). By employing narrative inquiry,reflective practice and document analysis as methodology, I discuss the Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)/Bachelor ofArts course (degree), the largest secondary pre-service teacher education course at a university in Melbourne presentingsome strategies and inviting international dialogue in relation to some of the challenges faced regarding increasednumbers of students and lower entrance scores. Limitations of the current course are acknowledged and generalizationscannot be made to other education courses at universities across Australia. However, some new initiatives in the facultyare offered.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Sign.: a8, A-Z8, 2A-2K8, 2L4


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An early stage in thymocyte development, after rearrangement of the β chain genes of the T cell receptor (TCR), involves expression of the pre-TCR complex and accompanying differentiation of CD4−CD8− double negative (DN) cells to CD4+CD8+ double positive (DP) cells. The ZAP-70 and Syk tyrosine kinases each contain two N-terminal SH2 domains that bind phosphorylated motifs in antigen receptor subunits and are implicated in pre-T receptor signaling. However, mice deficient in either ZAP-70 or Syk have no defect in the formation of DP thymocytes. Here we show that, in mice lacking both Syk and ZAP-70, DN thymocytes undergo β chain gene rearrangement but fail to initiate clonal expansion and are incapable of differentiating into DP cells after expression of the pre-TCR. These data suggest that the ZAP-70 and Syk tyrosine kinases have crucial but overlapping functions in signaling from the pre-TCR and hence in early thymocyte development.


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Multiple members of the ADAR (adenosine deaminases acting on RNA) gene family are involved in A-to-I RNA editing. It has been speculated that they may form a large multicomponent protein complex. Possible candidates for such complexes are large nuclear ribonucleoprotein (lnRNP) particles. The lnRNP particles consist mainly of four spliceosomal subunits that assemble together with the pre-mRNA to form a large particle and thus are viewed as the naturally assembled pre-mRNA processing machinery. Here we investigated the presence of ADARs in lnRNP particles by Western blot analysis using anti-ADAR antibodies and by indirect immunoprecipitation. Both ADAR1 and ADAR2 were found associated with the spliceosomal components Sm and SR proteins within the lnRNP particles. The two ADARs, associated with lnRNP particles, were enzymatically active in site-selective A-to-I RNA editing. We demonstrate the association of ADAR RNA editing enzymes with physiological supramolecular complexes, the lnRNP particles.


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Contains a record of cases before magistrate William Pynchon from 1639 to 1650. Notes are continued by his son, John, from 1652 to 1701. Included also are a record of marriages (1665-1702), a list of freemen, and a record of freemen meetings (1660-1696).


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"Issued: June 1965"--cover.


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"Project no. AA-1577-Y. Subcontract no. 112705."


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I. Renseignements bibliographiques et abréviations. Archéologie préhistorique. Appendice I. Liste bibliographique des cavernes ... de la France ayant livré des os ouvrés de l'âge du renne ou possédant des parois ornées. Appendice II. Liste bibliographique des stations terrestres et ateliers de la France néolithique. 1908.--[t.] II. Archéologie celtique ou protohistorique. 1. ptie.: Age du bronze. 1910. 2. ptie. Premier âge du fer ou époque de Hallstatt. 1913. 3. ptie. Second âge du fer ou époque de la Tène. 1914. Appendices: I. Liste bibliographique des dépôts de l'âge du bronze en France. II. Inventaire des moules de l'âge du bronze découverts en France. III. Inventaire des épécs et poignards de fer de l'époque de Hallstatt découverts en France.


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"La première partie des Mémoires du général Lebrun."--Préf.