667 resultados para Japan -- Press coverage -- Australia


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Intellectual property is crucial to the promotion of innovation. It provides an incentive to innovate as well as security for investment in innovation. The industries of the 21st century-information technology, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, communications, education and entertainment – are all knowledge-based. The WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (the TRIPS Agreement), adopted in 1994 at the conclusion of the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations, requires all WTO member countries to provide for the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. Having forged a link for the first time between intellectual property rights and the international trading system, the adoption of TRIPS means that any country that aims to participate fully in the global economy needs to understand the role of intellectual property and align its intellectual property laws and practices with the international minimum standards prescribed by TRIPS. However, for developing and least-developed countries, the implementation of intellectual property systems and enforcement mechanisms raises questions and challenges. Does recognition and enforcement of intellectual property serve their development needs and objectives? Does TRIPS encourage or hinder the transfer of technologies to developing and least-developed countries, particularly those that meet urgent needs in areas such as public health, food security, water and energy? What is the effect of TRIPS on developing countries’ access to knowledge and information? Is there scope for flexibility in implementation of TRIPS in pursuit of development strategies?


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A novel Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) sandwich panel was developed by an Australian manufacturer for civil engineering applications. This research is motivated by the new applications of GFRP sandwich structures in civil engineering such as slab, beam, girder and sleeper. An optimisation methodology is developed in this work to enhance the design of GFRP sandwich beams. The design of single and glue laminated GFRP sandwich beam were conducted by using numerical optimisation. The numerical multi-objective optimisation considered a design two objectives simultaneously. These objectives are cost and mass. The numerical optimisation uses the Adaptive Range Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm (ARMOGA) and Finite Element (FE) method. Trade-offs between objectives was found during the optimisation process. Multi-objective optimisation shows a core to skin mass ratio equal to 3.68 for the single sandwich beam cross section optimisation and it showed that the optimum core to skin thickness ratio is 11.0.


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Objective: To understand the journey of advanced prostate cancer patients for supporting development of an innovative patient journey browser. Background: Prostate cancer is one of the common cancers in Australia. Due to the chronic nature of the disease, it is important to have effective disease management strategy and care model. Multi-disciplinary care is a well-proven approach for chronic disease management. The Multi-disciplinary team (MDT) can function more effectively if all the required information is available for the clinical decision support. The development of innovative technology relies on an accurate understanding of the advanced prostate cancer patient’s journey over a prolonged period. This need arises from the fact that advanced prostate cancer patients may follow various treatment paths and change their care providers. As a result of this, it is difficult to understand the actual sources of patient’s clinical records and their treatment patterns. The aim of the research is to understand variable sources of clinical records, treatment patterns, alternative therapies, over the counter (OTC) medications of advanced prostate cancer patients. This study provides better and holistic understanding of advanced prostate cancer journey. Methods: The study was conducted through an on-line survey developed to seek and analyse the responses from the participants. The on-line questionnaire was carefully developed through consultations with the clinical researchers at the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre-Queensland, prostate cancer support group representatives and health informaticians at the Australian e-Health Research Centre. The non-identifying questionnaire was distributed to the patients through prostate cancer support groups in Queensland, Australia. The pilot study was carried out between August 2010 and December 2010. Results: The research made important observations about the advanced prostate cancer journey. It showed that General Practitioner (GP) was the common source of patient’s clinical records (41%) followed by Urologist (14%) and other clinicians (14%). The data analysis also showed that selenium was the common complementary supplement (55%) used by the patients and about 48% patients did not use any OTC drugs. The most common OTC used by the patients was Paracetamol (about 45%). Conclusion: The results have provided a foundation to the architecture of the proposed technology solution. The outcomes of this study are incorporated in design of the proposed patient journey browser system. A basic version of the system is currently being used at the advanced prostate cancer MDT meetings.


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Objective: To develop a system for the automatic classification of pathology reports for Cancer Registry notifications. Method: A two pass approach is proposed to classify whether pathology reports are cancer notifiable or not. The first pass queries pathology HL7 messages for known report types that are received by the Queensland Cancer Registry (QCR), while the second pass aims to analyse the free text reports and identify those that are cancer notifiable. Cancer Registry business rules, natural language processing and symbolic reasoning using the SNOMED CT ontology were adopted in the system. Results: The system was developed on a corpus of 500 histology and cytology reports (with 47% notifiable reports) and evaluated on an independent set of 479 reports (with 52% notifiable reports). Results show that the system can reliably classify cancer notifiable reports with a sensitivity, specificity, and positive predicted value (PPV) of 0.99, 0.95, and 0.95, respectively for the development set, and 0.98, 0.96, and 0.96 for the evaluation set. High sensitivity can be achieved at a slight expense in specificity and PPV. Conclusion: The system demonstrates how medical free-text processing enables the classification of cancer notifiable pathology reports with high reliability for potential use by Cancer Registries and pathology laboratories.


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In light of the time available today, I will limit my comments to addressing that aspect of Professor Fletcher’s paper in which he refers to the 2012 report he co-authored with Professor Wessels of the Netherlands for the American Law Institute (ALI) and the International Insolvency Institute (III) on Transnational Insolvency: Global Principles for Cooperation in International Insolvency Cases. I will comment on the potential benefits for Australian courts as well as insolvency administrators and their advisers in referring to the ALI-III Report - in light of Australia’s adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law. In so doing, I would like to acknowledge the support of the Australian Academy of Law, under the leadership of The Hon Dr Kevin Lindgren for the research project underpinning these comments, as well as to acknowledge the contributions of my colleagues Associate Professor Sheryl Jackson and Mark Wellard.


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This research draws on theories of emergence to inform the creation of an artistic and direct visualization. This is an interactive artwork and drawing tool for creative participant experiences. As is discussed, emergence is characteristically creative. It is also debated across and within disciplines, resulting in a range of understandings as well as models. This paper shows how one field’s understanding of emergence (complexity theory) can be used to facilitate emergence in another domain (design research) and, importantly provide the opportunity for someone to act creatively. This paper begins with a brief review of some theories of emergence to show how they interrelate and can effect the perception of emergent structures in an observer, and, correspondingly, the design for creative experience. This is subsequently demonstrated in the second section of the paper where an interactive artwork and drawing application, Of me with me, is presented. This artwork by the author was created during collaboration with community artists from Cerebral Palsy League. The discussion covers the application of emergence theories to create this visualization in order facilitate the perception of structures and creative behaviours in a participant and to facilitate self-efficacy in the community artist user group.


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Copyright was once one of the more obscure areas of law. It applied primarily to resolve disputes between rival publishers, and there was a time, not too long ago, when ordinary people gave it no thought. Copyright disputes were like subatomic particles: everyone knew that they existed, but nobody had ever seen one. In the digital age, however, copyright has become a heated, passionate, bloody battleground. The 'copyright wars' now pitch readers against authors, pirates against publishers, and content owners against communications providers. Everyone has heard a movie producer decry the rampant infringement of streaming sites, or a music executive suggest that BitTorrent is the end of civilisation as we know it. But everyone infringes copyright on an almost constant basis - streaming amateur videos with a soundtrack that isn't quite licensed, filesharing mp3s, copying LOLcat pictures from Facebook, posting pictures on Pinterest without permission, and so on - and most know full well they're in breach of the law.


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NBC's failed attempt to remake the BBC's Coupling generated a significant amount of press coverage in summer 2003. At the core of the debate was a struggle to reconcile an increasingly integrated transatlantic television market with traditional assumptions about culture and its authentic connection to space and place. The interest in the remake not only created a space where certain national differences were played out and performed but also facilitated an equally compelling transatlantic dialogue about creative ownership, appropriation, and a network's responsibility to its audiences. In doing so, the media attention highlighted how television formats are best understood not as innocuous commodities of international trade but as potential sites of articulation, contestation, and community in an increasingly transnational television environment.


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Teacher education in Australia has a rich history of evolution from apprenticeships to university education. In this chapter the teacher education internship is examined. More specifically, the chapter outlines the Western Australian Combined Universities Training School (WACUTS) project, with its focus on reducing the gap between theory and practice through a collaborative and reflective approach. The successes and challenges faced in the first six months of implementation are presented


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In this study of symbolic power relations in a transnational merger, we suggest that the popular media can provide a significant arena for (re)constructing national identities and power in this kind of dramatic industrial restructuring, and are an under-utilized source of empirical data in research studies. Focusing on the press coverage of a recent Swedish-Finnish merger, we specify and illustrate a particular feature of discursive (re)construction of asymmetric power relations; superior (Swedish) and inferior (Finnish) national identities, which, we argue, are embedded in the history of colonization and domination between the two nations. The findings of the present study lead us to suggest that a lens taken from post-colonial theory is particularly useful in understanding the wider symbolic power implications of international industrial restructuring.


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Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar comparativamente el modo en que la prensa gráfica de circulación nacional construyó en noticia el discurso pronunciado por el ex presidente Néstor Kirchner en ocasión de la promulgación de una medida de política de comunicación. Se trata del decreto firmado por el ex primer mandatario el 20 de mayo de 2005, que dispuso la suspensión del cómputo de todas las licencias de radio y televisión del país por un plazo de diez años. El estudio de las noticias se aborda desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria que combina el análisis del discurso con herramientas metodológicas propias de las teorías sobre el periodismo.


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Esta tese avalia como se dá a atuação da imprensa brasileira em relação a aspectos importantes para a qualidade de uma democracia, considerando o conceito de embedded democracy, segundo o qual democracias constitucionais são formadas por cinco regimes parciais: direitos civis; liberdade política; accountability horizontal; poder efetivo para governar; e regime eleitoral democrático, todos ligados a esferas externas responsáveis pela viabilização de condições para essas democracias, dentre elas, os media. Neste contexto, a imprensa teria algumas funções ser fórum de discussões; dar voz à opinião pública; servir de olhos e ouvidos dos cidadãos; fiscalizar e mostrar irregularidades , que podem ser prejudicadas pela mercantilização dos media e aspectos da produção da rotina jornalística. Para verificar isso, busco evidências empíricas da cobertura da imprensa escrita sobre a política nacional, especialmente sobre os dois principais atores, Legislativo e Executivo, por meio da análise de 1.768 notícias


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Este estudo faz uma análise dos debates presidenciais na televisão como eventos persuasivos de campanha. O objetivo foi contribuir para a compreensão não só do papel dessa fonte de informação política no contexto brasileiro, mas discutir também de maneira sistemática os seus possíveis efeitos. Os debates na TV são uma variável comunicacional de curto prazo dos processos eleitorais. Eles oferecem estímulos comunicacionais que são disseminados no ambiente da campanha, seja por quem o assiste diretamente, seja por quem fica sabendo desses eventos e dos desempenhos dos candidatos através de outros dispositivos, como a imprensa e o Horário da Propaganda Gratuita Eleitoral (HPGE). Como apenas informação não basta para explicar mudanças de opinião, focamos o estudo em dois eixos principais. O primeiro deles na identificação e no mapeamento das estratégias persuasivas adotadas pelos candidatos, porque eles são instados a confrontar seus adversários, num evento ao vivo, e por meio do qual os eleitores podem avaliar não só o seu posicionamento político, como a maneira que se apresentam. Está presente, neste caso, um impacto sobre a atitude dos eleitores com relação aos competidores. Os principais resultados indicam haver um padrão no objetivo das mensagens, prevalecendo, no agregado, o ataque entre os candidatos da oposição, e a aclamação entre os candidatos da situação. O posicionamento do candidato, bem como o conteúdo político das mensagens apresentaram resultados significativos para um possível efeito sobre a atitude dos eleitores. No estudo, propomos ainda a análise dos enquadramentos adotados pelos competidores, cuja função é estabelecer um quadro de referência para a audiência. Esta variável, que procura levar em conta aspectos da comunicação verbal e nãoverbal, também apresentou resultados significativos. No segundo eixo analítico, tratamos dos efeitos agregados desses acontecimentos de campanha. Foram analisados os debates de 2002, quando prevalecia um clima de opinião favorável à oposição, e 2010, quando o clima é favorável à situação. Com relação ao impacto dos debates no ambiente informacional, os dados sugerem que, em 2002, a atuação de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), candidato da oposição, levou a uma ampliação da cobertura jornalística positiva sobre o candidato; enquanto houve um declínio dessa cobertura para José Serra (PSDB), candidato da situação. Em 2010, na cobertura da imprensa após os debates, tanto a candidata da situação, Dilma Rousseff (PT), quanto o da oposição, José Serra, apresentaram equilíbrio. O impacto no ambiente informacional da campanha foi acompanhado de um aumento da intenção de voto agregada para os candidatos que lideravam as pesquisas e que representavam a mudança em 2002, no caso Lula, ou a continuidade em 2010, no caso Dilma. Nas duas eleições, portanto, os debates na TV no Brasil indicaram ser eventos persuasivos importantes, apesar de terem um papel menos central como dispositivo de informação eleitoral e de não levarem à troca de posição entre os competidores nas pesquisas opinião. Mas eles contribuem, ao menos indiretamente, para consolidar e ampliar intenções de voto dos primeiros colocados a partir de uma percepção positiva disseminada sobre os seus desempenhos.