202 resultados para Iucn
保护生物地理学(Conservation biogeography)就是运用生物地理学的原理、理论和分析方法,特别是那些有关物种分布格局的信息,去解决生物多样性保护的相关问题,是当前生物多样性及其保护生物学研究领域的热点。通过构建中国蕨类植物物种及分布数据库得知,中国现有蕨类植物63科,221属,2456种,其中有1218种属于中国特有(中国蕨类总数约50%),3种蕨类植物为外来种。科的统计表明:最大的科为鳞毛蕨科、蹄盖蕨科、金星蕨科和水龙骨科4个科所包含的种类占全国总种数的51.5%。鳞毛蕨科、蹄盖蕨科、金星蕨科、水龙骨科、铁角蕨科、凤尾蕨科、碗蕨科、中国蕨科、叉蕨科、观音座莲科等十个大科所含种数占了中国特有种总数的80%。云南、四川、贵州、广西、台湾、湖南、西藏等省区是中国蕨类植物种类数量及中国特有种数量较多的地区;全国有22个省区拥有地方特有种,地方特有蕨类植物数量由西向东、由南向北逐渐递减,云南、台湾、西藏、海南等四省区的地方特有蕨类植物种数占各省区蕨类植物总数10%以上,反映了青藏高原隆起及岛屿现象对中国特有蕨类植物分化的影响。 中国蕨类植物与各地理、环境及气候因子的相关性分析结果表明:(1)随着经度、纬度的增加, 蕨类植物物种总数及中国特有蕨类植物总数具有减少的趋势;(2)蕨类植物在海拔1000-1600米之间、特有蕨类植物在海拔700-2100米之间具有最大的多样性,此区间外随着海拔的降低及升高,物种丰富度依次降低;(3)气候因子特别是一月均温、年均温、相对湿度、年降雨量等因素对蕨类植物及中国特有蕨类植物均具有较大的影响,与最热月均温成低度线性相关或相关不显著;(4)地形因子是影响蕨类植物多样性的一个独立因素,地形条件越复杂,蕨类植物种类及中国特有蕨类植物种类越丰富。 运用SPSS统计分析软件分析了中国蕨类植物在各省之间种的相似性,以省区为单元对中国各省区蕨类植物物种组成进行了聚类分析,最后结果划分成:①南方蕨类植物区(包括横断山—青藏高原亚区、华中亚区、华东亚区、华南亚区)和北方蕨类植物区(包括东北—华北—西北亚区、秦岭亚区、江淮亚区)。 中国蕨类植物区系地理成分分析结果表明:(1)中国—喜马拉雅分布(40.86%)、热带亚洲分布(30.95%)、东亚分布(12.77%)和中国—日本分布(8.24%)构成中国蕨类植物区系成分的主体;在洲际关系方面,中国蕨类植物与大洋洲的蕨类植物关系最为紧密,共有种最多,达94种;与南美洲共有的蕨类植物种类最少,仅32种。(2)基于地理成分的聚类分析结果表明,可将我国蕨类植物区系地理区划为代表温带亚洲成分的(特别是中亚、西亚地中海分布成分)西北温带亚洲植物区、代表古热带成分的华南古热带植物区和代表广义东亚成分的东亚植物区,东亚植物区可继续下分为中国东北—俄罗斯远东亚区(该区分布有大量的东亚-北美间断分布类型)、中国—日本植物亚区、中国—喜马拉雅植物亚区。 运用IUCN濒危物种等级对中国蕨类植物及其国家重点保护蕨类植物进行了现状评估,结果表明:可能灭绝(EX)的2种,极危(CR)的蕨类植物有33种,属于濒危(EN)的蕨类植物51种,属于易危(VU)的蕨类植物有109种,接近受危(NT)的蕨类植物158种,需予关注(LC)的845种,数据不足(DD)的1255种。对国家重点保护蕨类植物的保护级别提出部分变更的建议,对部分没有列入保护名录珍稀蕨类提出保护的建议,并就建议保护级别变更和增加保护的种类进行了必要的说明。
A socio-economic survey was conducted round the year in three fish markets at Mymensingh, Bangladesh. The selected markets were categorized as rural market (Sutiakhali market), a peri-urban market (Kamal Ranjeet market, BAU) and an urban market (Notun Bazar market, Mymensingh town). It was learnt from the survey that the availability of Small Indigenous Fish Species (SIS) declined to a great extent over the last few years and at presently many of such fish species are either threatened or at the edge of extinction. The supply of SIS was highest in KR market (37% of total) and more or less similar in Notun Bazar and Sutiakhali fish market (25 and 27% respectively). The total supply of SIS fluctuated from 25% to 35% throughout the year in these markets. About 48 SIS were found in the sampled markets over the survey period. The highest number of species (45) was found in KR market followed by Notun Bazar (42) and Sutiakhali (37) fish markets. During the survey, three critically endangered species namely, schilbid catfish, garua catfish and rita were found in these markets. Beside these, other 11 and 10 species were listed to be endangered and vulnerable respectively. The biodiversity of 21 SIS found in three markets were no threat at all. Three species (guntea loach, Indian glass barb and flying barb) were 'data deficient' as reported by the IUCN Red Book (IUCN-Bangladesh 2000). From the supply point of view small prawn, spotted snakehead, stinging catfish, pool barb, striped dwarf catfish, Gangetic mystus, walking catfish and tank goby were the prominent fish. The least available species found in this survey were lesser spiny eel, barred spiny eel, Gangetic ailia, freshwater garfish, zig-zag eel, flying barb, Ganges river sprat, freshwater river shad and dwarf gourami. The weight of SIS available in Notun bazar was highest and nearly double than other two markets. There was no significant difference recorded in the supply of SIS in Sutiakhali and KR markets. The average monthly SIS supply was 185, 192 and 467 kg in KR, Sutiakhali and Notun Bazar, respectively; therefore, the cumulative average supply was 844 kg per month in three markets. The price of SIS ranged widely from taka 50-450/kg depending on species, location of market, time of purchase and the condition of fish. In general small prawn, ticto barb, dwarf gourami, Gangetic leaffish, and Annandale loach were sold at a lower price (ranged taka 50-100/kg) and these species could be considered at the bottom of the market-price list. Other SIS like walking catfish, climbing parch, butter catfish, cotio and schilbid catfish valued as highest price (ranged taka 150-450/kg). There was no specific marketing chain for SIS in Mymensingh region. The components of marketing channels and their expansion varied with seasons and locations. The general pattern, however, was as this - after buying fish from fish farmer/fishermen, middlemen (locally known as Foria) used to buy fish to wholesale market and sell to the wholesalers. The retailers used to buy fish from wholesaler through auction to the highest bidders. The retailers then send the fish to particular market where the fish reached the consumers. The livelihood strategy of SIS retailers in three fish markets showed that socio-economic constraints such as low income, poor educational background, low economic status and lack of capital are the main constrains [sic]. Most of the retailers proposed that government should control the fish price throughout the year, so that the producers can get reasonable and stable price. Construction of cold storage and preservation facilities at market sites, improvement of road and communication, improvement of physical market facilities and reduction of market chain is essential. Credit facilities, improvement of their standard of living, health and sanitary condition, housing condition, children education and access to drinking water facilities were identified as additional aspects to improve socio-economic condition of SIS retailers.
马来熊在 IUCN 红皮书中被列为受胁动物, 其保护受到广泛的关注. 该文研究4只马来熊的线粒体 DNA 序列, 其中1只来自云南, 其余3只产地不详, 但来自不同的搜集渠道. 对于每个个体, 作者测定了 397bp 的细胞色素b基因、346bp 的12S rRNA基因、98bp 的 tRNA 基因和333bp 的D环区序列, 共计1174bp. 经与黑犀牛序列比较, 发现 RNA 基因的空间结构对基因的进化有显著影响, 环区的进化明显快于茎区的. 对于细胞色素b基因、12S rRNA基因和 tRNA 基因, 在马来熊个体间未发现序列变异. 这一结果提示, 马来熊群体的遗传变异程度低. 在D环区, 有13和1个位点分别出现转换和颠换. 根据D环区序列, 作者采用简约法确定了马来熊群体间的进化关系. 作者的结果表明, 线粒体 DNA 的D环区是研究马来熊群体遗传结构十分有效的遗传结构十分有效的遗传标记。
A resource book for teachers in the Mannar District.
Recommendations form the workshop included:establishment of "Pilot Sites"; trans-boundary ecosystem resource sharing;establishment of Marine Protected Areas(MPAs); joint research;promotion of co-management principles; preparation of a regional "coastal atlas" and development of a communications strategy
由于非人灵长类与人类的遗传物质有75%-98.5%的同源性, 显示了许多相似的生物学和行为学特征, 成为解决人类健康和疾病问题的基础研究和临床前研究的理想动物模型. 例如, 在探讨困扰人类的艾滋病(AIDS), 肿瘤、麻疹、疟疾和肝炎等疾病时, 非人灵长类是很重要或唯一的实验动物. 另一方面, 以非人灵长类为模型的生物医学研究, 又促进了对灵长类动物流行病的研究, 对提高实验灵长类的质量起了重要作用. 然而在世界现生243种灵长类动物中(Mittermeier 等, 1994); 114种处于濒危状态, 其中64种为极度濒危(IUCN, 1990), 亟待保护, 以保证灵长类动物资源的持续利用。
This report seeks to strengthen national capacity on managing Marine Protected Area (MPAs) in Bangladesh. St Martin's Island was used as the pilot ecosystem boundary delineation.
绿孔雀是国家I级重点保护鸟类. 在《Endangered Birds of the W orld-The ICBP Bird Red Data Book》(King, 1981)及《1990 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals》中均将其列为易危种. 在CITES中被列入附录2. 据文献记载:绿孔雀在中国分布于云南(郑作新, 1987)和西藏东南部(尹秉高等, 1993). 历史上云南东南部的开远、建水和文山县曾记载有绿孔雀分布(《云南通志》, 明隆庆六年, 1572). 现代著作中(彭燕章等, 1987; 郑宝责等, 1987; 张帆等, 1987; 杨岚, 1989, 1991; 文贤继等, 1995; 杨晓君, 1995)记录云南省东南部的蒙自、金平、绿春、河口、弥勒、建水、石屏等7个县有绿孔雀分布. 另据当地群众反映在滇西北迪庆州发现有绿孔雀. 作者于1995年4-6月、11-12月和1996年4-6月在以往对绿孔雀分布现状调查(文贤继等, 1995)的基础上, 对云南东南部和西北部绿孔雀的分布现状及保护情况又进行了调查, 本次调查对绿孔雀在上述地区的分布状况进行了核实, 为今后的生态生物学研究和保护工作提供了有关资料。
middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China. It is the only freshwater population of porpoises in the world and is currently listed as Endangered by IUCN. In November and December 2006 we used two boats and line transect methods to survey the entire current range of the population, except for two lakes (Poyang and Dongting). Sighting results were similar for both boats, so we pooled all data and analyzed them using two line transect models and a strip transect model. All models produced similar estimates of abundance (1111, 1225 and 1000). We then added independent estimates of the number of porpoises from the two lakes for a total estimate of approximately 1800 porpoises. Our findings indicate that the population continues to decline and that its distribution is becoming more fragmented. Our current estimate in the main river is slightly less than half the estimate from surveys between 1984 and 1991 (which was probably an underestimate). We also found an apparent gap in the distribution of porpoises between Yueyang and Shishou (similar to 150 km), where sightings had previously been common. Continued threats to Yangtze finless porpoises include bycatch in unregulated and unselective fishing, habitat degradation through dredging, pollution and noise, vessel strikes and water development. Immediate protective measures are urgently needed to ensure the persistence of finless porpoises in the Yangtze River. The survey design and analytical methods developed in this study might be appropriate for surveys of cetaceans in other river systems. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
本文采用以世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)濒危物种等级和标准为依据的中国物种红色名录确定出东北地区濒危植物。统计整理出濒危植物地理分布资料,通过对受威胁系数及遗传价值系数等系数的计算得到各个濒危种的优先保护值和保护等级,并以丰富度、优先保护值为指标运用不同方法得到的濒危植物保护的热点地区。主要结论如下: 东北地区共有濒危植物25科42属60种,其中中国特有种8种。濒危植物科属种三个层次植物区系是温带性质的。 应用多指标的优先保护值进行综合分析,将60种濒危植物划分了3个保护等级。一级保护的有长白松等11科14属18种;二级保护的有朝鲜梾木等12科16属19种;三级保护的有鱼鳞云杉等13科17属23种。 针对保护濒危植物丰富度高的县市和达到对所有种保护的目标,并综合考虑濒危植物受威胁程度、遗传价值、利用价值、保护现状和名录收录的因素,本文确定6个地区包含的19个县市作为本文濒危植物优先保护区域。优先保护区域如下:长白山的安图县、抚松县、长白朝鲜族自治县、临江市、和龙县和靖宇县,辽东山地的宽甸满族自治县、桓仁满族自治县、本溪满族自治县、清原满族自治县、新宾满族自治县、凤城市、庄河市和大连市,小兴安岭的伊春市,张广才岭的尚志市,老爷岭北部的鸡西市,大兴安岭的呼玛县和根河市。 本文首次以县市为单位对各县市自然保护区进行综合评价并划分综合评价级别。确定的优先保护区域中有4个县市对濒危植物的保护尚属空白,它们是临江市、和龙县、本溪满族自治县和鸡西市,建议采取措施对这些县市的濒危植物种加强保护。应通过对自然保护区晋级方式加强保护的有安图县的长白松保护区和根河市的西伯利亚五针松保护区。应加强辽东山地的除国家级自然保护区外的其它类型自然保护区中濒危植物的保护。