202 resultados para Isca


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We develop a two stage split vector quantization method with optimum bit allocation, for achieving minimum computational complexity. This also results in much lower memory requirement than the recently proposed switched split vector quantization method. To improve the rate-distortion performance further, a region specific normalization is introduced, which results in 1 bit/vector improvement over the typical two stage split vector quantizer, for wide-band LSF quantization.


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We propose a novel technique for robust voiced/unvoiced segment detection in noisy speech, based on local polynomial regression. The local polynomial model is well-suited for voiced segments in speech. The unvoiced segments are noise-like and do not exhibit any smooth structure. This property of smoothness is used for devising a new metric called the variance ratio metric, which, after thresholding, indicates the voiced/unvoiced boundaries with 75% accuracy for 0dB global signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). A novelty of our algorithm is that it processes the signal continuously, sample-by-sample rather than frame-by-frame. Simulation results on TIMIT speech database (downsampled to 8kHz) for various SNRs are presented to illustrate the performance of the new algorithm. Results indicate that the algorithm is robust even in high noise levels.


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We investigate the use of a two stage transform vector quantizer (TSTVQ) for coding of line spectral frequency (LSF) parameters in wideband speech coding. The first stage quantizer of TSTVQ, provides better matching of source distribution and the second stage quantizer provides additional coding gain through using an individual cluster specific decorrelating transform and variance normalization. Further coding gain is shown to be achieved by exploiting the slow time-varying nature of speech spectra and thus using inter-frame cluster continuity (ICC) property in the first stage of TSTVQ method. The proposed method saves 3-4 bits and reduces the computational complexity by 58-66%, compared to the traditional split vector quantizer (SVQ), but at the expense of 1.5-2.5 times of memory.


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Further improvement in performance, to achieve near transparent quality LSF quantization, is shown to be possible by using a higher order two dimensional (2-D) prediction in the coefficient domain. The prediction is performed in a closed-loop manner so that the LSF reconstruction error is the same as the quantization error of the prediction residual. We show that an optimum 2-D predictor, exploiting both inter-frame and intra-frame correlations, performs better than existing predictive methods. Computationally efficient split vector quantization technique is used to implement the proposed 2-D prediction based method. We show further improvement in performance by using weighted Euclidean distance.


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We present two discriminative language modelling techniques for Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) based LID system. The previous approach to LID using LZW algorithm was to directly use the LZW pattern tables forlanguage modelling. But, since the patterns in a language pattern table are shared by other language pattern tables, confusability prevailed in the LID task. For overcoming this, we present two pruning techniques (i) Language Specific (LS-LZW)-in which patterns common to more than one pattern table are removed. (ii) Length-Frequency product based (LF-LZW)-in which patterns having their length-frequency product below a threshold are removed. These approaches reduce the classification score (Compression Ratio [LZW-CR] or the weighted discriminant score [LZW-WDS]) for non native languages and increases the LID performance considerably. Also the memory and computational requirements of these techniques are much less compared to basic LZW techniques.


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We formulate a two-stage Iterative Wiener filtering (IWF) approach to speech enhancement, bettering the performance of constrained IWF, reported in literature. The codebook constrained IWF (CCIWF) has been shown to be effective in achieving convergence of IWF in the presence of both stationary and non-stationary noise. To this, we include a second stage of unconstrained IWF and show that the speech enhancement performance can be improved in terms of average segmental SNR (SSNR), Itakura-Saito (IS) distance and Linear Prediction Coefficients (LPC) parameter coincidence. We also explore the tradeoff between the number of CCIWF iterations and the second stage IWF iterations.


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Effective feature extraction for robust speech recognition is a widely addressed topic and currently there is much effort to invoke non-stationary signal models instead of quasi-stationary signal models leading to standard features such as LPC or MFCC. Joint amplitude modulation and frequency modulation (AM-FM) is a classical non-parametric approach to non-stationary signal modeling and recently new feature sets for automatic speech recognition (ASR) have been derived based on a multi-band AM-FM representation of the signal. We consider several of these representations and compare their performances for robust speech recognition in noise, using the AURORA-2 database. We show that FEPSTRUM representation proposed is more effective than others. We also propose an improvement to FEPSTRUM based on the Teager energy operator (TEO) and show that it can selectively outperform even FEPSTRUM


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Effective sharing of the last level cache has a significant influence on the overall performance of a multicore system. We observe that existing solutions control cache occupancy at a coarser granularity, do not scale well to large core counts and in some cases lack the flexibility to support a variety of performance goals. In this paper, we propose Probabilistic Shared Cache Management (PriSM), a framework to manage the cache occupancy of different cores at cache block granularity by controlling their eviction probabilities. The proposed framework requires only simple hardware changes to implement, can scale to larger core count and is flexible enough to support a variety of performance goals. We demonstrate the flexibility of PriSM, by computing the eviction probabilities needed to achieve goals like hit-maximization, fairness and QOS. PriSM-HitMax improves performance by 18.7% over LRU and 11.8% over previously proposed schemes in a sixteen core machine. PriSM-Fairness improves fairness over existing solutions by 23.3% along with a performance improvement of 19.0%. PriSM-QOS successfully achieves the desired QOS targets.


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A joint analysis-synthesis framework is developed for the compressive sensing (CS) recovery of speech signals. The signal is assumed to be sparse in the residual domain with the linear prediction filter used as the sparse transformation. Importantly this transform is not known apriori, since estimating the predictor filter requires the knowledge of the signal. Two prediction filters, one comb filter for pitch and another all pole formant filter are needed to induce maximum sparsity. An iterative method is proposed for the estimation of both the prediction filters and the signal itself. Formant prediction filter is used as the synthesis transform, while the pitch filter is used to model the periodicity in the residual excitation signal, in the analysis mode. Significant improvement in the LLR measure is seen over the previously reported formant filter estimation.


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Latent variable methods, such as PLCA (Probabilistic Latent Component Analysis) have been successfully used for analysis of non-negative signal representations. In this paper, we formulate PLCS (Probabilistic Latent Component Segmentation), which models each time frame of a spectrogram as a spectral distribution. Given the signal spectrogram, the segmentation boundaries are estimated using a maximum-likelihood approach. For an efficient solution, the algorithm imposes a hard constraint that each segment is modelled by a single latent component. The hard constraint facilitates the solution of ML boundary estimation using dynamic programming. The PLCS framework does not impose a parametric assumption unlike earlier ML segmentation techniques. PLCS can be naturally extended to model coarticulation between successive phones. Experiments on the TIMIT corpus show that the proposed technique is promising compared to most state of the art speech segmentation algorithms.


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The Chinese language is based on characters which are syllabic in nature. Since languages have syllabotactic rules which govern the construction of syllables and their allowed sequences, Chinese character sequence models can be used as a first level approximation of allowed syllable sequences. N-gram character sequence models were trained on 4.3 billion characters. Characters are used as a first level recognition unit with multiple pronunciations per character. For comparison the CU-HTK Mandarin word based system was used to recognize words which were then converted to character sequences. The character only system error rates for one best recognition were slightly worse than word based character recognition. However combining the two systems using log-linear combination gives better results than either system separately. An equally weighted combination gave consistent CER gains of 0.1-0.2% absolute over the word based standard system. Copyright © 2009 ISCA.


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State-of-the-art large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) systems often combine outputs from multiple subsystems developed at different sites. Cross system adaptation can be used as an alternative to direct hypothesis level combination schemes such as ROVER. In normal cross adaptation it is assumed that useful diversity among systems exists only at acoustic level. However, complimentary features among complex LVCSR systems also manifest themselves in other layers of modelling hierarchy, e.g., subword and word level. It is thus interesting to also cross adapt language models (LM) to capture them. In this paper cross adaptation of multi-level LMs modelling both syllable and word sequences was investigated to improve LVCSR system combination. Significant error rate gains up to 6.7% rel. were obtained over ROVER and acoustic model only cross adaptation when combining 13 Chinese LVCSR subsystems used in the 2010 DARPA GALE evaluation. © 2010 ISCA.


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Durante el cielo agrícola 1987-1988, se llevó a cabo un experimento En la finca el plantel del ISCA, en suelo de la serie, Zambrano, utilizando un diseño de parcelas divididas con cuatro réplicas para determinar la in fluencia de los niveles y el fraccionamiento del nitrógeno sobre el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento del cultivo del maíz. Se estudiaron 4 niveles de nitrógeno: 60, 90, 120, y 150 kg/ha y 4 formas de fraccionamiento: 50% del N en la siembra y 50% a los 33 días; 25% del N en la siembra, 50% a los 30 días y 250% en la floración; 25% del N en la siembra, 25% a los 30 días y 50% en la floración; 50% del N en la siembra y 50% en la floración. El nitrógeno influyo significativamente en el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento del cultivo del maíz. Los niveles de 150kg/ha de nitrógeno favorecieron la obtención de altos rendimientos de grano. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el rendimiento para las diferentes formas de fraccionamiento del nitrógeno.