1000 resultados para Iowa Senate
The 82nd General Assembly of the Iowa legislature, in Section 26 of Senate File 2420, required the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) to conduct an analysis of TIME-21 funding. Specifically the legislation requires the following: “The department of transportation shall conduct an analysis of the additional revenues necessary to provide at least two hundred million dollars annually to the TIME-21 fund by FY 2011-2012. The analysis shall include but is not limited to the amount of excise tax levied on motor fuel and adjustments that might be made to various fees collected by the department in order to create an appropriate balance of taxes and fees paid by Iowa drivers and out-of-state drivers. The department shall submit a report to the governor and the general assembly on or before December 31, 2008, regarding its analysis.” As a starting point to this analysis, a reassessment of long-range needs and revenues (including the estimated $200 million most critical annual unmet needs) was made. This was done by assessing changing trends in roadway conditions, revenue and construction costs since the original Study of Iowa’s Current Road Use Tax Funds (RUTF) and Future Road Maintenance and Construction Needs was completed December 2006.
This report is respectfully submitted in satisfaction of the following Senate File 169 requirement, as approved by the 2005 Iowa Legislature: “The Drug Policy Coordinator shall report, in a joint meeting, to the Committee on Judiciary of the Senate and the Committee on Public Safety of the House of Representatives in January 2006 and in January 2007, the effects of this Act on methamphetamine abuse and related criminal activity.” (*Please note that all data contained in this document are preliminary, based on the most recent information available to the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy.)
Today in the Senate/House 85th Iowa General Assembly, Cell Phone Audio Daily Committee Meeting Schedules for the Senate and House of Representatives.
Today in the Senate/House 85th Iowa General Assembly, Cell Phone Audio Daily Committee Meeting Schedules for the Senate and House of Representatives.
Mode of access: Internet.
CIS Microfiche Accession Numbers: CIS 82 S161-1
CIS Microfiche Accession Numbers: CIS 81 S161-7
Latest issue consulted: 77th General Assembly (1998).
Mode of access: Internet.
Prepared under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
During the 2002 session of the Iowa General Assembly, Senate File 2278 was enacted, establishing a new Section 356.36A within the Iowa Code. Subsequently, House File 2623 was enacted, which served to make a minor amendment to Senate File 2278. The Governor subsequently signed the amended legislation into law. The final version of the new Section 356.36A required that the Iowa Department of Human Rights, Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning and Statistical Analysis Center (CJJP) prepare a report for the Legislature “analyzing the confinement and detention needs of jails and facilities established pursuant to chapters 356 and 356A.
The Iowa Transportation Improvement Program (Program) is published to inform Iowans of planned investments in our state's transportation system. The Iowa Transportation Commission (Commission) and Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) are committed to programming those investments in a fiscally responsible manner. Iowa's transportation system is multi-modal; therefore, the Program encompasses investments in aviation, transit, railroads, trails, and highways. A major component of the Program is the highway section. The FY2009-2013 highway section is financially balanced and was developed to achieve several objectives. The Commission's primary highway investment objective is the safety, maintenance and preservation of Iowa's existing highway system. The Commission has allocated an annual average of $321 million to achieve this objective. This includes $185 million in 2009 and $170 million annually in years 2010-2013 for preserving the interstate system. It includes $114 million in 2009, $100 million in 2010 and $90 million annually in years 2011-2013 for non-interstate pavement preservation. It includes $38 million annually in 2009 and 2010, and $35 million annually in years 2011-2013 for non-interstate bridges. In addition, $15 million annually is allocated for safety projects. However, due to increasing construction costs, flattened revenues and overall highway systems needs, the Commission acknowledges that insufficient funds are being invested in the maintenance and preservation of the existing highway system. Another objective involves investing in projects that have received funding from the federal transportation act and/or subsequent federal transportation appropriation acts. In particular, funding is being used where it will complete a project, corridor or useable segment of a larger project. As an investment goal, the Commission also wishes to advance highway projects that address the state's highway capacity and economic development needs. Projects that address these needs and were included for completion in the previous program have been advanced into this year's Program to maintain their scheduled completion. This program also includes a small number of other projects that generally either represent a final phase of a partially programmed project or an additional segment of a partially completed corridor. The TIME-21 bill, Senate File 2420, signed by Governor Chet Culver on April 22, provides additional funding to cities, counties and the Iowa DOT for road improvements. This will result in additional revenue to the Primary Road Fund beginning in the second half of FY2009 and gradually increase over time. The additional funding will be included in future highway programming objectives and proposals and is not reflected in this highway program. The Iowa DOT and Commission appreciate the public's involvement in the state's transportation planning process. Comments received personally, by letter, or through participation in the Commission's regular meetings or public input meetings held around the state each year are invaluable in providing guidance for the future of Iowa's transportation system. It should be noted that this document is a planning guide. It does not represent a binding commitment or obligation of the Commission or Iowa DOT, and is subject to change. You are invited to visit the Iowa DOT's Web site at iowadot.gov for additional and regular updates about the department's programs and activities.
On April 27, 2007, Iowa Governor Chet Culver signed Senate File 485, a bill related to greenhouse gas emissions. Part of this bill created the Iowa Climate Change Advisory Council (ICCAC), which consists of 23 governor-appointed members from various stakeholder groups, and 4 nonvoting, ex officio members from the General Assembly. ICCAC’s immediate responsibilities included submitting a proposal to the Governor and General Assembly that addresses policies, cost-effective strategies, and multiple scenarios designed to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions. Further, a preliminary report was submitted in January 2008, with a final proposal submitted in December 2008. In the Final Report, the Council presents two scenarios designed to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 50% and 90% from a 2005 baseline by the year 2050. For the 50% reduction by 2050, the Council recommends approximately a 1% reduction by 2012 and an 11% reduction by 2020. For the 90% reduction scenario, the Council recommends a 3% reduction by 2012 and a 22% reduction 2020. These interim targets were based on a simple extrapolation assuming a linear rate of reduction between now and 2050. In providing these scenarios for your consideration, ICCAC approved 56 policy options from a large number of possibilities. There are more than enough options to reach the interim and final emission targets in both the 50% and 90% reduction scenarios. Direct costs and cost savings of these policy options were also evaluated with the help of The Center for Climate Strategies, who facilitated the process and provided technical assistance throughout the entire process, and who developed the Iowa Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and Forecast in close consultation with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and many Council and Sub-Committee members. About half of the policy options presented in this report will not only reduce GHG emissions but are highly cost-effective and will save Iowans money. Still other options may require significant investment but will create jobs, stimulate energy independence, and advance future regional or federal GHG programs.