990 resultados para Intra-aortic Balloon Pumping


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GOAL: To evaluate the impact of the Ross operation, recently (1997) introduced in our unit, for the treatment of patients with congenital aortic valve stenosis. METHODS: The period from January 1997 to December 2000 was compared with the previous 5 years (1992-96). Thirty-seven children (< 16 yrs) and 49 young adults (16-50 yrs) with congenital aortic valve stenosis underwent one of these treatments: percutaneous balloon dilatation (PBD), aortic valve commissurotomy, aortic valve replacement and the Ross operation. The Ross operation was performed in 16 patients, mean age 24.5 yrs (range 9-46 yrs) with a bicuspid stenotic aortic valve, 7/10 adults with calcifications, 2/10 adults with previous aortic valve commissurotomy, 4/6 children with aortic regurgitation following PBD, and 1/6 children who had had a previous aortic valve replacement with a prosthetic valve and aortic root enlargement. RESULTS: PBD was followed by death in two neonates (fibroelastosis); all other children survived PBD. Although there were no deaths, PBD in adults was recently abandoned, owing to unfavourable results. Aortic valve commissurotomy showed good results in children (no deaths). Aortic valve replacement, although associated with good results (no deaths), has been recently abandoned in children in favour of the Ross operation. Over a mean follow-up of 16 months (2-40 months) all patients are asymptomatic following Ross operation, with no echocardiographic evidence of aortic valve regurgitation in 10/16 patients and with trivial regurgitation in 6/16 patients. CONCLUSIONS: The approach now for children and young adults with congenital aortic valve stenosis should be as follows: (1) PBD is the first choice in neonates and infants; (2) Aortic valve commissurotomy is the first choice for children, neonates and infants after failed PBD; (3) The Ross operation is increasingly used in children after failed PBD and in young adults, even with a calcified aortic valve.


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The trans-apical aortic valve implantation (TA-AVI) is an established technique for high-risk patients requiring aortic valve replacement. Traditionally, preoperative (computed tomography (CT) scan, coronary angiogram) and intra-operative imaging (fluoroscopy) for stent-valve positioning and implantation require contrast medium injections. To preserve the renal function in elderly patients suffering from chronic renal insufficiency, a fully echo-guided trans-catheter valve implantation seems to be a reasonable alternative. We report the first successful TA-AVI procedure performed solely under trans-oesophageal echocardiogram control, in the absence of contrast medium injections.


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The aim of this experimental study is to evaluate the feasibility and the outcome of total endovascular stent implantation in the aortic arch. Indications for this operation-technique would be acute or chronic dissection of the aortic arch (non-A-non-B dissection) or type B dissection with retrograde extension. Four pigs were canulated via the distal abdominal aorta and a retrograde placement of a Djumbodis arch stent (4-9 cm) was controlled by using intravascular ultrasound and intracardiac ultrasound by the inferior cava vein and under radioscopic control. Cerebral perfusion, by using a flow meter placed on one prepared carotid artery, were controlled before, immediate post-procedural (<1 min), and in the early follow-up after aortic arch stent implantation. During the implantation process, especially during balloon inflation and deflation, mean carotid perfusion decreases slightly. A reactive increase of carotid perfusion after stent placements indicates transitory cerebral hypo-perfusion. Non-covered aortic arch stent implantation is technically feasible and could be a potential treatment option in otherwise inoperable arch dissections. The time required for balloon inflation and deflation causes an important risk of cerebral ischemia. The latter can be reduced by transaxillary perfusion.


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Antécédents. Le tonus vasculaire est régulé par plusieurs mécanismes et réagit à plusieurs composés endogènes et exogènes, dont les hormones circulantes et les substances vasoactives libérées par l’endothélium. Plusieurs études ont démontré que les femmes pré-ménopausées seraient moins à risque d’avoir des maladies cardiovasculaires que les hommes et que cette protection serait due aux hormones stéroïdiennes oestrogéniques. De plus, des études démontrent que les artères gagnent en rigidité avec l’âge différemment selon le sexe et que la restriction de croissance intra-utérine (RCIU) prédispose au développement de maladies cardiovasculaires à l’âge adulte différemment chez les hommes et chez les femmes. On a cherché à savoir si la réactivité vasculaire aortique dépend du sexe biologique, de l’âge et de l’environnement intra-utérin et si la rigidité aortique est différente entre les mâles et les femelles. Méthode. Des anneaux d’aorte thoracique de rats mâles ou femelles, témoins ou RCIU, de 5, 12 et 20 semaines avec endothélium ont été montés dans des bains à organe isolé. La contraction à des doses croissantes de phényléphrine (Phe) avec ou sans L-Name ainsi que la relaxation à des doses croissantes de carbachol (Cbc) ou de nitroprussiate de sodium (SNP) ont été enregistrées afin d’évaluer la réactivité vasculaire de l’aorte et de comparer les différents groupes. Des anneaux d’aorte thoracique de rats mâles et femelles âgés entre 13 et 17 semaines ont été utilisées pour évaluer la rigidité artérielle. Résultats. Chez les rats mâles seulement, la contraction maximale à la Phe en absence et en présence du L-Name est augmentée à 20 semaines chez les témoins et à 12 et 20 semaines chez les RCIU. Chez les femelles, la contraction maximale n’est pas affectée par l’âge et la RCIU. Par contre, un effet du L-Name est observé à l’âge adulte, autant chez les femelles témoins que RCIU. L’effet du L-Name est plus prononcé chez les femelles que chez les mâles. Dans tous les groupes RCIU, la relaxation maximale au Cbc est réduite. Par contre, aucune différence entre les différents groupes n’est observée avec le SNP et aucune différence de rigidité n’est observée entre les mâles et les femelles. Conclusion. Les résultats au L-Name suggèrent un rôle plus important du NO chez les femelles et les résultats à la Phe suggèrent que les mâles sont plus réactifs aux stimulis vasoconstricteurs avec l’âge et que ceci est encore plus prononcé lorsque l’environnement intra-utérin a été défavorable. La différence de contraction maximale entre les mâles et les femelles n’est pas due à la rigidité artérielle.


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Ce travail de thèse porte sur la simulation du déploiement des prothèses vasculaires de type stent-graft (SG) lors de la réparation endovasculaire (EVAR) des anévrismes de l’aorte abdominale (AAA). Cette étude se présente en trois parties: (i) tests mécaniques en flexion et compression de SG couramment utilisés (corps et jambage de marque Cook) ainsi que la simulation numérique desdits tests, (ii) développement d’un modèle numérique d’anévrisme, (iii) stratégie de simulation du déploiement des SG. La méthode numérique employée est celle des éléments finis. Dans un premier temps, une vérification du modèle éléments finis (MEF) des SG est realisée par comparaison des différents cas de charge avec leur pendant expérimental. Ensuite, le MEF vasculaire (AAA) est lui aussi vérifié lors d’une comparaison des niveaux de contraintes maximales principales dans la paroi avec des valeurs de la littérature. Enfin, le déploiement est abordé tout en intégrant les cathéters. Les tests mécaniques menés sur les SG ont été simulés avec une différence maximale de 5,93%, tout en tenant compte de la pré-charge des stents. Le MEF de la structure vasculaire a montré des contraintes maximales principales éloignées de 4,41% par rapport à un modèle similaire précédemment publié. Quant à la simulation du déploiement, un jeu complet de SG a pu être déployé avec un bon contrôle de la position relative et globale, dans un AAA spécifique pré-déformé, sans toutefois inclure de thrombus intra-luminal (TIL). La paroi du AAA a été modélisée avec une loi de comportement isotropique hyperélastique. Étant donné que la différence maximale tolérée en milieu clinique entre réalité et simulation est de 5%, notre approche semble acceptable et pourrait donner suite à de futurs développements. Cela dit, le petit nombre de SG testés justifie pleinement une vaste campagne de tests mécaniques et simulations supplémentaires à des fins de validation.


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Purpose: To compare baroreflex sensitivity among conscious rats of the same strain. Methods: Male WKY rats (eight weeks old) were studied. Cannulas were inserted into the abdominal aortic artery through the right femoral artery to measure mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR). Baroreflex gain was calculated as the ratio between variation of HR in function of the MAP variation (Delta HR/Delta MAP) tested with a depressor dose of sodium nitroprusside (SNP, 50 mu g/kg, iv) and with a pressor dose of phenylephrine (PE, 8 mu g/kg, iv). We divided the rats into four groups: 1) Low bradycardic baroreflex (LB), BG between -1 and -2 bpm/mmHg tested with PE; 2) High bradycardic baroreflex (HB), BG < -2 bpm/mmHg tested with PE; 3) Low tachycardic baroreflex (LT), BG between -1 and -2 bpm/mmHg tested with SNP and; 4) High tachycardic baroreflex (HT), BG < -2 bpm/mmHg tested with SNP. Significant differences were considered for p<0.05. Results: Approximately 82% of the rats presented reduced bradycardic reflex while 22 showed attenuated tachycardic reflex. No alterations were noted regarding basal MAP and HR, tachycardic and bradycardic peak and HR range. Conclusions: There was alteration in baroreflex sensitivity among rats of the same strain. Care should be taken when interpreting studies employing WKY as a control for the SHR.


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Background: Aortic intima-media thickness measured by transabdominal ultrasound (aIMT) is an intermediate phenotype of cardiovascular risk. We aimed to (1) investigate the reproducibility of aIMT in a population-derived cohort of infants; (2) establish the distribution of aIMT in early infancy; (3) compare measurement by edge-detection software to that by manual sonographic calipers; and (4) assess the effect of individual and environmental variables on image quality. Methods. Participants were term infants recruited to a population-derived birth cohort study. Transabdominal ultrasound was performed at six weeks of age by one of two trained operators. Thirty participants had ultrasounds performed by both operators on the same day. Data were collected on environmental (infant sleeping, presence of a sibling, use of sucrose, timing during study visit) and individual (post-conception age, weight, gender) variables. Two readers assessed image quality and measured aIMT by edge-detection software and a subset by manual sonographic calipers. Measurements were repeated by the same reader and between readers to obtain intra-observer and inter-observer reliability. Results: Aortic IMT was measured successfully using edge-detection in 814 infants, and 290 of these infants also had aIMT measured using manual sonographic calipers. The intra-reader intra-class correlation (ICC) (n = 20) was 0.90 (95% CI 0.76, 0.96), mean difference 1.5 μm (95% LOA -39, 59). The between reader ICC using edge-detection (n = 20) was 0.92 (95% CI 0.82, 0.97) mean difference 2 μm (95% LOA -45.0, 49.0) and with manual caliper measurement (n = 290) the ICC was 0.84 (95% CI 0.80, 0.87) mean difference 5 μm (95% LOA -51.8, 61.8). Edge-detection measurements were greater than those from manual sonographic calipers (mean aIMT 618 μm (50) versus mean aIMT 563 μm (49) respectively; p < 0.001, mean difference 44 μm, 95% LOA -54, 142). With the exception of infant crying (p = 0.001), no associations were observed between individual and environmental variables and image quality. Conclusion: In a population-derived cohort of term infants, aIMT measurement has a high level of intra and inter-reader reproducibility. Measurement of aIMT using edge-detection software gives higher inter-reader ICC than manual sonographic calipers. Image quality is not substantially affected by individual and environmental factors. © 2014 McCloskey et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Perforation of inferior vena cava (IVC) by filter struts ranges from 9% to 24%, and clinical sequelae and complications are unpredictable. The aim of this article was to report an unusual case of late complication of IVC filter that caused an IVC wall perforation and penetration of the filter's hooks in the aorta, which was treated by endovascular procedure. Molding strut tip by balloon angioplasty, its accommodation with a bare stent, and its coverage and protection with an endoprosthesis is probably the first technique reported so far in this situation.


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To date, transapical aortic valve implantation has required a balloon-expandable stented valve prosthesis. More recently, a novel self-expanding sutureless stented bovine pericardial prosthesis has been developed which allows rapid aortic valve replacement via an open transaortic approach in humans. The aim of this animal study was to develop a reliable protocol to facilitate the transapical implantation of this self-expanding valve in a porcine model.


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Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is an alternative to surgery for high-risk patients with severe aortic valve stenosis. Periprocedural stroke is reported at an incidence up to 10%. Magnetic resonance imaging studies have identified new onset of clinically silent ischaemic cerebral lesions more frequently (68-84%). So far, few data are available about cerebral embolism during TAVI. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of high-intensity transient signals (HITS) and to explore differences in the HITS pattern between transfemoral and transapical access and between self-expanding (SE) and balloon-expandable (BE) deployment technique.


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Acute type A aortic dissection is a lethal condition requiring emergency surgery. It has diverse presentations, and the diagnosis can be missed or delayed. Once diagnosed, decisions with regard to initial management, transfer, appropriateness of surgery, timing of operation, and intervention for malperfusion complications are necessary. The goals of surgery are to save life by prevention of pericardial tamponade or intra-pericardial aortic rupture, to resect the primary entry tear, to correct or prevent any malperfusion and aortic valve regurgitation, and if possible to prevent late dissection-related complications in the proximal and downstream aorta. No randomized trials of treatment or techniques have ever been performed, and novel therapies-particularly with regard to extent of surgery-are being devised and implemented, but their role needs to be defined. Overall, except in highly specialized centers, surgical outcomes might be static, and there is abundant room for improvement. By highlighting difficulties and controversies in diagnosis, patient selection, and surgical therapy, our over-arching goal should be to enfranchise more patients for treatment and improve surgical outcomes.


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The prognostic relevance of quantitative an intracoronary occlusive electrocardiographic (ECG) ST-segment shift and its determinants have not been investigated in humans. In 765 patients with chronic stable coronary artery disease, the following simultaneous quantitative measurements were obtained during a 1-minute coronary balloon occlusion: intracoronary ECG ST-segment shift (recorded by angioplasty guidewire), mean aortic pressure, mean distal coronary pressure, and mean central venous pressure (CVP). Collateral flow index (CFI) was calculated as follows: (mean distal coronary pressure minus CVP)/(mean aortic pressure minus CVP). During an average follow-up duration of 50 ± 34 months, the cumulative mortality rate from all causes was significantly lower in the group with an ST-segment shift <0.1 mV (n = 89) than in the group with an ST-segment shift ≥0.1 mV (n = 676, p = 0.0211). Factors independently related to intracoronary occlusive ECG ST-segment shift <0.1 mV (r(2) = 0.189, p <0.0001) were high CFI (p <0.0001), intracoronary occlusive RR interval (p = 0.0467), right coronary artery as the ischemic region (p <0.0001), and absence of arterial hypertension (p = 0.0132). "High" CFI according to receiver operating characteristics analysis was ≥0.217 (area under receiver operating characteristics curve 0.647, p <0.0001). In conclusion, absence of ECG ST-segment shift during brief coronary occlusion in patients with chronic coronary artery disease conveys a decreased mortality and is directly influenced by a well-developed collateral supply to the right versus left coronary ischemic region and by the absence of systemic hypertension in a patient's history.


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Assessment of elderly patients with severe aortic stenosis and decisions in terms of management strategy (conservative with or without balloon aortic valvuloplasty, transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) or surgical aortic valve replacement) are complex and warrant a multidisciplinary approach involving collaboration between experienced cardiac surgeons, interventional cardiologists, cardiac imaging specialists, anaesthesiologists, geriatricians and a specialised nursing staff. Patient history, comorbid conditions, perioperative risk stratification as well as anatomical and procedural considerations require careful review on an individual, case-by-case basis and have a major impact on treatment allocation. The aims of this article are to provide insights into the fundamental role of appropriate patient screening and selection, and to review the nature, management and prevention of the most important procedural complications associated with the TAVI procedure.


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Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) for the treatment of symptomatic severe aortic stenosis has emerged as an effective treatment for high risk patients. In 2002 TAVI was performed for the first time in a human by Alain Cribier, using an antegrade access approach via the femoral vein, crossing the intra-atrial septum after puncture and passing the native aortic valve in the direction of blood flow. This technically demanding approach was subsequently replaced by retrograde transfemoral arterial access. For patients with severe peripheral vascular disease or inadequately sized femoral arteries, the transapical route provides an alternative route with antegrade access to the aortic valve via puncture of the anterolateral wall of the left ventricle. The transsubclavian access approach using most frequently the left subclavian artery and direct transaortic access have been introduced more recently and attest to the versatility of TAVI in terms of access site. This article will focus on the different access site options available to operators, provide a step-by-step guide through the procedure, and a detailed description of the technological evolution of transcatheter heart valve systems.