831 resultados para International Labour Organisation.


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Avec la globalisation de l’économie, l’entreprise traditionnelle est devenue un réseau global de producteurs liés par des contrats. À la suite de certains abus commis par les entreprises multinationales, notamment en ce qui concerne les droits fondamentaux des travailleurs, les entreprises et la société civile ont développé des mécanismes de régulation privés dont les codes de conduite privés. La présente étude cherche à déterminer quels pouvaient être les véritables destinataires des codes de conduite : les travailleurs du pays d’origine de l’entreprise (généralement situés dans un pays développé) ou les travailleurs des pays de production (généralement situés dans des pays en développement). À cette fin, le mémoire compare le contenu des codes de conduite de Nike, de Gap et de Levi-Strauss sur ce sujet avec les observations de l’Organisation internationale du travail pour les travailleurs des États-Unis, de l’Inde et du Bangladesh. Certains écarts entre les protections accordées par les codes et les besoins des travailleurs sont ainsi identifiés. Dans la dernière partie du mémoire, la question d’étude est élargie afin d’examiner si les codes ne seraient pas destinés à des personnes autres que les travailleurs, soient les consommateurs, les actionnaires ou l’entreprise elle-même.


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Les principes et droits fondamentaux au travail, reconnus au sein de la communauté internationale depuis l'adoption de la Déclaration relative aux principes et droits fondamentaux au travail de 1998 par l'Organisation internationale du Travail (OIT), ont connu un succès inespéré dans la dernière décennie. Ils ont essaimé dans des instruments de régulation de diverses organisations internationales et d'acteurs clés de la société civile internationale. Il est maintenant possible de les trouver mentionnés dans des accords commerciaux de libre-échange entre États, ou dans les initiatives unilatérales des entreprises transnationales, comme les codes de conduite, et bilatérales, comme dans les accords-cadres passés avec les Fédérations syndicales internationales. Si ce phénomène d'appropriation  et de diffusion des principes et des droits fondamentaux au travail est louable, du moins en théorie, il soulève par ailleurs des problèmes systémiques au plan pratique. Les acteurs internationaux ont nettement privilégié des instruments de régulation non contraignants, dits de soft law, à côté des méthodes plus traditionnelles de réglementation du travail, comme celles découlant des obligations juridiques conventionnelles ou coutumières ayant pour destinataires les États souverains. Tant dans la forme que dans le fond, qu'elles soient d'origine publique ou privée, assorties ou non de mécanisme de suivi, les trajectoires normatives mises de l'avant par les acteurs internationaux embrassent souvent désormais une philosophie de la souplesse. Cette tendance conforte-t-elle le respect des droits des travailleurs sur le terrain ? En outre, la pluralité des mécanismes de contrôle ou de suivi, ainsi que la diversité des acteurs chargés d'appliquer les principes et droits fondamentaux au travail, concourent à la production d'interprétations parfois contradictoires entre elles. Laquelle aura préséance et qui en jugera dans un contexte décentralisé de mise en œuvre ? N'y a-t-il pas là un danger d'implosion du droit international du travail ? Dans ce contexte, l'adoption d'un nouvel instrument souple de régulation par l'OIT, la Déclaration de l'OIT sur la justice sociale pour une mondialisation équitable de 2008, peut-elle octroyer pour l'avenir à cette organisation internationale un certain leadership dans l'interprétation des principes et droits fondamentaux des travailleurs qui, pour lors, demeure le fait d'une pluralité d'acteurs internationaux comme nationaux ? 


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Malgré une demande croissante dans le secteur du travail domestique et un poids économique mondial considérable, les travailleuses domestiques migrantes demeurent parmi les plus précaires et les plus exploitées de la planète. Invisibles, isolées et travaillant pour des particuliers dans des résidences privées, elles échappent aux catégories traditionnelles d’emploi. Ces travailleuses se retrouvent alors à évoluer en marge du cadre légal ou encore, elles peinent à faire appliquer correctement les lois conçues pour les protéger. Ce mémoire cherche donc à analyser les manières d’envisager le droit afin de garantir un réel accès à la justice pour les travailleuses domestiques migrantes. En abordant d’abord les obstacles systémiques qui font échec à la réglementation du secteur domestique à travers le monde, cette recherche démontre une inadéquation du droit traditionnel à la réalité des travailleuses par l’analyse des effets de la réglementation canadienne qui leur est applicable. À la lumière de la récente Convention concernant le travail décent pour les travailleuses et travailleurs domestiques, ce mémoire démontre qu’une conceptualisation du droit basée sur le pluralisme juridique fournit des alternatives aux travailleuses domestiques migrantes pour accéder à la justice. Ultimement, l’empowerment de ces travailleuses par leur inclusion dans le dialogue social couplé à une réglementation adaptée à leur réalité permettra d’assurer une protection efficace de leurs droits.


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Pastoralism and ranching are two different rangeland-based livestock systems in dryland areas of East Africa. Both usually operate under low and irregular rainfall and consequently low overall primary biomass production of high spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Both are usually located far from town centres, market outlets and communication, medical, educational, banking, insurance and other infrastructure. Whereas pastoralists can be regarded as self-employed, gaining their livelihood from managing their individually owned livestock on communal land, ranches mostly employ herders as wage labourers to manage the livestock owned by the ranch on the ranches’ own land property. Both production systems can be similarly labour intensive and – with regard to the livestock management – require the same type of work, whether carried out as self-employed pastoralist or as employed herder on a work contract. Given this similarity, the aim of this study was to comparatively assess how pastoralists and employed herders in northern Kenya view their working conditions, and which criteria they use to assess hardship and rewards in their daily work and their working life. Their own perception is compared with the concept of Decent Work developed by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Samburu pastoralists in Marsabit and Samburu Districts as well as herders on ranches in Laikipia District were interviewed. A qualitative analysis of 47 semi-structured interviews yielded information about daily activities, income, free time, education and social security. Five out of 22 open interviews with pastoralists and seven out of 13 open interviews with employed herders fully transcribed and subjected to qualitative content analysis to yield life stories of 12 informants. Pastoralists consider it important to have healthy and satisfied animals. The ability to provide food for their family especially for the children has a high priority. Hardships for the pastoralists are, if activities are exhausting, and challenging, and dangerous. For employed herders, decent conditions are if their wages are high enough to be able to provide food for their family and formal education for their children. It is further most important for them to do work they are experienced and skilled in. Most employed herders were former pastoralists, who had lost their animals due to drought or raids. There are parallels between the ILO ‘Decent Work’ concept and the perception of working conditions of pastoralists and employed herders. These are, for example, that remuneration is of importance and the appreciation by either the employer or the community is desired. Some aspects that are seen as important by the ILO such as safety at work and healthy working conditions only play a secondary role to the pastoralists, who see risky and dangerous tasks as inherent characteristics of their efforts to gain a livelihood in their living environment.


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Diversas clasificaciones radiológicas han sido desarrolladas para apoyar el diagnóstico de la neumoconiosis. El propósito de este estudio fue comparar la concordancia de los hallazgos radiográficos relacionados con el diagnóstico de neumoconiosis detectados en la lectura de la radiografía de tórax realizada por medico entrenado en sistema de clasificación de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT 2.000) y radiólogo especialista. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo. Se comparó la lectura realizada a 142 radiografías de tórax convencionales respecto a hallazgos sugestivos de neumoconiosis detectados por el medico entrenado en la clasificación internacional de la OIT y radiólogo especialista, utilizando el índice de Kappa para concordancia entre dos observadores, también se tuvieron en cuenta observaciones reportadas sobre calidad cinematográfica en la toma de la radiografía y otros hallazgos diferentes o afines a neumoconiosis. Resultados: En 47 lecturas OIT, 33,1% y 9,9% (14) lecturas de radiólogo, hubo hallazgos sugestivos de neumoconiosis. En 123 (86,6%) lecturas OIT y 1 (0,7%) lectura de radiólogo, hubo hallazgos de falta de calidad técnica. En 26 (18,3%) lecturas OIT, y 9 (6,3%) lecturas de radiólogo, hubo detección de otros hallazgos. El acuerdo inter-lector de hallazgos sugestivos de neumoconiosis fue débil con un valor Kappa de 0.245, el de Calidad técnica fue pobre, con valor Kappa de 0.02 y el acuerdo en la detección de otros hallazgos diferentes a neumoconiosis fue débil con valor Kappa de 0.274. Conclusiones: El sistema de clasificación de la OIT puede ser más sensible para detectar hallazgos sugestivos de neumoconiosis, de falta de calidad técnica y otros hallazgos en la radiografía de tórax.


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En junio de 2000 el Departamento Nacional de Estadística de Colombia adopto una nueva definición de medición de desempleo siguiendo los estándares sugeridos por la organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT). El cambio de definición implico una reducción de la tasa de desempleo en cerca de dos puntos porcentuales. En este documento contrastamos la experiencia colombiana con otra experiencias internacionales, y analizamos las implicaciones empíricas y teóricas de este cambio de definición usando dos tipos de estimaciones cuantitativas: en la primera se contrasta las principales características de las diferentes categorías clasificadas según la definición nueva y vieja de desempleo (empleado, desempleado y fuera de la fuerza laboral) usando el algoritmo EM; en la segunda se pone a prueba la implicación del desempleo estructural y su relación con el perfil educacional de personas desempleadas y las características teóricas que enfrentan los estándares de la OIT en la definición de empleo.


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Introducción: La inhalación de polvo de carbón favorece el desarrollo de neumoconiosis, causa daños irreversibles al pulmón que se identifican radiológicamente. Los síntomas son tardíos y la patología se puede desarrollar tras varios años de exposición. Objetivo: Caracterizar los hallazgos radiográficos según la metodología de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) 2000 y relacionarlos con la sintomatología respiratoria en trabajadores expuestos a polvo de carbón en las labores de minería de socavón en el departamento de Boyacá, Colombia, 2015. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal realizado en 232 mineros, se indagó características sociodemográficas, signos y síntomas del sistema respiratorio. Se realizó radiografías de tórax y se aplicó la metodología OIT para describir los hallazgos. Se estableció asociación estadística a través de la prueba Chi cuadrado de Pearson. Para el procesamiento de la información se utilizó el programa SPSS statistics 2.3 Resultados: Toda la población fue de sexo masculino, con una edad promedio de 40,8 años. El cargo de picador fue el más frecuente en 72,4% de los trabajadores. Las radiografías mostraron opacidades pequeñas redondeadas (q/q) en 42%. La expectoración fue el síntoma más frecuente 66,4%. Se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre el tabaquismo con las anomalía parenquimatosas (p=0,002).Conclusión: La prevalencia de neumoconiosis para el departamento de Boyacá fue de 29.7% entre los trabajadores valorados según los criterios OIT para lectura de radiografías de tórax, por lo que se requiere poner en práctica medidas de control a fin de reducir al mínimo la exposición de los trabajadores.


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This thesis examines the evolution of national training policy in Fiji since 1973 with a particular emphasis on the national levy-grant scheme that was introduced in Fiji in that same year. Developments in the Fiji National Training Council (FNTC) levy-grants scheme since its inception, including substantive amendments to the legislation in late 2002, form part of the scholarship. The thesis will provide an analytical narration of the training policy objectives and their transformation over a time span of almost three decades in the context of a small island nation. To inform this study, it was considered essential to compare the Fiji experience of levy grants schemes with other levy grants scheme. The author decided to use as the focal comparative benchmark the case of the Skills Development Fund (SDF) in Singapore. The SDF has been increasingly portrayed, by the World Bank, the International Labour Organisation and other influential agencies, as the best practice case when it comes to managing a training levy grants scheme. The thesis adopted a qualitative approach that utilized elements of case study, historical research, and key person interviews. The challenges of doing 'insider* research were explored because of its pertinence to the study. Because the study also involved the comparison of the policy experiences of two distinct countries, it was imperative to consider the issues and challenges of undertaking comparative research with particular reference to training matters- Given that training is often enmeshed with other human resources management issues, cognisance was taken of some of the broader debates in this regard. Following consideration of the methodological issues, the research paper explores the objectives of national training strategies and, in particular, issues relating to national competitiveness and skills development. The purpose is to situate the issue of training and skills development within the broader discourse of national development. Alternative approaches to the strategic role of training are considered both at the national and organisational level and some of the classic and current debates surrounding human capital investment are visited. The thesis then proceeds to examine the forms of, and rationale for government interventions in the area of training. One of the challenges both in practice and theoretically is to arrive at a consensual definition of training because of the constantly evolving context and boundaries in which training policies are fashioned. This provides the setting to examine the role that governments can and do play in skills development and how levy-grant schemes, in particular, contribute to the process. Three forms of levy grants schemes are identified and examined: levy-generating; levy-exemption; and levy-grant and reimbursement schemes. The levy-grant and reimbursement variant is the basic thrust of this thesis. In this regard, the UK experience with the levy-grant system from 1964 to 1981 is also reviewed. Some of the issues in relation to training levies are scrutinized including the levy as a sheltered source of training finance, levy rates, duration of levy, impact of levy on the quality and quantity of training, benefits to small businesses, links between training and strategic business objectives, repackaging of training to qualify for grants, and the process by which training levy policies are devised. In looking at the policy formulation, it was necessary to unpack the processes involved and explore the role of the state further. In relation to policy development and implementation, the consultation processes, role of bureaucrats, the policy context, and approaches to policy transfer are examined. In looking at the role of the state in policy development, the alternative roles of government are explored and the concepts of the 'developmental state' and the 'corporatist state* evaluated. The notion of the developmental state has particular relevance to this study given the emphasis placed by the Singaporean government on human resource development policies. This sets the scene for a detailed examination of the role of levy-grant training schemes in Fiji and Singapore. The Skills Development Fund in Singapore was developed as an integral component of national economic policy when the Singaporean government decided to break out of the 'low-skills' trap and move the economy towards a higher value adding structure. The levy-grant system was designed to complement the strategy by focusing on upgrading the skills of employees on lower incomes, the assumption being that employees on lower remuneration were more likely to need skills upgrading. The study notes that the early objectives of the SDF were displaced when it was revealed that the bulk of SDF expenditure was directed at higher level supervisory and management training. As a result, the SDF had to refocus its activities on small and medium enterprises and the workers who were likely to miss out on formal training opportunities. The Singaporean context also shows trade unions playing a significant role in worker education and literacy programmes financed under the SDF. To understand this requires some understanding of the historical linkages between the present Singaporean government and trade union leadership. Another aspect of the development of the SDF has been the constant shifting of the institutional responsibility for the scheme. As late as September 2003, the SDF was again moved, this time to the newly created Singapore Workforce Development Agency, with the focus turning to lifelong learning and assisting Singaporeans who are unemployed or made redundant as a result of the economic restructuring. The Fiji experience with the FNTC scheme is different. It evolved in the context of perceived skills shortages but there was a degree of ambiguity over its objectives. There were no specific linkages with economic policy. Relationships with other public training institutions and more recently, private training providers, have been fraught with difficulties. The study examines the origins of the policy, the early difficulties including perceived employer grievances, and the numerous external assessments of the Fiji levy-grant scheme noting that some of them were highly critical. The thesis also examines an attempted reform of the scheme in 1992-93 that proved unsuccessful and the more recent legislative reforms to the scheme in 2002 that have expanded the role of the scheme to encompass, inter alia, national occupational standards and accreditation activities. The thesis concludes by comparing the two schemes noting that the SDF is well entrenched as a policy instrument in Singapore whilst the FNTC is facing a struggle to assert its legitimacy in Fiji.


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Despite the tremendous economic progress made by the Chinese economy, averaging a nine percent growth per year, one section of the community remains outside the economic boom. As state-owned enterprises (SOEs) restructure into more efficient organisations able to compete in the global economy, the plight of workers within these enterprises has become a pressing issue. No longer able to depend on a job for life, these workers present challenges for local governments. One initiative proposed by the International Labour Organisation called the Start Your Own Business (SYB) Program has been identified as a way to retrain laid-off workers, xiagang. By focussing on one city in China, this paper analyses some of the key issues associated with this program. Using anecdotal evidence from workers who have undergone the retraining, the paper has identified at least three areas of concern for workers participating in the SYB retraining program. Access to seed funding, the implementation of knowledge and skills into practice, and furthering support and guidance in market analysis remain issues for the continued success of this program.


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The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean, and secretariat of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) convened a Seminar on Caribbean Development Thinking: The Path Covered and the Way Forward, in Port of Spain on 21 October 2009. The meeting was attended by representatives of the following CDCC member countries: Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago. Representatives of the following organizations of the United Nations system also attended: the International Labour Organisation (ILO); Joint United Nations Project on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS); and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The following intergovernmental organizations were represented: the Caribbean Community (CARICOM); the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB); the Caribbean Regional Negotiating Mechanism/Caribbean Community (CRNM/CARICOM); Delegation of the European Commission in Trinidad and Tobago; the Organisation of American States (OAS); and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). The University of the West Indies (UWI) also participated. The list of participants appears as annex I to this report.


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The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) with support from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Central Statistical Office in Saint Lucia convened a two-day Regional Workshop on Informal Sector Surveys for the Caribbean Subregion from 12 – 13 October 2009 in Castries, Saint Lucia. This workshop was one of the culminating activities of the United Nations Statistical Division-commissioned project Measurement of the Informal Sector and Informal Employment being conducted in the subregion since 2007. It was aimed primarily at disseminating the results of a 1-2 survey of the informal sector which was carried out in Saint Lucia over the period April 2008 to January 2009.


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The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean, with support from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Central Statistics Office in Saint Lucia, convened a two-day Data Dissemination Workshop on the Informal Sector and Informal Employment on 12 -13 October 2009 in Castries, Saint Lucia. This workshop was one of the culminating activities of the Interregional Project on the Measurement of the Informal Sector and Informal Employment being conducted in the Caribbean subregion. The workshop served as a forum for presenting the findings of the survey of the informal sector which was carried out in Saint Lucia over the period April 2008 to January 2009.


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A educação escolar para povos indígenas serve historicamente aos propósitos colonizadores de integração e assimilação à sociedade hegemônica. A partir do protagonismo de lideranças indígenas e das conquistas legais inscritas na Constituição Federal de 1988, na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB- Lei 9.394/96) e na Convenção 169 da Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT), a escola indígena passa a se constituir espaço privilegiado e estratégico de diálogos interculturais, onde se trabalham tanto os conhecimentos tradicionais, como os demais conhecimentos requeridos pelos interessados à qualificação de quadros técnicos e políticos na/para o movimento indígena. Na dissertação, apresenta-se a trajetória histórica do povo Kyikatêjê, desde o atual estado da Maranhão até a Reserva Indígena Mãe Maria, na região Sudeste do estado do Pará. Trabalha-se a apropriação de direitos à educação escolar pelos Kyikatêjê que no exercício da autonomia e da autodeterminação constroem no espaço da escola Tatakti Kyikatêjê os rumos da educação escolar que se constitui, hoje, em instrumento de luta face à negação e não-efetividade de direitos. Contextualizam-se as estratégias de lideranças e parceiros dos povos indígenas no enfrentamento cotidiano pela efetivação do direito à educação escolar nos diversos níveis de ensino, conforme a demanda pela preparação de quadros para atuar na defesa e promoção de direitos relativos aos territórios, à educação de qualidade nas aldeias, à saúde e à sustentabilidade econômica frente às históricas ameaças. Tais estratégias correspondem ao esforço de se instituir e manter-se Kyikatêjê.


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