1000 resultados para Internal circulation


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To develop Y-shaped plates with different thicknesses to be used in simulated fractures of the mandibular condyle. Ten plates were developed in Y shape, containing eight holes, and 30 synthetic polyurethane mandible replicas were developed for the study. The load test was performed on an Instron Model 4411 universal testing machine, applying load in the mediolateral and anterior-posterior positions on the head of the condyle. Two-way ANOVA with Tukey testing with a 5% significance level was used. It was observed that when the load was applied in the medial-lateral plate of greater thickness (1.5 mm), it gave the highest strength, while in the anteroposterior direction, the plate with the highest resistance was of the lesser thickness (0.6 mm). A plate with a thickness of 1.5 mm was the one with the highest average value for all displacements. In the anteroposterior direction, the highest values of resistance were seen in the displacement of 15 mm. After comparing the values of the biomechanical testing found in the scientific literature, it is suggested that the use of Y plates are suitable for use in subcondylar fractures within the limitations of the study.


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This study evaluated the influence of internal tooth bleaching with 38% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on the permeability of the coronal dentin in maxillary anterior teeth and premolars. Seventy teeth (14 per group) were used: central incisors (CI), lateral incisor (LI), canines (C), first premolars (1PM) and second premolars (2PM). Pulp chamber access and transversal sectioning at 2 mm from the cementoenamel junction were performed and the specimens were divided into 2 groups (n= 7): a) no treatment and b) bleaching with 38% H2O2. The bleaching agent was applied to the buccal surface and to the pulp chamber for 10 min. This procedure was repeated 3 times. The specimens were processed histochemically with copper sulfate and rubeanic acid, sectioned longitudinally, and digitalized in a scanner. The area of stained dentin was measured using Image Tool software. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's HSD test (?=0.05). There was statistically significant difference (p<0.001) among the untreated groups, CI (0.23 ± 0.26) having the lowest permeability and LI (10.14 ± 1.89) the highest permeability. Among the bleached groups, dentin permeability was increased in all groups of teeth except for 2PM. It may be concluded that bleaching with 38% H2O2 affected dentin permeability near the pulp chamber in maxillary anterior teeth and in first and second premolars.


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The circulation and transport of suspended particulate matter in the Caravelas Estuary are assessed. Nearly-synoptic hourly hydrographic, current (ADCP velocity and volume transport) and suspended particulate matter data were collected during a full semidiurnal spring tide, on the two transects Boca do Tomba and Barra Velha and on longitudinal sections at low and high tide. On the first transect the peak ebb currents (-1.5 ms-1) were almost twice as strong as those of the wider and shallow Barra Velha inlet (-0.80 ms-1) and the peak flood currents were 0.75 and 0.60 ms-1, respectively. Due to the strong tidal currents both inlets had weak vertical salinity stratification and were classified with the Stratification-circulation Diagram as Type 2a (partially mixed-weakly stratified) and Type 1a (well mixed). Volume transports were very close, ranging from -3,500 to 3,100 m³s-1 at the ebb and flood, respectively, with a residual -630 m³s-1. The concentration of the suspended particulate matter was closely related to the tidal variation and decreased landwards from 50 mg.L-1 at the estuary mouth, to 10 mg.L-1 at distances of 9 and 16 km for the low and high tide experiments, respectively. The total residual SPM transport was out of the estuary at rates of -18 tons per tidal cycle.


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The results obtained in the August and December 2003, August 2004 and January 2005 oceanographic campaigns in the northern region of the Todos os Santos Bay (lat. 12º44.5'S; long. 038º35.00'W) between the Madre de Deus and Maré islands are analyzed. Instruments of continuous and discrete samplings were used to measure hydrographic properties currents and tides. The water mass of the northern region of the bay is forced by semidiurnal and mesotides of form number 0.08 and the lunar component M2 height was estimated at 91cm. The time series of the surface currents indicated movements in the N/S direction, forced by the tide with maximum magnitudes of 0.73 m.s-1 on the December 2003 campaign. However, in August 2004 the currents were dominated by the wind stress forcing, with a maximum speed of 1.85 m.s-1 and SE direction. Near the bottom, the influence of the tide is not as evident, with a decrease in intensity due to internal and bottom friction, with a maximum velocity of 0.17 m.s-1. The thermal and haline structures were weakly horizontally, as well as vertically stratified, with extreme values varying in the intervals 23ºC (August, 2004) to 28ºC (December, 2003) and 31.0 psu (August, 2003) to 36.0 psu (December, 2003), respectively. Some conclusions may be drawn from these results: i) The signs of the dilution of the fresh water discharges of the Caípe, Mataripe and São Paulo rivers in the region under the influence of the RLAM were observed only during the winter periods, but in the summer the region was flooded by waters of oceanic origin and the salinities above 36.0 indicated TW mass intrusion; ii) The N-S circulation near the RLAM is strongly dominated by the tide, and the importance of the M2 component was unequivocal, however, the E-W component presented some tidal modulation away from abrupt bottom topographical changes, and iii) The residual series, calculated as the difference between the original and modeled, is about ¼ of the original and confirmed its semidiurnal character.


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Yellow fever (YF) is an acute viral infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes which occurs in two distinct epidemiological cycles: sylvatic and urban. In the sylvatic cycle, the virus is maintained by monkey's infection and transovarian transmission in vectors. Surveillance of non-human primates is required for the detection of viral circulation during epizootics, and for the identification of unaffected or transition areas. An ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) was standardized for estimation of the prevalence of IgG antibodies against yellow fever virus in monkey sera (Alouatta caraya) from the reservoir area of Porto Primavera Hydroelectric Plant, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 570 monkey sera samples were tested and none was reactive to antibodies against yellow fever virus. The results corroborate the epidemiology of yellow fever in the area. Even though it is considered a transition area, there were no reports to date of epizootics or yellow fever outbreaks in humans. Also, entomological investigations did not detect the presence of vectors of this arbovirus infection. ELISA proved to be fast, sensitive, an adequate assay, and an instrument for active search in the epidemiological surveillance of yellow fever allowing the implementation of prevention actions, even before the occurrence of epizootics.


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Daytime fatigue and lack of sleep seem to increase throughout adolescent years. Several environmental, psychological, and biological factors have been associated with the development of sleep across adolescence. The aim of the present article is to summarize these factors and to give examples of various outcomes in sleep patterns among adolescents studied in different cultural settings. It is obvious from earlier work that many adolescents have displaced circadian rhythms and lack of adaptation to school hours due to an early school start or additional burdens for work. Several interventions have aimed to help the adaptation process by supporting sleep processes and changing scheduling, in this way promoting classroom alertness. In summary, adolescents worldwide shorten their sleep due to schoolwork hours and additional work, especially by disturbing their sleep due to circadian misalignment


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Abstract The importance of thrombosis and anticoagulation in clinical practice is rooted firmly in several fundamental constructs that can be applied both broadly and globally. Awareness and the appropriate use of anticoagulant therapy remain the keys to prevention and treatment. However, to assure maximal efficacy and safety, the clinician must, according to the available evidence, choose the right drug, at the right dose, for the right patient, under the right indication, and for the right duration of time. The first International Symposium of Thrombosis and Anticoagulation in Internal Medicine was a scientific program developed by clinicians for clinicians. The primary objective of the meeting was to educate, motivate and inspire internists, cardiologists and hematologists by convening national and international visionaries, thought-leaders and dedicated clinician-scientists in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This article is a focused summary of the symposium proceedings


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A febre amarela (FA) é doença infecciosa aguda de origem viral transmitida por mosquitos. No ciclo silvestre, o vírus é mantido por meio da infecção de macacos e da transmissão transovariana nos vetores. A vigilância sobre populações de primatas não humanos torna-se necessária para detectar a circulação viral, quando ainda está restrito a epizootias, e para determinar sua presença em regiões indenes ou de transição para a doença. Padronizou-se a técnica ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) para determinar a prevalência de anticorpos da classe IgG contra o vírus da FA em soros de bugios (Alouatta caraya) da região do reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica de Porto Primavera, SP. Foram testados soros de 570 macacos sendo que nenhuma amostra mostrou-se reativa para a presença de anticorpos contra o vírus da FA. Os resultados são coerentes com a epidemiologia da FA na região. Mesmo sendo área de transição, não se conhece, até o momento, ocorrência de epizootia ou surto de FA em humanos e investigações entomológicas não apontaram a presença de vetores para esta arbovirose. A técnica mostrou-se sensível, rápida e útil à vigilância epidemiológica como instrumento de busca ativa permitindo desencadear ações preventivas, como vacinação, antes mesmo do surgimento de epizootias


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The evolution of internal stresses in oxide scales growing on polycrystalline Fe(3)Al alloy in atmospheric air at 700 degrees C was determined using in situ energy-dispersive synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Ex situ texture analyses were performed after 5 h of oxidation at 700 degrees C. Under these conditions, the oxide-scale thickness, as determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, lies between 80 and 100 nm. The main phase present in the oxide scales is alpha-Al(2)O(3), with minor quantities of metastable theta-Al(2)O(3) detected in the first minutes of oxidation, as well as alpha-Fe(2)O(3). alpha-Al(2)O(3) grows with a weak (0001) fiber texture in the normal direction. During the initial stages of oxidation the scale develops, increasing levels of compressive stresses which later evolve to a steady state condition situated around -300 MPa. (C) 2010 International Centre for Diffraction Data. [DOI: 10.1154/1.3402764]


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Segments of the canine internal mammary artery (35 mm in length) were suspended in vitro in an organ chamber containing physiological salt solution (95% O(2)/5% CO(2), pH = 7.4, 37 degrees C). Segments were individually cannulated and perfused at 5 ml/minute using a roller pump. Vasorelaxant activity of the effluent from the perfused internal mammary arteries was bioassayed by measuring the decrease in tension induced by the effluent of the coronary artery endothelium-free ring which had been contracted with prostaglandin F(2 alpha) (2 x 10(-6) M). Intraluminal perfusion of adenosine diphosphate (10(-5) M) induced significant increase in relaxant activity in the effluent from the perfused blood vessel. However, when adenosine diphosphate (10(-5) M) was added extraluminally to the internal mammary artery, no change in relaxant activity in the effluent was noted. In contrast, acetylcholine produced significant increase in the relaxant activity on the effluent of the perfused internal mammary artery with both intraluminal and extraluminal perfusion. The intraluminal and extraluminal release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) by acetylcholine (10(-5) M) can be inhibited by site-specific administration of atropine (10(-5) M). These experiments indicate that certain agonists can induce the release of EDRF only by binding to intravascular receptors while other agonists can induce endothelium-dependent vasodilatation by acting on neural side receptors.


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Elastic properties of freestanding porous silicon layers fabricated by electrochemical anodization were studied by Raman scattering. Different anodization currents provided different degrees of porosity in the nanometer scale. Raman lines corresponding to the longitudinal optical phonons of crystalline and amorphous phases were observed. The amorphous volume fraction increased and the phonon frequencies for both phases decreased with increasing porosity. A strain distribution model is proposed whose fit to the experimental results indicates that the increasing nanoscale porosity causes strain relaxation in the amorphous domains and strain buildup in the crystalline ones. The present analysis has significant implications on the estimation of the crystalline Si domain's characteristic size from Raman scattering data. (C) 2009 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/1.3225832] All rights reserved.


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The variability of the meridional overturning circulation (MOC) in the upper tropical Atlantic basin is investigated using a reduced-gravity model in a simplified domain. Four sets of idealized numerical experiments are performed: (i) switch-on of the MOC until a fixed value when a constant northward flow is applied along the western boundary; (ii) MOC with a variable flow; (iii) MOC in a quasi-steady flow; and (iv) shutdown of the MOC in the Northern Hemisphere. Results from experiments (i) show that eddies are generated at the equatorial region by shear instability and detached northward; eddies are responsible for an enhancement of the mean flow and the variability of the MOC. Results from experiments (ii) show a transitional behavior of the MOC related to the eddy generation in interannual-decadal time scales as the Reynolds number varies due to the variations in the MOC. In experiments (iii), a critical Reynolds number Re(c) around 30 is found, above which eddies are generated. Experiments (iv) demonstrate that even after the collapse of MOC in the Northern Hemisphere, eddies can still be generated and carry energy across the equator into the Northern Hemisphere; these eddies act to attenuate the impact of the MOC shutdown on short time scales. The results described here may be particularly pertinent to ocean general circulation models in which the Reynolds number lies close to the bifurcation point separating the laminar and turbulent regimes.


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The Community Climate Model (CCM3) from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is used to investigate the effect of the South Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies on interannual to decadal variability of South American precipitation. Two ensembles composed of multidecadal simulations forced with monthly SST data from the Hadley Centre for the period 1949 to 2001 are analysed. A statistical treatment based on signal-to-noise ratio and Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) is applied to the ensembles in order to reduce the internal variability among the integrations. The ensemble treatment shows a spatial and temporal dependence of reproducibility. High degree of reproducibility is found in the tropics while the extratropics is apparently less reproducible. Austral autumn (MAM) and spring (SON) precipitation appears to be more reproducible over the South America-South Atlantic region than the summer (DJF) and winter (JJA) rainfall. While the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) region is dominated by external variance, the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) over South America is predominantly determined by internal variance, which makes it a difficult phenomenon to predict. Alternatively, the SACZ over western South Atlantic appears to be more sensitive to the subtropical SST anomalies than over the continent. An attempt is made to separate the atmospheric response forced by the South Atlantic SST anomalies from that associated with the El Nino - Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Results show that both the South Atlantic and Pacific SSTs modulate the intensity and position of the SACZ during DJF. Particularly, the subtropical South Atlantic SSTs are more important than ENSO in determining the position of the SACZ over the southeast Brazilian coast during DJF. On the other hand, the ENSO signal seems to influence the intensity of the SACZ not only in DJF but especially its oceanic branch during MAM. Both local and remote influences, however, are confounded by the large internal variance in the region. During MAM and JJA, the South Atlantic SST anomalies affect the magnitude and the meridional displacement of the ITCZ. In JJA, the ENSO has relatively little influence on the interannual variability of the simulated rainfall. During SON, however, the ENSO seems to counteract the effect of the subtropical South Atlantic SST variations on convection over South America.


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Ammonium nitrogen removal from a synthetic wastewater by nitrification and denitrification processes were performed in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor containing immobilized biomass on polyurethane foam with circulation of the liquid-phase. It was analyzed the effect of four external carbon sources (ethanol, acetate, carbon synthetic medium and methanol) acting as electron donors in the denitrifying process. The experiments were conducted with intermittent aeration and operated at 30+/-1 degrees C in 8-h cycles. The synthetic wastewater (100 mgCOD/L and 50 mgNH(4)(+)-N/L) was added batch-wise, while the external carbon sources were added fed-batch-wise during the periods where aeration was suspended. Ammonium nitrogen removal efficiencies obtained were 95.7, 94.3 and 97.5% for ethanol, acetate and carbon synthetic medium, respectively. As to nitrite, nitrate and ammonium nitrogen effluent concentrations, the results obtained were, respectively: 0.1, 5.7 and 1.4 mg/L for ethanol; 0.2, 4.1 and 1.8 mg/L for acetate and 0.2, 6.7 and 0.8 for carbon synthetic medium. On the other hand using methanol, even at low concentrations (50% of the stoichiometric value calculated for complete denitrification), resulted in increasing accumulation of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen in the effluent over time.


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The objective of this research was to study the behavior of two anaerobic sequencing batch reactors, containing immobilized biomass (AnSBBR), as a function of the ratio of the volume of treated medium in each cycle to the total volume of reaction medium. The reactors, in which mixing was accomplished by recirculation of the liquid phase, were maintained at 30 +/- 1 degrees C and treated different wastewaters in 8-h cycles. The operational conditions imposed had the objective to investigate whether maintenance of a residual volume in the reactor would affect, at the end of each cycle, process efficiency and stability, as well as to verify the intensity of the effect for different types of wastewaters and organic loading rates. The first reactor, with work volume of 2.5 L, treated reconstituted cheese whey at an organic loading rate of 12 g COD.L(-1).d(-1) and presented similar effluent quality for the four conditions under which it was operated: renewal of 100, 70, 50 and 25 % of its work volume at each cycle. Despite the fact that reduction in the renewed volume did not significantly affect effluent quality, in quantitative terms, this reduction resulted in an increase in the amount of organic matter removed by the first reactor. The second reactor, with work volume of 1.8 L, treated synthetic wastewater at organic loading rates of 3 and 5 g COD.L(-1).d(-1) and operated under two conditions for each loading: renewal of 100 and 50 % of its work volume. At the organic loading rate of 3 g COD.L(-1).d(-1), the results showed that both effluent quality and amount of organic matter removed by the second reactor were independent of the treated volume per cycle. At the organic loading rate of 5 g COD.L(-1).d(-1), although the reduction in the renewed volume did not affect the amount of organic matter removed by the reactor, effluent quality improved during reactor operation with total discharge of its volume. In general, results showed process stability under all conditions, evidencing reactor flexibility and the potential to apply this technology in the treatment of different types of wastewater.