891 resultados para Interdisciplinary care plan
Objective To introduce a new approach to problem-based learning (PBL) for self-directed learning in renal therapeutics. Design This 5-week course, designed for large student cohorts using minimal teaching resources, was based on a series of case studies and subsequent pharmaceutical care plans, followed by intensive and regular feedback from the instructor. Assessment Assessment of achievement of the learning outcomes was based on weekly-graded care plans and peer review assessment, allowing each student to judge the contributions of each group member and their own, along with a written case-study based examination. The pharmaceutical care plan template, designed using a “tick-box” system, significantly reduced staff time for feedback and scoring. Conclusion The proposed instructional model achieved the desired learning outcomes with appropriate student feedback, while promoting skills that are essential for the students' future careers as health care professionals.
Water from dental equipment presents risks for surgeon-dentists as well as for patients because it might work as a means of dissemination/ transmission of microoganisms. The objective of this study was to verify the quality of the water used in dental equipment by means of microbiological analysis, accomplishing the count of Staphylococcus spp.There have been collected, 160 samples of water from reserviors, taps used for hand washing, air-water syringes, and high-speed handpieces, in 40 dental offices in the city of Barretos, São Paulo. The rules concerning bacteriotogicaI analysis in cfu/mL from Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater have been followed. The analysis of the results has made it possible to verify that out of the total of samples, 28% did not meet the standards of potability established by the American Dental Association: Regarding the origin of analyzed S. aureus., the most contaminated sites were high-speed handpicces in private offices (761%) and in, ental care plan offices (71%), followed by air-water syringe in dental care plan offices (64%). For S. epidermitis samples, the most contaminated sites were high-speed handpieces in SUS (Brazilian Government Health System) dental offices (22%) and in dental care plan offices (14%) The most contaminated sites were dental offices that saw Patients under dental care plans, Concerning tested antibiotics, the ones that presented better results as to sensibility to strain S. epidermidis were vancomycin and ciprofloxacin (100%) and, as to sensibility to strain S. aureus, it was ciprofloxacin (97%).
The autonomy pedagogy allows the integration among theory, practice and reflection in the learning process. Applied to pharmaceutical care, the patient-centered process to achieve desired goals of therapy enables to build, rebuild and share knowledge and experiences with patients, in a critic and progressive way, inquiring and investigating. Therefore, it is possible to design a care plan according to patient experience, working together with the pharmaceutical care practitioner, to solve drugtherapy problems detected, with the patient as the center of the health care system. © 2012 Ediciones Mayo, S.A. Todos los derechos reservados.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objective: to identify the interference of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in the quality of life of affected, interventions and understanding by health professionals. Method: an integrative review, aiming to answer << What are the interference in the quality of life of post-AMI customers? >> and << What are the interventions proposed in order to minimize them? >>. We selected 12 articles available in the LILACS database, between 2000 and 2011, based on the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. Results: we have selected a total of 12 articles selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria pre-established. We obtained a classification into two themes (1) interference with quality of life and (2) proposals for interventions to minimize interference. Conclusions: highlights the importance of patient involvement in care plan well structured, multidisciplinary team integration and quantity of publications by heterogeneous country on the subject.
A Pediatric Intensive care Unit (PICU) is an environment where care is provided to seriously ill children. Hospitalization is regarded as an unpleasant experience that requires adaptation and routine change. To assess the opinion of relatives of children hospitalized at a PICU concerning tie breakage and/or separation between children and their families. It is a descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative study. A structured interview was conducted with the families of hospitalized children from July to September, 2010. The data were statistically analyzed. RESULTS: Twenty relatives were interviewed, 80% of whom believed that children’s behavior changes when they are present in the unit, and 85% considered the visitation time established to be sufficient. All the respondents reported to be satisfied about the care provided. The feelings prevailing in 50% of the relatives were fear and hope. Change in the family’s union after hospitalization occurred in 85% of the families. The most fearful aspect concerning the ICU is the equipment (25%), and the most worrisome, as regards personal life, is the separation from other children (65%). Health care professionals must pay more attention to relatives by including them in their health care plan so that the health care team and the family, who are essential in children’s recovery, can interact in a congenial fashion. It is also necessary to improve the knowledge related to that subject so that the health care team and families can work together towards children’s recovery
The study presented here aimed to understand how the traineeship supervisor can act for this moment to be a valuable learning for future teachers, with a view to her operations to expand the knowledge of students. For this, we analyzed the pedagogical actions that occurred during the supervised training of a pedagogy course at a public university situated in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Supported in qualitative research this investigation shows that the supervisory actions, in the view of interns, favored teacher education: respect for the supervisor to people; her orientation to the importance of reflecting on aspects recognized as negative, her help in the preparation of interdisciplinary lesson plan and the need for a flexible lesson plan; her presence in moments of interventions; feedback given and appreciation of the role of the educator in the teaching / learning.
Epidemiological data on the conditions of oral health are essential for professionals in the health care plan, execute and evaluate dental programs. In Brazil, most oral health programs directs its resources to middle schools, leaving the preschool children in a secondary plan. The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of dental caries in preschool children from 4-6 years of age from schools of child education (EMEIs) of the city of Araçatuba-SP. The study was conducted on a sample of 275 children of both genders, representative of the population of preschool children in the city of Araçatuba-SP. In order to assess the prevalence and severity of dental caries indices we used the dmft and DMFT indexes, according to the codes and standards recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).The average dmft of 1.88 was found, comprising 78% of decayed teeth, 21% of restaured teeth and 1% with indicated extraction teeth. Regarding the permanent dentition, the average DMFT was 0.08, consisting of 71% of decayed teeth, 29% restored and 0% of missing teeth. Based on results found, there was a high caries prevalence in deciduous and permanent teeth, demonstrating the need for more dental care to the group studied.
Trabalho multiprofissional: necessidades reais e as políticas públicas na atenção da população idosa
Concomitant with the aging process there is an increasing of incidence of chronic diseases. So, it emerges the need for adaptation in the health system that requires new skills of healthcare professionals in order to serve this population. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the aging process and establish preventive measures. These issues are still far from achieving the ideal, however, many government programs and universities have sought to improve themselves and adapt to this change through a plurality of actions and preventive or health promotion intervention which provide a more resolute and humanized care plan through a multidisciplinary approach.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
BACKGROUND An increasing number of childhood cancer survivors need long-term follow-up care. Different models address this problem, including that of follow-up by general practitioners (GP). We describe models that involve GPs in follow-up for childhood cancer survivors, their advantages and disadvantages, clinics that employ these models, and the elements essential to high-quality, GP-led follow-up care. PROCEDURE We searched four databases (PubMed [including Medline], Embase, Cochrane, and CINAHL) without language restrictions. RESULTS We found 26 publications, which explicitly mentioned GP-led follow-up. Two models were commonly described: GP-only, and shared care between GP and pediatric oncology or late effects clinic. The shared care model appears to have advantages over GP-only follow-up. We found four clinics using models of GP-led follow-up, described in five papers. We identified well-organized transition, treatment summary, survivorship care plan, education of GPs and guidelines as necessary components of successful follow-up. CONCLUSION Scarcity of literature necessitated a review rather than a meta-analysis. More research on the outcomes of GP-led care is necessary to confirm the model for follow-up of childhood cancer survivors in the long term. However, with the necessary elements in place, the model of GP-led follow-up, and shared care in particular, holds promise.
Background. Of the over five million annual pediatric visits to U.S. emergency departments, one-third to one-half are for non-emergent conditions. Minorities are more likely to utilize the emergency department (ED) for non-emergent conditions. Very little research has analyzed the role of illness type, perceived need, or family preferences in explaining this disparity. ^ Objectives. This study examined racial-ethnic differences in preferences for care among non-emergent users of the ED. ^ Research design. A random selection of pediatric non-emergent ED users within a single CHIP managed care plan were surveyed regarding attitudes and health care preferences. Preferences for ED utilization were analyzed by racial-ethnic category, controlling for illness type, child and guardian age, education level, language, and perceived need. ^ Results. A total of 250 families were surveyed. Most respondents reported having a regular doctor, satisfaction with their physician, and ready access to their physician. Fifteen percent of White, 39% of Hispanic, and 38% of Black families reported they preferred the emergency department for ill care. In multivariate analysis, Whites families were significantly less likely to prefer the emergency department for ill visits (odds ratio, 0.12; 95% confidence interval 0.03-0.55) compared to Blacks and Hispanics. ^ Conclusions. Racial-ethnic disparities in non-emergent ED utilization may be partially explained by different preferences for care. ^ Key words: children, emergency department, preferences for care, disparities ^
Introdução: A preocupação e a incorporação da problemática da saúde mental infantil nas políticas públicas de saúde são recentes, assim como o desenvolvimento de ações voltadas a esse cuidado. Preconiza-se que essa atenção se proceda a partir de uma rede composta por serviços atuando de modo articulado a outros setores. Objetivo: Analisar os processos e as condições de produção de cuidados em saúde mental de criança na perspectiva do modo psicossocial na Rede de Atenção Psicossocial. Método: Pesquisa qualitativa, com referencial teórico-metodológico oriundo da Análise Institucional, desenvolvida por meio de Observação Participante em (1) espaços de articulação entre serviços de saúde, (2) Unidade Básica de Saúde e (3) Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil (CAPSi) no município de Mauá, São Paulo. A Observação Participante permitiu reconhecer os procedimentos de cuidados no cotidiano dos serviços. Para aprofundamento da investigação, foram realizados Grupos Focais com profissionais da Estratégia de Saúde da Família e do CAPSi, com familiares de crianças que frequentam o CAPSi e com crianças usuárias do serviço. Os dados foram analisados e interpretados a partir de conceitos advindos da psicanálise winnicottiana, do modo de atenção psicossocial e da análise institucional. Resultados e Discussão: O interesse, o investimento político e o direcionamento das ações e da organização dos serviços, coerentes com a lógica de atenção psicossocial, têm propiciado um terreno fértil para a construção de práticas transformadoras de cuidado em saúde mental. A incorporação desse cuidado na Atenção Básica, ainda que apresente desafios e tensões entre o modelo instituído (departamentalizado em especialidades) e instituinte (saúde mental integrante da saúde geral), levou a mudanças nas ações e concepções dos profissionais. Contudo, o desenvolvimento de ações intersetoriais e a construção de uma rede ampliada de atenção têm sido limitados pela escassez de serviços e profissionais da rede e por diferentes concepções que atravessam o campo. Os participantes da pesquisa expressam visão conflitante em relação à concepção acerca de problemas de saúde mental e das expectativas quanto ao cuidado, sendo observada forte presença de uma cultura psiquiátrica, que se acentua nas falas dos familiares e na articulação com outros serviços, e uma inclinação a favor da atenção psicossocial, mais presente nas expressões dos profissionais. Nos serviços de saúde, há movimentos instituintes que enfatizam a integralidade da atenção, a interdisciplinaridade do cuidado, a multideterminação do processo saúde-doença, alinhados ao modo de atenção psicossocial. O acolhimento, o vínculo, a escuta e a confiança, importantes elementos do cuidado estão presente nas ações dos serviços. As intervenções terapêuticas têm sido desenvolvidas a partir da singularidade dos casos por meio de Projetos Terapêuticos Individuais, embora sejam consideradas aquém das necessidades das crianças, limitações advindas da escassez de profissionais e serviços da rede. Considerações Finais: Embora os serviços de saúde atuem na direção do cuidado alicerçado no modo psicossocial, eles têm atuado de forma pouco articulada com outros setores. A hegemonia da cultura psiquiátrica é um desafio a ser enfrentado. São urgentes ações que possam promover mudanças nessa cultura predominante e no imaginário social no que toca aos problemas de saúde mental e aceitação das diferenças.