996 resultados para Intensive agriculture


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Através de um estudo de caso, este trabalho testa como a delimitação da área de estudo pode influenciar o resultado de análises multiescalares em processos espaciais de mudanças na cobertura e uso da terra na Amazônia. Partindo dos limites dos municípios de Santarém e Belterra no Oeste do Estado do Pará, foram definidos três níveis de análise. O primeiro nível abrange uma região retangular arbitrariamente definida e denominada sub-região de Santarém. O segundo nível, uma parte do primeiro, corresponde a uma área de ocupação consolidada, definida pelo limite do entorno de lotes estabelecidos pelo INCRA na década de 1970. O terceiro nível corresponde às zonas de influência de quatro eixos viários inseridos na área de ocupação consolidada e subdivididos em sub-áreas norte e sul, num total de oito sub-áreas do segundo nível de delimitação. Para cada nível de análise, foram calculadas métricas de paisagem sobre mapeamentos temáticos de cobertura e uso das terras para os anos de 1986, 1997 e 2005, analisados conjuntamente com entrevistas feitas em campo. Os resultados mostram que as peculiaridades da dinâmica de ocupação em cada nível permitem melhor identificar padrões e processos revelados pela estrutura da paisagem. Em particular, nota-se a continuidade da fragmentação da floresta e o avanço da agricultura intensiva em diferentes taxas nas distintas porções da área de estudo. Os resultados obtidos para os três níveis de análise são complementares, possibilitando uma compreensão mais abrangente das mudanças de cobertura e uso da terra e de seus fatores condicionantes.


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Heavy metals and pesticides are usually associated with the main problems humankind has created in the natural environment. However, compounds with characteristics of essential macronutrients are causing serious environmental changes that could intensify, compromising the diversity of life on the planet. This is the case of nitrogen compounds, produced by industrial processes for use in intensive agriculture in addition to those unwittingly produced from human activities, available in excess in the environment. These compounds warrant greater attention from researchers in various fields of knowledge and public agencies for environmental control, toward minimizing their availability in the environment, thereby returning conditions closer to the natural environmental balance of the planet.


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With the increase in world population and scarcity of natural resources, efficient use of fertilizers becomes necessary for intensive agriculture. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Department of Agricultural Engineering, UNESP in Botucatu-SP. The treatments were derived from the combination of the soil salinity (E.C: 1.0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0 and 12.0 dS m-1), Fertigation management (M1 =traditional and M2 = with control of the ionic concentration of the soil solution) and beet cultivars (C1= Early Wonder and C2 = Itapuã) in a 5x2x2 factorial design with four replications in a randomized block design. Throughout the cultivation, the following variables were evaluated: height, stem diameter, length and diameter of plant roots. The height of the plant presented differently according to the Fertigation management and sensitive to levels of electrical conductivity in the soil. The diameter of the roots showed reductions of 3.55 and 2.48 mm for C1 and C2, respectively, every unit increase in electrical conductivity (EC) to M1. Based on the functional relationship of the best adjustment between the diameter of the roots and electrical conductivity in M2 gave an estimated maximum diameter of 90.78 mm to 94.67 mm for C1 and C2.


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[ES] El valle de La Aldea, al oeste de Gran Canaria, se dedica a la agricultura intensiva en un clima semi-árido. El agua de riego proviene de aguas superficiales y subterráneas. El acuífero está aislado del resto de la isla por el borde impermeable de la Caldera de Tejeda. El aluvial principal de La Aldea se comporta como un depósito de almacenamiento de agua que se llena y vacía, con un tiempo medio de renovación de aproximadamente 2 años. Las aguas subterráneas muestran una alta salinidad de origen natural, debido a la evapoconcentración de la deposición atmosférica y la interacción agua-roca, y antropogénica debida a los retornos de riego que producen contenidos en nitratos que pueden alcanzar los 700 mg/L. Se ha establecido un modelo conceptual de funcionamiento del acuífero y se han cuantificado los términos del balance de agua. El uso actual del acuífero está en conflicto con los requerimientos de la Directiva Marco del Agua (DMA). Sin embargo, dado que su uso es clave para el desarrollo económico del valle de La Aldea en particular, cabe plantear las excepciones legales específicas previstas en la DMA.


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Geochemical mapping is a valuable tool for the control of territory that can be used not only in the identification of mineral resources and geological, agricultural and forestry studies but also in the monitoring of natural resources by giving solutions to environmental and economic problems. Stream sediments are widely used in the sampling campaigns carried out by the world's governments and research groups for their characteristics of broad representativeness of rocks and soils, for ease of sampling and for the possibility to conduct very detailed sampling In this context, the environmental role of stream sediments provides a good basis for the implementation of environmental management measures, in fact the composition of river sediments is an important factor in understanding the complex dynamics that develop within catchment basins therefore they represent a critical environmental compartment: they can persistently incorporate pollutants after a process of contamination and release into the biosphere if the environmental conditions change. It is essential to determine whether the concentrations of certain elements, in particular heavy metals, can be the result of natural erosion of rocks containing high concentrations of specific elements or are generated as residues of human activities related to a certain study area. This PhD thesis aims to extract from an extensive database on stream sediments of the Romagna rivers the widest spectrum of informations. The study involved low and high order stream in the mountain and hilly area, but also the sediments of the floodplain area, where intensive agriculture is active. The geochemical signals recorded by the stream sediments will be interpreted in order to reconstruct the natural variability related to bedrock and soil contribution, the effects of the river dynamics, the anomalous sites, and with the calculation of background values be able to evaluate their level of degradation and predict the environmental risk.


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Organic management is one of the most popular strategies to reduce negative environmental impacts of intensive agriculture. However, little is known about benefits for biodiversity and potential worsening of yield under organic grasslands management across different grassland types, i.e. meadow, pasture and mown pasture. Therefore, we studied the diversity of vascular plants and foliage-living arthropods (Coleoptera, Araneae, Heteroptera, Auchenorrhyncha), yield, fodder quality, soil phosphorus concentrations and land-use intensity of organic and conventional grasslands across three study regions in Germany. Furthermore, all variables were related to the time since conversion to organic management in order to assess temporal developments reaching up to 18 years. Arthropod diversity was significantly higher under organic than conventional management, although this was not the case for Araneae, Heteroptera and Auchenorrhyncha when analyzed separately. On the contrary, arthropod abundance, vascular plant diversity and also yield and fodder quality did not considerably differ between organic and conventional grasslands. Analyses did not reveal differences in the effect of organic management among grassland types. None of the recorded abiotic and biotic parameters showed a significant trend with time since transition to organic management, except soil organic phosphorus concentrations which decreased with time. This implies that permanent grasslands respond slower and probably weaker to organic management than crop fields do. However, as land-use intensity and inorganic soil phosphorus concentrations were significantly lower in organic grasslands, overcoming seed and dispersal limitation by re-introducing plant species might be needed to exploit the full ecological potential of organic grassland management. We conclude that although organic management did not automatically increase the diversity of all studied taxa, it is a reasonable and useful way to support agro-biodiversity.


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Charcoal in unlaminated sediments dated by 210Pb was analysed by the pollen-slide and thin-section methods. The results were compared with the number and area of forest fires on different spatial scales in the area around Lago di Origlio as listed in the wildfire database of southern Switzerland since AD 1920. The influx of the number of charcoal particles > 75 µm2 in pollen slides correlates well with the number of annual forest fires recorded within a distance of 20-50 km from the coring site. Hence a size-class distinction or an area measurement by image analysis may not be absolutely necessary for the reconstruction of regional fire history. A regression equation was computed and tested against an independent data set. Its use makes it possible to estimate the charcoal area influx (or concentration) from the particle number influx (or concentration). Local fires within a radius of 2 km around the coring site correlate well with the area influx of charcoal particles estimated by the thin-section method measuring the area of charcoal particles larger than 20 000 µm2 or longer than 50 µm. Pollen percentages and influx values suggest that intensive agriculture and Castanea sativa cultivation were reduced 30-40 years ago, followed by an increase of forest area and a development to more natural woodlands. The traditional Castanea sativa cultivation was characterized by a complete use of the biomass produced, so abandonment of chestnut led to an increasing accumulation of dead biomass, thereby raising the fire risk. On the other hand, the pollen record of the regional vegetation does not show any clear response to the increase of fire frequency during the last three decades in this area.


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En Mendoza, Argentina, no existen antecedentes respecto de la presencia de elementos trazas, totales y disponibles, relacionados con el uso de los suelos en los oasis irrigados. El objetivo del trabajo, en esta etapa, fue determinar los contenidos totales de plomo (Pb), cadmio (Cd), cinc (Zn) y cobre (Cu) en la capa superficial de suelos (0-25 cm), diferenciados en siete tipos según una clasificación utilitaria: suelos vírgenes (SV); suelos de banquina (SB); suelos vecinos a banquina (SVB); suelos de agricultura intensiva (SAI); suelos de agricultura protegidos por lucha antigranizo (SLAG); suelos afectados por actividad industrial (SI) y suelos urbanos (SU). Sobre un total de 200 muestras se efectuó una digestión ácida en caliente y en los extractos se determinaron los metales en su fracción total, mediante espectrofotometría de absorción atómica (AAS). El análisis estadístico de los datos muestra que los niveles más elevados de Cu y Cd se detectan en SAI, con medias de 39,3 y 2,5 mg kg-1 respectivamente. En SI se observan los mayores valores de Pb, con una media de 80,6 mg kg-1 y en SU los mayores tenores de Zn, con un valor medio de 740 mg kg-1. La Ciudad de Mendoza, con mayor densidad poblacional, presentó los mayores contenidos de Zn, Pb y Cd. Las concentraciones encontradas se ubican por debajo de las exigencias de la legislación argentina y la mayoría de los suelos pueden clasificarse como no contaminados (SNC) o ligeramente contaminados (SLC). Se prevé completar este estudio con la determinación de las fracciones disponibles de los elementos estudiados, correlacionándolos con variables edáficas físico-químicas como textura, pH y materia orgánica.


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El objetivo de este artículo es caracterizar las formas de inserción laboral de mujeres, que aparecen como mano de obra transitoria, en el mercado de trabajo frutihortícola marplatense. El trabajo femenino asalariado está presente en la actividad hortícola que se practica a campo y bajo cubierta y en cultivos frutícolas no tradicionales. La investigación nos ha permitido indagar cómo y por qué estas mujeres se insertan en la actividad agrícola, identificar los procesos laborales específicos que requieren su fuerza de trabajo, así como las modalidades de remuneración y la complementación con otras actividades económicas. La perspectiva de género en el análisis de la participación laboral pone en juego múltiples dimensiones de las relaciones laborales. Desde este enfoque, se procura examinar la participación de las mujeres en las actividades remuneradas, explorando algunos de los rasgos que la configuran


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El objetivo de este artículo es caracterizar las formas de inserción laboral de mujeres, que aparecen como mano de obra transitoria, en el mercado de trabajo frutihortícola marplatense. El trabajo femenino asalariado está presente en la actividad hortícola que se practica a campo y bajo cubierta y en cultivos frutícolas no tradicionales. La investigación nos ha permitido indagar cómo y por qué estas mujeres se insertan en la actividad agrícola, identificar los procesos laborales específicos que requieren su fuerza de trabajo, así como las modalidades de remuneración y la complementación con otras actividades económicas. La perspectiva de género en el análisis de la participación laboral pone en juego múltiples dimensiones de las relaciones laborales. Desde este enfoque, se procura examinar la participación de las mujeres en las actividades remuneradas, explorando algunos de los rasgos que la configuran


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El objetivo de este artículo es caracterizar las formas de inserción laboral de mujeres, que aparecen como mano de obra transitoria, en el mercado de trabajo frutihortícola marplatense. El trabajo femenino asalariado está presente en la actividad hortícola que se practica a campo y bajo cubierta y en cultivos frutícolas no tradicionales. La investigación nos ha permitido indagar cómo y por qué estas mujeres se insertan en la actividad agrícola, identificar los procesos laborales específicos que requieren su fuerza de trabajo, así como las modalidades de remuneración y la complementación con otras actividades económicas. La perspectiva de género en el análisis de la participación laboral pone en juego múltiples dimensiones de las relaciones laborales. Desde este enfoque, se procura examinar la participación de las mujeres en las actividades remuneradas, explorando algunos de los rasgos que la configuran


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In sustainable intensive agriculture, the biodiversity of monoculture fields can be increased by managing the field margins to provide ecological infrastructures that serve as refuges and resources for beneficial organisms (pollinators and natural enemies). In the present work we summarize two years of field trials following the goal to increase biodiversity of beneficial fauna in a barley field in Central Spain by sowing different herbaceous mixtures in the field margins. The presence of arthropods visiting flowers on plots sown with different types of seed mixtures and unsown natural flora (control plot) was compared by visual sampling every week between April and June. The results showed that a combination of herbaceous big-size seeds was the most successful mixture emerging under our experimental conditions and achieved a higher number of visits of beneficial arthropods than the unsown natural vegetation.


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The People of India database of the Anthropological Survey of India documents 631 cultural, ecological, and economic traits of the 4635 communities to which the entire Indian population is assigned. Focusing on 1342 communities of South India, we looked for correlates of low (1 or 2 children) and high (4 or more children) desired family size (DFS) reported as the norm for any given community by key informants. We found 10 cultural and 18 economic traits to be significantly correlated to high DFS and 21 cultural and 9 economic traits to low DFS. The economic traits so identified are compatible with high family size being desired by parents who have little capability of investing in quality of offspring, but whose children contribute economically from an early age. In contrast, communities desiring low family size are part of the modern intensive agriculture/organized industry/services sector and invest heavily in educating their children. A composite index based on 27 economic traits (CEI) has a high predictive value with respect to the DFS for the entire set of 4635 Indian communities. The 31 cultural traits highly correlated to high or low DFS constitute 5 clusters that can be identified as characterizing scheduled tribes, scheduled castes, rural and landless lower castes, urban upper castes, and Moslems. Whereas economic traits have similar influence on DFS within each of these ethnic categories, Moslems demonstrate a significantly higher DFS for lower values of CEI.


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The proximate causes and processes involved in loss of breeds are outlined. The path-dependent effect and Swanson's dominance-effect are discussed in relation to lock-in of breed selection. These effects help to explain genetic erosion. It is shown that the extension of markets and economic globalisation have contributed significantly to the loss of breeds. The decoupling of animal husbandry from surrounding natural environmental conditions is further eroding the stock of genetic resources. Recent trends in animal husbandry raise serious sustainability issues, apart from animal welfare concerns. The extension of markets and economic globalisation have contributed significantly to the rapid loss of domestic breeds, especially livestock. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The proximity of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) Marine Park to areas of intensive agriculture and increasing urbanisation places the park under potential threat of contamination by land-based pollutants. Passive samplers were deployed at inshore reef and river mouth sites in the Wet Tropics region of the GBR during a dry and a wet season to measure levels of land-based organic pollutants in this environment. Two types of passive sampling devices were deployed: (i) a polar sampler, which can be used to monitor polar herbicides and (ii) semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) which sequester more hydrophobic compounds (e.g. PAHs, chlorpyrifos). Herbicides (diuron, simazine, atrazine, hexazinone and/or flumeturon) were detected at low concentrations (ng L-1) at all sites sampled and in both seasons. Chlorpyrifos was not detected while PAHs were present in SPMDs at levels below limits of detection. The results show that the GBR environment does contain low levels of organic pollutants and that passive sampling provides a sensitive monitoring tool for measuring waterborne organic pollutants. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.