920 resultados para Integral Membrane-protein


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Chlamydial infection in koalas is common across the east coast of Australia and causes significant morbidity, infertility and mortality. An effective vaccine to prevent the adverse consequences of chlamydial infections in koalas (particularly blindness and infertility in females) would provide an important management tool to prevent further population decline of this species. An important step towards developing a vaccine in koalas is to understand the host immune response to chlamydial infection. In this study, we used the Pepscan methodology to identify B cell epitopes across the Major Outer Membrane Protein (MOMP) of four C. pecorum strains/genotypes that are recognized, either following (a) natural live infection or (b) administration of a recombinant MOMP vaccine. Plasma antibodies from the koalas naturally infected with a C. pecorum G genotype strain recognised the epitopes located in the variable domain (VD) four of MOMP G and also VD4 of MOMP H. By comparison, plasma antibodies from an animal infected with a C. pecorum F genotype strain recognised epitopes in VD1, 2 and 4 of MOMP F, but not from other genotype MOMPs. When Chlamydia-free koalas were immunised with recombinant MOMP protein they produced antibodies not only against epitopes in the VDs but also in conserved domains of MOMP. Naturally infected koalas immunised with recombinant MOMP protein also produced antibodies against epitopes in the conserved domains. This work paves the way for further refinement of a MOMP-based Chlamydia vaccine that will offer wide cross-protection against the variety of chlamydial infections circulating in wild koala populations.


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Membrane proteins play important roles in many biochemical processes and are also attractive targets of drug discovery for various diseases. The elucidation of membrane protein types provides clues for understanding the structure and function of proteins. Recently we developed a novel system for predicting protein subnuclear localizations. In this paper, we propose a simplified version of our system for predicting membrane protein types directly from primary protein structures, which incorporates amino acid classifications and physicochemical properties into a general form of pseudo-amino acid composition. In this simplified system, we will design a two-stage multi-class support vector machine combined with a two-step optimal feature selection process, which proves very effective in our experiments. The performance of the present method is evaluated on two benchmark datasets consisting of five types of membrane proteins. The overall accuracies of prediction for five types are 93.25% and 96.61% via the jackknife test and independent dataset test, respectively. These results indicate that our method is effective and valuable for predicting membrane protein types. A web server for the proposed method is available at http://www.juemengt.com/jcc/memty_page.php


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Chlamydial infections are wide spread in koalas across their range and a solution to this debilitating disease has been sought for over a decade. Antibiotics are the currently accepted therapeutic measure, but are not an effective treatment due to the asymptomatic nature of some infections and a low efficacy rate. Thus, a vaccine would be an ideal way to address this infectious disease threat in the wild. Previous vaccine trials have used a three-dose regimen; however this is very difficult to apply in the field as it would require multiple capture events, which are stressful and invasive processes for the koala. In addition, it requires skilled koala handlers and a significant monetary investment. To overcome these challenges, in this study we utilized a polyphosphazine based poly I:C and a host defense peptide adjuvant combined with recombinant chlamydial major outer membrane protein (rMOMP) antigen to induce long lasting (54 weeks) cellular and humoral immunity in female koalas with a novel single immunizing dose. Immunized koalas produced a strong IgG response in plasma, as well as at mucosal sites. Moreover, they showed high levels of C. pecorum specific neutralizing antibodies in the plasma as well as vaginal and conjunctival secretions. Lastly, Chlamydia-specific lymphocyte proliferation responses were produced against both whole chlamydial elementary bodies and rMOMP protein, over the 12-month period. The results of this study suggest that a single dose rMOMP vaccine incorporating a poly I:C, host defense peptide and polyphosphazine adjuvant is able to stimulate both arms of the immune system in koalas, thereby providing an alternative to antibiotic treatment and/or a three-dose vaccine regime.


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FtsE is one of the earliest cell division proteins that assembles along with FtsX at the mid-cell site during cell division in Escherichia coli. Both these proteins are highly conserved across diverse bacterial genera and are predicted to constitute an ABC transporter type complex, in which FtsE is predicted to bind ATP and hydrolyse it, and FtsX is predicted to be an integral membrane protein. We had earlier reported that the MtFtsE of the human pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, binds ATP and interacts with MtFtsX on the cell membrane of M. tuberculosis and E. coli. In this study, we demonstrate that MtFtsE is an ATPase, the active form of which is a dimer, wherein the participating monomers are held together by non-covalent interactions, with the Cys84 of each monomer present at the dimer interface. Under oxidising environment, the dimer gets stabilised by the formation of Cys84-Cys84 disulphide bond. While the recombinant MtFtsE forms a dimer on the membrane of E. coli, the native MtFtsE seems to be in a different conformation in the M. tuberculosis membrane. Although disulphide bridges were not observed on the cytoplasmic side (reducing environment) of the membrane, the two participating monomers could be isolated as dimers held together by non-covalent interactions. Taken together, these findings show that MtFtsE is an ATPase in the non-covalent dimer form, with the Cys84 of each monomer present in the reduced form at the dimer interface, without participating in the dimerisation or the catalytic activity of the protein.


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Identification of residue-residue contacts from primary sequence can be used to guide protein structure prediction. Using Escherichia coli CcdB as the test case, we describe an experimental method termed saturation-suppressor mutagenesis to acquire residue contact information. In this methodology, for each of five inactive CcdB mutants, exhaustive screens for suppressors were performed. Proximal suppressors were accurately discriminated from distal suppressors based on their phenotypes when present as single mutants. Experimentally identified putative proximal pairs formed spatial constraints to recover >98% of native-like models of CcdB from a decoy dataset. Suppressor methodology was also applied to the integral membrane protein, diacylglycerol kinase A where the structures determined by X-ray crystallography and NMR were significantly different. Suppressor as well as sequence co-variation data clearly point to the Xray structure being the functional one adopted in vivo. The methodology is applicable to any macromolecular system for which a convenient phenotypic assay exists.


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Computation technology has dramatically changed the world around us; you can hardly find an area where cell phones have not saturated the market, yet there is a significant lack of breakthroughs in the development to integrate the computer with biological environments. This is largely the result of the incompatibility of the materials used in both environments; biological environments and experiments tend to need aqueous environments. To help aid in these development chemists, engineers, physicists and biologists have begun to develop microfluidics to help bridge this divide. Unfortunately, the microfluidic devices required large external support equipment to run the device. This thesis presents a series of several microfluidic methods that can help integrate engineering and biology by exploiting nanotechnology to help push the field of microfluidics back to its intended purpose, small integrated biological and electrical devices. I demonstrate this goal by developing different methods and devices to (1) separate membrane bound proteins with the use of microfluidics, (2) use optical technology to make fiber optic cables into protein sensors, (3) generate new fluidic devices using semiconductor material to manipulate single cells, and (4) develop a new genetic microfluidic based diagnostic assay that works with current PCR methodology to provide faster and cheaper results. All of these methods and systems can be used as components to build a self-contained biomedical device.


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In order to identify genes encoding the outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of the myxobacter Flavobacterium columnare G(4), the expression library of the bacterium was screened by using rabbit antisera developed against its OMPs. Positive colonies of Escherichia coli M15 containing fragments encoding the bacterial OMPs were selected for cloning the relevant genes by genomic walking methods. Two genes encoding a membrane-associated zinc metalloprotease and prolyl oligopeptidase are reported in this paper. The membrane-associated zinc metalloprotease gene (map) is 1800 bp in length, coding for 449 amino acids (aa). Despite the presence of a conserved motif HEXXH for all metalloproteases, the special HEXXH similar to 32 aa similar to E motif of the F. columnare G(4) Map and its low level of identity with other reported zinc-containing metalloproteases may imply that the membrane-associated zinc metalloprotease of F. columnare G(4) represents a new family of zincins. The gene encoding prolyl oligopeptidase (Pop), a serine proteinase, is 2352 bp in length, coding for 649 aa. Sequence homology analysis revealed that the Pop is also novel as it has <50% identity with other reported prolyl oligopeptidase family proteins. The present study represents the first to employ anti-fish bacterial OMP sera to screen genes of membrane-associated proteases of fish pathogenic bacteria, and to provide necessary information for the examination of the role of the two genes in the infection and pathogenesis of F. columnare.


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The unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 can grow heterotrophically in complete darkness, given that a brief period of illumination is supplemented every day (light-activated heterotrophic growth, LAHG), or under very weak ( < 0.5 mumol m(-2) s(-1)) but continuous light. By random insertion of the genome with an antibiotic resistance cassette, mutants defective in LAHG were generated. In two identical mutants, sll0886, a tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-family membrane protein gene, was disrupted. Targeted insertion of sll0886 and three downstream genes showed that the phenotype was not due to a polar effect. The sll0886 mutant shows normal photoheterotrophic growth when the light intensity is at 2.5 mumol m(-2) s(-1) or above, but no growth at 0.5 mumol m(-2) s(-1). Homologs to sll0886 are also present in cyanobacteria that are not known of LAHG. sll0886 and homologs may be involved in controlling different physiological processes that respond to light of low fluence. (C) 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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WecA is an integral membrane protein that initiates the biosynthesis of enterobacterial common antigen and O-antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) by catalyzing the transfer of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc)-1-phosphate onto undecaprenyl phosphate (Und-P) to form Und-P-P-GlcNAc. WecA belongs to a large family of eukaryotic and prokaryotic prenyl sugar transferases. Conserved aspartic acids in putative cytoplasmic loops 2 (Asp90 and Asp91) and 3 (Asp156 and Asp159) were targeted for replacement mutagenesis with either glutamic acid or asparagine. We examined the ability of each mutant protein to complement O-antigen LPS synthesis in a wecA-deficient strain and also determined the steady-state kinetic parameters of the mutant proteins in an in vitro transfer assay. Apparent K(m) and V(max) values for UDP-GlcNAc, Mg(2+), and Mn(2+) suggest that Asp156 is required for catalysis, while Asp91 appears to interact preferentially with Mg(2+), possibly playing a role in orienting the substrates. Topological analysis using the substituted cysteine accessibility method demonstrated the cytosolic location of Asp90, Asp91, and Asp156 and provided a more refined overall topological map of WecA. Also, we show that cells expressing a WecA derivative C terminally fused with the green fluorescent protein exhibited a punctate distribution of fluorescence on the bacterial surface, suggesting that WecA localizes to discrete regions in the bacterial plasma membrane.


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The integral membrane protein WecA mediates the transfer of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) 1-phosphate to undecaprenyl phosphate (Und-P) with the formation of a phosphodiester bond. Bacteria employ this reaction during the biosynthesis of enterobacterial common antigen as well as of many O-specific lipopolysaccharides (LPSs). Alignment of a number of prokaryotic and eukaryotic WecA-homologous sequences identified a number of conserved aspartic acid (D) residues in putative cytoplasmic loops II and III of the inner-membrane protein. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to study the role of the conserved residues D90, D91 (loop II), D156 and D159 (loop III). As controls, D35, D94 and D276 were also mutagenized. The resulting WecA derivatives were assessed for function by complementation analysis of O-antigen biosynthesis, by the ability to incorporate radiolabelled precursor to a biosynthetic intermediate, by detection of the terminal GlcNAc residue in LPS and by a tunicamycin competition assay. It was concluded from these analyses that the conserved aspartic acid residues are functionally important, but also that they participate differently in the transfer reaction. Based on these results it is proposed that D90 and D91 are important in forwarding the reaction product to the next biosynthetic step, while D156 and D159 are a part of the catalytic site of the enzyme.


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WecA, an integral membrane protein that belongs to a family of polyisoprenyl phosphate N-acetylhexosamine-1-phosphate transferases, is required for the biosynthesis of O-specific LPS and enterobacterial common antigen in Escherichia coli and other enteric bacteria. WecA functions as an UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc):undecaprenyl-phosphate GlcNAc-1-phosphate transferase. A conserved short sequence motif (His-Ile-His-His; HIHH) and a conserved arginine were identified in WecA at positions 279-282 and 265, respectively. This region is located within a predicted cytosolic segment common to all bacterial homologues of WecA. Both HIHH279-282 and the Arg265 are reminiscent of the HIGH motif (His-Ile-Gly-His) and a nearby upstream lysine, which contribute to the three-dimensional architecture of the nucleotide-binding site among various enzymes displaying nucleotidyltransferase activity. Thus, it was hypothesized that these residues may play a role in the interaction of WecA with UDP-GlcNAc. Replacement of the entire HIHH motif by site-directed mutagenesis produced a protein that, when expressed in the E. coli wecA mutant MV501, did not complement the synthesis of O7 LPS. Membrane extracts containing the mutated protein failed to transfer UDP-GlcNAc into a lipid-rich fraction and to bind the UDP-GlcNAc analogue tunicamycin. Similar results were obtained by individually replacing the first histidine (H279) of the HIHH motif as well as the Arg265 residue. The functional importance of these residues is underscored by the high level of conservation of H279 and Arg265 among bacterial WecA homologues that utilize several different UDP-N-acetylhexosamine substrates.


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Mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were generated against a 76-kDa IutA receptor of pathogenic avian Escherichia coli 15972. Six of the eight IutA-specific MAbs isolated (AB1 to AB6) were shown to be directed toward membrane-exposed conformational epitopes, although they did not interfere with the uptake of ferric aerobactin and cloacin DF13 as assessed by competition experiments with purified ligands. The two remaining IutA MAbs (AB9 and AB10) recognized linear epitopes buried in the IutA molecule. The panel of IutA MAbs was used to characterize IutA variants occurring in strains of E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter spp., and Shigella spp., resulting in the identification of four immunological groups of IutAs. MAb AB9 defined an epitope conserved in all IutA variants. In addition, the panel of IutA MAbs served to identify the presence of IutA in wild-type bacteria grown in the presence of diphenylamine to reduce the expression of O-specific polysaccharide.