918 resultados para Innovative


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Port land uses are subjected to unique anthropogenic activities compared to typical urban land uses. This uniqueness results in distinctive stormwater quality characteristics. Such distinction in stormwater quality has made conventional approaches used for pollutant load estimations inaccurate. This is also the case for the Port of Brisbane (PoB). The study discussed in the paper was conducted to estimate the pollutant contributions from Port specific land uses at PoB. For estimation, software modules embedded in Mike URBAN were used. An innovative approach was adopted in modelling where the conventional model calibration step was not needed to be performed to generate suitable site specific parameters. Instead, equations and site specific parameters that replicate pollutant build-up and wash-off were generated from an extensive field investigation. Models were simulated incorporating site specific parameters from six different Port specific land uses and rainfall events from three representative years. Outcomes of the modelling exercise were used to identify the distinct pollutant contributions from different Port land uses.


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This paper investigates the elements which support innovative and entrepreneurial activity in New Zealand’s state owned enterprises (SOEs). An inductive case study design, involving interview data, textual analysis, and observation, was applied to three SOEs. Findings reveal that those aspects typically associated with entrepreneurship, such as innovation, risk acceptance, pro-activeness and growth, are often supported by a number of unexpected elements within the public sector. These elements include culture, branding, operational excellence, cost efficiency, and knowledge transfer. The implications are twofold. First, that innovative and entrepreneurial activity in the public sector can go beyond policy-making, with SOEs representing an important policy decision and sector of the New Zealand Government. And second, that the impact of several SOEs on international markets suggests competition on the global stage will increasingly come from both public and private sector organizations.


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This research has established, through ultrasound, near infrared spectroscopy and biomechanics experiments, parameters and parametric relationships that can form the framework for quantifying the integrity of the articular cartilage-on-bone laminate, and objectively distinguish between normal/healthy and abnormal/degenerated joint tissue, with a focus on articular cartilage. This has been achieved by: 1. using traditional experimental methods to produce new parameters for cartilage assessment; 2. using novel methodologies to develop new parameters; and 3. investigating the interrelationships between mechanical, structural and molec- ular properties to identify and select those parameters and methodologies that can be used in a future arthroscopic probe based on points 1 and 2. By combining the molecular, micro- and macro-structural characteristics of the tissue with its mechanical properties, we arrive at a set of critical benchmarking parameters for viable and early-stage non-viable cartilage. The interrelationships between these characteristics, examined using a multivariate analysis based on principal components analysis, multiple linear regression and general linear modeling, could then to deter- mine those parameters and relationships which have the potential to be developed into a future clinical device. Specifically, this research has found that the ultrasound and near infrared techniques can subsume the mechanical parameters and combine to characterise the tissue at the molecular, structural and mechanical levels over the full depth of the cartilage matrix. It is the opinion in this thesis that by enabling the determination of the precise area of in uence of a focal defect or disease in the joint, demarcating the boundaries of articular cartilage with dierent levels of degeneration around a focal defect, better surgical decisions that will advance the processes of joint management and treatment will be achieved. Providing the basis for a surgical tool, this research will contribute to the enhancement and quanti�cation of arthroscopic procedures, extending to post- treatment monitoring and as a research tool, will enable a robust method for evaluating developing (particularly focalised) treatments.


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A novel application of the popular web instruction architecture Blackboard Academic Suite® is described. The method was applied to a large number of students to assess quantitatively the accuracy of each student’s laboratory skills. The method provided immediate feedback to students on their personal skill level, replaced labour-intensive scrutiny of laboratory skills by teaching staff and identified immediately those students requiring further individual assistance in mastering the skill under evaluation. The method can be used for both formative and summative assessment. When used formatively, the assessment can be repeated by the student without penalty until the skill is mastered. When used for summative assessment, the method can save the teacher much time and effort in assessing laboratory skills of vital importance to students in the real world.


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In Australia rural research and development corporations and companies expended over $AUS500 million on agricultural research and development. A substantial proportion of this is invested in R&D in the beef industry. The Australian beef industry exports almost $AUS5billionof product annually and invest heavily in new product development to improve the beef quality and improve production efficiency. Review points are critical for effective new product development, yet many research and development bodies, particularly publicly funded ones, appear to ignore the importance of assessing products prior to their release. Significant sums of money are invested in developing technological innovations that have low levels and rates of adoption. The adoption rates could be improved if the developers were more focused on technology uptake and less focused on proving their technologies can be applied in practice. Several approaches have been put forward in an effort to improve rates of adoption into operational settings. This paper presents a study of key technological innovations in the Australian beef industry to assess the use of multiple criteria in evaluating the potential uptake of new technologies. Findings indicate that using multiple criteria to evaluate innovations before commercializing a technology enables researchers to better understand the issues that may inhibit adoption.


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Effective people management is essential to successful innovation, however no single human resource function or practice can facilitate the development of innovation capacity in an organization. Several studies have argued that different bundles or configurations of human resource practices can improve innovation performance, but there is little empirically based research that provides details of the practices utilized by different types of innovative firms. In this exploratory, qualitative study of innovative Danish firms we examine the profiles of human resource practices evident in a sample of firms recognized for their innovative performance. In examining these profiles, we analyze how characteristics of the organizations, namely their size and the nature of industry specific core capabilities, influence the human resource practices used to support innovation. Our initial findings indicate that in this sample of firms size is not a factor but knowledge-intensive firms have notably different profiles of human resource practices to technology-based firms.


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Online scheduling in the Operating Theatre Department is a dynamic process that deals with both elective and emergency patients. Each business day begins with an elective schedule determined in advance based on a mastery surgery schedule. Throughout the course of the day however, disruptions to this baseline schedule occur due to variations in treatment time, emergency arrivals, equipment failure and resource unavailability. An innovative robust reactive surgery assignment model is developed for the operating theatre department. Following the completion of each surgery, the schedule is re-solved taking into account any disruptions in order to minimise cancellations of pre-planned patients and maximise throughput of emergency cases. The single theatre case is solved and future work on the computationally more complex multiple theatre case under resource constraints is discussed.


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Daylighting in tropical and sub-tropical climates presents a unique challenge that is generally not well understood by designers. In a sub-tropical region such as Brisbane, Australia the majority of the year comprises of sunny clear skies with few overcast days and as a consequence windows can easily become sources of overheating and glare. The main strategy in dealing with this issue is extensive shading on windows. However, this in turn prevents daylight penetration into buildings often causing an interior to appear gloomy and dark even though there is more than sufficient daylight available. As a result electric lighting is the main source of light, even during the day. Innovative daylight devices which redirect light from windows offer a potential solution to this issue. These devices can potentially improve daylighting in buildings by increasing the illumination within the environment decreasing the high contrast between the window and work regions and deflecting potentially glare causing sunlight away from the observer. However, the performance of such innovative daylighting devices are generally quantified under overcast skies (i.e. daylight factors) or skies without sun, which are typical of European climates and are misleading when considering these devices for tropical or sub-tropical climates. This study sought to compare four innovative window daylighting devices in RADIANCE; light shelves, laser cut panels, micro-light guides and light redirecting blinds. These devices were simulated in RADIANCE under sub-tropical skies (for Brisbane) within the test case of a typical CBD office space. For each device the quantity of light redirected and its distribution within the space was used as the basis for comparison. In addition, glare analysis on each device was conducted using Weinold and Christoffersons evalglare. The analysis was conducted for selected hours for a day in each season. The majority of buildings that humans will occupy in their lifetime are already constructed, and extensive remodelling of most of these buildings is unlikely. Therefore the most effective way to improve daylighting in the near future will be through the alteration existing window spaces. Thus it will be important to understand the performance of daylighting systems with respect to the climate it is to be used in. This type of analysis is important to determine the applicability of a daylighting strategy so that designers can achieve energy efficiency as well the health benefits of natural daylight.


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Much of the effort of the construction industry is directed towards the provision of services and products, many with substantial long term implications. Systems and procedures have evolved over centuries to provide these services and products, but inefficiencies have developed. One strategy for improving the efficiency of the construction industry is to restructure the systems and procedures which deliver projects so that improved benefits to the end users are provided. In this paper, contemporary systems and procedures for the delivery of projects are reviewed and the roles of the major stakeholders are examined. The recent construction of Woodford Correctional Centre in Queensland is reviewed as a case study in restructuring the delivery process and the lessons learned from this successful project are summarised.


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This report examines the conditions surrounding the emergence and growth of innovative new firms in the building and construction product system. The focus on innovative new firms was prompted by diverse literatures which highlight the pivotal roles of innovation and new business activity in driving economic growth. 9 The literature concludes that the founders of new firms are likely to be innovative and that new firms are likely to promote industry innovation and efficiency. New businesses have also been found to have positive employment impacts and to grow faster than established firms.


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National and international competition demands that Australian organisations become more competent at making the strategic technological decisions that impact their future in the international business economy. A new subject unit, Management of Technology is now offered in the popular Master of Project Management and Master of Business Administration programs at the Queensland University of Technology. This cross-disciplinary subject provides students with a theoretical foundation and practical tools to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of technically-oriented organisations. Applied case studies—shown to be the most appropriate mode of learning for mature-age students—form an integral component of the teaching program. In the first offerings of this subject during 1995 and 1996, American case studies were used. QUT has now supported the development of Australian case study packages for technology management through its Teaching and Learning Grants Scheme. The first case developed—Inland Oil Refiners’ Microstill Project—was completed in early 1996. A newly developed case—Automated Door Opening System for Wheelchair Access—is currently being completed. This case (comprising case study documentation and video presentation) tracks a cross-disciplinary product development driven by legislative and community pressures. It also reinforces the importance of personal relationships in the technology and business development that has taken this young Brisbane-based company from its embryonic beginnings on the Queensland Cultural Centre in 1994 to a national and export-focussed organisation in 1997. This paper reviews the need to develop Australian case material in Management of Technology, discusses the case study documentation and supporting video developed, and application of the case study approach in this teaching initiative in QUT’s Master of Project Management and Master of Business Administration programs.