945 resultados para Innocent III, Pope, 1160 or 61-1216.


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We have developed a method to extract and separate phytochelatins (PCs)-metal(loid) complexes using parallel metal(loid)-specific (inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry) and organic-specific (electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry) detection systems-and use it here to ascertain the nature of arsenic (As)-PC complexes in plant extracts. This study is the first unequivocal report, to our knowledge, of PC complex coordination chemistry in plant extracts for any metal or metalloid ion. The As-tolerant grass Holcus lanatus and the As hyperaccumulator Pteris cretica were used as model plants. In an in vitro experiment using a mixture of reduced glutathione (GS), PC(2), and PC(3), As preferred the formation of the arsenite [As((III))]-PC(3) complex over GS-As((III))-PC(2), As((III))-(GS)(3), As((III))-PC(2), or As((III))-(PC(2))(2) (GS: glutathione bound to arsenic via sulphur of cysteine). In H. lanatus, the As((III))-PC(3) complex was the dominant complex, although reduced glutathione, PC(2), and PC(3) were found in the extract. P. cretica only synthesizes PC(2) and forms dominantly the GS-As((III))-PC(2) complex. This is the first evidence, to our knowledge, for the existence of mixed glutathione-PC-metal(loid) complexes in plant tissues or in vitro. In both plant species, As is dominantly in non-bound inorganic forms, with 13% being present in PC complexes for H. lanatus and 1% in P. cretica.


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Environmental context Seaweeds hyperaccumulate the toxic metalloid arsenic, but seemingly achieve detoxification by transformation to arsenosugars. The edible seaweed hijiki is a notable exception because it contains high levels of toxic arsenate and arsenite. Terrestrial plants detoxify arsenic by forming arsenitephytochelatin complexes. The hypothesis that seaweeds also synthesise phytochelatins to bind arsenite as a means of detoxification before arsenosugar synthesis is tested in this investigation. Abstract Phytochelatins (PCs), generic structure [-Glu-Cys]n-Gly, are peptides synthesised by terrestrial plants to bind toxic metal(loid)s such as cadmium and arsenic. Seaweeds are arsenic hyperaccumulators, seemingly achieving detoxification via arsenosugar biosynthesis. Whether seaweeds synthesise PCs to aid detoxification during arsenic exposure is unknown. Hizikia fusiforme (hijiki) and Fucus spiralis were used as model seaweeds: the former is known for its large inorganic arsenic concentration, whereas the latter contains mainly arsenosugars. F. spiralis was exposed to 0, 1 and 10mgL -1 arsenate solutions for 24h, whereas hijiki was analysed fresh. All samples contained As III, glutathione and reduced PC 2, identified using HPLC-ICP-MS/ES-MS. Although hijiki contained no As IIIPC complexes, arsenate exposed F. spiralis generated traces of numerous arsenic compounds that might be As IIIGS or As IIIPC 2 complexes. As IIIPC complexes seem not to be a principal storage form for long-term arsenic storage within seaweeds. However, 40 times higher glutathione concentrations were found in hijiki than F. spiralis, which may explain how hijiki deals with its high inorganic arsenic burden. © 2011 CSIRO.


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Le premier (folio 1 verso), qui est incomplet de ses derniers feuillets, contient les événements des règnes des sultans Selim II et Mourad III ; le second (folio 61 recto) commence dans le bas d'une page par un chapitre dans lequel se trouve narrée la manière dont les Karamaniens se produisirent sur la scène du monde, en l'année 676 de l'hégire (1277), sous le règne du sultan d'Égypte el-Melik el-Zahir Baïbars ; il contient un abrégé sans intérêt de l'histoire osmanlie jusqu'à la fin du règne du sultan Soleïman II ; le texte de ces extraits se trouve, en de nombreux endroits, interrompu par des espaces qui ont été laissés en blanc.


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Contient : « Lamentacions S. BERNARD » ; incomplètes du premier feuillet ; « Meditacions saint BERNARD » ; « Contemplacions saint AUGUSTIN » ; « Livre saint AUGUSTIN des seulx parlers de l'ame à Dieu » ; « Oraison de saint AUGUSTIN à Dieu » ; « Les méditacions saint AUGUSTIN » ; « Comment on doit Dieu amer. Fins amans sont appelez ceulz et celles qui Dieu ayment... » ; « La voye comment nous devons aler en paradis. La voye par quoy nous devons aller en paradis... » ; « L'ordenance du char Helye. La sainte Escripture dist que Helyas le prophete... » ; « Un preschement de nostre Seigneur. Simile est regnum celorum homini qui seminavit... » ; « Comment on doit Dieu amer, et le monstre par plusieurs raisons. Cuers en qui Dieu habite... » ; « Livre à la misere de l'omme [par le diacre Lothier, plus tard INNOCENT III, en trois livres]... Pourquoy issi ge du ventre ma mere... » (Cf. Romania (1887), t. XVI, p. 68) ; « Du livre de la science des phylosophes [et] de la science des moralités [Enseignements des philosophes]. Talent m'estoit pris que je racontasse... » ; « Livre des biens que tribulacion fait à l'ame, en laquelle tribulacion on doit esjoir. Da nobis, Domine, auxilium de tribulacione. A toy, ame livrée aus temptacions... » ; « Comment IIII. pechiez mortelz sont segnefiez par quatre bestes sauvagez. De nulle viande ne menjust Dieux... » ; « Aucuns bons enseignemens pour eschiver les pechiez de luxure, d'avarice et d'accide. Ilz sont VIII. choses qui donnent occasion de cheoir... » ; « De la demande que fist la mere saint Jhean, S. Jaque à nostre Seigneur et de la response. Quant nostre Seigneur Jhesucrist aloit par terre... » ; « Comment on se doit garder contre aucunes temptacions. Nous trouvons ou vielz Testament d'un roy qui ot nom Nas... » ; « De l'age Adam, et comment il envoya Seth, son filz, en paradiz terrestre. Après ce que Adam nostre premier pere... » ; « De la devise de la messe. Quant on sonne la messe... » ; « De l'ordonnance comment on se doit confesser. Quiconques se vuelt à droit confesser... » ; « Enseignemens que le bon roy S. LOYS fist et escript de sa main et les envoya de Carthage, où il estoit, à roy Phelippe » ; Autres Enseignements envoyés par S. LOUIS « à la royne de Navarre, sa fille, etc. » ; « La fin du bon roy S. Loys que il ot à sa mort, que l'evesque de Thunes envoya à Thybault, roy de Na[va]rre et conte de Champaigne et de Brie » ; « Les proverbes que SENEQUES fist en prose » ; « Les dis et proverbes des sages. Chaton. N'est pas sire de son pays... »


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Contient : Jugements divers sur Aimoin ; Lettres d'Innocent III ; Bulle de Jules II : Pastor ille ; Lettres de Pierre Martyr ; Chronique d'Alfonse VII (Pampelune, 1600 ; in-fol) ; Nobiliaire de Petro de Barcellos (Rome, 1640) ; Vita et processus S. Thomae Cantuariensis (Paris, 1495 ; in-4°) ; Mémoires Séquanois, de Gollut (Dôle, 1592 ; in-fol) ; Bref discours de la maison de Lorraine, de l'abbé Bruand (Lyon, 1591 ; in-8°) ; Extrait des oeuvres de Pierre Martyr ; Historia de la provincia de Sant Iago de Mexico, de la orden des Predicadores, par Fray Augustin Davila Padilla (Bruxelles, 1625 ; in-fol) ; Notes sur divers écrits relatifs à l'Amérique ; Description du Spitzberg


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Cette dissertation traite des (re)configurations postcoloniales de la résistance et de la négociation comme concepts permettant d’aborder les représentations des conflits nationaux dans les littératures Africaines contemporaines. Ensemble, ces concepts ouvrent de nouvelles voix et possibilités de se remémorer, de raconter, et de lire la violence en problématisant non seulement les discours sur la guerre civile en Afrique, mais aussi les conceptions d’histoire nationale, de la mémoire, et de leur représentation. Si cette étude cherche à reconfigurer la négociation et la résistance au-delà des définitions qui tendent à les opposer, elle se consacre surtout à développer la notion de négociation comme stratégie de dépassement, de lecture, et d’écriture, qui, néanmoins, ne vise pas de résolution. La négociation implique ainsi une conception pluraliste d’un pouvoir d’action sociale, politique, et culturelle. Cette dissertation avance que la négociation est un concept d’écriture et de lecture qui intervient dans les événements, discours, et pratiques de remémoration en prenant compte de leurs multiplicités et définitions instables. Cette étude explore les manières selon lesquelles Nuruddin Farah, Chenjerai Hove, Yvonne Vera, Chimamanda Adichie, et Sefi Atta déploient la négociation et la résistance comme outils d’engagement esthétique et sociopolitique dans la narration de la violence en Somalie, au Zimbabwe, et au Nigeria. En outre, la négociation marque mon analyse de l’intervention des textes dans les discours d’historiographie et de représentation. Si ces romans mettent en exergue la généalogie complexe du conflit postcolonial, ils négocient aussi les implications multiples, incluant la leur, dans les questions problématiques de la responsabilité et de la représentation. La vii négociation représente un acte conscient à travers lequel nous reconnaissons l’instabilité de toute bataille politique, morale, ou éthique sans pour autant céder à un cynisme paralysant. De par son approche négociée et interdisciplinaire, cette dissertation ne fait pas qu’entrer en débat avec des discours multiples des études postcoloniales, Africaines, et littéraires. Elle intervient aussi dans les conceptions de la nation, la violence, la mémoire, la responsabilité, et la justice selon les études philosophiques, politiques, et culturelles. Outre les critiques littéraires, les chapitres interrogent les théories de penseurs tels Ngugi wa Thiong’o, David Jefferess, Pheng Cheah, et Wole Soyinka. Cette approche éclectique reflète l’attention des romans à la complexité irréductible des responsabilités individuelles et collectives dans les récits d’histoire et d’appartenance nationales. Cet engagement négocié avec les questions entourant la postcolonialité, malgré la dominance actuelle des discours de la globalisation, permet de reconceptualiser l’approche postcoloniale pour contrer les analyses déhistorisées et décontextualisées des conflits sociopolitiques en Afrique. Le chapitre 1 élabore les concepts clés de la dissertation. Le chapitre 2 explore la résistance et la négociation dans le langage figuré métonymique dans les représentations de la guerre en Somalie. Le chapitre 3 se consacre à l’analyse de la figure de la spectralité dans la narration de l’histoire et de la violence nationales au Zimbabwe. Finalement, le chapitre 4 négocie les concepts de représentation et de responsabilité dans les récits du trauma postcolonial au Nigeria. viii Mots-clés : négociation, résistance, littératures africaines, violence, responsabilité, nation, représentation


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This systematic review of the Brazilian and worldwide literature aims to evaluate the incidence and causes of perioperative and anesthesia-related mortality. Studies were identified by searching the Medline and Scielo databases, followed by a manual search for relevant articles. Our review includes studies published between 1954 and 2007. Each publication was reviewed to identify author(s), study period, data source, perioperative mortality rates, and anesthesia-related mortality rates. Thirty-three trials were assessed. Brazilian and worldwide studies demonstrated a similar decline in anesthesia-related mortality rates, which amounted to fewer than 1 death per 10,000 anesthetics in the past two decades. Perioperative mortality rates also decreased during this period, with fewer than 20 deaths per 10,000 anesthetics in developed countries. Brazilian studies showed higher perioperative mortality rates, from 19 to 51 deaths per 10,000 anesthetics. The majority of perioperative deaths occurred in neonates, children under one year, elderly patients, males, patients of ASA III physical status or poorer, emergency surgeries, during general anesthesia, and cardiac surgery followed by thoracic, vascular, gastroenterologic, pediatric and orthopedic surgeries. The main causes of anesthesia-related mortality were problems with airway management and cardiocirculatory events related to anesthesia and drug administration. Our systematic review of the literature shows that perioperative mortality rates are higher in Brazil than in developed countries, while anesthesia-related mortality rates are similar in Brazil and in developed countries. Most cases of anesthesia-related mortality are associated with cardiocirculatory and airway events. These data may be useful in developing strategies to prevent anesthesia-related deaths.


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Background: This study aimed to investigate the influence of age on sperm quality, as analysed by motile sperm organelle morphology examination (MSOME).Methods: Semen samples were collected from 975 men undergoing evaluation or treatment for infertility. Sperm cells were evaluated at 8400x magnification using an inverted microscope equipped with Nomarski (differential interference contrast) optics. Two forms of spermatozoa were considered: normal spermatozoa and spermatozoa with large nuclear vacuoles (LNV, defined as vacuoles occupying > 50% of the sperm nuclear area). At least 200 spermatozoa per sample were evaluated, and the percentages of normal and LNV spermatozoa were determined. The subjects were divided into three groups according to age: Group I, less than or equal to 35 years; Group II, 36-40 years; and Group III, greater than or equal to 41 years.Results: There was no difference in the percentages of normal sperm between the two younger (I and II) groups (P > 0.05). The percentage of normal sperm in the older group (III) was significantly lower than that in the younger (I and II) groups (P < 0.05). There was no difference in the percentage of LNV spermatozoa between the younger (I and II) groups (P > 0.05). The percentage of LNV spermatozoa was significantly higher in the older group (III) than in the younger (I and II) groups (P < 0.05). Regression analysis demonstrated a significant decrease in the incidence of normal sperm with increasing age (P < 0.05; r = -0.10). However, there was a significant positive correlation between the percentage of spermatozoa with LNV and male age (P < 0.05, r = 0.10).Conclusion: The results demonstrated a consistent decline in semen quality, as reflected by morphological evaluation by MSOME, with increased age. Considering the relationship between nuclear vacuoles and DNA damage, these age-related changes predict that increased paternal age should be associated with unsuccessful or abnormal pregnancy as a consequence of fertilisation with damaged spermatozoa. Given that sperm nuclear vacuoles can be evaluated more precisely at high magnification, these results support the routine use of MSOME for ICSI as a criterion for semen analysis.


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Background. Periodontal disease is often associated with systemic diseases and is characterized by destruction of the tissues supporting the teeth. Patients using immunosuppressive drugs such as tacrolimus are among those who suffer from tissue destruction. Objective. We sought to evaluate the effects of laser and photodynamic therapies (PDT; nonsurgical) as an adjunct to scaling and rootplaning (SRP) in the treatment of corona-induced periodontitis in rats immunosuppressed with tacrolimus (Prograf).Materials and Methods. The animals were divided into 5 groups. Each groups had 6 rats. Group I, the control group, received only saline solution throughout the study period of 42 days and did not receive periodontal treatment; group II received saline solution and SRP; group III received tacrolimus (1 mg/kg per day) and was treated with SRP; group IV animals were treated identically to group III and then administered laser treatment; and in group V, the animals were treated identically to group III and then administered PDT.Results. Statistical analysis indicated decreased bone loss with the progression of time (P = .035). There was no difference between the bone loss associated with the types of treatment administered to groups I, II, and III (P > .9) or groups IV and V (P > .6). The analysis also indicated that immunosuppression was not a bone loss-determining factor.Conclusion. Laser and PDT therapies were effective as an adjunctive treatment to SRP in reducing bone loss caused by experimental periodontitis induced in animals being treated systemically with tacrolimus.


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The ovary of the tick Ainblyomma triste is classified as panoistic, which is characterized by the presence of oogonia without nurse and follicular cells. The present study has demonstrated that the oocytes in all developmental stages (I-IV) are attached to the ovary through a pedicel, a cellular structure that synthesizes and provides carbohydrate, lipids and proteins supplies for the oocytes during the vitellogenesis process. The lipids are deposited during all oocyte stages; they are freely distributed as observed in stages II, III and IV or they form complexes with other elements. The proteins are also deposited in all stages of the oocytes, however, in lower concentration in the stage IV. There is carbohydrate deposition from oocytes in the stage II as well as in stages III and IV. In addition, the present work has demonstrated that the oocyte yolk of A. triste has a glycolipoprotein nature and the elements are deposited in the following sequence: firstly the lipids and proteins, and finally the carbohydrates. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Foram estudadas a ocorrência e a morfologia de glândulas tegumentares presentes no abdome de fêmeas de Melissoptila richardiae. Os resultados mostram que nesta espécie, células glandulares da classe III são encontradas de duas formas: isoladas nos tergitos e esternitos III e IV e formando um aglomerado de unidades glandulares bilateralmente, entre os segmentos III e IV, os quais liberam seu produto de secreção em um reservatório originado a partir da membrana intersegmental. Os resultados sugerem que o produto secretado é lipídico e, provavelmente volátil.


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Background and Objectives - Pulmonary aspiration of gastric content during induction of anesthesia for emergency surgical procedures is a serious complication; fast endotracheal intubation under these circumstances is of vital importance to secure the airways. Despite its numerous side effects, succinylcholine is used for this purpose. Rocuronium is the most recently introduced aminoesteroid neuromuscular blocking drug with short onset. The objective of this study was to compare the onset time and intubating conditions of rocuronium and succinylcholine. Methods - After informed consent, forty-five patients were randomly allocated into three groups of 15: Group I (GI) = succinylcholine 1 mg.kg-1; Group II (GII) = rocuronium 0.6 mg.kg-1; Group III (GIII) = rocuronium 0.9 mg.kg-1. Every patient was premedicated with midazolam 15 mg per os and induction of anesthesia was made with fentanyl 10 μg.kg-1 and etomidate 0.3 mg.kg-1. The neuromuscular block was monitored with the TOP-Guard neuromuscular transmission monitor. The TOP-Guard neuromuscular monitor uses an accelerometer to measure the response to nerve stimulation. The stimulating electrodes were placed close to the course of the ulnar nerve at the wrist. The onset time was considered as the time between the end of neuromuscular drug injection and the twitch height (T1) decrease to 10%. Heart rate and arterial blood pressure were registered at 6 moments before and after induction of anesthesia. Results - The onset time results were: Group I, 71 s; Group II, 120 s and Group III, 70 s or GI = GIII < GII (F = 8.862; p < 0.01). There were 43 patients exhibiting excellent intubating conditions and 2 with good intubating conditions. Heart rate and arterial blood pressure showed alterations due to induction of anesthesia and intubation. Conclusions - Rocuronium 0.9 mg.kg-1 can be used in rapid sequence induction because it has a short onset time which is similar to that of succnylcholine. It is likely that rocuronium would be a good indication in patients with high intracranial pressure, burns and neuromuscular diseases.


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Background: The increasing number of children with evolving congenital heart diseases demands greater preparation of professionals and institutions that handle them. Objective: To describe the profile of patients aged over 16 years with congenital heart disease, who have undergone surgery, and analyze the risk factors that predict hospital mortality. Methods: One thousand five hundred twenty patients (mean age 27 +/- 13 years) were operated between January 1986 and December 2010. We performed a descriptive analysis of the epidemiological profile of the study population and analyzed risk factors for hospital mortality, considering the complexity score, the year in which surgery was performed, the procedure performed or not performed by the pediatric surgeon and reoperation. Results: There was a significant increase in the number of cases from the year 2000. The average complexity score was 5.4 and the septal defects represented 45% of cases. Overall mortality was 7.7% and most procedures (973 or 61.9%) with greater complexity were performed by pediatric surgeons. Complexity (OR 1.5), reoperation (OR 2.17) and pediatric surgeon (OR 0.28) were independent risk factors influencing mortality. Multivariate analysis showed that the year in which the surgery was performed (OR 1.03), the complexity (OR 1.44) and the pediatric surgeon (OR 0.28) influenced the result. Conclusion: There is an increasing number of patients aged 16 years which, despite the large number of simple cases, the most complex ones were referred to pediatric surgeons, who had lower mortality, especially in recent years. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012;98(5):390-397)