877 resultados para Initial formation of Biology teachers
Bacterial plasmids with two origins of replication in convergent orientation are frequently knotted in vivo. The knots formed are localised within the newly replicated DNA regions. Here, we analyse DNA knots tied within replication bubbles of such plasmids, and observe that the knots formed show predominantly positive signs of crossings. We propose that helical winding of replication bubbles in vivo leads to topoisomerase-mediated formation of knots on partially replicated DNA molecules.
During the regeneration of freshwater planarians, polarity and patterning programs play essential roles in determining whether a head or a tail regenerates at anterior or posterior-facing wounds. This decision is made very soon after amputation. The pivotal role of the Wnt/β-catenin and Hh signaling pathways in re-establishing anterior-posterior (AP) polarity has been well documented. However, the mechanisms that control the growth and differentiation of the blastema in accordance with its AP identity are less well understood. Previous studies have described a role of Smed-egfr-3, a planarian epidermal growth factor receptor, in blastema growth and differentiation. Here, we identify Smed-egr-4, a zinc-finger transcription factor belonging to the early growth response gene family, as a putative downstream target of Smed-egfr-3. Smed-egr-4 is mainly expressed in the central nervous system and its silencing inhibits anterior regeneration without affecting the regeneration of posterior regions. Single and combinatorial RNA interference to target different elements of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, together with expression analysis of brain- and anterior-specific markers, revealed that Smed-egr-4: (1) is expressed in two phases - an early Smed-egfr-3-independent phase and a late Smed-egfr-3-dependent phase; (2) is necessary for the differentiation of the brain primordia in the early stages of regeneration; and (3) that it appears to antagonize the activity of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway to allow head regeneration. These results suggest that a conserved EGFR/egr pathway plays an important role in cell differentiation during planarian regeneration and indicate an association between early brain differentiation and the proper progression of head regeneration.
Planting densities influence several aspects of forest formation, including management practices, timber yield, quality, and extraction, and consequently its production costs. The objective of this study was to evaluate Mimosa caesalpiinifolia and Gliricidia sepium growth as a function of planting density (400, 600, 800, 1000, and 1200 plants ha-1) and plant age. The species were evaluated every 90 days for plant height (PH), crown diameter (CD) and root collar diameter (RCD) (10 cm above the ground), with the first evaluation performed at 90 days and the last at 720 days. When plants were one year of age and beyond, evaluations were conducted also for stem diameter at breast height (DBH) (1.30 m above the ground). A randomized block design with split-plots and three replicates was adopted. Species were assigned to plots, planting densities were assigned to subplots, and evaluation ages were assigned to subsubplots. The four traits in both species had their values decreased as planting density increased, but continually increased as plant age increased. For PH and RCD there was an alternation between species superiority, with gliricidia being superior to sabiá at some ages, while the opposite occurred at other ages. As to CD the species only differed in the last measurement, gliricidia being superior. With regard to DBH, gliricidia was superior starting from the second measurement. There was an effect of the species × ages interaction for the four traits and also an effect of the densities × ages interaction for CD and DBH.
The Kraft pulping process is the dominant chemical pulping process in the world. Roughly 195 million metric tons of black liquor are produced annually as a by-product from the Kraft pulping process. Black liquor consists of spent cooking chemicals and dissolved organics from the wood and can contain up to 0.15 wt% nitrogen on dry solids basis. The cooking chemicals from black liquor are recovered in a chemical recovery cycle. Water is evaporated in the first stage of the chemical recovery cycle, so the black liquor has a dry solids content of 65-85% prior to combustion. During combustion of black liquor, a portion of the black liquor nitrogen is volatilized, finally forming N2 or NO. The rest of the nitrogen remains in the char as char nitrogen. During char conversion, fixed carbon is burned off leaving the pulping chemicals as smelt, and the char nitrogen forms mostly smelt nitrogen (cyanate, OCN-). Smelt exits the recovery boiler and is dissolved in water. The cyanate from smelt decomposes in the presence of water, forming NH3, which causes nitrogen emissions from the rest of the chemical recovery cycle. This thesis had two focuses: firstly, to determine how the nitrogen chemistry in the recovery boiler is affected by modification of black liquor; and secondly, to find out what causes cyanate formation during thermal conversion, and which parameters affect cyanate formation and decomposition during thermal conversion of black liquor. The fate of added biosludge nitrogen in chemical recovery was determined in Paper I. The added biosludge increased the nitrogen content of black liquor. At the pulp mill, the added biosludge did not increase the NO formation in the recovery boiler, but instead increased the amount of cyanate in green liquor. The increased cyanate caused more NH3 formation, which increased the NCG boiler’s NO emissions. Laboratory-scale experiments showed an increase in both NO and cyanate formation after biosludge addition. Black liquor can be modified, for example by addition of a solid biomass to increase the energy density of black liquor, or by separation of lignin from black liquor by precipitation. The precipitated lignin can be utilized in the production of green chemicals or as a fuel. In Papers II and III, laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to determine the impact of black liquor modification on NO and cyanate formation. Removal of lignin from black liquor reduced the nitrogen content of the black liquor. In most cases NO and cyanate formation decreased with increasing lignin removal; the exception was NO formation from lignin lean soda liquors. The addition of biomass to black liquor resulted in a higher nitrogen content fuel mixture, due to the higher nitrogen content of biomass compared to black liquor. More NO and cyanate were formed from the fuel mixtures than from pure black liquor. The increased amount of formed cyanate led to the hypothesis that black liquor is catalytically active and converts a portion of the nitrogen in the mixed fuel to cyanate. The mechanism behind cyanate formation during thermal conversion of black liquor was not clear before this thesis. Paper IV studies the cyanate formation of alkali metal loaded fuels during gasification in a CO2 atmosphere. The salts K2CO3, Na2CO3, and K2SO4 all promoted char nitrogen to cyanate conversion during gasification, while KCl and CaCO3 did not. It is now assumed that cyanate is formed when alkali metal carbonate or an active intermediate of alkali metal carbonate (e.g. -CO2K) reacts with the char nitrogen forming cyanate. By testing different fuels (bark, peat, and coal), each of which had a different form of organic nitrogen, it was concluded that the form of organic nitrogen in char also has an impact on cyanate formation. Cyanate can be formed during pyrolysis of black liquor, but at temperatures 900°C or above, the formed cyanate will decompose. Cyanate formation in gasifying conditions with different levels of CO2 in the atmosphere was also studied. Most of the char nitrogen was converted to cyanate during gasification at 800-900°C in 13-50% CO2 in N2, and only 5% of the initial fuel nitrogen was converted to NO during char conversion. The formed smelt cyanate was stable at 800°C 13% CO2, while it decomposed at 900°C 13% CO2. The cyanate decomposition was faster at higher temperatures and in oxygen-containing atmospheres than in an inert atmosphere. The presence of CO2 in oxygencontaining atmospheres slowed down the decomposition of cyanate. This work will provide new information on how modification of black liquor affects the nitrogen chemistry during thermal conversion of black liquor and what causes cyanate formation during thermal conversion of black liquor. The formation and decomposition of cyanate was studied in order to provide new data, which would be useful in modeling of nitrogen chemistry in the recovery boiler.
Boron trihalide and mixed boron trihalide adducts of trimethylamine have been prepared, and characterized by proton and fluorine N.M.R. spectroscopy. The acceptor power of the boron trihalides was seen to increase in the order BF3 < BC13 < BBr3 < BI3, corroborating previous evidence. The mixed boron trihalides had intermediate Lewis acidities. Solution reactions between adducts and free boron trihalides rapidly led to the formation of mixed adducts when the free boron trihalide is a stronger Lewis acid than that in the adduct. A slower reaction is observed when the free BX3 is a weaker Lewis aoid than that complexed. The mechanism of halogen exchange leading to the mixed (CH3)3NBX3 adducts was investigated. 10B labelling experiments precluded B-N bond rupture as a possible mechanism in solution; results are discussed in terms of halogen-bridged intermediates. Pre-ionization may be important for some systems. At higher temperatures, during gas phase reactions,B-N coordinate bond rupture may be the initial step of reaction. Two mixed adduots, namely (CH3)3NBClBr2 and (CH3)3NBHOIBr were prepared and characterized by Mass Spectrometry
La famille des gènes Hox code pour des facteurs de transcription connus pour leur contribution essentielle à l’élaboration de l’architecture du corps et ce, au sein de tout le règne animal. Au cours de l’évolution chez les vertébrés, les gènes Hox ont été redéfinis pour générer toute une variété de nouveaux tissus/organes. Souvent, cette diversification s’est effectuée via des changements quant au contrôle transcriptionnel des gènes Hox. Chez les mammifères, la fonction de Hoxa13 n’est pas restreinte qu’à l’embryon même, mais s’avère également essentielle pour le développement de la vascularisation fœtale au sein du labyrinthe placentaire, suggérant ainsi que sa fonction au sein de cette structure aurait accompagné l’émergence des espèces placentaires. Au chapitre 2, nous mettons en lumière le recrutement de deux autres gènes Hoxa, soient Hoxa10 et Hoxa11, au compartiment extra-embryonnaire. Nous démontrons que l’expression de Hoxa10, Hoxa11 et Hoxa13 est requise au sein de l’allantoïde, précurseur du cordon ombilical et du système vasculaire fœtal au sein du labyrinthe placentaire. De façon intéressante, nous avons découvert que l’expression des gènes Hoxa10-13 dans l’allantoïde n’est pas restreinte qu’aux mammifères placentaires, mais est également présente chez un vertébré non-placentaire, indiquant que le recrutement des ces gènes dans l’allantoïde précède fort probablement l’émergence des espèces placentaires. Nous avons généré des réarrangements génétiques et utilisé des essais transgéniques pour étudier les mécanismes régulant l’expression des gènes Hoxa dans l’allantoïde. Nous avons identifié un fragment intergénique de 50 kb capable d’induire l’expression d’un gène rapporteur dans l’allantoïde. Cependant, nous avons trouvé que le mécanisme de régulation contrôlant l’expression du gène Hoxa au sein du compartiment extra-embryonnaire est fort complexe et repose sur plus qu’un seul élément cis-régulateur. Au chapitre 3, nous avons utilisé la cartographie génétique du destin cellulaire pour évaluer la contribution globale des cellules exprimant Hoxa13 aux différentes structures embryonnaires. Plus particulièrement, nous avons examiné plus en détail l’analyse de la cartographie du destin cellulaire de Hoxa13 dans les pattes antérieures en développement. Nous avons pu déterminer que, dans le squelette du membre, tous les éléments squelettiques de l’autopode (main), à l’exception de quelques cellules dans les éléments carpiens les plus proximaux, proviennent des cellules exprimant Hoxa13. En contraste, nous avons découvert que, au sein du compartiment musculaire, les cellules exprimant Hoxa13 et leurs descendantes (Hoxa13lin+) s’étendent à des domaines plus proximaux du membre, où ils contribuent à générer la plupart des masses musculaires de l’avant-bras et, en partie, du triceps. De façon intéressante, nous avons découvert que les cellules exprimant Hoxa13 et leurs descendantes ne sont pas distribuées uniformément parmi les différents muscles. Au sein d’une même masse musculaire, les fibres avec une contribution Hoxa13lin+ différente peuvent être identifiées et les fibres avec une contribution semblable sont souvent regroupées ensemble. Ce résultat évoque la possibilité que Hoxa13 soit impliqué dans la mise en place de caractéristiques spécifiques des groupes musculaires, ou la mise en place de connections nerf-muscle. Prises dans leur ensemble, les données ici présentées permettent de mieux comprendre le rôle de Hoxa13 au sein des compartiments embryonnaires et extra-embryonnaires. Par ailleurs, nos résultats seront d’une importance primordiale pour soutenir les futures études visant à expliquer les mécanismes transcriptionnels soutenant la régulation des gènes Hoxa dans les tissus extra-embryonnaires.
L'azote est l'un des éléments les plus essentiels dans le monde pour les êtres vivants, car il est essentiel pour la production des éléments de base de la cellule, les acides aminés, les acides nucléiques et les autres constituants cellulaires. L’atmosphère est composé de 78% d'azote gazeux, une source d'azote inutilisable par la plupart des organismes à l'exception de ceux qui possèdent l’enzyme nitrogénase, tels que les bactéries diazotrophique. Ces micro-organismes sont capables de convertir l'azote atmosphérique en ammoniac (NH3), qui est l'une des sources d'azote les plus préférables. Cette réaction exigeant l’ATP, appelée fixation de l'azote, est catalysée par une enzyme, nitrogénase, qui est l'enzyme la plus importante dans le cycle de l'azote. Certaines protéines sont des régulateurs potentiels de la synthèse de la nitrogénase et de son activité; AmtB, DraT, DraG, les protéines PII, etc.. Dans cette thèse, j'ai effectué diverses expériences afin de mieux comprendre leurs rôles détailés dans Rhodobacter capsulatus. La protéine membranaire AmtB, très répandue chez les archaea, les bactéries et les eucaryotes, est un membre de la famille MEP / Amt / Rh. Les protéines AmtB sont des transporteurs d'ammonium, importateurs d'ammonium externe, et ont également été suggéré d’agir comme des senseurs d'ammonium. Il a été montré que l’AmtB de Rhodobacter capsulatus fonctionne comme un capteur pour détecter la présence d'ammonium externe pour réguler la nitrogénase. La nitrogénase est constituée de deux métalloprotéines nommées MoFe-protéine et Fe-protéine. L'addition d'ammoniaque à une culture R. capsulatus conduit à une série de réactions qui mènent à la désactivation de la nitrogénase, appelé "nitrogénase switch-off". Une réaction critique dans ce processus est l’ajout d’un groupe ADP-ribose à la Fe-protéine par DraT. L'entrée de l'ammoniac dans la cellule à travers le pore AmtB est contrôlée par la séquestration de GlnK. GlnK est une protéine PII et les protéines PII sont des protéines centrales dans la régulation du métabolisme de l'azote. Non seulement la séquestration de GlnK par AmtB est importante dans la régulation nitrogénase, mais la liaison de l'ammonium par AmtB ou de son transport partiel est également nécessaire. Les complexes AmtB-GlnK sont supposés de lier DraG, l’enzyme responsable pour enlever l'ADP-ribose ajouté à la nitrogénase par DraT, ainsi formant un complexe ternaire. Dans cette thèse certains détails du mécanisme de transduction du signal et de transport d'ammonium ont été examinés par la génération et la caractérisation d’un mutant dirigé, RCZC, (D335A). La capacité de ce mutant, ainsi que des mutants construits précédemment, RCIA1 (D338A), RCIA2 (G344C), RCIA3 (H193E) et RCIA4 (W237A), d’effectuer le « switch-off » de la nitrogénase a été mesurée par chromatographie en phase gazeuse. Les résultats ont révélé que tous les résidus d'acides aminés ci-dessus ont un rôle essentiel dans la régulation de la nitrogénase. L’immunobuvardage a également été effectués afin de vérifier la présence de la Fe-protéine l'ADP-ribosylée. D335, D388 et W237 semblent être cruciales pour l’ADP-ribosylation, puisque les mutants RCZC, RCIA1 et RCIA4 n'a pas montré de l’ADP-ribosylation de la Fe-protéine. En outre, même si une légère ADP-ribosylation a été observée pour RCIA2 (G344C), nous le considérons comme un résidu d'acide aminé important dans la régulation de la nitrogénase. D’un autre coté, le mutant RCIA3 (H193E) a montré une ADP-ribosylation de la Fe-protéine après un choc d'ammonium, par conséquent, il ne semble pas jouer un rôle important dans l’ADP-ribosylation. Par ailleurs R. capsulatus possède une deuxième Amt appelé AmtY, qui, contrairement à AmtB, ne semble pas avoir des rôles spécifiques. Afin de découvrir ses fonctionnalités, AmtY a été surexprimée dans une souche d’E. coli manquant l’AmtB (GT1001 pRSG1) (réalisée précédemment par d'autres membres du laboratoire) et la formation des complexes AmtY-GlnK en réponse à l'addition d’ammoniac a été examinée. Il a été montré que même si AmtY est en mesure de transporter l'ammoniac lorsqu'il est exprimé dans E. coli, elle ne peut pass’ associer à GlnK en réponse à NH4 +.
Les interactions entre les squelettes sucre-phosphate de nucléotides jouent un rôle important dans la stabilisation des structures tertiaires de larges molécules d’ARN. Elles sont régies par des règles particulières qui gouverne leur formation mais qui jusque là demeure quasiment inconnues. Un élément structural d’ARN pour lequel les interactions sucre-phosphate sont importantes est le motif d’empaquetage de deux doubles hélices d’ARN le long du sillon mineur. Ce motif se trouve à divers endroits dans la structure du ribosome. Il consiste en deux doubles hélices interagissant de manière à ce que le squelette sucre-phosphate de l’une se niche dans le sillon mineur de l’autre et vice versa. La surface de contact entre les deux hélices est majoritairement formée par les riboses et implique au total douze nucléotides. La présente thèse a pour but d’analyser la structure interne de ce motif et sa dépendance de stabilité résultant de l’association optimale ou non des hélices, selon leurs séquences nucléotidiques. Il est démontré dans cette thèse qu’un positionnement approprié des riboses leur permet de former des contacts inter-hélices, par l’entremise d’un choix particulier de l’identité des pairs de bases impliquées. Pour différentes pairs de bases participant à ce contact inter-hélices, l’identité optimale peut être du type Watson-Crick, GC/CG, or certaines pairs de bases non Watson-Crick. Le choix adéquat de paires de bases fournit une interaction inter-hélice stable. Dans quelques cas du motif, l’identité de certaines paires de bases ne correspond pas à la structure la plus stable, ce qui pourrait refléter le fait que ces motifs devraient avoir une liberté de formation et de déformation lors du fonctionnement du ribosome.
This paper was written within the context of the research project “The development of teacher’ associative organizations and unionism (1889-1990)” funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Foundation for Science and Technology). Five important congresses about secondary education were organized in Portugal between 1927 and 1931. These congresses served to claim the rights of teachers and the consolidation of the class, as well as to promote the discussion of scientific and pedagogical problems. In these congresses, the presence of female teachers was residual. However, the few teachers who participated had a significant contribution to the definition of secondary education during the following decades. Among other issues, it contributed to the discussion of female education and to analyze the importance of Biology and Physical Education in high schools. This paper presents the analysis of the minutes of the 1927s and 1928s Congresses. This analysis allowed the assessment of the important role played by a group of teachers to define, at the end of the first third of the 20th century, the future guidelines of Portuguese secondary education. It also reported that these teachers were pioneers who opened the way for the increasing number of teachers in secondary education during the 20th century.
Studies have suggested that diets rich in polyphenols Such as flavonoids may lead to a reduced risk of gastrointestinal cancers. We demonstrate the ability of monomeric and dimeric flavanols to scavenge reactive nitrogen species derived from nitrous acid. Both epicatechin and dimer B2 (epicatechin dimer) inhibited nitrous acid-induced formation of 3-nitrotyrosine and the formation of the carcinogenic N-nitrosamine, N-nitrosodimethylamine. The reaction of monomeric and dimeric epicatechin with nitrous acid led to the formation of mono- and di-nitroso flavanols, whereas the reaction with hesperetin resulted primarily in the formation of nitrated products. Although, epicatechin was transferred across the jejunum of the small intestine yielding metabolites, its nitroso form was not absorbed. Dimer B2 but not epicatechin monomer inhibited the proliferation of, and triggered apoptosis in, Caco-2 cells. The latter was accompanied by caspase-3 activation and reductions in Akt phosphorylation, suggesting activation of apoptosis via inhibition of prosurvival signaling. Furthermore, the dinitroso derivative of dimer B2, and to a lesser extent the dinitroso-epicatechin, also induced significant toxic effects in Caco-2 cells. The inhibitory effects on cellular proliferation were paralleled by early inhibition of ERK 1/2 phosphorylation and later reductions in cyclin D I levels, indicating modulation of cell cycle regulation in Caco-2 cells. These effects highlight multiple routes in which dietary derived flavanols may exert beneficial effects in the gastrointestinal tract. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper reports on research undertaken into the processes through which student teachers begin to formulate an identity as a professional teacher. Using Fuller’s investigations into the attitudes of trainee teachers towards their courses (1969) as a baseline, a discussion is established on the place of the student voice in contemporary initial teacher training programmes. In order to further investigate the potential importance of affording student teachers the opportunity to reflect on and express their thinking and feeling as they embark on their chosen career path, the concerns of a group of student drama teachers were recorded and interpreted. The vehicle for this exercise involved writing and subsequently performing reflective monologues. These were analysed by using The Listening Guide as composed by Gilligan et al. (2003). This paper illustrates how the methodology revealed distinct yet generally harmonious voices at work in the group in the first few weeks of their training year. Subsequent analysis suggests a model for the initial formation of a teaching identity built on aspects of self, role and character. Recognising the relative values and relationships between these factors for student teachers may, it is argued, provide greater security for them while affording their tutors insights which could help them to re-shape initial teacher training programmes. Keywords: student teachers, teacher training, professional identity, student voice, reflective monologues
Throughout pregnancy the cytotrophoblast, the stem cell of the placenta, gives rise to the differentiated forms of trophoblasts. The two main cell lineages are the syncytiotrophoblast and the invading extravillous trophoblast. A successful pregnancy requires extravillous trophoblasts to migrate and invade through the decidua and then remodel the maternal spiral arteries. Many invasive cells use specialised cellular structures called invadopodia or podosomes in order to degrade extracellular matrix. Despite being highly invasive cells, the presence of invadapodia or podosomes has not previously been investigated in trophoblasts. In this study these structures have been identified and characterised in extravillous trophoblasts. The role of specialised invasive structures in trophoblasts in the degradation of the extracellular matrix was compared with well characterised podosomes and invadopodia in other invasive cells and the trophoblast specific structures were characterised by using a sensitive matrix degradation assay which enabled visualisation of the structures and their dynamics. We show trophoblasts form actin rich protrusive structures which have the ability to degrade the extracellular matrix during invasion. The degradation ability and dynamics of the structures closely resemble podosomes, but have unique characteristics that have not previously been described in other cell types. The composition of these structures does not conform to the classic podosome structure, with no distinct ring of plaque proteins such as paxillin or vinculin. In addition, trophoblast podosomes protrude more deeply into the extracellular matrix than established podosomes, resembling invadopodia in this regard. We also show several significant pathways such as Src kinase, MAPK kinase and PKC along with MMP-2 and 9 as key regulators of extracellular matrix degradation activity in trophoblasts, while podosome activity was regulated by the rigidity of the extracellular matrix.
Acrylamide is formed from reducing sugars and asparagine during the preparation of French fries. The commercial preparation of French fries is a multi-stage process involving the preparation of frozen, par-fried potato strips for distribution to catering outlets where they are finish fried. The initial blanching, treatment in glucose solution and par-frying steps are crucial since they determine the levels of precursors present at the beginning of the finish frying process. In order to minimize the quantities of acrylamide in cooked fries, it is important to understand the impact of each stage on the formation of acrylamide. Acrylamide, amino acids, sugars, moisture, fat and color were monitored at time intervals during the frying of potato strips which had been dipped in varying concentrations of glucose and fructose during a typical pretreatment. A mathematical model of the finish-frying was developed based on the fundamental chemical reaction pathways, incorporating moisture and temperature gradients in the fries. This showed the contribution of both glucose and fructose to the generation of acrylamide, and accurately predicted the acrylamide content of the final fries.
Acrylamide is formed from reducing sugars and asparagine during the preparation of French fries. The commercial preparation of French fries is a multistage process involving the preparation of frozen, par-fried potato strips for distribution to catering outlets, where they are finish-fried. The initial blanching, treatment in glucose solution, and par-frying steps are crucial because they determine the levels of precursors present at the beginning of the finish-frying process. To minimize the quantities of acrylamide in cooked fries, it is important to understand the impact of each stage on the formation of acrylamide. Acrylamide, amino acids, sugars, moisture, fat, and color were monitored at time intervals during the frying of potato strips that had been dipped in various concentrations of glucose and fructose during a typical pretreatment. A mathematical model based on the fundamental chemical reaction pathways of the finish-frying was developed, incorporating moisture and temperature gradients in the fries. This showed the contribution of both glucose and fructose to the generation of acrylamide and accurately predicted the acrylamide content of the final fries.
There are controversial reports in the literature concerning the reactivity of singlet oxygen ((1)O(2)) with the redox probe 2`,7`-dichlorodihydrofluorescein (DCFH). By carefully preparing solutions in which (1)O(2) is quantitatively generated in the presence of DCFH, we were able to show that the formation rate of the fluorescent molecule derived from DCFH oxidation, which is 2`,7`-dichlorofluorescein (DCF), increases in D(2)O and decreases in sodium azide, proving the direct role of (1)O(2) in this process. We have also prepared solutions in which either (1)O(2) or dication (MB(center dot 2+)) and semi-reduced (MB(center dot)) radicals of the sensitizer and subsequently super-oxide radical (O(2)(center dot-)) are generated. The absence of any effect of SOD and catalase ruled out the DCFH oxidation by O(2)(center dot-), indicating that both (1)O(2) and MB(center dot 2+) react with DCFH. Although the formation of DCF was 1 order of magnitude larger in the presence of MB(center dot 2+) than in the presence of (1)O(2), considering the rate of spontaneous decays of these species in aqueous solution, we were able to conclude that the reactivity of (1)O(2) with DCFH is actually larger than that of MB(center dot 2+). We conclude that DCFH can continue to be used as a probe to monitor general redox misbalance induced in biologic systems by oxidizing radicals and (1)O(2).