928 resultados para Initial Public Offering
This study examines the long-run performance of initial public offerings on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM). The results show that the 3-year equally weighted cumulative adjusted returns average −16.5%. The magnitude of this underperformance is consistent with most reported studies in different developed and emerging markets. Based on multivariate regression models, firms with small issues and higher ex ante financial strength seem on average to experience greater long-run underperformance, supporting the divergence of opinion and overreaction hypotheses. On the other hand, Mauritian firms do not on average time their offerings to lower cost of capital and as such, there seems to be limited support for the windows of opportunity hypothesis.
We examine the empirical impact of trade openness on the short-run underpricing of initial public offerings (IPOs) using city-level real estate data. This paper represents a first attempt to employ a macroeconomic approach to explain IPO performance. We investigate an openness effect in which urban economic openness (UEO) has a significant impact on the productivity and on the prices of both direct and indirect real estate due to productivity gains of companies in more open areas. This in turn positively affects the firm’s profitability, enhancing the confidence in the local real estate market and the future company performance and decreasing the uncertainty of the IPO valuation. And as a result, we find that issuers have less incentive to underprice the IPO shares. China provides a suitable experimental ground to study the immense underpricing in developing markets, which cannot solely be accounted for by firm specific effects. First, Chinese real estate companies show strong geographic patterns focusing their businesses locally – usually at a city level. Second, we observe a degree of openness which is significantly heterogeneous across Chinese cities. Controlling for company-specific variables, location and state ownership, we find the evidence that companies whose businesses are in economically more open areas experience less IPO underpricing. Our results show high explanatory power and are robust to diverse specifications.
Este trabalho objetiva verificar a existência de “Market Timing” no mercado acionário brasileiro. Os nossos estudos foram divididos em três análises distintas. Primeiro verificamos a presença de “market-timing” nos IPOs e posteriormente expandimos para as ofertas subseqüentes de ações (OSAs). Por último verificamos a persistência dos efeitos do “Market Timing” sobre a estrutura de capital das empresas. Os resultados dos nossos estudos mostram que as empresas brasileiras tendem a emitir mais capital quando o mercado está aquecido. Essas emissões acontecem através de IPOs e de OSAs e alteram a estrutura de capital dessas empresas. Com o passar do tempo essa alteração na estrutura de capital tende a diminuir.
This paper analyzes the evolution of the protection to the minority stockholders of the stock market, through their right to withdrawal when the society is reorganized. Thus, a triple study was done: In the first place, it analyzes the evolution of legal protection for the minority stockholders with relation to possible abuses that can be committed by the majority stockholders of public traded corporations when there is a Public Offering for Stocks Acquisition (POSAs). In the second place, it studies opinions about this legal protection of portfolio managers and lawyers who deal with corporate law. Finally, it verified the POSAs which occurred in recent periods, comparing the values used by the majority stockholders to reimburse the stocks from minority shareholders in those POSAs. Comparing the results of these three above studies, we conclude that: A) The current legislation does not protect adequately the minority stockholders; B) There is a great dispersion of opinions among the two categories of professionals, concerning their approval or not of important details of the current legislation, and also of the old legislation; C) A great dispersion also exists about the suggestions concerning what should be modified in the legislation to improve it; D) The Brazilian Securities Commission (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários ¿ CVM) did not prevent the distortions observed in the POSAs studied; E) The legislation is not always well known by these professionals, and this suggests that the knowledge of small investors must be precarious. This insecurity and ignorance of the legal protection become obstacles for nonspecialized persons to invest in stocks, resulting in an important limitation for the development and popularization of the Brazilian stock market.
O mercado brasileiro de ofertas públicas iniciais a partir de 2004 passou por um reaquecimento. O período até 2008, segundo a Agência Brasileira de Desenvolvimento Industrial – ABDI (2009) foi marcado pela aceleração das saídas de investidores em Private Equity e Venture Capital (PE/VC) via mercado de ações. Esses fundos são bem ativos nas empresas investidas e buscam ter acesso e influenciar as decisões dos administradores, exigem um volume grande de informações gerenciais, se preocupam com a profissionalização da gestão da empresa além de impor práticas de governança e transparência. Por serem investidores ativos espera-se que as empresas que tiveram participação desses veículos de investimento no momento anterior a abertura do capital apresentem retornos melhores do que outras sem essa participação. Assim objetivo desse estudo é verificar se há evidencias de que a presença de fundos de private equitiy ou venture capital no capital social da empresa antes de seu lançamento afeta o desempenho de longo prazo de suas ações, no presente estudo estabelecido como até 3 anos. Foi utilizada a metodologia de estudo de eventos para a investigação dos retornos de uma amostra de 126 IPOs ocorridos entre 2004 e 2011 no Brasil. A metodologia empregada tem como base o trabalho de Ritter (1991) com as recomendações de Khotari e Warner (2006), Ahern (2009) e Mackinlay (1997). Para o cálculo dos retronos anormais acumulados, ou cummulative abnormal returns – CAR utilizou-se o retorno ajustado pelo mercado, ou Market Adjusted Returns Equaly Wheighted, MAREW, utilizando como benchmark o Ibovespa e tendo como base um portifólio com pesos iguais. Verificou-se que há um retorno anormal médio de 3,47% no dia do lançamento que com o passar do tempo o retorno se torna negativo, sendo -15,27% no final do primeiro ano, -37,32% no final do segundo ano e chegando a -36,20% no final do terceiro ano. Para verificar o que influencia o CAR no longo prazo, foram relizadas regressões para os períodos de 1, 6, 12, 24 e 36 com as variáveis de controle Tamanho da Empresa, Tamanho da Oferta, Proporção da Oferta Primária, Idade, Quantidade de Investidores e Underprice para medir qual a influência de um fundo de Private Equity no retorno excedente acumulado das ações. A presença de um fundo de Private Equity ou Venture Capital se mostrou significativa apenas depois de seis meses do lançamento.
This paper examines the relevance of market timing as a motive for initial public offerings (IPOs) by comparing IPOs of firms that are members of Japanese keiretsu industrial groups with IPOs of independent Japanese firms. We argue that Japanese keiretsu-linked IPOs form a favorable sample to find evidence of the market timing motive. Instead, the data provide strong evidence for a restructuring motive and little evidence for market timing. We find that long run returns to keiretsu and independent IPOs are not negative, contrary to U.S. evidence, and are indistinguishable from each other; initial returns to keiretsu-linked IPOs are significantly higher than to independent firms; and a significant number of keiretsu IPO firms adjust their linkages with the group following the IPO, with both increases and decreases.
This chapter discusses private equity and venture capital (PE/VC) in Brazil. Firstly, it is shown that PE/VC has a strong impact in the Brazilian capital markets, with PE/VC-backed companies representing close to half the amount raised by initial public offerings (IPOs) in the stock exchanges. By examining two of these deals, which involved small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs), it is argued that PE/VC managers have acted as catalysts of the impressive growth rates experienced before these companies entered the stock markets. Indeed, PE/VC firms represent an important segment of the capital market, with specialization to invest in high-growth innovative SMEs. PE/VC managers exercise superior selection, monitoring and governance that mitigate the uncertainty and risks of investing in such companies. Despite its successes in Brazil, PE/VC is still very much restrained by the challenging local economic and institutional environment. Thus, changes in the legal and fiscal system, simplification in bureaucratic procedures, and other such improvements will most likely result in a sensible growth in the Brazilian PE/VC industry, with positive impact in the SME access to finance in Brazil. Since most countries in Latin America share similar economic and institutional traits with Brazil, the path followed by the local PE/VC industry can serve as an example for other countries to learn with its successes and failures.
As decisões de financiamento com dívida têm impacto na estrutura de capital através da alteração da alavancagem, da titularidade e da maturidade da dívida. As teorias mais populares sobre a composição da dívida, preveem um efeito negativo nas ações quando uma empresa emite debêntures. Os meus resultados não confirmam esse efeito, pelo menos diretamente. Contudo os determinantes da emissão são consistentes com as previsões, com algumas particularidades da economia Brasileira.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo central analisar as prescrições curriculares oficiais para a implantação do ensino médio integrado na Rede de Escolas de Educação Tecnológica do Estado do Pará (EETEPA) no período de 2004 a 2009. Obteve financiamento do CNPq e foi vinculado ao Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa sobre Currículo e Formação de Professores na Perspectiva da Inclusão (INCLUDERE). Trata-se de um estudo caso de caráter documental. A trajetória do estudo foi realizada por meio de pesquisa exploratória em estudos correlatos, com revisão bibliográfica em fontes secundárias da área de educação seguida de pesquisa documental em fontes primárias, como: leis, atos normativos, boletins informativos, proposta pedagógica, plano de curso de informática de uma unidade tecnológica da Rede EETEPA por meio de critério seletivo. Os aspectos discursivos tratados foram: os fundamentos teóricos para implantação do ensino médio integrado à educação profissional; As políticas curriculares para o ensino médio e educação profissional destacando o caráter dual entre a formação geral e profissional. Bem como, foi resgatado o movimento da implantação do ensino médio integrado em nível nacional e localmente no estado paraense mediante as prescrições curriculares oficiais. Os resultados alcançados: referiram-se primeiramente as estratégias adotadas pela SEDUC para implantação do ensino médio integrado nos estabelecimentos de ensino da Rede de EETEPA, a saber: Criação da Diretoria de Ensino Médio, com duas coordenações, a de Ensino Médio e de Educação Profissional; Quebra do contrato com a OSETPP, resgatando para a administração da SEDUC, as 11 (onze) escolas; Criação da Rede EETEPA; Realização de eventos (conferências, fóruns e seminários); Elaboração da proposta educacional para Rede EETEPA; Elaboração do Projeto Político-Pedagógico para Rede EETEPA; Orientações para reestruturação dos projetos políticos-pedagógicos das escolas tecnológicas e construção dos planos de cursos técnicos; Abertura de edital público para oferta de cursos subsequentes, integrado e PROEJA; e, Iniciação das reformas físicas nas unidades tecnológicas. Foi realizada, também, a identificação e análise das prescrições curriculares oficiais para Rede EETEPA, a saber, Proposta Educacional para a Rede EETEPA; Orientações para implantação de cursos técnicos de nível médio na forma integrada para a Rede EETEPA; Diretrizes Específicas II: Orientações Gerais para o Ensino Médio Integrado. Ao analisar esses documentos, constatei que a proposta educacional prescrita para Rede EETEPA pela COEP/DEMP-SEDUC, coaduna com a proposta idealizada pelo Ministério de Educação, ambas resgatam elementos já disseminados pelo pensamento educacional brasileiro desde as décadas dos anos 1980, com a finalidade de se erigir os fundamentos de uma escola unitária e politécnica, deixando explicita a concepção filosófica inspiradora do documento. Contudo, constatou-se que, o plano de curso de informática da Escola Técnica Magalhães Barata (localizada a região metropolitana de Belém do Pará) não conseguiu apresentar uma proposta coerente com os fundamentos do ensino médio integrado.
Introduction. This thesis is framed in the last 15 years of history of the Spanish equity market (years 2000 to 2014). In this sense and, as an introduction of this work, in the first chapter the main features of the background of the electronic market for shares and the implications that the migration from out-c1y circles to this automatic system is explained. The main changes of this electronic system (Spanish stock exchange interconnection system) are detailed in this part. Also in this first chapter is explained the important European meeting, in December 1999, of eight stock exchanges which foresee, in a first step, to design a single market model for, lately, try to merge, final step that did not take place. After this initial moment in December 1999, in this work the main features of the market model of the main European markets (London, Paris, Germany and Italy) are generally described, given that it is important to consider the European context of the Spanish equity market, specially during these last fifteen years. Along chapter two, the thesis is supported with the theoretic frame explaining here the nature of markets and their important role in the economy, detailing afte1wards the Spanish case from the point of view of its institutional structure and legal framework. Besides, in this chapter, a deep review of initial public offerings (main concepts and calendar steps) is done as well as take-over bids (typology and key-concepts)...
En el presente documento vamos a explicar el modelo de implementación y ejecución de la empresa Outlanders Colombia, dedicada al ofrecimiento de experiencias de ecoturismo a un público local y extranjero ubicado en Bogotá principalmente caracterizado por ser dinámico y buscar la realización de actividades de contacto con la naturaleza. Para el año 2018 queremos posicionarnos como una empresa referente en nuestro sector por ofrecer servicios de alta calidad en los destinos que abarcamos. Adicionalmente buscaremos concretar la realización de alianzas y acuerdos de cooperación con universidades, ONG´s y demás entidades que puedan ser fuentes de usuarios para nuestras actividades. Por otra parte y aprovechando un eventual escenario de paz en nuestro país, continuaremos con la exploración de lugares de alto atractivo natural en toda Colombia y seguiremos con nuestro modelo de desarrollo de alianzas con operadores y guías turísticos locales que tengan experiencia en la atención al mercado local y se adecúen a la gestión de calidad que planteamos para la prestación de servicios a un público más exigente. Dentro de nuestro portafolio actual ofrecemos productos enmarcados en 4 categorías distintas: Actividades de 1 día, Experiencias en ambientes naturales, recorridos por corredores turísticos y expediciones técnicas. En un futuro cercano desarrollaremos una nueva categoría: Inmersiones etnográficas, en donde pretendemos que nuestro cliente comparta con comunidades indígenas y socialmente lejanas al pensamiento occidental. Para hacer conocer al cliente potencial de nuestros servicios, realizaremos inicialmente caminatas y recorridos gratuitos en donde la gente interesada en actividades outdoor tenga una “muestra gratis” de nuestros servicios. Adicionalmente estamos en proceso de consolidación de alianzas para la promoción de nuestros servicios en entidades con flujo de clientes potenciales: Universidades, ONG´s, colegios, etc. Para complementar nuestra estrategia de publicidad y mercadeo realizaremos una fuerte presencia en redes sociales y canales virtuales de mercadeo. Sabemos de la gran influencia que tiene el componente audiovisual en la promoción de nuestros servicios por lo que nos enfocaremos en mostrar imágenes de lugares con alto atractivo natural por nuestros medios virtuales. Por otra parte sabemos de la importancia de ofrecer un servicio de alta calidad a nuestros turistas, por lo que nos aseguraremos de contar con equipo y personal adecuado para el desarrollo de las actividades. Programas de aseguramiento de la calidad y mejora continua son para nosotros una prioridad. Nuestro equipo inicialmente se compone de dos personas, que se encargan inicialmente de desarrollar labores en las dos principales áreas con las que por el momento cuenta la empresa: Logística y Marketing. Sin embargo para la realización de nuestras actividades contratamos temporalmente (dependiendo de la duración de los viajes) los servicios de expertos, guías y una serie de terceros preferiblemente provenientes de los lugares que visitamos. Actualmente contamos con experiencia en el sector con un acumulado de más de 30 viajes organizados en distintos destinos dentro del país que hacen parte de nuestro portafolio. Nos visualizamos como expertos en la realización de viajes destinos de difícil acceso en el país y así mismo nos queremos posicionar como una empresa ambiental y socialmente responsable con un modelo financiero sostenible.
Introduction. The HIV/AIDS disease burden disproportionately affects minority populations, specifically African Americans. While sexual risk behaviors play a role in the observed HIV burden, other factors including gender, age, socioeconomics, and barriers to healthcare access may also be contributory. The goal of this study was to determine how far down the HIV/AIDS disease process people of different ethnicities first present for healthcare. The study specifically analyzed the differences in CD4 cell counts at the initial HIV-1 diagnosis with respect to ethnicity. The study also analyzed racial differences in HIV/AIDS risk factors. ^ Methods. This is a retrospective study using data from the Adult Spectrum of HIV Disease (ASD), collected by the City of Houston Department of Health. The ASD database contains information on newly reported HIV cases in the Harris County District Hospitals between 1989 and 2000. Each patient had an initial and a follow-up report. The extracted variables of interest from the ASD data set were CD4 counts at the initial HIV diagnosis, race, gender, age at HIV diagnosis and behavioral risk factors. One-way ANOVA was used to examine differences in baseline CD4 counts at HIV diagnosis between racial/ethnic groups. Chi square was used to analyze racial differences in risk factors. ^ Results. The analyzed study sample was 4767. The study population was 47% Black, 37% White and 16% Hispanic [p<0.05]. The mean and median CD4 counts at diagnosis were 254 and 193 cells per ml, respectively. At the initial HIV diagnosis Blacks had the highest average CD4 counts (285), followed by Whites (233) and Hispanics (212) [p<0.001 ]. These statistical differences, however, were only observed with CD4 counts above 350 [p<0.001], even when adjusted for age at diagnosis and gender [p<0.05]. Looking at risk factors, Blacks were mostly affected by intravenous drug use (IVDU) and heterosexuality, whereas Whites and Hispanics were more affected by male homosexuality [ p<0.05]. ^ Conclusion. (1) There were statistical differences in CD4 counts with respect to ethnicity, but these differences only existed for CD4 counts above 350. These differences however do not appear to have clinical significance. Antithetically, Blacks had the highest CD4 counts followed by Whites and Hispanics. (2) 50% of this study group clinically had AIDS at their initial HIV diagnosis (median=193), irrespective of ethnicity. It was not clear from data analysis if these observations were due to failure of early HIV surveillance, HIV testing policies or healthcare access. More studies need to be done to address this question. (3) Homosexuality and bisexuality were the biggest risk factors for Whites and Hispanics, whereas for Blacks were mostly affected by heterosexuality and IVDU, implying a need for different public health intervention strategies for these racial groups. ^
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
BACKGROUND: The findings of prior studies of air pollution effects on adverse birth outcomes are difficult to synthesize because of differences in study design. OBJECTIVES: The International Collaboration on Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes was formed to understand how differences in research methods contribute to variations in findings. We initiated a feasibility study to a) assess the ability of geographically diverse research groups to analyze their data sets using a common protocol and b) perform location-specific analyses of air pollution effects on birth weight using a standardized statistical approach. METHODS: Fourteen research groups from nine countries participated. We developed a protocol to estimate odds ratios (ORs) for the association between particulate matter <= 10 mu m in aerodynamic diameter (PM(10)) and low birth weight (LBW) among term births, adjusted first for socioeconomic status (SES) and second for additional location-specific variables. RESULTS: Among locations with data for the PM(10) analysis, ORs estimating the relative risk of term LBW associated with a 10-mu g/m(3) increase in average PM(10) concentration during pregnancy, adjusted for SES, ranged from 0.63 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.30-1.35] for the Netherlands to 1.15 (95% CI, 0.61-2.18) for Vancouver, with six research groups reporting statistically significant adverse associations. We found evidence of statistically significant heterogeneity in estimated effects among locations. CONCLUSIONS: Variability in PM(10)-LBW relationships among study locations remained despite use of a common statistical approach. A more detailed meta-analysis and use of more complex protocols for future analysis may uncover reasons for heterogeneity across locations. However, our findings confirm the potential for a diverse group of researchers to analyze their data in a standardized way to improve understanding of air pollution effects on birth outcomes.