947 resultados para Indice de plaque


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Salmonella typhimurium mutants affecting the plaque morphology of P22 and other phages have been isolated. Using one such bacterial mutant phage mutants making turbid plaques have been isolated.


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Purpose: Composition of the coronary artery plaque is known to have critical role in heart attack. While calcified plaque can easily be diagnosed by conventional CT, it fails to distinguish between fibrous and lipid rich plaques. In the present paper, the authors discuss the experimental techniques and obtain a numerical algorithm by which the electron density (rho(e)) and the effective atomic number (Z(eff)) can be obtained from the dual energy computed tomography (DECT) data. The idea is to use this inversion method to characterize and distinguish between the lipid and fibrous coronary artery plaques. Methods: For the purpose of calibration of the CT machine, the authors prepare aqueous samples whose calculated values of (rho(e), Z(eff)) lie in the range of (2.65 x 10(23) <= rho(e) <= 3.64 x 10(23)/cm(3)) and (6.80 <= Z(eff) <= 8.90). The authors fill the phantom with these known samples and experimentally determine HU(V-1) and HU(V-2), with V-1,V-2 = 100 and 140 kVp, for the same pixels and thus determine the coefficients of inversion that allow us to determine (rho(e), Z(eff)) from the DECT data. The HU(100) and HU(140) for the coronary artery plaque are obtained by filling the channel of the coronary artery with a viscous solution of methyl cellulose in water, containing 2% contrast. These (rho(e), Z(eff)) values of the coronary artery plaque are used for their characterization on the basis of theoretical models of atomic compositions of the plaque materials. These results are compared with histopathological report. Results: The authors find that the calibration gives Pc with an accuracy of 3.5% while Z(eff) is found within 1% of the actual value, the confidence being 95%. The HU(100) and HU(140) are found to be considerably different for the same plaque at the same position and there is a linear trend between these two HU values. It is noted that pure lipid type plaques are practically nonexistent, and microcalcification, as observed in histopathology, has to be taken into account to explain the nature of the observed (rho(e), Z(eff)) data. This also enables us to judge the composition of the plaque in terms of basic model which considers the plaque to be composed of fibres, lipids, and microcalcification. Conclusions: This simple and reliable method has the potential as an effective modality to investigate the composition of noncalcified coronary artery plaques and thus help in their characterization. In this inversion method, (rho(e), Z(eff)) of the scanned sample can be found by eliminating the effects of the CT machine and also by ensuring that the determination of the two unknowns (rho(e), Z(eff)) does not interfere with each other and the nature of the plaque can be identified in terms of a three component model. (C) 2015 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.


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Gerardus Johannes Vossius, filólogo e erudito holandês, nasceu em Heidelberg em 1577 e morreu em Amsterdã em 1649. Em 1632, transferiu-se para Amsterdã onde ensinou história no então fundado Athenaeum. Suas obras mais notáveis são sobre as heresias dos historiadores antigos. ‘Rethorices contractae’ é uma obra produzida em 1606, que contém regras sobre retorica e oratória. Formada por cindo livros ou partes o autor apresenta a natureza, o gênero e os tipos de retórica, o uso de figuras de linguagens e o estilo dos discursos para emprego nas diversas situações. No final do livro, encontra-se o índice remissivo de assuntos.


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As Bucólicas são constituídas de dez éclogas, consideradas como traduzidas ou imitadas de Teócrito. As Geórgias são um poema didático no qual se acentua a predileção de Virgílio pela vida campestre. A Eneida é uma utopia política que o poeta não conseguiu acabar e foi publicada contra a sua vontade expressa.


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The formation of cerebral senile plaques composed of amyloid beta peptide (A beta) is a fundamental feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Glial cells and more specifically microglia become reactive in the presence of A beta. In a triple transgenic model of AD (3 x Tg-AD), we found a significant increase in activated microglia at 12 (by 111%) and 18 (by 88%) months of age when compared with non-transgenic (non-Tg) controls. This microglial activation correlated with A beta plaque formation, and the activation in microglia was closely associated with A beta plaques and smaller A beta deposits. We also found a significant increase in the area density of resting microglia in 3 x Tg-AD animals both at plaque-free stage (at 9 months by 105%) and after the development of A plaques (at 12 months by 54% and at 18 months by 131%). Our results show for the first time that the increase in the density of resting microglia precedes both plaque formation and activation of microglia by extracellular A beta accumulation. We suggest that AD pathology triggers a complex microglial reaction: at the initial stages of the disease the number of resting microglia increases, as if in preparation for the ensuing activation in an attempt to fight the extracellular A beta load that is characteristic of the terminal stages of the disease. Cell Death and Disease (2010) 1, e1; doi:10.1038/cddis.2009.2; published online 14 January 2010


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Unstable arterial plaque is likely the key component of atherosclerosis, a disease which is responsible for two-thirds of heart attacks and strokes, leading to approximately 1 million deaths in the United States. Ultrasound imaging is able to detect plaque but as of yet is not able to distinguish unstable plaque from stable plaque. In this work a scanning acoustic microscope (SAM) was implemented and validated as tool to measure the acoustic properties of a sample. The goal for the SAM is to be able to provide quantitative measurements of the acoustic properties of different plaque types, to understand the physical basis by which plaque may be identified acoustically. The SAM consists of a spherically focused transducer which operates in pulse-echo mode and is scanned in a 2D raster pattern over a sample. A plane wave analysis is presented which allows the impedance, attenuation and phase velocity of a sample to be de- termined from measurements of the echoes from the front and back of the sample. After the measurements, the attenuation and phase velocity were analysed to ensure that they were consistent with causality. The backscatter coefficient of the samples was obtained using the technique outlined by Chen et al [8]. The transducer used here was able to determine acoustic properties from 10-40 MHz. The results for the impedance, attenuation and phase velocity were validated for high and low-density polyethylene against published results. The plane wave approximation was validated by measuring the properties throughout the focal region and throughout a range of incidence angles from the transducer. The SAM was used to characterize a set of recipes for tissue-mimicking phantoms which demonstrate indepen- dent control over the impedance, attenuation, phase velocity and backscatter coefficient. An initial feasibility study on a human artery was performed.


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Los tambos son sistemas productivos muy complejos que dependen básicamente de cuatro pilares considerados como variables: el ambiente, los animales, la alimentación y los operarios. Comederos sin mantenimiento, con barro y estiércol, animales con pobre estado corporal, dietas no balanceadas o deficientes en nutrientes, predisponen a trastornos metabólicos. Personal sin capacitación y/o motivación, no realizará bien las múltiples tareas del tambo. Las vacas lecheras antes y después del parto tienen enormes cambios metabólicos y hormonales y esto es un factor que predispone a las enfermedades peripartales (IP) como: distocias, retención de placenta, edema de ubre, metritis, mastitis, cetosis, acidosis, desplazamiento de abomaso, timpanismo, hipocalcemia puerperal, lesiones podales, etc. ¿Como evaluar las variables?¿que miramos o qué metodología seguimos a campo? Para ello se propone el Índice Predictivo de Enfermedades Peripartales (IPEP). El IPEP es una guía que permite realizar un relevamiento ordenado y sistemático de los indicadores relacionados con las enfermedades peripartales sobre las variables del ambiente, los animales, la alimentación y los operarios. Es una herramienta metodológica que permite generar un diagnóstico a campo de las causas y factores predisponentes de las EP en establecimientos lecheros. A cada indicador se le asigna un número en una escala de 1 a 5, donde 1 es malo/pésimo; 2 es regular; 3 es bueno; 4 muy bueno y 5 es óptimo/excelente y los promedios de las variables da un IPEP final. El IPEP se aplicó en un tambo comercial, localizado en Brinkmann-Córdoba de 270 has, 210 vacas y 4200 litros de leche diarios. Se realizaron 4 visitas, se llenaron las planillas de indicadores del IPEP. Se observó el preparto, el rodeo en producción, las pasturas, las instalaciones y se habló con el personal. Se detectaron áreas en conflicto: dieta no balanceada, deficiente suplementación mineral, animales con pelaje seco, accesos en malas condiciones y la falta de una pileta pediluvio. En la primer visita abril de 2008 se realizó el IPEP y dio un valor de 3,11 , superior a 3 lo cual admite la calificación como tambo bueno. De acuerdo a la incidencia de EP y mortandad las pérdidas económicas para dicho IPEP fue de U$S 11.415, que equivalen al 7,3 por ciento de los ingresos por leche. Se propusieron correcciones y mejoró el índice, en septiembre del 2009, dio como resultado un IPEP de 3,71 y las perdidas económicas por EP y mortandad se estimaron en U$S 8.064, equivalentes al 0,43 de los ingresos por leche.