965 resultados para In-silico


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La croissance de deux tiers des tumeurs mammaires dépend des œstrogènes. Le réseau de gènes responsable de propager les signaux prolifératifs des œstrogènes est encore mal connu. Des micropuces d’ADN de cellules de carcinome mammaire MCF7 traitées à l’œstradiol (E2) avec ou sans l’inhibiteur de synthèse protéique cycloheximide (CHX) ont permis d’identifier de nombreux gènes cibles primaires et secondaires. La séquence des promoteurs des gènes cibles a été criblée à l’aide d’une banque de 300 matrices modélisant les sites reconnus par divers facteurs de transcription. Les éléments de réponse aux œstrogènes (ERE) sont enrichis dans les promoteurs des gènes primaires. Les sites E2F sont enrichis dans les promoteurs des gènes cible secondaires. Un enrichissement similaire a été observé avec les régions liées par ERα et E2F1 en ChIP-on-chip pour chacune des catégories de gènes. La croissance des cellules de carcinome mammaire est inhibée par des traitements à l’acide rétinoïque (RA). L’analyse de micropuces d’ADN de MCF7 traitées avec RA a permis d’identifier de nombreux gènes cibles potentiels. Un enrichissement d’éléments de réponse à l’acide rétinoïque (RARE) est observable dans les promoteurs de ces gènes après avoir exclus les RARE se trouvant à l’intérieur d’éléments transposables. Des RARE présents dans des éléments transposables spécifiques aux primates sont aussi fixés in vivo dans les promoteurs de cibles connues de RA : BTG2, CASP9 et GPRC5A. Certains gènes cibles de RA dans les MCF7 sont aussi des cibles de E2, suggérant que le contrôle que ces molécules exercent sur la prolifération est en partie attribuable à des effets opposés sur un ensemble commun de gènes.


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Le rôle important joué par la mitochondrie dans la cellule eucaryote est admis depuis longtemps. Cependant, la composition exacte des mitochondries, ainsi que les processus biologiques qui sy déroulent restent encore largement inconnus. Deux facteurs principaux permettent dexpliquer pourquoi létude des mitochondries progresse si lentement : le manque defficacité des méthodes didentification des protéines mitochondriales et le manque de précision dans lannotation de ces protéines. En conséquence, nous avons développé un nouvel outil informatique, YimLoc, qui permet de prédire avec succès les protéines mitochondriales à partir des séquences génomiques. Cet outil intègre plusieurs indicateurs existants, et sa performance est supérieure à celle des indicateurs considérés individuellement. Nous avons analysé environ 60 génomes fongiques avec YimLoc afin de lever la controverse concernant la localisation de la bêta-oxydation dans ces organismes. Contrairement à ce qui était généralement admis, nos résultats montrent que la plupart des groupes de Fungi possèdent une bêta-oxydation mitochondriale. Ce travail met également en évidence la diversité des processus de bêta-oxydation chez les champignons, en corrélation avec leur utilisation des acides gras comme source dénergie et de carbone. De plus, nous avons étudié le composant clef de la voie de bêta-oxydation mitochondriale, lacyl-CoA déshydrogénase (ACAD), dans 250 espèces, couvrant les 3 domaines de la vie, en combinant la prédiction de la localisation subcellulaire avec la classification en sous-familles et linférence phylogénétique. Notre étude suggère que les gènes ACAD font partie dune ancienne famille qui a adopté des stratégies évolutionnaires innovatrices afin de générer un large ensemble denzymes susceptibles dutiliser la plupart des acides gras et des acides aminés. Finalement, afin de permettre la prédiction de protéines mitochondriales à partir de données autres que les séquences génomiques, nous avons développé le logiciel TESTLoc qui utilise comme données des Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs). La performance de TESTLoc est significativement supérieure à celle de tout autre outil de prédiction connu. En plus de fournir deux nouveaux outils de prédiction de la localisation subcellulaire utilisant différents types de données, nos travaux démontrent comment lassociation de la prédiction de la localisation subcellulaire à dautres méthodes danalyse in silico permet daméliorer la connaissance des protéines mitochondriales. De plus, ces travaux proposent des hypothèses claires et faciles à vérifier par des expériences, ce qui présente un grand potentiel pour faire progresser nos connaissances des métabolismes mitochondriaux.


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L'insuffisance cardiaque est une maladie à grande incidence dont le traitement définitif est difficile. Les pompes d'assistance ventriculaire ont été proposées comme thérapie alternative à long terme, mais la technologie est relativement jeune et selon son design, axial ou centrifuge, le dispositif favorise soit l'hémolyse, soit la stagnation de l'écoulement sanguin. Les pompes à écoulement mixte, combinant certaines propriétés des deux types, ont été proposées comme solution intermédiaire. Pour évaluer leurs performances, nous avons effectué des comparaisons numériques entre huit pompes, deux axiales, deux centrifuges, et quatre mixtes, en employant un modèle Windkessel du système cardiovasculaire avec paramètres optimisés pour l'insuffisance cardiaque résolu avec une méthode Radau IIA3, une méthode de résolution de système d'équations différentielles ordinaires L-stable appartenant à la famille des méthodes Runge-Kutta implicites. Nos résultats semblent suggérer que les pompes d'assistance mixtes ne démontrent qu'un léger avantage comparativement aux autres types en terme de performance optimale dans le cas de l'insuffisance cardiaque, mais il faudrait effectuer plus d'essais numériques avec un modèle plus complet, entre autres avec contrôles nerveux implémentés.


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There is genetic evidence of similarities and differences among autoimmune diseases (AIDs) that warrants looking at a general panorama of what has been published. Thus, our aim was to determine the main shared genes and to what extent they contribute to building clusters of AIDs. We combined a text-mining approach to build clusters of genetic concept profiles (GCPs) from the literature in MedLine with knowledge of protein-protein interactions to confirm if genes in GCP encode proteins that truly interact. We found three clusters in which the genes with the highest contribution encoded proteins that showed strong and specific interactions. After projecting the AIDs on a plane, two clusters could be discerned: Sjögren’s syndrome—systemic lupus erythematosus, and autoimmune thyroid disease—type1 diabetes—rheumatoid arthritis. Our results support the common origin of AIDs and the role of genes involved in apoptosis such as CTLA4, FASLG, and IL10.


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Blumeria graminis is an economically important obligate plant-pathogenic fungus, whose entire genome was recently sequenced and manually annotated using ab initio in silico predictions [7]. Employing large scale proteogenomic analysis we are now able to verify independently the existence of proteins predicted by 24% of open reading frame models. We compared the haustoria and sporulating hyphae proteomes and identified 71 proteins exclusively in haustoria, the feeding and effector-delivery organs of the pathogen. These proteins are ‘significantly smaller than the rest of the protein pool and predicted to be secreted. Most do not share any similarities with Swiss–Prot or Trembl entries nor possess any identifiable Pfam domains. We used a novel automated prediction pipeline to model the 3D structures of the proteins, identify putative ligand binding sites and predict regions of intrinsic disorder. This revealed that the protein set found exclusively in haustoria is significantly less disordered than the rest of the identified Blumeria proteins or random (and representative) protein sets generated from the yeast proteome. For most of the haustorial proteins with unknown functions no good templates could be found, from which to generate high quality models. Thus, these unknown proteins present potentially new protein folds that can be specific to the interaction of the pathogen with its host.


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Background Dermatosparaxis (Ehlers–Danlos syndrome in humans) is characterized by extreme fragility of the skin. It is due to the lack of mature collagen caused by a failure in the enzymatic processing of procollagen I. We investigated the condition in a commercial sheep flock. Hypothesis/Objectives Mutations in the ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 2 (ADAMTS2) locus, are involved in the development of dermatosparaxis in humans, cattle and the dorper sheep breed; consequently, this locus was investigated in the flock. Animals A single affected lamb, its dam, the dam of a second affected lamb and the rams in the flock were studied. Methods DNA was purified from blood, PCR primers were used to detect parts of the ADAMS2 gene and nucleotide sequencing was performed using Sanger's procedure. Skin samples were examined using standard histology procedures. Results A missense mutation was identified in the catalytic domain of ADAMTS2. The mutation is predicted to cause the substitution in the mature ADAMTS2 of a valine molecule by a methionine molecule (V15M) affecting the catalytic domain of the enzyme. Both the ‘sorting intolerant from tolerant’ (SIFT) and the PolyPhen-2 methodologies predicted a damaging effect for the mutation. Three-dimensional modelling suggested that this mutation may alter the stability of the protein folding or distort the structure, causing the protein to malfunction. Conclusions and clinical importance Detection of the mutation responsible for the pathology allowed us to remove the heterozygote ram, thus preventing additional cases in the flock.


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Protein–ligand binding site prediction methods aim to predict, from amino acid sequence, protein–ligand interactions, putative ligands, and ligand binding site residues using either sequence information, structural information, or a combination of both. In silico characterization of protein–ligand interactions has become extremely important to help determine a protein’s functionality, as in vivo-based functional elucidation is unable to keep pace with the current growth of sequence databases. Additionally, in vitro biochemical functional elucidation is time-consuming, costly, and may not be feasible for large-scale analysis, such as drug discovery. Thus, in silico prediction of protein–ligand interactions must be utilized to aid in functional elucidation. Here, we briefly discuss protein function prediction, prediction of protein–ligand interactions, the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP) and the Continuous Automated EvaluatiOn (CAMEO) competitions, along with their role in shaping the field. We also discuss, in detail, our cutting-edge web-server method, FunFOLD for the structurally informed prediction of protein–ligand interactions. Furthermore, we provide a step-by-step guide on using the FunFOLD web server and FunFOLD3 downloadable application, along with some real world examples, where the FunFOLD methods have been used to aid functional elucidation.


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The study of pharmacokinetic properties (PK) is of great importance in drug discovery and development. In the present work, PK/DB (a new freely available database for PK) was designed with the aim of creating robust databases for pharmacokinetic studies and in silico absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) prediction. Comprehensive, web-based and easy to access, PK/DB manages 1203 compounds which represent 2973 pharmacokinetic measurements, including five models for in silico ADME prediction (human intestinal absorption, human oral bioavailability, plasma protein binding, bloodbrain barrier and water solubility).


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Two targets, reverse transcriptase (RT) and protease from HIV-1, were used during the past two decades to the discovery of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI) and protease inhibitors (PI) that belong to the arsenal of the antiretroviral therapy. Herein these enzymes were chosen as templates for conducting a computer-aided ligand design. Ligand and structure-based drug designs were the starting points to select compounds from a database bearing more than five million compounds by means of cheminformatic tools. New promising lead structures are retrieved from the database, which are open to acquisition and test. Classes of molecules already described as NNRTI or PI in the literature also came out and were useful to prove the reliability of the workflow, and thus validating the work carried out so far. (c) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Diabetes is a worldwide health issue that has been expanding mainly in developed countries. It is characterized by abnormal levels of blood sugar due to several factors. The most common are resistance to insulin and the production of defective insulin which exerts little or no effect. Its most common symptoms include tissue damage to several systems due to elevated levels of blood sugar. One of the key enzymes in hydrocarbon metabolism is α-glucosidase (EC It catalyzes the breakdown of complex carbohydrates into their respective monomers (glucose) which allows them to be absorbed. In this work, caffeoyl quinic acids and their metabolites were analyzed as potential inhibitors for α-glucosidase. The search for the best inhibitor was conducted using molecular docking. The affinity of each compound was compared to the inhibitor present in the crystal structure of the protein. As no inhibitor with a similar affinity was´found, a new approach was used, in situ drug design. It was not possible to achieve an inhibitor capable of competing with the one present in the crystal structure of the enzyme, which is also its current commercial inhibitor. It is possible to draw some conclusions as to which functional groups interact best with certain residues of the active site. This work was divided into three main sections. The first section, Diabetes, serves as an introduction to what is Diabetes, its symptoms and/or side effects and how caffeoyl quinic acids could be used as a treatment. The second section, Caffeoylquinic acids and their metabolites as inhibitors for Alfa-glucosidase, corresponds to the search through molecular docking of caffeoyl quinic acids as inhibitors for α-glucosidase and what was possible to draw from this search. The last section, In situ design of an inhibitor for α-glucosidase (EC, corresponds to the in situ drug design study and what it achieved. The representation of each of the molecules used as a ligand can be found in the Annexes.


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Serines proteinases inhibitors (PIs) are widely distributed in nature and are able to inhibit both in vitro and in vivo enzymatic activites. Seed PIs in than leguminous are classified in seven families, Bowman-Birk and Kunitz type families that most studied representing an important role in the first line of defense toward insects pests. Some Kunitz type inhibitors possess activities serine and cysteine for proteinases named bifunctional inhibitor, as ApTKI the inhibitor isolate from seed of Adenanthera pavonina. The A. pavonina inhibitor presenting the uncommon property and was used for interaction studies between proteinases serine (trypsin) and cysteine (papain). In order to determinate the in vitro interaction of ApTKI against enzymes inhibitor purification was carried cut by using chromatographic techniques and inhibition assays. The 3D model of the bifunctional inhibitor ApTKI was constructed SWISS-MODEL program by homology modeling using soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI, pdb:1ba7), as template which presented 40% of identity to A. pavonina inhibitor. Model quality was evaluated by PROCHECK program. Moreover in silico analyzes of formed complex between the enzymes and ApTKI was evaluated by HEX 4.5 program. In vitro results confirmed the inhibitory assays, where the inhibitor presented the ability to simultaneously inhibit trypsin and papain. The residues encountered in the inhibitor model of folder structural three-dimensional that make contact to enzymes target coud explain the specificity pattern against serine and cysteine proteinases


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Chitin is an important structural component of the cellular wall of fungi and exoskeleton of many invertebrate plagues, such as insects and nematodes. In digestory systems of insects it forms a named matrix of peritrophic membrane. One of the most studied interaction models protein-carbohydrate is the model that involves chitin-binding proteins. Among the involved characterized domains already in this interaction if they detach the hevein domain (HD), from of Hevea brasiliensis (Rubber tree), the R&R consensus domain (R&R), found in cuticular proteins of insects, and the motif called in this study as conglicinin motif (CD), found in the cristallography structure of the β-conglicinin bounded with GlcNac. These three chitin-binding domains had been used to determine which of them could be involved in silico in the interaction of Canavalia ensiformis and Vigna unguiculata vicilins with chitin, as well as associate these results with the WD50 of these vicilins for Callosobruchus maculatus larvae. The technique of comparative modeling was used for construction of the model 3D of the vicilin of V. unguiculata, that was not found in the data bases. Using the ClustalW program it was gotten localization of these domains in the vicilins primary structure. The domains R&R and CD had been found with bigger homology in the vicilins primary sequences and had been target of interaction studies. Through program GRAMM models of interaction ( dockings ) of the vicilins with GlcNac had been gotten. The results had shown that, through analysis in silico, HD is not part of the vicilins structures, proving the result gotten with the alignment of the primary sequences; the R&R domain, although not to have structural similarity in the vicilins, probably it has a participation in the activity of interaction of these with GlcNac; whereas the CD domain participates directly in the interaction of the vicilins with GlcNac. These results in silico show that the amino acid number, the types and the amount of binding made for the CD motif with GlcNac seem to be directly associates to the deleterious power that these vicilins show for C. maculatus larvae. This can give an initial step in the briefing of as the vicilins interact with alive chitin in and exert its toxic power for insects that possess peritrophic membrane