395 resultados para Immunotherapy


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Bee venom (BV) allergy is potentially dangerous for allergic individuals because a single bee sting may induce an anaphylactic reaction, eventually leading to death. Currently, venom immunotherapy (VIT) is the only treatment with long-lasting effect for this kind of allergy and its efficiency has been recognized worldwide. This therapy consists of subcutaneous injections of gradually increasing doses of the allergen. This causes patient lack of compliance due to a long time of treatment with a total of 30-80 injections administered over years. In this article we deal with the characterization of different MS-PLGA formulations containing BV proteins for VIT. The PLGA microspheres containing BV represent a strategy to replace the multiple injections, because they can control the solute release. Physical and biochemical methods were used to analyze and characterize their preparation. Microspheres with encapsulation efficiencies of 49-75% were obtained with a BV triphasic release profile. Among them, the MS-PLGA 34 kDa-COOH showed to be best for VIT because they presented a low initial burst (20%) and a slow BV release during lag phase. Furthermore, few conformational changes were observed in the released BV. Above all, the BV remained immunologically recognizable, which means that they could continuously stimulate the immune system. Those microspheres containing BV could replace sequential injections of traditional VIT with the remarkable advantage of reduced number of injections. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most potent cell type for capture, processing, and presentation of antigens. They are able to activate naïve T cells as well as to initiate memory T-cell immune responses. T lymphocytes are key elements in eliciting cellular immunity against bacteria and viruses as well as in the generation of anti-tumor and anti-leukemia immune responses. Because of their central position in the immunological network, specific manipulations of these cell types provide promising possibilities for novel immunotherapies. Nanoparticles (NP) that have just recently been investigated for use as carriers of drugs or imaging agents, are well suited for therapeutic applications in vitro and also in vivo since they can be addressed to cells with a high target specificity upon surface functionalization. As a first prerequisite, an efficient in vitro labeling of cells with NP has to be established. In this work we developed protocols allowing an effective loading of human monocyte-derived DCs and primary antigen-specific T cells with newly designed NP without affecting biological cell functions. Polystyrene NP that have been synthesized by the miniemulsion technique contained perylenmonoimide (PMI) as a fluorochrome, allowing the rapid determination of intracellular uptake by flow cytometry. To confirm intracellular localization, NP-loaded cells were analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (cLSM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Functional analyses of NP-loaded cells were performed by IFN-γ ELISPOT, 51Chromium-release, and 3H-thymidine proliferation assays. In the first part of this study, we observed strong labeling of DCs with amino-functionalized NP. Even after 8 days 95% of DCs had retained nanoparticles with a median fluorescence intensity of 67% compared to day 1. NP loading did not influence expression of cell surface molecules that are specific for mature DCs (mDCs) nor did it influence the immunostimulatory capacity of mDCs. This procedure did also not impair the capability of DCs for uptake, processing and presentation of viral antigens that has not been shown before for NP in DCs. In the second part of this work, the protocol was adapted to the very different conditions with T lymphocytes. We used leukemia-, tumor-, and allo-human leukocyte antigen (HLA) reactive CD8+ or CD4+ T cells as model systems. Our data showed that amino-functionalized NP were taken up very efficiently also by T lymphocytes, which usually had a lower capacity for NP incorporation compared to other cell types. In contrast to DCs, T cells released 70-90% of incorporated NP during the first 24 h, which points to the need to escape from intracellular uptake pathways before export to the outside can occur. Preliminary data with biodegradable nanocapsules (NC) revealed that encapsulated cargo molecules could, in principle, escape from the endolysosomal compartment after loading into T lymphocytes. T cell function was not influenced by NP load at low to intermediate concentrations of 25 to 150 μg/mL. Overall, our data suggest that NP and NC are promising tools for the delivery of drugs, antigens, and other molecules into DCs and T lymphocytes.


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Der Fokus dieser Arbeit lag auf der definierten Synthese multifunktioneller Polymer-Konjugate zur Anwendung in der Krebs-Immunotherapie. Durch gezielte Variation der Kon-jugationsbedingungen wurde Zusammensetzung, Größe und Aggregationsverhalten in Zell-medium sowie in humanem Serum untersucht. Nach definierter physikalisch-chemischer Charakterisierung wurde dann die induzierte Antigen-Präsentation zur Aktivierung der T-Zellproliferation analysiert.rnDafür wurden zwei verschiedene polymere Carrier-Systeme gewählt, lineares Poly-L-lysin und eine Polylysinbürste (PLL-Bürste). Es wird vermutet, dass die PLL-Bürste aufgrund der anisotropen Form eine bessere Verteilung im Körper und eine verlängerte Zirkulationsdauer zeigen wird. Die zu konjugierenden biologisch aktiven Komponenten waren der antiDEC205-Antikörper (aDEC205) für die gezielte Adressierung CD8-positiver dendritischer Zellen (DC), ein Ovalbumin (OVA)-spezifisches Antigen mit der Kernsequenz SIINFEKL für die Spezifität der Immunantwort gegen Krebszellen, die dieses Antigen tragen, und ein immunaktivieren-der TLR9-Ligand, CpG1826. Die Effizienz dieses Konjugates dendritische Zellen zu aktivieren, welche wiederum eine Immunantwort gegen OVA-exprimierende Krebszellen induzieren, wurde durch die Konjugation aller Komponenten am identischen Trägermolekül deutlich höher erwartet.rnLineares Poly-L-lysin diente als Modellsystem um die Konjugationschemie zu etablieren und dann auf die zylindrische Polylysinbürste zu übertragen. Anhand dieser polymeren Träger wurde das Verhalten der verschiedenen Topologien des Knäuels und der Bürste im Hinblick auf den Einfluss struktureller Unterschiede sowohl auf Konjugationsreaktionen als auch auf das in situ und in vitro Verhalten untersucht.rnFluoreszenzmarkiertes Antigen und der CpG Aktivator konnten jeweils aufgrund einer Thiol-Modifizierung an die Thiol-reaktive Maleimidgruppe des heterobifunktionellen Linkers Sulfo-SMCC an PLL-AlexaFluor48 konjugiert werden. Anschließend wurde aDEC205-AlexaFluor647 an PLL gekoppelt, entweder durch Schiff Base-Reaktion des oxidierten Antikörpers mit PLL und anschließender Reduzierung oder durch Click-Reaktion des PEG-Azids modifizierten An-tikörpers mit Dicyclobenzylcyclooctin (DIBO)-funktionalisiertem PLL. Die Konjugation der biologisch aktiven Komponenten wurde mit Durchflusszytometrie (FACS) und konfokaler Laser Scanning Mikroskopie (CLSM) untersucht und die Zusammensetzung des Konjugatesrnmittels UV/Vis-Spektroskopie bestimmt. Die PLL-Bürste alleine zeigte eine hohe Zytotoxizität bei HeLa und JAWS II Zelllinien, wohingegen lineares PLL und PLL-Konjugate sowie die PLL Bürsten-Konjugate keine ausgeprägte Zytotoxizität aufwiesen. Die Polymer-Konjugate wie-sen keine Aggregation in Zellmedium oder humanem Serum auf, was mittels winkelabhängi-ger dynamischer Lichtstreuung bestimmt wurde. CLSM Aufnahmen zeigten Kolokalisation der an die einzelnen Komponenten gebundenen Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe in dendritischen Zel-len, was die erfolgreiche Konjugation und Internalisierung der Konjugate in die Zellen bele-gen konnte. FACS Messungen ergaben eine geringfügig erhöhte Aufnahme des adressierten PLL-Antigen-Antikörper-Konjugates verglichen mit dem PLL-Antigen-Konjugat. Experimente mit dem „Specific Hybridization Internalization Sensor“ (SHIP) zeigten jedoch nur Aufnahme der PLL-Konjugate in CD8+ unreife DC, nicht in reife DC, die nicht mehr unspezifisch, sondern nur noch über Rezeptoren internalisieren. Dies bewies die unspezifische Aufnahme des Kon-jugates, da Antikörper-Konjugation keine Rezeptor-vermittelte Endozytose in reife DC indu-zieren konnte. T-Zell-Proliferationsassays ergaben eine Aktivierung von CD8+ T-Zellen indu-ziert durch Antigen-tragende Konjugate, wohingegen Konjugate ohne Antigen als Negativ-kontrollen dienten und keine T-Zell-Proliferation erzielten. Es konnte jedoch kein Unter-schied zwischen adressierten und nicht adressierten Konjugaten aufgrund der unspezifischen Aufnahme durch das Polymer beobachtet werden. Lösliches SIINFEKL alleine bewirkte schon bei geringeren Konzentrationen eine T-Zell-Proliferation.rnEs war somit möglich, drei biologischen Komponenten an einen polymeren Träger zu konju-gieren und diese Konjugate im Hinblick auf Zusammensetzung, Größe, Internalisierung in dendritische Zellen und Aktivierung der T-Zell-Proliferation zu untersuchen. Außerdem wur-de die Konjugationschemie erfolgreich von dem Modellsystem des linearen PLL auf die PLL-Bürste übertragen. Die Polymer-Konjugate werde unspezifisch in DC aufgenommen und in-duzieren T-Zellproliferation, die mit Antigen-Präsentationsassays nachgewiesen wird. Es konnte jedoch durch Konjugation des Antikörpers keine Rezeptor-vermittelte Aufnahme in CD8+ DC erzielt werden.rnDiese Studien stellen einen erfolgsversprechenden ersten Schritt zur Entwicklung neuer Na-nomaterialien für die Anwendung in Krebs-Immuntherapie dar.


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Bei stammzelltransplantierten Patienten, die ein Rezidiv ihrer Leukämie erleiden, kann eine Donor-Lymphozyten-Infusion (DLI) dauerhafte vollständige Leukämieremissionen induzieren. T-Zellen in der DLI vermitteln sowohl den potentiell kurativen Graft-versus-Leukaemia (GVL) Effekt, als auch die potentiell lebensbedrohliche Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD). Hingegen könnte die Infusion von leukämiereaktiven T-Zellen einen selektiven GVL Effekt und einen Langzeitschutz vor Rezidiven durch eine spezifisch gegen die Leukämie gerichtete Immunantwort und Immunität vermitteln. Unsere Arbeitsgruppe hat Protokolle zur in vitro Generierung leukämiereaktiver T-Zellen entwickelt, die hohe zytotoxische Aktivität gegen akute myeloische Leukämie-Blasten (AML) bei minimaler Reaktion auf mögliche GVHD Zielstrukturen zeigen. Für die klinische Anwendung sind diese Protokolle jedoch zu aufwändig, wobei vor allem eine erhebliche Verkürzung der Kulturzeit auf wenige Wochen erforderlich ist. Diese Verkürzung der in vitro Kulturzeit könnte das Wachstum von T-Zellen vom central memory oder frühen effector memory Phänotyp fördern, für die eine bessere in vivo Effektorfunktion und längere Persistenz im Rezipienten verglichen mit T-Zellen aus Langzeitkultur gezeigt werden konnte. Der Aktivierungsmarker und Kostimulations-Rezeptor CD137 kann zur Erkennung und Isolation antigenspezifischer T-Zellen genutzt werden, ohne dass dafür das von den T-Zellen erkannte Peptidepitop bekannt sein muss. Eine CD137-vermittelte Anreicherung mit Hilfe von clinical grade Materialien könnte verwendet werden, um DLI-Produkte mit leukämiespezifischen T-Zellen herzustellen, die sich sowohl durch eine effizientere T-Zell Generierung durch in vitro Selektion und Kostimulation, als auch durch eine verbesserte Spezifität des T-Zell-Produkts auszeichnen. Lymphozyten-Leukämie Cokulturen (mixed lymphocyte leukaemia cultures) wurden mit CD8 T-Zellen gesunder Spender und HLA-identischen oder einzel-HLA-mismatch AML-Blasten angesetzt und wöchentlich restimuliert. Nach zwei Wochen wurden die T-Zellen 12 Stunden nach Restimulation über den Marker CD137 positiv isoliert und anschließend separat weiterkultiviert. Die isolierten Fraktionen und unseparierten Kontrollen wurden im ELISPOT-Assay und im Chrom-Freisetzungstest an Tag 5 nach der Restimulation getestet. Es wurden keine konsistent nachweisbaren Vorteile im Hinblick auf Wachstum und Funktion der isolierten CD137-positiv Fraktion im Vergleich zur unseparierten Kontrolle gefunden. Verschiedene Isolationsmethoden, Patient-Spender-Systeme, Methoden zur Restimulation, Temperaturbedingungen, Zytokinkombinationen und Methoden der Zytokinzugabe sowie zusätzliche Feeder-Zellen oder AML-Blasten konnten Wachstum, funktionelle Daten und die deutlichen Zellverluste während der Isolation nicht entscheidend beeinflussen. Vitalfärbungen zeigten, dass aktivierungsinduzierter Zelltod CD137-positiver Zellen zu diesen Ergebnissen beitragen könnte. Im Gegensatz zur Stimulation mit AML-Blasten wurden erfolgreiche CD137-Anreicherungen für peptidstimulierte T-Zellen publiziert. Unterschiedliche CD137-Expressionskinetiken, aktivierungsinduzierter Zelltod und regulatorische T-Zellen sind mögliche Faktoren aufgrund derer die CD137-Anreicherung in diesem spezifischen Kontext ungeeinet sein könnte. Der stimulatorische Effekt eines CD137-Signals auf AML-reaktive CD8 T-Zellen wurde mit Hilfe von CD3/CD28 und CD3/CD28/CD137 Antikörper-beschichteten magnetischen beads untersucht. Für Nierenzellkarzinom-reaktive T-Zellen war die Stimulation mit CD3/CD28/CD137 beads genauso effektiv wie mit Tumorzellen und effektiver als mit CD3/CD28 beads. Beide Arten von beads waren für eine Stimulation während der ersten Wochen der Zellkultur geeignet, sodass ein zusätzliches CD137-Signal für die länger anhaltende Expansion tumorreaktiver T-Zellen zur klinischen Anwendung nützlich sein könnte. Die bead-Expansion veränderte die IFN-Sekretion im ELISPOT nicht, aber verursachte eine mäßige Verschlechterung der Zytotoxizität im Chrom-Freisetzungstest. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigten bei AML-reaktiven T-Zellen beide Arten von beads einen nicht apoptosevermittelten, dosisabhängigen zellschädigenden Effekt, der zu einer raschen Abnahme der Zellzahl in Kulturen mit beads führte. Unerwünschte Effekte auf die T-Zell-Funktionalität durch bead-Stimulation sind in der Literatur beschrieben, dennoch gibt es aktuell keine Veröffentlichungen, die eine fundierte Erklärung für den Effekt auf AML-reaktive T-Zellen bieten könnten. Abgesehen von Literaturdaten, die darauf hindeuten, dass CD137 ein vielversprechendes Kandidatenmolekül für die Anreicherung und Expansion von AML-reaktiven T-Zellen sein könnte, zeigen die eigenen Daten sowohl zur CD137-Isolation als auch zur bead-Stimulation, dass für diese spezielle Anwendung CD137 ein ungeeigneter Aktivierungsmarker und Kostimulations-Ligand ist.


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Summary Antibody-based cancer therapies have been successfully introduced into the clinic and have emerged as the most promising therapeutics in oncology. The limiting factor regarding the development of therapeutical antibody vaccines is the identification of tumor-associated antigens. PLAC1, the placenta-specific protein 1, was categorized for the first time by the group of Prof. Sahin as such a tumor-specific antigen. Within this work PLAC1 was characterized using a variety of biochemical methods. The protein expression profile, the cellular localization, the conformational state and especially the interacting partners of PLAC1 and its functionality in cancer were analyzed. Analysis of the protein expression profile of PLAC1 in normal human tissue confirms the published RT-PCR data. Except for placenta no PLAC1 expression was detectable in any other normal human tissue. Beyond, an increased PLAC1 expression was detected in several cancer cell lines derived of trophoblastic, breast and pancreatic lineage emphasizing its properties as tumor-specific antigen. rnThe cellular localization of PLAC1 revealed that PLAC1 contains a functional signal peptide which conducts the propeptide to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and results in the secretion of PLAC1 by the secretory pathway. Although PLAC1 did not exhibit a distinct transmembrane domain, no unbound protein was detectable in the cell culture supernatant of overexpressing cells. But by selective isolation of different cellular compartments PLAC1 was clearly enriched within the membrane fraction. Using size exclusion chromatography PLAC1 was characterized as a highly aggregating protein that forms a network of high molecular multimers, consisting of a mixture of non-covalent as well as covalent interactions. Those interactions were formed by PLAC1 with itself and probably other cellular components and proteins. Consequently, PLAC1 localize outside the cell, where it is associated to the membrane forming a stable extracellular coat-like structure.rnThe first mechanistic hint how PLAC1 promote cancer cell proliferation was achieved identifying the fibroblast growth factor FGF7 as a specific interacting partner of PLAC1. Moreover, it was clearly shown that PLAC1 as well as FGF7 bind to heparin, a glycosaminoglycan of the ECM that is also involved in FGF-signaling. The participation of PLAC1 within this pathway was approved after co-localizing PLAC1, FGF7 and the FGF7 specific receptor (FGFR2IIIb) and identifying the formation of a trimeric complex (PLAC1, FGF7 and the specific receptor FGFR2IIIb). Especially this trimeric complex revealed the role of PLAC1. Binding of PLAC1 together with FGF7 leads to the activation of the intracellular tyrosine kinase of the FGFR2IIIb-receptor and mediate the direct phosphorylation of the AKT-kinase. In the absence of PLAC1, no FGF7 mediated phosphorylation of AKT was observed. Consequently the function of PLAC1 was clarified: PLAC1 acts as a co-factor by stimulating proliferation by of the FGF7-FGFR2 signaling pathway.rnAll together, these novel biochemical findings underline that the placenta specific protein PLAC1 could be a new target for cancer immunotherapy, especially considering its potential applicability for antibody therapy in tumor patients.


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Therapeutic intravesical instillation of bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is effective at triggering inflammation and eliciting successful tumor immunity in patients with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer, with 50 to 70% clinical response. Therapeutic success relies on repeated instillations of live BCG administered as adjuvant therapy shortly after tumor resection; however, the precise mechanisms remain unclear. Using an experimental model, we demonstrate that after a single instillation, BCG could disseminate to bladder draining lymph nodes and prime interferon-γ-producing T cells. Nonetheless, repeated instillations with live BCG were necessary for a robust T cell infiltration into the bladder. Parenteral exposure to BCG before instillation overcame this requirement; after the first intravesical instillation, BCG triggered a more robust acute inflammatory process and accelerated T cell entry into the bladder, as compared to the standard protocol. Moreover, parenteral exposure to BCG before intravesical treatment of an orthotopic tumor markedly improved response to therapy. Indeed, patients with sustained preexisting immunity to BCG showed a significant improvement in recurrence-free survival. Together, these data suggest that monitoring patients' response to purified protein derivative, and, in their absence, boosting BCG responses by parenteral exposure before intravesical treatment initiation, may be a safe and effective means of improving intravesical BCG-induced clinical responses.


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The anti-CD20 mAb rituximab, first approved for use in B-cell malignancies, is increasingly used to treat a variety of autoimmune diseases. Two studies in this issue investigate the effects of rituximab in pemphigus. Rituximab induces not only a depletion of all B cells and a decline of antidesmoglein autoantibodies but also a decrease in desmoglein-specific T cells. Furthermore, B-cell populations recovered after treatment were modified. These novel aspects may contribute to the clinical responses observed in patients.


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BACKGROUND: H1 antihistamines increase safety during allergen-specific immunotherapy and might influence the outcome because of immunoregulatory effects. OBJECTIVE: We sought to analyze the influence of 5 mg of levocetirizine (LC) on the safety, efficacy, and immunologic effects of ultrarush honeybee venom immunotherapy (BVIT). METHOD: In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study 54 patients with honeybee venom allergy received LC or placebo from 2 days before BVIT to day 21. Side effects during dose increase and systemic allergic reactions (SARs) to a sting challenge after 120 days were analyzed. Allergen-specific immune response was investigated in skin, serum, and allergen-stimulated T-cell cultures. RESULTS: Side effects were significantly more frequent in patients receiving placebo. Four patients receiving placebo dropped out because of side effects. SARs to the sting challenge occurred in 8 patients (6 in the LC group and 2 in the placebo group). Seven SARs were only cutaneous, and 1 in the placebo group was also respiratory. Difference of SARs caused by the sting challenge was insignificant. Specific IgG levels increased significantly in both groups. Major allergen phospholipase A(2)-stimulated T cells from both groups showed a slightly decreased proliferation. The decrease in IFN-gamma and IL-13 levels with placebo was not prominent with LC, whereas IL-10 levels showed a significant increase in the LC group only. Decreased histamine receptor (HR)1/HR2 ratio in allergen-specific T cells on day 21 in the placebo group was prevented by LC. CONCLUSIONS: LC reduces side effects during dose increase without influencing the efficacy of BVIT. LC modulates the natural course of allergen-specific immune response and affects the expression of HRs and cytokine production by allergen-specific T cells.


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The methodology of randomized clinical trials is essential for the critical assessment and registration of therapeutic interventions. The CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) statement was developed to alleviate the problems arising from the inadequate reporting of randomized controlled trials. The present article reflects on the items that we believe should be included in the CONSORT checklist in the context of conducting and reporting trials in allergen-specific immunotherapy. Only randomized, blinded (in particular blinding of patients, health care providers, and outcome assessors), placebo-controlled Phase III studies in this article. Our analysis focuses on the definition of patients' inclusion and exclusion criteria, allergen standardization, primary, secondary and exploratory outcomes, reporting of adverse events and analysis.


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A randomised, placebo-controlled, double blind study was conducted on 25 dogs that had atopic dermatitis, together with skin test reactivity and elevated serum IgE to Dermatophagoides farinae (Df) and at least one additional allergen. Dogs were treated with either a Df-restricted immunotherapy solution (n=14) or a placebo (n=11) and evaluated 6 weeks and 3, 5, 7 and 9 months after the initiation of treatment using a clinical scoring system (SASSAD) and pruritus analogue scale scores. The Df-restricted solution and the placebo had an equal effect on both pruritus and the skin manifestations (P>0.05). The results of this study indicate that in dogs with atopic dermatitis based on hypersensitivity to environmental allergens in addition to D. farinae, Df-restricted immunotherapy is insufficient to control the disease. Consequently, a solution for allergen-specific immunotherapy should remain customised.


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Acute and chronic myeloid leukemia (AML, CML) are hematologic malignancies arising from oncogene-transformed hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells known as leukemia stem cells (LSCs). LSCs are selectively resistant to various forms of therapy including irradiation or cytotoxic drugs. The introduction of tyrosine kinase inhibitors has dramatically improved disease outcome in patients with CML. For AML, however, prognosis is still quite dismal. Standard treatments have been established more than 20 years ago with only limited advances ever since. Durable remission is achieved in less than 30% of patients. Minimal residual disease (MRD), reflected by the persistence of LSCs below the detection limit by conventional methods, causes a high rate of disease relapses. Therefore, the ultimate goal in the treatment of myeloid leukemia must be the eradication of LSCs. Active immunotherapy, aiming at the generation of leukemia-specific cytotoxic T cells (CTLs), may represent a powerful approach to target LSCs in the MRD situation. To fully activate CTLs, leukemia antigens have to be successfully captured, processed, and presented by mature dendritic cells (DCs). Myeloid progenitors are a prominent source of DCs under homeostatic conditions, and it is now well established that LSCs and leukemic blasts can give rise to "malignant" DCs. These leukemia-derived DCs can express leukemia antigens and may either induce anti-leukemic T cell responses or favor tolerance to the leukemia, depending on co-stimulatory or -inhibitory molecules and cytokines. This review will concentrate on the role of DCs in myeloid leukemia immunotherapy with a special focus on their generation, application, and function and how they could be improved in order to generate highly effective and specific anti-leukemic CTL responses. In addition, we discuss how DC-based immunotherapy may be successfully integrated into current treatment strategies to promote remission and potentially cure myeloid leukemias.


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The immune system is able to specifically target antigen-expressing cancer cells. The promise of immunotherapy was to eliminate cancer cells without harming normal tissue and, therefore, with no or very few side effects. Immunotherapy approaches have, for several decades, been tested against several tumours, most often against malignant melanoma. However, although detectable immune responses have regularly been induced, the clinical outcome has often been disappointing. The development of molecular methods and an improved understanding of tumour immunosurveillance led to novel immunotherapy approaches in the last few years. First randomised phase III trials proved that immunotherapy can prolong survival of patients with metastatic melanoma or prostate cancer. The development in the field is very rapid and various molecules (mainly monoclonal antibodies) that activate the immune system are currently being tested in clinical trials and will possibly change our treatment of cancer. The ultimate goal of any cancer therapy and also immunotherapy is to cure cancer. However, this depends on the elimination of the disease originating cancer stem cells. Unfortunately, cancer stem cells seem resistant to most available treatment options. Recent developments in immunotherapy may allow targeting these cancer stem cells specifically in the future. In this review, we summarise the current state of immunotherapy in clinical routine and the expected developments in the near future.