936 resultados para Imagens Landsat TM-5


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The current study approaches the sugarcane culture expansion in Southwestern Goiás, especially in Mineiros, Quirinópolis and Rio Verde counties, which represent different times and responses to this process. The current logistics structure and future prospects for sugarcane and its derivatives transportation are studied at national level with emphasis to the aforementioned micro-region. Maps showing land use and land cover in three different years were generated from Landsat TM-5 satellite images and they were used to analyze the dynamics of changes in land use and in land cover. The region is marked by strong and rapid growth in the agricultural sector and its sugar-energy industry has been expanding in recent years, although with different aspects among its counties. Since it is a promising region in this sector, due to the favorable soil and weather conditions to the crop, the region requires more investment and planning in logistics to ensure production flow and to make it stronger within domestic and foreign markets.


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A caracterização ambiental da microbacia estudada foi realizada com o objetivo de criar um conjunto de planos de informação (PI's), de modo a permitir um conhecimento apropriado do local pela equipe do projeto, o planejamento de atividades de pesquisa e a identificação de áreas de risco. A microbacia do Córrego Espraiado está localizada entre os municípios de Ribeirão Preto e Cravinhos. As informações básicas utilizadas na caracterização ambiental foram: I) conjunto de cartas planialtimétricas, escala 1:10.000 (IGC, 1992); II) mapa de solos, escala 1:25.000 (MIKLOS, 1996); III) imagem de satélite LANDSAT TM 5, passagem 01/09/93, bandas 3, 4 e 5. A partir destas informações foram gerados os planos: limite da microbacia, redes de drenagem e viária, modelo numérico de terreno (MNT), classes de declive, uso da terra (1995) e solos. Outros planos foram gerados a partir do cruzamento dos anteriores: potencial de infiltração e escoamento superficial da água, potencial natural de erosão, perdas de solo e expectativa de erosão. A versão do IDRISI utilizada foi a 4.1 (DOS). Para a entrada de dados vetoriais foi utilizado o TOSCA 2.12. Na geração dos mapas foi utilizado o COREL DRAW 4. Os planos foram exportados do IDRISI para o COREL DRAW no formato TIF. O limite da microbacia foi traçado sobre as cartas planialtimétricas e posteriormente digitalizado. Com este PI foi construída uma máscara, utilizada para extrair as células que não pertenciam à microbacia em vários procedimentos posteriores. As redes de drenagem e viária foram digitalizadas a partir das informações contidas nas cartas planialtimétricas e rasterizadas pelo módulo LINERAS, gerando os PI's correspondentes. As informações de altimetria passaram por processo semelhante ao anterior, porém na rasterização foi também usado o módulo POINTRAS. Posteriormente as informações de altimetria, já rasterizadas foram interpoladas de modo a preencher todas as células (módulo INTERCON), gerando o MNT da microbacia. Para eliminar os defeitos nas bordas da microbacia, foram também digitalizadas algumas informações de altitude fora do limite da microbacia. Finalmente, para excluir os resultados da interpolação, fora da área de interesse, foi utilizada a máscara realizando-se uma multiplicação entre planos, função presente no módulo OVERLAY. As classes de declive foram obtidas após o calculo da declividade por meio de função presente no módulo SURFECE e o MNT, resultando em um PI intermediário com os valores de declividade em cada célula. Então, utilizou-se o módulo RECLASS para agrupar as células em 7 classes. A imagem em "falsa cor" (composição colorida) foi obtida usando-se o módulo COMPOSIT e posteriormente registrada por meio do módulo RESAMPLE. As coordenadas UTM dos pontos de controle foram extraídos das cartas planialtimetricas. O PI-Uso Atual, foi obtido das informações também retiradas das cartas planialtimetricas, análise da imagem de satélite e de visitas ao campo, realizadas no ano de 1995. O arquivo vetorial produzido foi editado no TOSCA e os polígonos gerados, com o uso do módulo CYCLE. Finalmente o arquivo com os polígonos foi rasterizado (POLYRAS). O PI-Solos foi gerado da digitalização do mapa de solos semidetalhado produzido por MIKLOS (1996). Novamente foi utilizado o TOSCA, seguido dos módulos CYCLE e POLYRAS para produzir o arquivo matricial correspondente. O PI-Potencial de infiltração e Escoamento Superficial da Água foi obtido pelo cruzamento das informações de condutividade hidráulica dos solos e da declividade do terreno. Este PI e um passo intermediário de um método proposto para a identificação das áreas de risco de contaminação por agrotóxicos, apresentado em LUIS (1996) e GOMES (1996). Foram também gerados alguns PI's relacionados com o estudo de erosão na microbacia, utilizando a Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo - EUPS. O IDRISI forneceu os recursos necessários aos objetivos do trabalho. As principais deficiências encontradas são a interface homem/máquina e a criação dos polígonos com a TOSCA, onde há necessidade de informar para cada arco digitado os identificadores dos polígonos por ele dividido. Esta operação consome um esforço considerável e está sujeita a freqüentes erros.


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The Companhia Energetica de Sao Paulo - CESP owns six hydroelectric dams in the state of São Paulo. The dams, both in its construction and in operation, cause some environmental impacts, most of them negatives, for example, the flooding in regions before not flooded, deviation of the river’s course, among others, bringing harm to flora and fauna of these environments. As a way to compensating these damages, the CESP has acquired a region that was influenced by Sérgio Motta Hydroelectric Plant Engineer, or Porto Primavera, and turned it into Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Foz do Rio Aguapeí. By law it fits in a Conservation Unit, and thus should be contemplate for a management plan, ie, a multidisciplinary technical document which allows, simply, the practice of actions within and around in a sustainably way. This work aimed at developing a land cover map of the reserve for this plan can be made and executed more efficiently. Initially, the project included field visits and meetings with members of the CESP to be specified classes contained on the map. Later, we ran different types of classifications of multispectral images (TM / Landsat 5)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This study includes the results of the analysis of areas susceptible to degradation by remote sensing in semi-arid region, which is a matter of concern and affects the whole population and the catalyst of this process occurs by the deforestation of the savanna and improper practices by the use of soil. The objective of this research is to use biophysical parameters of the MODIS / Terra and images TM/Landsat-5 to determine areas susceptible to degradation in semi-arid Paraiba. The study area is located in the central interior of Paraíba, in the sub-basin of the River Taperoá, with average annual rainfall below 400 mm and average annual temperature of 28 ° C. To draw up the map of vegetation were used TM/Landsat-5 images, specifically, the composition 5R4G3B colored, commonly used for mapping land use. This map was produced by unsupervised classification by maximum likelihood. The legend corresponds to the following targets: savanna vegetation sparse and dense, riparian vegetation and exposed soil. The biophysical parameters used in the MODIS were emissivity, albedo and vegetation index for NDVI (NDVI). The GIS computer programs used were Modis Reprojections Tools and System Information Processing Georeferenced (SPRING), which was set up and worked the bank of information from sensors MODIS and TM and ArcGIS software for making maps more customizable. Initially, we evaluated the behavior of the vegetation emissivity by adapting equation Bastiaanssen on NDVI for spatialize emissivity and observe changes during the year 2006. The albedo was used to view your percentage of increase in the periods December 2003 and 2004. The image sensor of Landsat TM were used for the month of December 2005, according to the availability of images and in periods of low emissivity. For these applications were made in language programs for GIS Algebraic Space (LEGAL), which is a routine programming SPRING, which allows you to perform various types of algebras of spatial data and maps. For the detection of areas susceptible to environmental degradation took into account the behavior of the emissivity of the savanna that showed seasonal coinciding with the rainy season, reaching a maximum emissivity in the months April to July and in the remaining months of a low emissivity . With the images of the albedo of December 2003 and 2004, it was verified the percentage increase, which allowed the generation of two distinct classes: areas with increased variation percentage of 1 to 11.6% and the percentage change in areas with less than 1 % albedo. It was then possible to generate the map of susceptibility to environmental degradation, with the intersection of the class of exposed soil with varying percentage of the albedo, resulting in classes susceptibility to environmental degradation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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土壤有机碳是陆地生态系统的一个动态组成部分,其储量、分布及其转化在陆地碳循环中起着重要的作用,是土壤肥力的核心指标之一。土壤有机碳含量的多少及其空间分布特性受气候、母质、地形等结构性因子以及施肥、耕作等随机性因子的影响。作为陆地生态系统中的一个区域化随机变量,土壤有机碳在系统内部垂直和水平方向上发生变化的同时,参与大气圈和生物圈这两个碳库之间的循环。为了揭示土壤有机碳的空间分布特性,传统统计学、地统计学、遥感与地理信息系统等方法被相继引入且逐渐走向成熟,其中,利用遥感与地理信息系统相结合的方法来反演土壤有机碳库储量及其空间分布格局为越来越多的专家学者所重视。本文在对不同方法基本理论进行简单阐述的基础上,对利用Landsat TM影像分析表层土壤有机碳格局的可行性进行了分析,并就遥感技术在反演表层土壤有机碳的空间分布格局中的应用前景进行了展望。 以黑龙江省部分黑土地区为研究对象,在不同时空尺度下分析了表层土壤有机碳与Landsat TM影像的TM1-TM5、TM7六个波段以及由其计算出的NDVI、NDTI、NDI5、NDI7、NDSVI、SAVI、RDVI和MSAVI 8个遥感指数之间的相关性。结果表明当Landsat TM影像的成像时间为2002年9月份时:(1)小尺度下表层土壤有机碳与TM1极显著相关(r=0.32, p<0.01),与TM2、TM3和NDSVI显著相关(p<0.05),相关系数分别为r=0.27,r=-0.29,r=0.26。(2)大尺度下,表层土壤有机碳与TM1、TM2、TM5和NDI5存在极显著的正相关(p<0.01),相关系数分别为r=0.30,r=0.34,r=0.35,r=0.32;而与NDI7之间存在显著相关性(r=0.27, p=0.02)。(3)当空间尺度一定时,在不同的时间尺度下与表层土壤有机碳具有显著相关性的遥感指标不同。(4)在大尺度下利用遥感技术测定法得到的回归模型对表层土壤有机碳空间分布格局具有较好的预测效果(R2=0.7097, p<0.05);(5)在大尺度下海拔高于200 m的地区表层土壤有机碳浓度显著高于海拔低于200 m的地区(p<0.05)。 通过分别利用地统计方法和遥感技术测定法分析海伦市表层土壤有机碳的空间分布格局,以步长为6170m时球状模型对表层土壤有机碳进行了拟合并利用Kriging插值方法得到了海伦市表层土壤有机碳分布格局;将这一结果与我们利用Landsat TM影像通过遥感技术测定方法得到表层土壤有机碳空间格局进行比较发现:在精度一致的前提下,遥感技术测定法在所需样本数量约为地统计方法的一半,同时在所消耗的人力、物力以及在时间上的循环周期等方面,遥感技术测定方法与地统计方法相比也有着明显的优势。


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Em cenas naturais, ocorrem com certa freqüência classes espectralmente muito similares, isto é, os vetores média são muito próximos. Em situações como esta, dados de baixa dimensionalidade (LandSat-TM, Spot) não permitem uma classificação acurada da cena. Por outro lado, sabe-se que dados em alta dimensionalidade [FUK 90] tornam possível a separação destas classes, desde que as matrizes covariância sejam suficientemente distintas. Neste caso, o problema de natureza prática que surge é o da estimação dos parâmetros que caracterizam a distribuição de cada classe. Na medida em que a dimensionalidade dos dados cresce, aumenta o número de parâmetros a serem estimados, especialmente na matriz covariância. Contudo, é sabido que, no mundo real, a quantidade de amostras de treinamento disponíveis, é freqüentemente muito limitada, ocasionando problemas na estimação dos parâmetros necessários ao classificador, degradando portanto a acurácia do processo de classificação, na medida em que a dimensionalidade dos dados aumenta. O Efeito de Hughes, como é chamado este fenômeno, já é bem conhecido no meio científico, e estudos vêm sendo realizados com o objetivo de mitigar este efeito. Entre as alternativas propostas com a finalidade de mitigar o Efeito de Hughes, encontram-se as técnicas de regularização da matriz covariância. Deste modo, técnicas de regularização para a estimação da matriz covariância das classes, tornam-se um tópico interessante de estudo, bem como o comportamento destas técnicas em ambientes de dados de imagens digitais de alta dimensionalidade em sensoriamento remoto, como por exemplo, os dados fornecidos pelo sensor AVIRIS. Neste estudo, é feita uma contextualização em sensoriamento remoto, descrito o sistema sensor AVIRIS, os princípios da análise discriminante linear (LDA), quadrática (QDA) e regularizada (RDA) são apresentados, bem como os experimentos práticos dos métodos, usando dados reais do sensor. Os resultados mostram que, com um número limitado de amostras de treinamento, as técnicas de regularização da matriz covariância foram eficientes em reduzir o Efeito de Hughes. Quanto à acurácia, em alguns casos o modelo quadrático continua sendo o melhor, apesar do Efeito de Hughes, e em outros casos o método de regularização é superior, além de suavizar este efeito. Esta dissertação está organizada da seguinte maneira: No primeiro capítulo é feita uma introdução aos temas: sensoriamento remoto (radiação eletromagnética, espectro eletromagnético, bandas espectrais, assinatura espectral), são também descritos os conceitos, funcionamento do sensor hiperespectral AVIRIS, e os conceitos básicos de reconhecimento de padrões e da abordagem estatística. No segundo capítulo, é feita uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os problemas associados à dimensionalidade dos dados, à descrição das técnicas paramétricas citadas anteriormente, aos métodos de QDA, LDA e RDA, e testes realizados com outros tipos de dados e seus resultados.O terceiro capítulo versa sobre a metodologia que será utilizada nos dados hiperespectrais disponíveis. O quarto capítulo apresenta os testes e experimentos da Análise Discriminante Regularizada (RDA) em imagens hiperespectrais obtidos pelo sensor AVIRIS. No quinto capítulo são apresentados as conclusões e análise final. A contribuição científica deste estudo, relaciona-se à utilização de métodos de regularização da matriz covariância, originalmente propostos por Friedman [FRI 89] para classificação de dados em alta dimensionalidade (dados sintéticos, dados de enologia), para o caso especifico de dados de sensoriamento remoto em alta dimensionalidade (imagens hiperespectrais). A conclusão principal desta dissertação é que o método RDA é útil no processo de classificação de imagens com dados em alta dimensionalidade e classes com características espectrais muito próximas.


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On Rio Grande do Norte northern coast the process of sediment transport are intensely controlled by wind and sea (waves and currents) action, causing erosion and shoreline morphological instability. Due to the importance of such coastal zone it was realized the multi-spectral mapping and physical-chemical characterization of mudflats and mangroves aiming to support the mitigating actions related to the containment of the erosive process on the oil fields of Macau and Serra installed at the study area. The multi-spectral bands of 2000 and 2008 LANDSAT 5 TM images were submitted on the several digital processing steps and RGB color compositions integrating spectral bands and Principal Components. Such processing methodology was important to the mapping of different units on surface, together with field works. It was possible to make an analogy of the spectral characteristics of wetlands with vegetations areas (mangrove), showing the possibility to make a restoration of this area, contributing with the environmental monitoring of that ecosystem. The maps of several units were integrated in GIS environment at 1:60,000 scale, including the classification of features according to the presence or absence of vegetation cover. Thus, the strategy of methodology established that there are 10.13 km2 at least of sandy-muddy and of these approximately 0.89 km2 with the possibility to be used in a reforestation of typical flora of mangrove. The physical-chemical characterization showed areas with potential to introduce local species of mangrove and they had a pH above neutral with a mean of 8.4. The characteristic particle size is sand in the fine fractions, the high levels of carbonate, organic matter and major and trace element in general are concentrated where the sediment had the less particles size, showing the high correlation that those elements have with smaller particles of sediment. The application of that methodological strategy is relevant to the better understanding of features behavior and physical-chemical data of sediment samples collected on field allow the analysis of efficiency/capability of sandy-muddy to reforestation with local mangrove species for mitigation of the erosive action and coastal processes on the areas occupied by the oil industry


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Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar a evolução do uso da terra no município de Botucatu - SP, no período de três anos, considerando-se seis tipos de cobertura vegetal (cana-de-açúcar, reflorestamento, floresta nativa, pastagem, cítrus e outros), tendo como base as imagens de satélite Landsat 5, bandas 3; 4 e 5, órbita 220, ponto 76, quadrante A, passagem de 8 de junho de 1999. O Sistema de Informações Geográficas - IDRISI for Windows 3.2, foi utilizado para as análises. Os resultados mostraram que esse programa foi eficiente para auxiliar na identificação e mapeamento das áreas com uso da terra, facilitando o processamento dos dados. As imagens de satélite TM/LANDSAT 5 forneceram um excelente banco de dados para a classificação supervisionada. O município não vem sendo preservado ambientalmente, pois apresenta-se coberto com menos de 20% de florestas nativas, mínimo exigido por lei. As áreas de pastagem, principal componente da paisagem do município, confirmam a vocação da região para a pecuária.


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Hydrogeological prospecting in Northeast Brazil and in other crystalline terrains has been developed on the basis of structural and regional geology concepts that date back to the 50-60 decades and, as such, demand a natural re-evaluation and update. In this kind of terrain, the percolation and accumulation of ground water are controlled by fractures and other types of discontinuities, such as foliations and geological contacts that, through weathering, impart porosity and permeability to the rocks, allowing water flow and storage. Several factors should be considered in the process of locating water wells, as discussed in the literature. Among these, the kind of structures, fracture geometry (including aperture and connectivity) and their geological and chronological context. It is important to correlate fracture systems with the regional neotectonic framework. Fractures at low angle (sub parallel) with the principal stress axis (s1) are those which tend to open (actually they work as tension joints) and, in principle, would present major hydric potential; in the opposite side, fractures at high angle to s1 would behave as closed by a compressional component. Fractures diagonal to the compression and tension axes correspond to shear fractures and, due to their connectivity with second fractures, are also important in terms of hydric potential. Uplift followed by terrain denudation leads to decompression and a general tendency to open (aided by weathering processes) fractures and other rock discontinuities, at different orientations. Low angle fractures, formed in this context, are equally important to increase connectivity, collection of water and recharge of the aquifer systems. In a general way, an opening component (neotectonic or by terrain decompression) and several models to increase fracture connectivity correlate with a greater hydric potential of these structures. Together with parallel research, this thesis addresses models of ground water occurrence in crystalline terrains, either improving well established concepts like the (Riacho-Fenda model), but also stressing other possibilities, like the role of alluvium and paleo-regoliths (the Calha Elúvio-Aluvionar model) and of strongly altered, permo-porous zones placed at variable depths below the present surface, flanking several types of discontinuities, especially interconnected fracture arrays (the Bolsões de Intemperismo model). Different methodological approaches are also discussed in order to improve success rates in the location of water wells in crystalline terrains. In this methodological review, a number of case studies were selected in the eastern domain of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, involving the localities of Santa Cruz, Santo Antônio, Serrinha, Nova Cruz, Montanhas, Lagoa de Pedras and Lagoa Salgada. Besides the neotectonic analysis of brittle structures, this Thesis addresses the validation of remote sensing as a tool for ground water prospecting. Several techniques were tested in order to detect and select areas with higher potential for ground water accumulation, using Landsat 5-TM and RADARSAT images, besides conventional aerial photos. A number of filters were tested to emphasize lineaments in the images, improving their discrimination, to identify areas with higher overburden humidity, which could reflect subsurface water accumulation, as well as alluvium and other sedimentary covers that might act as recharge zones. The work started with a regional analysis with the orbital images, followed by analysis of aerial photos, up to a detailed structural study of rock exposures in the terrain. This last step involved the analysis of outcrops surrounding wells (in a ray of approximately 10 to 100 m) with distinct productivities, including dry examples. At the level required for detail, it was not possible to accomplish a statistical approach using the available well data catalogs, which lack the desired specific information. The methodology worked out in this Thesis must undergo a testing phase through location of new water wells. An increase in the success rates as desired will led to a further consolidation step with wider divulgation of the methodology to private companies and governmental agencies involved in ground water prospecting in crystalline terrains


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This thesis describes the general behavior of the northern shore of the State of Rio Grande do Norte relating beach profile morphology with hydrodynamic and sedimentological parameters. The Macau and Serra Oil Field are inserted on this area and are under accelerated coastal erosion. At these oil fields are installed oil wells from PETROBRAS, nowadays located directly in the shoreline, under constant attacks of coastal processes (e.g. waves, tides and currents), which promote an intense morphodynamic variability of this sandy coast. The area was monitored for 24 months in three different stations (P01, P02 and P03). The methodology applied involved current techniques of beach profiles, hydrodynamical processes, remote sensing and geophysics. A synthesis of results obtained through the use of different time scales (monthly, lunar cycle, seasonal, annual) from a coastal dynamics study is presented. The average wind direction corresponded to 77ºAz (NE). The steepness of the berm and of the shoreface, as well as coastal current direction, do not present major changes, with an average of 36º for the steepness of the berm, 15º for the shoreface and 15º for the coastal current direction. This data set allows us to infer that the months of larger coastal erosion were November/2000 and April/2001, because of the largest wave parameter during this time. The months of worse coastal erosion in this area are related with the increasing wavy energy. This in turn, seems to be related to seasonal climatic variations, with the wave energy and tide currents speed increasing during months of minor precipitations (June to January). The months of worse coastal erosion were September and November, when the largest wave parameters and speed currents are measured in the area. Since these months are included on the period of minor precipitations, we related the coastal erosion to seasonal climatic variations. The results obtained during these 24 months of monitoring confirms a situation of accentuated erosion, mainly in Profile 03 (Barra do Corta-Cachorro), where the wave height, period, and coastal current speed are always larger than the values found in Profile 02 (Macau5). Probably these values are more expressive in Profile 03, because it does not present any natural structure of protection against the wave impacts, as the barrier island located at Ponta do Tubarão, or the sand banks in front of Macau5. The transport of the sediments occurs from East to West, and the sand accumulation is more pronounced on Profile 03 intertidal zone, where there are embrionary dunes in dryer months. The tidal currents speed, on the other hand, is more accentuated in the Macau5 area (Profile 02). At Ponta do Tubarão, the tidal currents presented a preferential direction for NE, at times of flood, currents and for NW, at times of ebb current; at Barra do Corta-Cachorro the direction of the currents were predominantly for NW, independent of the tide phase, coinciding with the preferential direction of the longshore current. This currents inversion at Ponta do Tubarão is attributed to the presence of the Ponta do Tubarão island barrier and by the communication channel of the lagoon with the sea. The tide currents are better observed in protected areas, as in the Ponta do Tubarão, when they present inversion in their direction accordingly to the flood and ebb tide. In open areas, as in Barra do Corta-Cachorro, the tide currents are overprinted by the longshore currents. Sediment analysis does not show important modifications in grain size related to seasonality (dry- and rainy seasons). On the foreshore and backshore zones, the sediments vary from fine to medium sand, while in the shoreface they very from fine to very sands. The grains are mostly spheres, varying from sub rounded to sub angled. Quartz is the main component alongside Feldspat and heavy minerals as accessory components. Biogenic content is also present and mainly represented by mollusks fragments. The calculated sediment transport show values around 100 m3/day. The morphodynamic studies indicated that this is a reflexive area from October to April, and intermediate from May to September. The Relative Tide Range-RTR for this area is 4 < RTR < 15, and so classified in the mixed wave-tide group. Having this exposed we can affirm that the more active natural factors in this area are the currents, followed by the tides and the winds. The anthropic factors are exclusively local and punctual (Macau and Serra Oil Field). Taking in account the economic importance of the area, as well as the intensity of coastal processes acting on this shore, it is important a continuity of the monthly environmental monitoring looking for variations on longer-period cycles. These data have been stored on the geo-referenced database of the projects MARPETRO and PETRORISCO (REDE 05), aiming to model the coastal and sea environment, susceptible to oil spills and their derivatives


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The study area is inserted in Ponta do Tubarão region, Macau City, setentrional littoral of Rio Grande do Norte State, composed of Tertiary and Quatemary sedimentary rocks and sediments. This region is characterized for the intense action of the coastal processes, causing the morphologic instability in part of the area, beyond the interference of human activities, as the Petroliferous Industrial Polo, salt companies and shrimp farms. This justifies the integration of multidisciplinary and multitemporal detailed scientific studies dealing with the evaluation of the changing behavior of this coastal environment by geoenvironments elements characterization, identifying protected and recuperation areas, mainly those under socioeconomic intervention. The main objective was the coastal monitoring using geoprocessing techniques to prepare thematic maps useful for oil spilling environment risk areas survey. The methodology was based on multitemporal interpretation of remote sensing images and field checking, integrated in a Geographical Information System (GIS). The Geologic, Geomorphologic, Vegetation, Soil and Land Use maps were prepared, and later on they allowed the generation of the Natural Vulnerability and Environmental Vulnerability maps. These maps had been classified in accordance with vulnerability degrees: very low, low, medi um, high and very high. Beyond these maps the GIS allowed the analysis of the shoreline evolution for 10 distinct dates, using Landsat 5 TM and 7 ETM+ and SPOT-HRVIR images. This analysis made possible the attendance of the coastal morphodynamic evolution, where the results had been represented by areasof erosion and accretion (or deposition) of sediments, pointing critical areas under erosive process to the petroliferous industry (Macau and Serra fields). The GIS also provided to prepare the Environmental Sensitivity Maps of Oil Spill (SAO Maps) in operational scale (1: 10.000), according to the norms ofthe Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA 2002). The SAO Map in operational scale was based on IKONOS images mosaic where the ESI (Environmental Sensitivity Index) was represented according with two tides phases of theregion. Therewere recognizedfiveESI (3, 4,7,9, 1O) for the low tide; to the high tide the ESI number increased to seven (3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10). All these information are necessary to the decisions making about oi! spill and its derivatives containment. These techniques application makes possible the optimization and implantation ofnew socioeconomics activities of low environmental impact, indicates areas for better productivity and security exploration, and benefits local communities with fauna and flora preservation. The development of these activities is inserted in the scope of Monitoramento Ambiental de Áreas de Risco a Derrames de Petróleo e Seus Derivados Cooperation Project (Rede 05/01 - PETRORISCO, FINEP/CTPETRO/PETROBRAS) of multidisciplinary and interinstitucional characteristics dealing with subjects involving the environmental monitoring and the petroliferous activity


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The study area is located in the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte State comprising the mouth of Açu-Piranhas river including the cities of Porto do Mangue e Areia Branca. The local geological setting comprises Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary geological units of the Potiguar Basin. One is about a region of high morphologic instability due to action of the rigorous dynamic coastal processes, beyond the intense human activities mainly for the performance of the petroliferous industry, salt farms and tanks of shrimp industry.For the accomplishment of this work Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM + from four distinct dates were used as cartographic base, in which one applied techniques of digital processing to elaborate thematic maps of the existing natural resources to support the geologic and geomorphologic characterization and the soil and landuse maps. The strategy applied was the interpretation of multitemporal images from aerial and orbital remote sensors alIied to the terrain truth recognition, integrated through a Geographic Information System. These activities had alIowed the production of Sensitivity Maps of the Coast to Oil Spilling for the area, on the basis of the Coastal Sensibility Index. Taking into account the seasons were created maps to distinct datas: July 2003 represents the winter months that presented a sensibility lower when compared with the month of December 2003. For the summer months greater sensitivity is due to the hydrodynamic data that suggest a lesser capacity of natural cleanness of the oil and its derivatives in spilling case.These outcomes are an important and useful database to support an assessment to a risk situation and to taking decision in the face of an environmental disaster with oil spilling in coastal area, alIowing a complete visualization of the area and identifying all portions in the area with thei environmental units and respective Coastal Sensibility Index.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA