916 resultados para Imagem por Ressonância Magnética


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There is no data about cardiac measurements em Brazilians obtained by CMR. This a muldisciplinary study with the objective of obtaining measurements of the left ventricle (LV) and right ventricle (RV) diastolic diameter (Dd), systolic diameter (Ds), diastolic volume (Dv), systolic volume (Sv), ejection fraction (EF) and myocardial mass in Brazilians. One hundred and seven (54 men and 53 women, mean age of 43.4 ± 13.1 years) asymptomatic individuals without heart disease were submitted to cardiac magnetic resonance (cMR) studies using steady state free precession technique. The means and standard deviations of the parameters of the LV and RV were respectively: LVDD = 4,8 ± 0,5 cm; LVSD = 3,0±0,6 cm; LVDV = 128,4±29,6 ml; LVSV = 45,2±16,6 ml; LVEF = 65,5±6,3%; LV mass = 95,2±30,8.1 g; RVDD = 3,9±1,3 cm; RVSD = 2,5±0,5 cm; RVDV = 126,5±30,7 ml; RVSV = 53.6±18,4 ml; RVEF = 58.3±8,0.0% and RV mass = 26,1±6,1 g. The masses and volumes were significantly higher in men, except for the LVSV. The RV EF was significantly higher in women. There was inverse correlation between RV systolic volume and with age, being more significant in men. This study describes for the first time benchmarks for cardiac measurements obtained by CMR among asymptomatic Brazilians individuals without heart disease and demonstrated differences according to sex and age


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Objetivou-se determinar o potencial do uso da tomografia de ressonância magnética, como método não-destrutivo, para avaliar os efeitos das injúrias mecânicas em goiabas. Foram utilizados frutos no estádio de maturação de vez das cultivares Paluma e Pedro Sato. Na injúria por impacto, os frutos foram deixados cair, em queda livre, de uma altura de 1,20 m, sofrendo dois impactos, em lados opostos de sua porção equatorial. Na injúria por compressão, os frutos foram submetidos a um peso de 29,4 N, por 15 minutos. Para a injúria por corte, foram efetuados dois cortes, no sentido longitudinal dos frutos, de exatamente 30 mm de comprimento por 2 mm de profundidade. Os frutos injuriados foram armazenados sob condições de ambiente (22 ± 2 °C e 40 %UR). Foram realizadas análises com tomógrafo de ressonância magnética Varian Inova de 2 Tesla. As imagens foram obtidas a partir da detecção dos prótons de hidrogênio (¹H). Para cada fruto, foram obtidos tomogramas simétricos a partir do centro do fruto. A tomografia de ressonância magnética nuclear mostrou-se uma ferramenta eficaz na detecção de injúrias internas de frutos. O estresse físico causado pelo impacto produziu um colapso interno nos lóculos desses frutos (internal bruising), levando à perda da integridade celular e a conseqüente liquefação dos tecidos placentários. A cultivar Pedro Sato mostrou uma suscetibilidade maior à injúria por impacto que a 'Paluma'. A injúria por compressão tornou-se mais evidente no pericarpo externo do fruto, de ambas as cultivares. A injúria por corte levou a lignificação dos tecidos no local injuriado e deformações superficiais devido à perda acentuada de matéria fresca no local da lesão, evidentes no sexto dia de avaliação.


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Ayahuasca is psychotropic beverage that has been used for ages by indigenous populations in South America, notably in the Amazon region, for religious and medicinal purposes. The tea is obtained by the decoction of leaves from the Psychotria viridis with the bark and stalk of a shrub, the Banisteriopsis caapi. The first is rich in N-N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT), which has an important and well-known hallucinogenic effect due to its agonistic action in serotonin receptors, specifically 5-HT2A. On the other hand, β-carbolines present in B. caapi, particularly harmine and harmaline, are potent monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOi). In addition, the tetrahydroharmine (THH), also present in B. caapi, acts as mild selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and a weak MAOi. This unique composition induces a number of affective, sensitive, perceptual and cognitive changes in individuals under the effect of Ayahuasca. On the other hand, there is growing interest in the Default Mode Network (DMN), which has been consistently observed in functional neuroimaging studies. The key components of this network include structures in the brain midline, as the anterior medial frontal cortex, ventral medial frontal cortex, posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus, and some regions within the inferior parietal lobe and middle temporal gyrus. It has been argued that DMN participate in tasks involving self-judgments, autobiographical memory retrieval, mental simulations, thinking in perspective, meditative states, and others. In general, these tasks require an internal focus of attention, hence the conclusion that the DMN is associated with introspective mental activity. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) changes in DMN caused via the ingestion of Ayahuasca by 10 healthy subjects while submitted to two fMRI protocols: a verbal fluency task and a resting state acquisition. In general, it was observed that Ayahuasca causes a reduction in the fMRI signal in central nodes of DMN, such as the anterior cingulate cortex, the medial prefrontal cortex, the posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus and inferior parietal lobe. Furthermore, changes in connectivity patterns of the DMN were observed, especially a decrease in the functional connectivity of the precuneus. Together, these findings indicate an association between the altered state of consciousness experienced by individuals under the effect of Ayahuasca, and changes in the stream of spontaneous thoughts leading to an increased introspective mental activity


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Mirror therapy (MT) is being used as a rehabilitation tool in various diseases, including stroke. Although some studies have shown its effectiveness, little is known about neural mechanisms that underlie the rehabilitation process. Therefore, this study aimed at assessing cortical neuromodulation after a single MT intervention in ischemic stroke survivors, by means of by functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). Fifteen patients participated in a single thirty minutes MT session. fMRI data was analyzed bilaterally in the following Regions of Interest (ROI): Supplementary Motor Area (SMA), Premotor cortex (PMC), Primary Motor cortex (M1), Primary Sensory cortex (S1) and Cerebellum. In each ROI, changes in the percentage of occupation and beta values were computed. Group fMRI data showed a significant decreased in the percentage of occupation in PMC and cerebellum, contralateral to the affected hand (p <0.05). Significant increase in beta values was observed in the following contralateral motor areas: SMA, Cerebellum, PMC and M1 (p<0,005). Moreover, a significant decrease was observed in the following ipsilateral motor areas: PMC and M1 (p <0,001). In S1 a bilateral significant decrease (p<0.0005) was observed.TMS consisted of the analysis of Motor Evoked Potential (MEP) of M1 hotspot. A significant increase in the amplitude of the MEP was observed after therapy in the group (p<0,0001) and individually in 4 patients (p <0.05). Altogether, our results imply that single MT intervention is already capable of promoting changes in neurobiological markers toward patterns observed in healthy subjects. Furthermore, the contralateral hemisphere motor areas changes are opposite to the ones in the ipsilateral side, suggesting an increase system homeostasis.


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Glass ionomer cements (GICs) are products of the acid-base setting reaction between an finely fluoro-alumino silicate glass powder and poly(acrylic acid) in aqueous solution. The sol gel method is an adequate route of preparation of the glasses used to obtain the GICs. The objective of this paper was to compare two powders: a commercial and an experimental and to investigate the structural changes during hardening of the cements by FTIR and Al MAS NMR. These analyses showed that the experimental glass powder reacted with organic acid to form the GICs and it is a promising material to manufacture dental cements.


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BACKGROUND: Ultrasonography (US), Computed Tomography (CT), and Magnetic Resonance imaging (MR) were compared for the staging of renal tumors. The differences between these imaging techniques were also studied for their ability to detect adenopathies, vascular invasion, distant intra-abdominal metastases, and particularly adjacent organ invasion. METHODS: Thirty-one patients with solid or complex renal masses were prospectively studied using US, CT, and MR. Differences between the results obtained were studied using the COCHRAN G test and the McNEMAR test. The sensitivity and specificity of each diagnostic technique were compared against a gold standard of the surgical and histopathological findings. RESULTS: The following sensitivities were obtained: For the detection of adenopathy, US 63.6%, CT and MR 90.9%. For vascular invasion, US 42.8%, CT and MR 85.7%. For the adjacent organ invasion, US 28.5%, CT 85.7%, and MR 71.4%. Some of the criteria that suggest invasion of adjacent structures include: the envelopment of the adjacent structures by the tumor, tumor extension into the adjacent structures with an irregular appearance, and alterations in shape, size, and density of adjacent structures. Loss of fat planes between the tumor and adjacent structures is not a sign of tumor invasion. CONCLUSIONS: Significant differences were found in the detection capacity of US in relation to CT and MR, which were similar. All three techniques were highly sensitive and specific only in the detection of distant abdominal metastases. In addition to the accuracy of these diagnostic modalities for the detection and staging of tumors, invasiveness, risks and cost should be considered in relation to relative costs and benefits.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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INTRODUÇÃO: A deglutição é um processo fisiológico complexo que acontece por uma sequência motora automática, regulada por um complicado mecanismo neuromotor e neuromuscular que é iniciado de maneira consciente e é resultado da integridade anatômica e funcional de diversas estruturas faciais. É de extrema importância para a nutrição do organismo como um todo. Um dos maiores desafios no campo das ciências é identificar os substratos neurais de comportamentos fisiológicos, incluindo esse processo de deglutição. O desenvolvimento da tecnologia em neuroimagem funcional nos últimos anos está provocando um rápido avanço no conhecimento de funções cerebrais, o que resultou numa explosão de novos achados em neurociência. OBJETIVO: Mapear as regiões de ativação cerebral durante o fenômeno da deglutição por meio do exame de ressonância magnética funcional. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo quatro indivíduos do sexo feminino, com idade entre 18 e 30 anos, sem alterações neurológicas, estruturais e alimentares. Após a aprovação da Instituição (Clínica Lobo), do Comité de Ética e Pesquisa do Instituto de Ciências da Saúde (ICS) e a aprovação escrita de cada paciente através do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido, foram submetidos a quatro provas deglutórias, utilizando a técnica de ressonância magnética funcional. RESULTADOS: Foi possível a determinação da ativação dos hemisférios cerebrais e cerebelares e as especificas áreas que os compõem. Mesmo com uma amostragem pequena, os resultados das análises individuais mostraram padrões de acordo com a literatura, conjuntamente com dados novos. DISCUSSÃO: O cerebelo é responsável pela coordenação da ação motora e manutenção da harmonia dos movimentos, posição e equilíbrio do bolo alimentar; o bolbo raquidiano juntamente com o tronco cerebral constitui o centro de atividades reflexas que controla funções ou respostas orgânicas automáticas como a deglutição; o mesencéfalo é a parte do encéfalo que coordena a informação visual; o tálamo encaminha quase todo o tipo de informação sensorial para as zonas específicas do córtex cerebral; o hipotálamo, importante na experimentação das sensações de prazer, regula as funções homeostáticas do corpo, gustação, olfação, salivação, interagindo com o sistema nervoso autônomo e o sistema límbico está ligado ao controle e direção das reações emocionais, sob a ação da amígdala, no processamento de odores e no armazenamento de conteúdos da memória, aqui através do hipocampo. CONCLUSÃO: O ato de deglutir é um processo complexo, ativando muitas áreas cerebrais, dentre elas podemos destacar a gustativa, mental/visual e a olfativa e que é iniciado muito antes dos processos mecânicos envolvidos, conforme demonstrado pelas áreas corticais e subcorticais ativadas. A área olfativa foi a mais notadamente destacada nas imagens colhidas pela Rmf.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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The use of multimodal neuroimaging techniques has been helpful in the investigation of epileptogenic zone in patients with refractory epilepsies. This work aims to describe an ictal event during EEG-fMRI performed simultaneously in a 39-year-old man with refractory epilepsy. The EEG data were recorded at a sampling rate of 5 kHz, using a BrainAmp (BrainProducts, München, Germany) amplifier, with 64 MR (magnetic resonance) compatible Ag/AgCl electrodes. MR images were acquired using a 3T scanner in 3 sequences of 6 minutes of echo-planar images (EPIs), with TR = 2s, being the last sequence stopped after the ictal event. The EEG was corrected for gradient and pulse artifacts using the Brain Vision Analyzer2 software (BrainProducts), and the functional images were realigned, slice-timing corrected, normalized and smoothed. The start of the ictal changes was used for the evaluation of the BOLD response in MR images, using a t-test with a minimum cluster of 5 voxels, p <0.005 (T>2.5). The patient had a partial complex seizure, as noted by neurologist. The fMRI data showed positive BOLD responses (activation) in dysplastic areas, but showed the most significant activation outside the lesion, in areas compatible with secondary spread of the epileptic focus, probably caused by motor reaction also observed during the seizure. As a conclusion, we note that the technique of EEG-fMRI can detect the epileptogenic zone in patients with refractory epilepsy, but areas of dissemination of primary epileptogenic focus may show significant activation, introducing additional difficulties to the interpretation of the results