957 resultados para Image processing, computer-assisted


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The modern stereologic method of vertical sections was applied to the retina as a means of generating unbiased estimates of three-dimensional structure. The method is illustrated with real data on the volume and surface area of the capillary basement membrane from the central retina of the rat. Novel methods of estimating the volume of retina sampled and of creating accurate vertical sections are described. The advantages of using stereologic methods to generate quantitative information on the three-dimensional structure of the retina are discussed and compared to those of previous quantitative methods that provide data on two-dimensional structure only.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the combination of abdominoplasty with liposuction of both flanks with regards to length of scar, complications, and patient's satisfaction. A retrospective analysis of 35 patients who underwent esthetic abdominoplasty at our institution between 2002 and 2004 was performed. Thirteen patients underwent abdominoplasty with liposuction of both flanks, 22 patients underwent conventional abdominoplasty. Liposuction of the flanks did not increase the rate of complications of the abdominoplasty procedures. We found a tendency toward shorter scars in patients who underwent abdominoplasty combined with liposuction of the flanks. Implementation of 3-dimensional laser surface scanning to objectify the postoperative outcomes, documented a comparable degree of flatness of the achieved body contouring in both procedures. 3-dimensional laser surface scanning can be a valuable tool to objectify assessment of postoperative results.


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With improved B 0 homogeneity along with satisfactory gradient performance at high magnetic fields, snapshot gradient-recalled echo-planar imaging (GRE-EPI) would perform at long echo times (TEs) on the order of T2*, which intrinsically allows obtaining strongly T2*-weighted images with embedded substantial anatomical details in ultrashort time. The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility and quality of long TE snapshot GRE-EPI images of rat brain at 9.4 T. When compensating for B 0 inhomogeneities, especially second-order shim terms, a 200 x 200 microm2 in-plane resolution image was reproducibly obtained at long TE (>25 ms). The resulting coronal images at 30 ms had diminished geometric distortions and, thus, embedded substantial anatomical details. Concurrently with the very consistent stability, such GRE-EPI images should permit to resolve functional data not only with high specificity but also with substantial anatomical details, therefore allowing coregistration of the acquired functional data on the same image data set.


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BACKGROUND: Coronary endothelial function is abnormal in patients with established coronary artery disease and was recently shown by MRI to relate to the severity of luminal stenosis. Recent advances in MRI now allow the noninvasive assessment of both anatomic and functional (endothelial function) changes that previously required invasive studies. We tested the hypothesis that abnormal coronary endothelial function is related to measures of early atherosclerosis such as increased coronary wall thickness. METHODS AND RESULTS: Seventeen arteries in 14 healthy adults and 17 arteries in 14 patients with nonobstructive coronary artery disease were studied. To measure endothelial function, coronary MRI was performed before and during isometric handgrip exercise, an endothelial-dependent stressor, and changes in coronary cross-sectional area and flow were measured. Black blood imaging was performed to quantify coronary wall thickness and indices of arterial remodeling. The mean stress-induced change in cross-sectional area was significantly higher in healthy adults (13.5%±12.8%, mean±SD, n=17) than in those with mildly diseased arteries (-2.2%±6.8%, P<0.0001, n=17). Mean coronary wall thickness was lower in healthy subjects (0.9±0.2 mm) than in patients with coronary artery disease (1.4±0.3 mm, P<0.0001). In contrast to healthy subjects, stress-induced changes in cross-sectional area, a measure of coronary endothelial function, correlated inversely with coronary wall thickness in patients with coronary artery disease (r=-0.73, P=0.0008). CONCLUSIONS: There is an inverse relationship between coronary endothelial function and local coronary wall thickness in patients with coronary artery disease but not in healthy adults. These findings demonstrate that local endothelial-dependent functional changes are related to the extent of early anatomic atherosclerosis in mildly diseased arteries. This combined MRI approach enables the anatomic and functional investigation of early coronary disease.


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The structure of the brain as a product of morphogenesis is difficult to reconcile with the observed complexity of cerebral connectivity. We therefore analyzed relationships of adjacency and crossing between cerebral fiber pathways in four nonhuman primate species and in humans by using diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. The cerebral fiber pathways formed a rectilinear three-dimensional grid continuous with the three principal axes of development. Cortico-cortical pathways formed parallel sheets of interwoven paths in the longitudinal and medio-lateral axes, in which major pathways were local condensations. Cross-species homology was strong and showed emergence of complex gyral connectivity by continuous elaboration of this grid structure. This architecture naturally supports functional spatio-temporal coherence, developmental path-finding, and incremental rewiring with correlated adaptation of structure and function in cerebral plasticity and evolution.


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Purpose: To evaluate reproducibility and precision of ocular measurements by digital photograph analysis, in addition to the transformation of the measures according to the individual iris diameter as an oculometric reference. Methods: Twenty-four eyes have been digitally photographed in a standardized way at two distances. Two researchers have analyzed these printed images using a caliper and these digital forms by ImageJ 1.37 (TM). Several external ocular parameters were estimated (mm and as iris diameter) and methods of measurement compared regarding their precision, agreement and correlation. Results: Caliper and digital analysis of oculometric measures provided significant agreement and correlation, nevertheless the precision of digital measures was higher. The estimates of numeric transformation from oculometric measures according to individual iris diameter resulted in great correlation to caliper measures and high agreement when compared to different distances of taking the photographs. Conclusions: Facial digital photographs allowed oculometric precise and reproducible estimates, endorsing clinical research usefulness. Using iris diameter as individual oculometric reference disclosed high reproducibility when facial photographs were taken at different distances.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desempenho da análise de imagem digital na estimativa da área acometida pelas úlceras crônicas dos membros inferiores. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo em que foram mensuradas úlceras empregando o método planimétrico clássico, utilizando desenho dos seus contornos em filme plástico transparente, medida sua área posteriormente por folha milimetrada. Esses valores foram utilizados como padrão para a comparação com a estimativa de área pelas fotografias digitais padronizadas das úlceras e dos desenhos das mesmas em filme plástico. Para criar um referencial de conversão dos pixels em milímetros, foi empregado um adesivo com tamanho conhecido, adjacente à úlcera. RESULTADOS: foram avaliadas 42 lesões em 20 pacientes portadores de úlceras crônicas de membros inferiores. As áreas das úlceras variaram de 0,24 a 101,65cm². Observou-se forte correlação entre as medidas planimétricas e as fotos das úlceras (R²=0,86 p<0,01), porém a correlação das medidas planimétricas com as fotos digitais dos desenhos das úlceras foi ainda maior (R²=0,99 p<0,01). CONCLUSÃO: A fotografia digital padronizada revelou-se método rápido, preciso e não-invasivo capaz de estimar a área afetada por úlceras. A avaliação das medidas fotográficas dos contornos das úlceras deve ser preferida em relação à análise de sua fotografia direta.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a posição do supercílio em diferentes idades, utilizando medidas angulares. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados indivíduos com idade de 4 a 6 anos (Grupo de crianças) e igual ou superior a 50 anos (Grupo de idosos), separados em faixas etárias, avaliando-se a posição do supercílio por meio de imagens digitais, utilizando medidas angulares. As imagens foram tomadas em posição primária do olhar, utilizando filmadora Sony Lithium, e posteriormente transferidas para computador MacIntosh G4 e processadas pelo programa NIH 1,58. Os parâmetros analisados foram: ângulo interno, externo e vertical da cauda do supercílio. As comparações foram entre sexos, faixas etárias e lateralidade. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística. RESULTADOS: A comparação das medidas angulares mostrou que houve diferença significativa na posição da cauda do supercílio entre os grupos estudados quando comparados dentro do grupo com faixa etária semelhante. Porém, comparando-se crianças e adultos, houve diferença em todos os tipos de ângulos estudados. CONCLUSÕES: A posição do supercílio avaliada por medidas angulares mostrou diferenças entre crianças e idosos, revelando associação positiva com a idade.


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OBJETIVO: Quantificar, usando o sistema de imagem digital, medidas palpebrais antes e após a cirurgia de blefaroplastia superior. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 18 pálpebras de 9 pacientes atendidas no HC da FMB - UNESP, com idade entre 40 a 75 anos, do sexo feminino, portadoras de dermatocálase. Foram obtidas fotografias das pacientes antes e após 60 dias da blefaroplastia da pálpebra superior. As imagens foram transferidas para um computador e analisadas pelo programa Scion Image Frame Grabber. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: a altura da fenda palpebral em posição primária do olhar, altura do sulco palpebral superior e o ângulo palpebral lateral antes e depois de 60 dias da realização da cirurgia de blefaroplastia superior. RESULTADOS: Após a cirurgia, houve aumento da altura da fenda palpebral e do sulco palpebral superior. Contudo, o ângulo palpebral lateral não se alterou. CONCLUSÃO: A posição palpebral se altera após a blefaroplastia e o processamento de imagens digitais possibilita quantificar estas alterações, mensurando os resultados obtidos com a cirurgia.


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OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o posicionamento palpebral em portadores de cavidade anoftálmica com e sem prótese ocular externa, utilizando o processamento de imagem digital. MÉTODOS: Dezoito pacientes foram avaliados qualitativa e quantitativamente na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP, com e sem a prótese externa. Usando imagens obtidas por filmadora e processadas usando o programa Scion Image, mediu-se a altura do sulco palpebral superior, a altura da fenda palpebral e os ângulos palpebrais dos cantos interno e externo. RESULTADOS: Pseudo-estrabismo e sulco palpebral superior profundo foram as alterações mais freqüentes ao exame externo. Houve diferença significativa em todas as variáveis estudadas, com diminuição da altura do sulco palpebral superior, aumento da área da fenda palpebral e aumento dos ângulos palpebrais interno e externo quando o paciente estava usando a prótese externa. CONCLUSÃO: Todos os pacientes avaliados apresentaram algum tipo de anormalidade órbito-palpebral, o que reflete a dificuldade em se proporcionar ao portador de cavidade anoftálmica um aspecto idêntico ao que existe na órbita normal. O processamento de imagens digitais permitiu avaliação objetiva das dimensões óculo-palpebrais, o que poderá contribuir nas avaliações seqüenciais dos portadores de cavidade anoftálmica.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the color alterations performed by the CIE L*a*b* system in the digital imaging of shade guide tabs, which were obtained photographically according to the automatic and manual modes. This study also sought to examine the observers' agreement in quantifying the coordinates. Four Vita Lumin Vaccum shade guide tabs were used: A3.5, B1, B3 and C4. An EOS Canon digital camera was used to record the digital images of the shade tabs, and the images were processed using Adobe Photoshop software. A total of 80 observations (five replicates of each shade according to two observers in two modes, specifically, automatic and manual) were obtained, leading to color values of L*, a* and b*. The color difference (AE) between the modes was calculated and classified as either clinically acceptable or unacceptable. The results indicated that there was agreement between the two observers in obtaining the L*, a* and b* values related to all guides. However, the B1, B3, and C4 shade tabs had AE values classified as clinically acceptable (Delta E = 0.44, Delta E = 2.04 and Delta E = 2.69, respectively). The A3.5 shade tab had a AE value classified as clinically unacceptable (Delta E = 4.17), as it presented higher values for luminosity in the automatic mode (L* = 54.0) than in the manual mode (L* = 50.6). It was concluded that the B1, B3 and C4 shade tabs can be used at any of the modes in digital camera (manual or automatic), which was a different finding from that observed for the A3.5 shade tab.


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This paper describes two solutions for systematic measurement of surface elevation that can be used for both profile and surface reconstructions for quantitative fractography case studies. The first one is developed under Khoros graphical interface environment. It consists of an adaption of the almost classical area matching algorithm, that is based on cross-correlation operations, to the well-known method of parallax measurements from stereo pairs. A normalization function was created to avoid false cross-correlation peaks, driving to the true window best matching solution at each region analyzed on both stereo projections. Some limitations to the use of scanning electron microscopy and the types of surface patterns are also discussed. The second algorithm is based on a spatial correlation function. This solution is implemented under the NIH Image macro programming, combining a good representation for low contrast regions and many improvements on overall user interface and performance. Its advantages and limitations are also presented.


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Nerve regeneration in a sensory nerve was obtained by the application of different techniques: inside-out vein graft (IOVG group) and standard vein graft (SVG group). These techniques provide a good microenvironment for axon regeneration in motor nerves, but their efficiency for regeneration of sensory nerves is controversial. The saphenous nerve was sectioned and repaired by the inside-out and standard vein graft techniques in rats. After 4, 12, and 20 weeks the graft and the distal stump were observed under electron microscopy. In each studied period, the pattern, diameters, and thickness of the myelin sheaths of the regenerated axons were measured in the graft and distal stump. A comparative study about the regenerated nerve fibers by these two different techniques was performed. Regenerated nerve fibers were prominent in both vein grafts 4 weeks after the surgical procedures. On the other hand, in the distal stump, regenerated nerve fibers were observed only from 12 weeks. In both inside-out vein graft and standard vein graft statistical difference was not observed about the diameters and thickness of the myelinated fibers after 20 weeks. On the other hand, the inside-out group had greater regenerated axon number when compared to the standard group. There is a capillary invasion in both graft and distal stump, especially in the IOVG group. The regenerated axons follow these capillaries all the time like satellite microfascicles. After 20 weeks, the diameters of regenerated fibers repaired by the standard vein graft technique were closer to the normal fibers compared to the inside-out vein graft. On the other hand, the pattern of these regenerated axons was better in the IOVG group.


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Fifty-four extracted human mandibular molars were embedded and sectioned at two levels. The reassembled mesial root canals were prepared with stainless-steel hand K-files (Flexofiles) and either Nitiflex or Mity nickel-titanium hand K-files using a push-pull anticurvature filing technique. Each of the three experimental groups contained 36 mesial canals randomly distributed. Superimposed pre- and postinstrumentation cross-sectional root images were magnified using a stereomicroscope and transferred to a computer for measurement and statistical analysis. The direction and extent of canal center movement were evaluated. At the apical level, the groups produced no significant difference of direction of canal center movement. In cervical sections, all groups tended to move in a distolingual direction. The three groups, however, produced no significant difference in the cervical sections in the extent of canal center movement. In apical sections, Nitiflex produced the least canal center movement. Copyright © 1999 by The American Association of Endodontists.


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Chronic alcoholism alters reproduction and therefore may be responsible for alterations of prostate and seminal vesicles, which are the subject of this analysis in UCh ethanol-drinking rats. The prostate and seminal vesicles of 20 animals were submitted to macroscopic, light microscopy, electron microscopy and morphometric analysis. The UCh rats showed atrophy of the epithelium and reduction of the weight of the prostate and seminal vesicle, liver hypertrophy and fat infiltration and alterations of the hypothalamus-pituitary axis. Ethanol induces changes in the weight and in the epithelium of prostate and seminal vesicles and hypothalamus-pituitary axis of UCh rats.