793 resultados para Identity and alterity
We argue that preferences for secession are the expression of a common unobserved mechanisms determining national identity. This paper examines the hypothesis of independence of both preferences for secession (independent Euskadi) and Basque national identity in the light of Akerloff and Kranton (2000). We deal with psychological determinants of individuals' national identity formation as well as those that influence the propensity of individuals to support the secession of their perceived ¿imagined community¿ or nation.. We undertake econometric survey analysis for the Basque Country using a bivariate probit model and publicly available data from the Spanish Centre for Sociological Research. Our results provide robust evidence of a common determination of national identity and political preferences for the secession of the Basque Country consistently with Akerloff and Kranton model.
We argue that preferences for secession are the expression of a common unobserved mechanisms determining national identity. This paper examines the hypothesis of independence of both preferences for secession (independent Euskadi) and Basque national identity in the light of Akerloff and Kranton (2000). We deal with psychological determinants of individuals' national identity formation as well as those that influence the propensity of individuals to support the secession of their perceived ¿imagined community¿ or nation.. We undertake econometric survey analysis for the Basque Country using a bivariate probit model and publicly available data from the Spanish Centre for Sociological Research. Our results provide robust evidence of a common determination of national identity and political preferences for the secession of the Basque Country consistently with Akerloff and Kranton model.
* Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are plant symbionts that improve floristic diversity and ecosystem productivity. Many AMF species are generalists with wide host ranges. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi individuals are heterokaryotic, and AMF populations are genetically diverse. Populations of AMF harbor two levels of genetic diversity on which selection can act, namely among individuals and within individuals. Whether environmental factors alter genetic diversity within populations is still unknown. * Here, we measured genetic changes and changes in fitness-related traits of genetically distinct AMF individuals from one field, grown with different concentrations of available phosphate or different host species. * We found significant genotype-by-environment interactions for AMF fitness traits in response to these treatments. Host identity had a strong effect on the fitness of different AMF, unearthing a specificity of response within Glomus intraradices. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi individuals grown in novel environments consistently showed a reduced presence of polymorphic genetic markers, providing some evidence for host or phosphate-induced genetic change in AMF. * Given that AMF individuals can form extensive hyphal networks colonizing different hosts simultaneously, contrasting habitats or soil properties may lead to evolution in the population. Local selection may alter the structure of AMF populations and maintain genetic diversity, potentially even within the hyphal network of one fungus.
The ability to identify letters and encode their position is a crucial step of the word recognition process. However and despite their word identification problem, the ability of dyslexic children to encode letter identity and letter-position within strings was not systematically investigated. This study aimed at filling this gap and further explored how letter identity and letter-position encoding is modulated by letter context in developmental dyslexia. For this purpose, a letter-string comparison task was administered to French dyslexic children and two chronological age (CA) and reading age (RA)-matched control groups. Children had to judge whether two successively and briefly presented four-letter strings were identical or different. Letter-position and letter identity were manipulated through the transposition (e.g., RTGM vs. RMGT) or substitution of two letters (e.g., TSHF vs. TGHD). Non-words, pseudo-words, and words were used as stimuli to investigate sub-lexical and lexical effects on letter encoding. Dyslexic children showed both substitution and transposition detection problems relative to CA-controls. A substitution advantage over transpositions was only found for words in dyslexic children whereas it extended to pseudo-words in RA-controls and to all type of items in CA-controls. Letters were better identified in the dyslexic group when belonging to orthographically familiar strings. Letter-position encoding was very impaired in dyslexic children who did not show any word context effect in contrast to CA-controls. Overall, the current findings point to a strong letter identity and letter-position encoding disorder in developmental dyslexia.
1. Accumulating evidence indicates that plant resistance against above-ground herbivores can be affected by the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in association with the host plant. Little is known, however, about how AMF composition can influence herbivore choice to feed on a particular plant. 2. Unravelling the preference-performance hypothesis in a multitrophic context is needed to expand our knowledge of complex multitrophic interactions in natural systems. If given mycorrhizal fungal genotypes increase attractiveness for a herbivore (reduced plant resistance), then the benefits of increased unpalatability provided by the mycorrhizal fungi (increased plant resistance) might be outweighed by the increased herbivore recruitment. 3. This was addressed by designing three experiments to test the effects of different AMF genotypes, inoculated either alone or in combination, to measure intraspecific AMF effects on plant resistance and insect herbivore preference. Using strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) plants that were colonised by eight different combinations of Rhizophagus irregularis isolates, we measured effects on plant growth, insect growth and survival, as well as feeding preferences of a generalist herbivore caterpillar (Spodoptera littoralis Boisduval). 4. Overall, it was found that: (i) AMF influenced plant resistance in an AMF genotype-specific manner; (ii) some AMF inoculations decreased insect performance; (iii) insects preferentially chose to feed more on leaves originating from non-mycorrhizal plants; but also that (iv) in a whole plant bioassay, insects preferentially chose the biggest plant, regardless of their mycorrhizal status. 5. Therefore, AMF-mediated trade-offs between growth and resistance against herbivores have been shown. Such trade-offs, particularly driven by plant attractiveness to herbivores, buffer the positive effects of the mycorrhizal symbiosis on enhanced plant growth.
The production and use of false identity and travel documents in organized crime represent a serious and evolving threat. However, a case-by-case perspective, thus suffering from linkage blindness and a limited analysis capacity, essentially drives the present-day fight against this criminal problem. To assist in overcoming these limitations, a process model was developed using a forensic perspective. It guides the systematic analysis and management of seized false documents to generate forensic intelligence that supports strategic and tactical decision-making in an intelligence-led policing approach. The model is articulated on a three-level architecture that aims to assist in detecting and following-up on general trends, production methods and links between cases or series. Using analyses of a large dataset of counterfeit and forged identity and travel documents, it is possible to illustrate the model, its three levels and their contribution. Examples will point out how the proposed approach assists in detecting emerging trends, in evaluating the black market's degree of structure, in uncovering criminal networks, in monitoring the quality of false documents, and in identifying their weaknesses to orient the conception of more secured travel and identity documents. The process model proposed is thought to have a general application in forensic science and can readily be transposed to other fields of study.
Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli auttaa Myllykoski –ryhmää määrittämään, mistä tekijöistä ryhmän uuden myyntiorganisaation, Myllykoski Salesin, tulevaisuuden imagon tulisi koostua. Näin ollen tutkimus pyrki selvittämään Myllykoski –ryhmän yritysidentiteetin nykytilaa ja Myllykoski Salesin toivottuja imagotekijöitä, sekä vertaamaan niiden vastaavuutta. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia Myllykoski –ryhmän nykyistä ja toivottua tulevaisuuden imagotilaa. Jotta imagonrakennusprosessi olisi menestyksekäs, rakennettavan imagon ja viestittävien imagotekijöiden tulisi perustua yritysidentiteetin todellisiin tekijöihin. Yritysidentiteetin voidaan määritellä olevan yhtäläinen sisäisten sidosryhmien muodostaman yritysmielikuvan kanssa ja näin ollen nykyinen yritysidentiteetti voidaan paljastaa tutkimalla henkilökunnan mielipiteitä työorganisaatiotaan kohtaan. Näin ollen käsiteltävä tutkimus suoritettiin tekemällä kaksi sähköpostikyselyä, jotka suunnattiin Myllykoski -ryhmän myynti- ja markkinointihenkilökunnalle. Tutkimusten vastausprosentit olivat 71,4 % (johto, 14 lähetettyä kyselyä) ja 51,9 % (muu henkilökunta, 108 lähetettyä kyselyä). Saatuja vastauksia analysoitiin sekä laadullisesti että määrällisesti. Saaduista vastauksista oli selvästi havaittavissa Myllykoski –ryhmän yritysidentiteetin nykytila, nykyinen ja toivottu imagotila, sekä Myllykoski Salesin toivotut imagotekijät. Verrattaessa toivottuja imagotekijöitä ryhmän yritysidentiteettiin havaittiin, että suurin osa halutuista imagotekijöistä vastasi ryhmän identiteetin nykytilan ominaisuuksia ja näin ollen kyseisiä tekijöitä voitaisiin huoletta viestiä rakennettaessa Myllykoski Salesin imagoa. Joidenkin toivottujen imagotekijöiden viestintää tulisi kuitenkin vakavasti harkita, jottei rakennettaisi epärealistista imagoa.
Yritysidentiteetistä on monta eri näkemystä ja yleisesti hyväksyttyä määritelmää ei ole olemassa. Monia eri näkemyksiä käsitellään tässä tutkielmassa. Vaikka yritysidentiteettiä ei olekaan helppo mitata, on tätä varten kuitenkin kehitetty useampia metodeja. Identiteetin viestintä vaati strategisia päätöksiä ennen kuin viestintää voidaan tehdä. Viestinnän integrointi on avainasemassa identiteetin viestinnässä. Hyvin hoidettu ja kommunikoitu yritysidentiteetti voi johtaa useisiin hyötyihin organisaatiolle. Kuitenkaan nämä hyödyt eivät näy kovin nopeasti, koska yritysidentiteetin viestintä on pitkän tähtäimen prosessi.
This article examines the mainstream categorical definition of coreference as "identity of reference." It argues that coreference is best handled when identity is treated as a continuum, ranging from full identity to non-identity, with room for near-identity relations to explain currently problematic cases. This middle ground is needed to account for those linguistic expressions in real text that stand in relations that are neither full coreference nor non-coreference, a situation that has led to contradictory treatment of cases in previous coreference annotation efforts. We discuss key issues for coreference such as conceptual categorization, individuation, criteria of identity, and the discourse model construct. We redefine coreference as a scalar relation between two (or more) linguistic expressions that refer to discourse entities considered to be at the same granularity level relevant to the linguistic and pragmatic context. We view coreference relations in terms of mental space theory and discuss a large number of real life examples that show near-identity at different degrees.