870 resultados para IT services


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Com a retirada da ITIL V2 anunciada recentemente pela OGC, organizações do mundo todo que dependem dos serviços de TI começam a pensar em, pelo menos, dar início à implementação de gerenciamento de serviços de TI baseada em ITIL na sua versão 3. A partir de desdobramentos deste cenário mundial, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar uma proposta de plano de projeto para o Centro de Informática da Câmara dos Deputados do Brasil, identificando atividades baseadas na abordagem oficial ITIL Lite, que possibilita a implantação de um subconjunto de componentes ITIL V3 de acordo com a atual situação da organização, deixando o caminho aberto para uma eventual total implementação dos processos e funções.


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With data centers being the supporting infrastructure for a wide range of IT services, their efficiency has become a big concern to operators, as well as to society, for both economic and environmental reasons. The goal of this thesis is to design energy-efficient algorithms that reduce energy cost while minimizing compromise to service. We focus on the algorithmic challenges at different levels of energy optimization across the data center stack. The algorithmic challenge at the device level is to improve the energy efficiency of a single computational device via techniques such as job scheduling and speed scaling. We analyze the common speed scaling algorithms in both the worst-case model and stochastic model to answer some fundamental issues in the design of speed scaling algorithms. The algorithmic challenge at the local data center level is to dynamically allocate resources (e.g., servers) and to dispatch the workload in a data center. We develop an online algorithm to make a data center more power-proportional by dynamically adapting the number of active servers. The algorithmic challenge at the global data center level is to dispatch the workload across multiple data centers, considering the geographical diversity of electricity price, availability of renewable energy, and network propagation delay. We propose algorithms to jointly optimize routing and provisioning in an online manner. Motivated by the above online decision problems, we move on to study a general class of online problem named "smoothed online convex optimization", which seeks to minimize the sum of a sequence of convex functions when "smooth" solutions are preferred. This model allows us to bridge different research communities and help us get a more fundamental understanding of general online decision problems.


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We present an algorithm to store data robustly in a large, geographically distributed network by means of localized regions of data storage that move in response to changing conditions. For example, data might migrate away from failures or toward regions of high demand. The PersistentNode algorithm provides this service robustly, but with limited safety guarantees. We use the RAMBO framework to transform PersistentNode into RamboNode, an algorithm that guarantees atomic consistency in exchange for increased cost and decreased liveness. In addition, a half-life analysis of RamboNode shows that it is robust against continuous low-rate failures. Finally, we provide experimental simulations for the algorithm on 2000 nodes, demonstrating how it services requests and examining how it responds to failures.


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Technological learning refers to the learning processes involved in improving the productive capabilities of an enterprise, sector or economy to enable it to produce higher quality goods or services with increasing levels of efficiency. Approaches to the study of technological learning include case studies of particular countries, sectors and firms; measures of export sophistication; and composite indicators of innovation and competitiveness. The present review draws on these approaches to provide an overview of the policies and practices that have been successful in different regions (East-Asia and Latin America) ; contexts (import substitution and liberalization) ; sectors (pulp and paper, IT services, electronics and passenger cars); and firms (Embrear and Lenovo). While it is clear that there is strong complementarity between domestic technological capability and the ability to absorb foreign technology, there is no simple policy recipe which is appropriate for all times, industries or places. Technological learning builds on and is shaped by what is already known. It requires time, space and resources all of which are influenced by the wider domestic and international context. The current international context is challenging but countries and firms have to find ways of moving forward despite the limited strategy space.


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This paper discusses the complexities involved in managing and monitoring the delivery of IT services in a multiparty outsourcing environment. The complexities identified are grouped into four categories and are tabulated. A discussion on an attempt to model a multiparty outsourcing scenario using UML is also presented and explained using an illustration. Such a model when supplemented by a performance evaluation tool can enable an organization to manage the provision of IT services in a multiparty outsourcing environment more effectively


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Die Bedeutung des Dienstgüte-Managements (SLM) im Bereich von Unternehmensanwendungen steigt mit der zunehmenden Kritikalität von IT-gestützten Prozessen für den Erfolg einzelner Unternehmen. Traditionell werden zur Implementierung eines wirksamen SLMs Monitoringprozesse in hierarchischen Managementumgebungen etabliert, die einen Administrator bei der notwendigen Rekonfiguration von Systemen unterstützen. Auf aktuelle, hochdynamische Softwarearchitekturen sind diese hierarchischen Ansätze jedoch nur sehr eingeschränkt anwendbar. Ein Beispiel dafür sind dienstorientierte Architekturen (SOA), bei denen die Geschäftsfunktionalität durch das Zusammenspiel einzelner, voneinander unabhängiger Dienste auf Basis deskriptiver Workflow-Beschreibungen modelliert wird. Dadurch ergibt sich eine hohe Laufzeitdynamik der gesamten Architektur. Für das SLM ist insbesondere die dezentrale Struktur einer SOA mit unterschiedlichen administrativen Zuständigkeiten für einzelne Teilsysteme problematisch, da regelnde Eingriffe zum einen durch die Kapselung der Implementierung einzelner Dienste und zum anderen durch das Fehlen einer zentralen Kontrollinstanz nur sehr eingeschränkt möglich sind. Die vorliegende Arbeit definiert die Architektur eines SLM-Systems für SOA-Umgebungen, in dem autonome Management-Komponenten kooperieren, um übergeordnete Dienstgüteziele zu erfüllen: Mithilfe von Selbst-Management-Technologien wird zunächst eine Automatisierung des Dienstgüte-Managements auf Ebene einzelner Dienste erreicht. Die autonomen Management-Komponenten dieser Dienste können dann mithilfe von Selbstorganisationsmechanismen übergreifende Ziele zur Optimierung von Dienstgüteverhalten und Ressourcennutzung verfolgen. Für das SLM auf Ebene von SOA Workflows müssen temporär dienstübergreifende Kooperationen zur Erfüllung von Dienstgüteanforderungen etabliert werden, die sich damit auch über mehrere administrative Domänen erstrecken können. Eine solche zeitlich begrenzte Kooperation autonomer Teilsysteme kann sinnvoll nur dezentral erfolgen, da die jeweiligen Kooperationspartner im Vorfeld nicht bekannt sind und – je nach Lebensdauer einzelner Workflows – zur Laufzeit beteiligte Komponenten ausgetauscht werden können. In der Arbeit wird ein Verfahren zur Koordination autonomer Management-Komponenten mit dem Ziel der Optimierung von Antwortzeiten auf Workflow-Ebene entwickelt: Management-Komponenten können durch Übertragung von Antwortzeitanteilen untereinander ihre individuellen Ziele straffen oder lockern, ohne dass das Gesamtantwortzeitziel dadurch verändert wird. Die Übertragung von Antwortzeitanteilen wird mithilfe eines Auktionsverfahrens realisiert. Technische Grundlage der Kooperation bildet ein Gruppenkommunikationsmechanismus. Weiterhin werden in Bezug auf die Nutzung geteilter, virtualisierter Ressourcen konkurrierende Dienste entsprechend geschäftlicher Ziele priorisiert. Im Rahmen der praktischen Umsetzung wird die Realisierung zentraler Architekturelemente und der entwickelten Verfahren zur Selbstorganisation beispielhaft für das SLM konkreter Komponenten vorgestellt. Zur Untersuchung der Management-Kooperation in größeren Szenarien wird ein hybrider Simulationsansatz verwendet. Im Rahmen der Evaluation werden Untersuchungen zur Skalierbarkeit des Ansatzes durchgeführt. Schwerpunkt ist hierbei die Betrachtung eines Systems aus kooperierenden Management-Komponenten, insbesondere im Hinblick auf den Kommunikationsaufwand. Die Evaluation zeigt, dass ein dienstübergreifendes, autonomes Performance-Management in SOA-Umgebungen möglich ist. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass der entwickelte Ansatz auch in großen Umgebungen erfolgreich angewendet werden kann.


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El presente Business Plan se ha diseñado con el ánimo de crear la empresa Virtual Gnosis. Dicha empresa operará en el sector de la informática y la industria de software, dentro de la prestación de Servicios de TI. La empresa se centrará en la gestión de la información y el conocimiento del talento humano de las organizaciones, a través de la creación de AVAI (Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje Inmersivo). El mercado objetivo son las instituciones educativas y los conglomerados de PYMES. A continuación se exponen con detalle los aspectos de operaciones, marketing, financieros y administrativos de la empresa propuesta.


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The official history of the Royal Army Education Corps' involvement in Operation 'Desert Storm', the liberation of Kuwait from Iraqi occupation in 1991, their roles including prisoner of war interrogation, psychological operations, IT services and acting as interpreters for senior officers.


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Smart healthcare is a complex domain for systems integration due to human and technical factors and heterogeneous data sources involved. As a part of smart city, it is such a complex area where clinical functions require smartness of multi-systems collaborations for effective communications among departments, and radiology is one of the areas highly relies on intelligent information integration and communication. Therefore, it faces many challenges regarding integration and its interoperability such as information collision, heterogeneous data sources, policy obstacles, and procedure mismanagement. The purpose of this study is to conduct an analysis of data, semantic, and pragmatic interoperability of systems integration in radiology department, and to develop a pragmatic interoperability framework for guiding the integration. We select an on-going project at a local hospital for undertaking our case study. The project is to achieve data sharing and interoperability among Radiology Information Systems (RIS), Electronic Patient Record (EPR), and Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS). Qualitative data collection and analysis methods are used. The data sources consisted of documentation including publications and internal working papers, one year of non-participant observations and 37 interviews with radiologists, clinicians, directors of IT services, referring clinicians, radiographers, receptionists and secretary. We identified four primary phases of data analysis process for the case study: requirements and barriers identification, integration approach, interoperability measurements, and knowledge foundations. Each phase is discussed and supported by qualitative data. Through the analysis we also develop a pragmatic interoperability framework that summaries the empirical findings and proposes recommendations for guiding the integration in the radiology context.


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The main objective for this degree project is to implement an Application Availability Monitoring (AAM) system named Softek EnView for Fujitsu Services. The aim of implementing the AAM system is to proactively identify end user performance problems, such as application and site performance, before the actual end users experience them. No matter how well applications and sites are designed and nomatter how well they meet business requirements, they are useless to the end users if the performance is slow and/or unreliable. It is important for the customers to find out whether the end user problems are caused by the network or application malfunction. The Softek EnView was comprised of the following EnView components: Robot, Monitor, Reporter, Collector and Repository. The implemented system, however, is designed to use only some of these EnView elements: Robot, Reporter and depository. Robots can be placed at any key user location and are dedicated to customers, which means that when the number of customers increases, at the sametime the amount of Robots will increase. To make the AAM system ideal for the company to use, it was integrated with Fujitsu Services’ centralised monitoring system, BMC PATROL Enterprise Manager (PEM). That was actually the reason for deciding to drop the EnView Monitor element. After the system was fully implemented, the AAM system was ready for production. Transactions were (and are) written and deployed on Robots to simulate typical end user actions. These transactions are configured to run with certain intervals, which are defined collectively with customers. While they are driven against customers’ applicationsautomatically, transactions collect availability data and response time data all the time. In case of a failure in transactions, the robot immediately quits the transactionand writes detailed information to a log file about what went wrong and which element failed while going through an application. Then an alert is generated by a BMC PATROL Agent based on this data and is sent to the BMC PEM. Fujitsu Services’ monitoring room receives the alert, reacts to it according to the incident management process in ITIL and by alerting system specialists on critical incidents to resolve problems. As a result of the data gathered by the Robots, weekly reports, which contain detailed statistics and trend analyses of ongoing quality of IT services, is provided for the Customers.


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In software development organizations there is sometimes a need for change. In order to meet continuously increasing demands from their customers, Sandvik IT Services- SITS, at Sandvik in Sweden, required improving the way they worked with software development. Due to issues like a lot of work in progress and lot of simultaneous tasks for individuals in the teams that caused stress, it was almost impossible to address the question of working with improvements. In order to enable the improvement process Kanban was introduced in the software development teams. Kanban for software development is a change method created by David J. Anderson. The purpose of this thesis is twofold. One part is to assess what effects Kanban has had on the software development teams. The other part is to make a documentation of the Kanban implementation process at SITS. The documentation has been made on the basis of both company internal resources and observations of the Kanban implementation process. The effects of Kanban have been researched with an interview survey to the teams that have gone through the Kick start of the Kanban process. The result of the thesis is also twofold. One part of the result is an extensive documentation of the implementation process of Kanban at SITS. The other part is an assessment of the effects that Kanban has had at SITS. The major effects have been that the teams are experiencing less stress, more focus on quality and better customer collaboration. It is also evident is that it takes time for some effects to evolve when implementing Kanban


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This paper explores Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in the transfer
of after-sales support-oriented knowledge from Information Technology (IT)
support organisations to enterprise customers, using Web-based self-service Systems (WSS). As it appears that best-in-class companies are ahead of the academic work in this area, we approached the topic through an exploratory CSF study of a best-in-class multinational IT services firm and identified 26 CSFs. Key findings from the study indicate that best-in-class IT service organisations may be cognisant of a range of factors relating to supporting customers, but are less aware of what is needed to support their own frontline support agents. Such organisations also lack an understanding of what is needed to provide enterprise support in the later stages of knowledge transfer, where enterprise customers can experience problems attempting to integrate resolutions. The study further showed that many aspects that might be characterised as encompassing socio-technical issues relating to the provision of web-based self-service are still poorly understood.


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Outsourcing of Information Technology (IT) services which are central to business strategy may be risky. Managers have made the outsourcing decision both to concentrate financially on the core competencies and to rid themselves of a troublesome and cost inefficient department. More recent research has, however, cast doubt on the promises of huge savings. In this paper, we consider the likelihood that outsourcing may lead to the loss of organisational knowledge - that organisations outsourcing their total Information Systems operations may also have lost irreplaceable tacit, cross-functional knowledge which subsisted within the minds of the professional systems analysts. The findings of our research revealed that expert systems analysts possess a unique organisational understanding and draw on this knowledge to operate efficiently in their environment. We present a model that will allow future researchers to build on our findings and examine whether outsourcing can lead to a loss of organisational memory.


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Even though there is an emerging literature on information age reform of the public sector, research focused on potential and problems related to introduction of information-based reforms in developing countries is still limited. Thus in this chapter, experience in one developing country, Sri Lanka, is examined. Problems related to information-based technology is analysed and the lacuna in the literature is narrowed. It is argued that despite the great potential for IT in enhancing effective and efficient public sector in Sri Lanka, there are a number of difficulties hindering the development of computerised information systems. The upgrading of infrastructure facilities in Sri Lanka is long overdue. A lack of competent and committed individuals who could provide effective guidance in developing IT services in the public sector is another concern. The issues such as appropriate training, attractive promotion systems and remunerations for public officials need to be addressed urgently. Reforming existing organizational structures and changing officials' attitudes towards change are essential. The increasing public awareness of the potential of IT services enhancing the quality and timeliness of the public service is essential.


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This study examines the extent to which surveyed outcomes of IT outsourcing supported several commonly-argued propositions. Following confirmatOl), factor analysis, eight measures of success were used: access to skilled staff, technology benefits, economies of scale, cost reductions, strategic benefits, technical service quality, capacity to concentrate on core business, and overall satisfaction/value. The analysis produced some surprising findings. Some widely-promoted benefits of outsourcing were reported by most respondents, but other benefits that have been similarly promoted (such as cost savings) were reported by only a minority of respondents. There were no differences in success outcomes between medium-sized «500 employees), large (500 to 1000 employees), and very large (1000+ employees) organizations. There were some minor differences between government agencies and finns from the private sector, but no differences for key outcomes. Contrary to findings from case study research, "selective" outsourcing was no more successful than "total" outsourcing, although "total" outsourcing was uncommon. On the basis of these results, decision makers are urged to be cautious when planning to outsource IT services, and to be critical of claims that they will make substantial savings from outsourcing, or that outsourcing will automatically allow them to refocus more on their core business.