977 resultados para IONIZING RADIATION


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Le glioblastome multiforme (GBM) représente la tumeur cérébrale primaire la plus agressive et la plus vascularisée chez l’adulte. La survie médiane après le diagnostic est de moins d’un an en l’absence de traitement. Malheureusement, 90% des patients traités avec de la radiothérapie après la résection chirurgicale d’un GBM développent une récidive tumorale. Récemment, le traitement des GBM avec radiothérapie et témozolomide, un agent reconnu pour ses propriétés antiangiogéniques, a permis de prolonger la survie médiane à 14,6 mois. Des efforts sont déployés pour identifier des substances naturelles capables d’inhiber, de retarder ou de renverser le processus de carcinogenèse. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), un polyphénol retrouvé dans le thé vert, est reconnu pour ses propriétés anticancéreuses et antiangiogéniques. L’EGCG pourrait sensibiliser les cellules tumorales cérébrales et les cellules endothéliales dérivées des tumeurs aux traitements conventionnels. Le chapitre II décrit la première partie de ce projet de doctorat. Nous avons tenté de déterminer si l’EGCG pourrait sensibiliser la réponse des GBM à l’irradiation (IR) et si des marqueurs moléculaires spécifiques sont impliqués. Nous avons documenté que les cellules U-87 étaient relativement radiorésistantes et que Survivin, une protéine inhibitrice de l’apoptose, pourrait être impliquée dans la radiorésistance des GBM. Aussi, nous avons démontré que le pré-traitement des cellules U-87 avec de l’EGCG pourrait annuler l’effet cytoprotecteur d’une surexpression de Survivin et potentialiser l’effet cytoréducteur de l’IR. Au chapitre III, nous avons caractérisé l’impact de l’IR sur la survie de cellules endothéliales microvasculaires cérébrales humaines (HBMEC) et nous avons déterminé si l’EGCG pouvait optimiser cet effet. Bien que les traitements individuels avec l’EGCG et l’IR diminuaient la survie des HBMEC, le traitement combiné diminuait de façon synergique la survie cellulaire. Nous avons documenté que le traitement combiné augmentait la mort cellulaire, plus spécifiquement la nécrose. Au chapitre IV, nous avons investigué l’impact de l’IR sur les fonctions angiogéniques des HBMEC résistantes à l’IR, notamment la prolifération cellulaire, la migration cellulaire en présence de facteurs de croissance dérivés des tumeurs cérébrales, et la capacité de tubulogenèse. La voie de signalisation des Rho a aussi été étudiée en relation avec les propriétés angiogéniques des HBMEC radiorésistantes. Nos données suggèrent que l’IR altère significativement les propriétés angiogéniques des HBMEC. La réponse aux facteurs importants pour la croissance tumorale et l’angiogenèse ainsi que la tubulogenèse sont atténuées dans ces cellules. En conclusion, ce projet de doctorat confirme les propriétés cytoréductrices de l’IR sur les gliomes malins et propose un nouveau mécanisme pour expliquer la radiorésistance des GBM. Ce projet documente pour la première fois l’effet cytotoxique de l’IR sur les HBMEC. Aussi, ce projet reconnaît l’existence de HBMEC radiorésistantes et caractérise leurs fonctions angiogéniques altérées. La combinaison de molécules naturelles anticancéreuses et antiangiogéniques telles que l’EGCG avec de la radiothérapie pourrait améliorer l’effet de l’IR sur les cellules tumorales et sur les cellules endothéliales associées, possiblement en augmentant la mort cellulaire. Cette thèse supporte l’intégration de nutriments avec propriétés anticancéreuses et antiangiogéniques dans le traitement des gliomes malins pour sensibiliser les cellules tumorales et endothéliales aux traitements conventionnels.


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In this work, KHSO(4):Mn crystals doped with Mn and K(2)SO(4) were synthesized using an aqueous solution method. The samples were exposed to ionizing radiation in order to observe the effects on their physical properties. Raman spectroscopy was used to identify the structure of the crystals by detecting the vibrational frequencies of the crystalline lattice. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was used to study the creation of paramagnetic centers arising from exposure to ionizing radiation. This new synthesis method produces high quality K(2)SO(4) and KHSO(4):Mn crystals and allows control of structural, morphological, optical and magnetic properties. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved,


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Purpose: The aim of the present paper was to determine the effect of different types of ionizing radiation on the bond strength of three different dentin adhesive systems. Materials and Methods: One hundred twenty specimens of 60 human teeth (protocol number: 032/2007) sectioned mesiodistally were divided into 3 groups according to the adhesives systems used: SB (Adper Single Bond Plus), CB (Clearfil SE Bond) and AP (Adper Prompt Self-Etch). The adhesives were applied on dentin and photo-activated using LED (Lec 1000, MMoptics, 1000 mW/cm(2)). Customized elastomer molds (0.5 mm thickness) with three orifices of 1.2 mm diameter were placed onto the bonding areas and filled with composite resin (Filtek Z-250), which was photo-activated for 20 s. Each group was subdivided into 4 Subgroups for application of the different types of ionizing radiation: ultraviolet radiation (UV), diagnostic x-ray radiation (DX), therapeutic x-ray radiation (TX) and without irradiation (control group, CG). Microshear tests were carried out (Instron, model 4411), and afterwards the modes of failure were evaluated by optical and scanning electron microscope and classified using 5 scores: adhesive failure, mixed failures with 3 significance levels, and cohesive failure. The results of the shear bond strength test were submitted to ANOVA with Tukey`s test and Dunnett`s test, and the data from the failure pattern evaluation were analyzed with the Mann Whitney test (p = 0.05). Results: No change in bond strength of CB and AP was observed after application of the different radiation types, only SB showed increase in bond strength after UV (p = 0.0267) irradiation. The UV also changed the failure patterns of SB (p = 0.0001). Conclusion: The radio-induced changes did not cause degradation of the restorations, which means that they can be exposed to these types of ionizing radiation without weakening the bond strength.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of low-dose therapeutic ionizing radiation on different aesthetic dental materials. Forty five specimens (n = 45) of three different aesthetic restorative materials were prepared and randomly divided into five groups: G1 (control group); G2, G3, G4, G5 experimental groups irradiated respectively with 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.00 Gy of gamma radiation by the (60)Co teletherapy machine. Chemical analyses were performed using a FT-IR Nicolet 520 spectrophotometer with reflectance diffuse technique. Even a minimal exposition at ionizing radiation in therapeutic doses can provide chemical changes on light-cured composite resins. The three studied restorative materials showed changes after exposure at gamma radiation, however the increase of the radiation dose did not contribute to an increase in this effect.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this work, the effect of gamma radiation on the optical properties of polymetallayne poly[1,1'-bis(ethynyl)-4,4'-biphenyl(bis-tributylphosphine)Pt(II) ] (Pt-DEBP) in chloroform solution is studied. The samples were irradiated at room temperature with doses from 0.01 Gy to 1 Gy using a 60Co gamma ray source. A new band at 420 nm is observed in the emission spectra, in superposition to the emission maximum at 398 nm, linearly dependent on dose. We propose to use the ratio of the emission amplitude bands as the dosimetric parameter. This method proved to be robust, accurate, and can be used as a dosimeter in medical applications. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Alveolar echinococcosis is caused by the metacestode stage of the fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis. Current chemotherapeutical options for the treatment of echinococcosis are not satisfactory, and novel drugs and/or other potential means of therapy are needed. E. multilocularis metacestodes are characterized by almost potentially unlimited growth, and also display other features of cancerous tumours. In this study, we exposed metacestodes that were generated in vitro to 50-100 Gy ionizing irradiation, and subsequently investigated the short-term (10-12 days post-treatment) and long-term (14 weeks post-treatment) effects. We found, that in the short-term, no release of alkaline phosphatase (EmAP) activity as a measure for potentially induced damage and loss of viability could be detected, and that the protein expression pattern and protease activities in vesicle fluids and medium supernatants did not alter dramatically following irradiation. However, irradiation was associated with distinct morphological and ultrastructural alterations in the tissue of metacestodes, affecting most notably cell-cell contacts, mitochondrial shape, glycogen-storage cells and lipid droplet formation. These could be detected already at 10 days following treatment and remained as such also in the long-term. In addition, as determined after 14 weeks of culture, irradiation affected the proliferation and the growth of E. multilocularis metacestodes. Thus, we demonstrate that radiotherapy does not have a clear-cut parasitocidal effect, but can lead to metabolic impairment of E. multilocularis metacestodes, as reflected by the distinct morphological and structural alterations induced by irradiation treatment.


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Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics has previously demonstrated utility for identifying biomarkers of ionizing radiation exposure in cellular, mouse and rat in vivo radiation models. To provide a valuable link from small laboratory rodents to humans, γ-radiation-induced urinary biomarkers were investigated using a nonhuman primate total-body-irradiation model. Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics approaches were applied to determine whether biomarkers could be identified, as well as the previously discovered rodent biomarkers of γ radiation. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis was carried out on a time course of clean-catch urine samples collected from nonhuman primates (n = 6 per cohort) exposed to sham, 1.0, 3.5, 6.5 or 8.5 Gy doses of (60)Co γ ray (∼0.55 Gy/min) ionizing radiation. By multivariate data analysis, 13 biomarkers of radiation were discovered: N-acetyltaurine, isethionic acid, taurine, xanthine, hypoxanthine, uric acid, creatine, creatinine, tyrosol sulfate, 3-hydroxytyrosol sulfate, tyramine sulfate, N-acetylserotonin sulfate, and adipic acid. N-Acetyltaurine, isethionic acid, and taurine had previously been identified in rats, and taurine and xanthine in mice after ionizing radiation exposure. Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics has thus successfully revealed and verified urinary biomarkers of ionizing radiation exposure in the nonhuman primate for the first time, which indicates possible mechanisms for ionizing radiation injury.


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Inhibitors of angiogenesis and radiation induce compensatory changes in the tumor vasculature both during and after treatment cessation. To assess the responses to irradiation and vascular endothelial growth factor-receptor tyrosine kinase inhibition (by the vascular endothelial growth factor tyrosine kinase inhibitor PTK787/ZK222854), mammary carcinoma allografts were investigated by vascular casting; electron, light, and confocal microscopy; and immunoblotting. Irradiation and anti-angiogenic therapy had similar effects on the tumor vasculature. Both treatments reduced tumor vascularization, particularly in the tumor medulla. After cessation of therapy, the tumor vasculature expanded predominantly by intussusception with a plexus composed of enlarged sinusoidal-like vessels containing multiple transluminal tissue pillars. Tumor revascularization originated from preserved alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive vessels in the tumor cortex. Quantification revealed that recovery was characterized by an angiogenic switch from sprouting to intussusception. Up-regulated alpha-smooth muscle actin-expression during recovery reflected the recruitment of alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive cells for intussusception as part of the angio-adaptive mechanism. Tumor recovery was associated with a dramatic decrease (by 30% to 40%) in the intratumoral microvascular density, probably as a result of intussusceptive pruning and, surprisingly, with only a minimal reduction of the total microvascular (exchange) area. Therefore, the vascular supply to the tumor was not severely compromised, as demonstrated by hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha expression. Both irradiation and anti-angiogenic therapy cause a switch from sprouting to intussusceptive angiogenesis, representing an escape mechanism and accounting for the development of resistance, as well as rapid recovery, after cessation of therapy.


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Global transcriptomic and proteomic profiling platforms have yielded important insights into the complex response to ionizing radiation (IR). Nonetheless, little is known about the ways in which small cellular metabolite concentrations change in response to IR. Here, a metabolomics approach using ultraperformance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry was used to profile, over time, the hydrophilic metabolome of TK6 cells exposed to IR doses ranging from 0.5 to 8.0 Gy. Multivariate data analysis of the positive ions revealed dose- and time-dependent clustering of the irradiated cells and identified certain constituents of the water-soluble metabolome as being significantly depleted as early as 1 h after IR. Tandem mass spectrometry was used to confirm metabolite identity. Many of the depleted metabolites are associated with oxidative stress and DNA repair pathways. Included are reduced glutathione, adenosine monophosphate, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, and spermine. Similar measurements were performed with a transformed fibroblast cell line, BJ, and it was found that a subset of the identified TK6 metabolites were effective in IR dose discrimination. The GEDI (Gene Expression Dynamics Inspector) algorithm, which is based on self-organizing maps, was used to visualize dynamic global changes in the TK6 metabolome that resulted from IR. It revealed dose-dependent clustering of ions sharing the same trends in concentration change across radiation doses. "Radiation metabolomics," the application of metabolomic analysis to the field of radiobiology, promises to increase our understanding of cellular responses to stressors such as radiation.