982 resultados para INITIAL CONDITION


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In this paper, we present a numerical study on the thermocapillary migration of drops. The Navier-Stokes equations coupled with the energy conservation equation are solved by the finite-difference front-tracking scheme. The axisymmetric model is adopted in Our simulations, and the drops are assumed to be perfectly spherical and nondeformable. The benchmark simulation starts from the classical initial condition with a uniform temperature gradient. The detailed discussions and physical explanations of migration phenomena are presented for the different values of (1) the Marangoni numbers and Reynolds numbers of continuous phases and drops and (2) the ratios of drop densities and specific heats to those of continuous phases. It is found that fairly large Marangoni numbers may lead to fluctuations in drop velocities at the beginning part of simulations. Finally, we also discuss the influence of initial conditions on the thermocapillary migrations. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Electron acceleration using a tightly focused ultraintensity laser beam is investigated numerically and strong phase dependence is found. The acceleration is periodic to the variety of the initial laser field phase, and the accelerated electrons are emitted in pulses of which the full width is the half period of the laser field. When a 10 PW intense laser beam is used, the electron with energy less than 1 Mev can be accelerated up to energies about 1.4 GeV. The optimal initial condition for electron acceleration is found. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Restoration of water-bodies from eutrophication has proved to be extremely difficult. Mathematical models have been used extensively to provide guidance for management decisions. The aim of this paper is to elucidate important problems of using models for predicting environmental changes. First, the necessity for a proper uncertainty assessment of the model, upon calibration, has not been widely recognized. Predictions must not be a single time trajectory; they should be a band, expressing system uncertainty and natural variability. Availability of this information may alter the decision to be taken. Second, even with well-calibrated models, there is no guarantee they will give correct projections in situations where the model is used to predict the effects of measures designed to bring the system into an entirely different ”operating point”, as is typically the case in eutrophication abatement. The concept of educated speculation is introduced to partially overcome this difficulty. Lake Veluwe is used as a case to illustrate the point. Third, as questions become more detailed, such as ”what about expected algal composition”, there is a greater probability of running into fundamental problems that are associated with predicting the behaviour of complex non-linear systems. Some of these systems show extreme initial condition sensitivity and even, perhaps, chaotic behaviour, and are therefore fundamentally unpredictable.


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A general class of single degree of freedom systems possessing rate-independent hysteresis is defined. The hysteretic behavior in a system belonging to this class is depicted as a sequence of single-valued functions; at any given time, the current function is determined by some set of mathematical rules concerning the entire previous response of the system. Existence and uniqueness of solutions are established and boundedness of solutions is examined.

An asymptotic solution procedure is used to derive an approximation to the response of viscously damped systems with a small hysteretic nonlinearity and trigonometric excitation. Two properties of the hysteresis loops associated with any given system completely determine this approximation to the response: the area enclosed by each loop, and the average of the ascending and descending branches of each loop.

The approximation, supplemented by numerical calculations, is applied to investigate the steady-state response of a system with limited slip. Such features as disconnected response curves and jumps in response exist for a certain range of system parameters for any finite amount of slip.

To further understand the response of this system, solutions of the initial-value problem are examined. The boundedness of solutions is investigated first. Then the relationship between initial conditions and resulting steady-state solution is examined when multiple steady-state solutions exist. Using the approximate analysis and numerical calculations, it is found that significant regions of initial conditions in the initial condition plane lead to the different asymptotically stable steady-state solutions.


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This paper investigates the errors of the solutions as well as the shadowing property of a class of nonlinear differential equations which possess unique solutions on a certain interval for any admissible initial condition. The class of differential equations is assumed to be approximated by well-posed truncated Taylor series expansions up to a certain order obtained about certain, in general nonperiodic, sampling points t(i) is an element of [t(0), t(J)] for i = 0, 1, . . . , J of the solution. Two examples are provided.


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Esta pesquisa apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as emissões de metano em aterros sanitários, os conceitos de geração de gases em aterros sanitários, movimentações de gases em aterro, apresenta os métodos de medição de gases in situ, tipos de cobertura finais para aterros e a oxidação do metano na camada de cobertura. A pesquisa também tem como objetivo medir as emissões de gases e avaliar a infiltração das águas pluviais através da camada de cobertura do aterro sanitário da CTR Nova Iguaçu. As medições foram realizadas nos meses de julho a novembro de 2010, na camada de cobertura monolítica existente e em outra construída sobre uma barreira capilar. Sensores para medir temperatura e umidade foram instalados em profundidade nas duas camadas. Foram realizados ensaios de placa de fluxo para medir a composição dos gases e o fluxo através dos dois tipos de camadas, e avaliadas duas situações: com os poços de extração de gás ativos e desligados. Os sensores indicaram que em período de baixa pluviosidade, a barreira capilar apresenta uma eficácia superior à camada monolítica, e com a intensificação das chuvas, as umidades medidas nos dois tipos de camadas aumentam, e na barreira capilar o gradiente estabelecido entre os sensores diminui, indicando uma possível tendência à saturação desta barreira capilar. Porém, com a paralisação das chuvas, recupera e retoma sua condição inicial. Os resultados de medidas dos gases demostraram a eficiência do sistema de extração de gás quando ativado, resultando em emissões quase nulas de metano e gás carbônico nos dois tipos de camadas. No entanto, quando o sistema está desativado, as emissões através da camada monolítica são cerca de 3 vezes maiores do que através da barreira capilar.


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Apresenta-se uma abordagemnumérica para ummodelo que descreve a formação de padrões por sputtering iônico na superfície de ummaterial. Esse processo é responsável pela formação de padrões inesperadamente organizados, como ondulações, nanopontos e filas hexagonais de nanoburacos. Uma análise numérica de padrões preexistentes é proposta para investigar a dinâmica na superfície, baseada em ummodelo resumido em uma equação anisotrópica amortecida de Kuramoto-Sivashinsky, em uma superfície bidimensional com condições de contorno periódicas. Apesar de determinística, seu caráter altamente não-linear fornece uma rica gama de resultados, sendo possível descrever acuradamente diferentes padrões. Umesquema semi implícito de diferenças finitas com fatoração no tempo é aplicado na discretização da equação governante. Simulações foram realizadas com coeficientes realísticos relacionados aos parâmetros físicos (anisotropias, orientação do feixe, difusão). A estabilidade do esquema numérico foi analisada por testes de passo de tempo e espaçamento de malha, enquanto a verificação do mesmo foi realizada pelo Método das Soluções Manufaturadas. Ondulações e padrões hexagonais foram obtidos a partir de condições iniciais monomodais para determinados valores do coeficiente de amortecimento, enquanto caos espaço-temporal apareceu para valores inferiores. Os efeitos anisotrópicos na formação de padrões foramestudados, variando o ângulo de incidência.


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The dynamics of the survival of recruiting fish are analyzed as evolving random processes of aggregation and mortality. The analyses draw on recent advances in the physics of complex networks and, in particular, the scale-free degree distribution arising from growing random networks with preferential attachment of links to nodes. In this study simulations were conducted in which recruiting fish 1) were subjected to mortality by using alternative mortality encounter models and 2) aggregated according to random encounters (two schools randomly encountering one another join into a single school) or preferential attachment (the probability of a successful aggregation of two schools is proportional to the school sizes). The simulations started from either a “disaggregated” (all schools comprised a single fish) or an aggregated initial condition. Results showed the transition of the school-size distribution with preferential attachment evolving toward a scale-free school size distribution, whereas random attachment evolved toward an exponential distribution. Preferential attachment strategies performed better than random attachment strategies in terms of recruitment survival at time when mortality encounters were weighted toward schools rather than to individual fish. Mathematical models were developed whose solutions (either analytic or numerical) mimicked the simulation results. The resulting models included both Beverton-Holt and Ricker-like recruitment, which predict recruitment as a function of initial mean school size as well as initial stock size. Results suggest that school-size distributions during recruitment may provide information on recruitment processes. The models also provide a template for expanding both theoretical and empirical recruitment research.


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This paper derives a new algorithm that performs independent component analysis (ICA) by optimizing the contrast function of the RADICAL algorithm. The core idea of the proposed optimization method is to combine the global search of a good initial condition with a gradient-descent algorithm. This new ICA algorithm performs faster than the RADICAL algorithm (based on Jacobi rotations) while still preserving, and even enhancing, the strong robustness properties that result from its contrast. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.


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In this work a practical scheme is developed for the first-principles study of time-dependent quantum transport. The basic idea is to combine the transport master equation with the well-known time-dependent density functional theory. The key ingredients of this paper include (i) the partitioning-free initial condition and the consideration of the time-dependent bias voltages which base our treatment on the Runge-Gross existence theorem; (ii) the non-Markovian master equation for the reduced (many-body) central system (i.e., the device); and (iii) the construction of Kohn-Sham master equations for the reduced single-particle density matrix, where a number of auxiliary functions are introduced and their equations of motion (EOMs) are established based on the technique of spectral decomposition. As a result, starting with a well-defined initial state, the time-dependent transport current can be calculated simultaneously along with the propagation of the Kohn-Sham master equation and the EOMs of the auxiliary functions.


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Scale matching method means adjusting information with different scale to the same level. This thesis focuses on scale unification of information with different frequency bandwidth. Well-seismic cooperate inversion is an important component of reservoir geophysics; multiple prediction & subtraction is a development of multiple attenuation in recent years. The common ground of these two methods is that they both related to different frequency bandwidth unification. Well log、cross-hole seismic、VSP、3D seismic and geological information have different spatial resolution, we can decrease multi-solution of reservoir inversion and enhance the vertical and lateral resolution of the geological object by integrate those information together; Compare the predicted multiple generated by SRME with the real multiple, we find the predicted multiple convolutes at least one wavelet more, which brings frequency bandwidth difference between them. So the subtraction method also relates to multi-scale information unification. This thesis gives a method of well constrained seismic high resolution processing basing on auto gain control modulation. It uses base function method which utilizes original well-seismic match result as initial condition and processed seismic trace as initial model to extrapolate the high frequency information of the well logs to the seismic profiles. In this way we can broaden the bandwidth of the seismic and make the high frequency gain geological meaning. In this thesis we introduce the revised base function method to adaptive subtraction and verify the validity of the method using models. Key words: high frequency reconstruction, scale matching, base function, multiple, SRME prediction & subtraction


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Karst collapse is one of the most important engineering geology hazards in Karst district, which seriously endangers the living of humankind and the environment around us, as well as the natural resources. Generally speaking, there exist three processes of overburden karst collapse:the formation of soil cavity, the expansion of soil cavity and the fall of the cavity roof. During these processes, groundwater is always the most active factor and plays a key role. Pumping will bring into the great change of groundwater in flow state, flowrate, frequency of fluctuation as well as hydraulic gradient and will speed the fall. Statistics shows that most of the man-made karst collapse are induced by pumping, so studying the mechanism of Karst collapse induced by pumping will provide theoretical base for the prediction and precaution of collapse. By theoretically studying the initial condition for the forming and expanding of a soil cavity, Spalling step by step the essential mechanism of Karst collapse induced by pumping is put forward. The catastrophe model for the collapse induced by pumping is set up to predict the fall probability of a cavity roof, and the criterion for the collapse is determined. Simultaneously, Karst collapse induced by pumping is predicted with manmade neural network theory. Finally, the appropriate precaution measurements for the collapse induced by pumping are provided. The creative opinions of the paper is following: The initial condition of forming a soil cavity is put forwarded as formula (4-1-5), (4-1-24),(4-1-25) and (4-1-27); which provide theoretical base for foreclosing the formation of a soil cavity and defending collapse. Spaliing step by step as the essential mechanism of Karst collapse induced by pumping is put forward. The spaliing force is defined as formula (4-2-15). The condition for the expanding of a soil cavity is that spaliing force is greater than tensile strength of soil. The stability of a soil cavity is first studied with catastrophe theory. It is concluded that the process of development up to ground collapse of a small cavity is continuous, however, the process of a big cavity is catastrophic. It is feasibility that the Karst collapse be predicted with manmade neural network theory as a new way.


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We present a theory of hypoellipticity and unique ergodicity for semilinear parabolic stochastic PDEs with "polynomial" nonlinearities and additive noise, considered as abstract evolution equations in some Hilbert space. It is shown that if Hörmander's bracket condition holds at every point of this Hilbert space, then a lower bound on the Malliavin covariance operatorμt can be obtained. Informally, this bound can be read as "Fix any finite-dimensional projection on a subspace of sufficiently regular functions. Then the eigenfunctions of μt with small eigenvalues have only a very small component in the image of Π." We also show how to use a priori bounds on the solutions to the equation to obtain good control on the dependency of the bounds on the Malliavin matrix on the initial condition. These bounds are sufficient in many cases to obtain the asymptotic strong Feller property introduced in [HM06]. One of the main novel technical tools is an almost sure bound from below on the size of "Wiener polynomials," where the coefficients are possibly non-adapted stochastic processes satisfying a Lips chitz condition. By exploiting the polynomial structure of the equations, this result can be used to replace Norris' lemma, which is unavailable in the present context. We conclude by showing that the two-dimensional stochastic Navier-Stokes equations and a large class of reaction-diffusion equations fit the framework of our theory.