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Male meiosis was studied in 9 different mating combinations in parental, first, second and backcross generation hybrids of Clarias anguillaris and Heterobranchus longifilis. 27 bivalents were recorded in metaphase I for seven mating combinations. The number of bivalents in F1 hybrid male x C. anguillaris female could not be determined due to a high degree of clumping of the chromosomes. All metaphase I cells observed in female F1 hybrid x male H. longifilis had three complex bivalents consisting of 43.3% giant ring and 56.7% giant rod chromosomes. The number of ring bivalents per cell was higher in parental H. longifilis than parental C. anguillaris. The number of ring bivalents per cell increased from F1 (6.7 and 8.2) to F2 backcross (13.5) hybrid generations indicating increasing chromosomal instability of backcross hybrids over Fl and F2 hybrids


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Cyclin A(2) is critical for the initiation of DNA replication, transcription and cell cycle regulation. Cumulative evidences indicate that the deregulation of cyclin A(2) is tightly linked to the chromosomal instability, neoplastic transformation and tumor proliferation. Here we report that treatment of chronic myelogenous leukaemia K562 cells with doxorubicin results in an accumulation of cyclin A(2) and follows by induction of apoptotic cell death. To investigate the potential preclinical relevance, K562 cells were transiently transfected with the siRNA targeting cyclin A(2) by functionalized single wall carbon nanotubes. Knocking down the expression of cyclin A(2) in K562 cells suppressed doxorubicin-induced growth arrest and cell apoptosis. Upon administration with doxorubicin, K562 cells with reduced cyclin A(2) showed a significant decrease in erythroid differentiation, and a small fraction of cells were differentiated along megakaryocytic and monocyte-macrophage pathways. The results demonstrate the pro-apoptotic role of cyclin A(2) and suggest that cyclin A(2) is a key regulator of cell differentiation.


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The short arms of the ten acrocentric human chromosomes share several repetitive DNAs, including ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA). The rDNA arrays correspond to nucleolar organizing regions that coalesce each cell cycle to form the nucleolus. Telomere disruption by expressing a mutant version of telomere binding protein TRF2 (dnTRF2) causes non-random acrocentric fusions, as well as large-scale nucleolar defects. The mechanisms responsible for acrocentric chromosome sensitivity to dysfunctional telomeres are unclear. In this study, we show that TRF2 normally associates with the nucleolus and rDNA. However, when telomeres are crippled by dnTRF2 or RNAi knockdown of TRF2, gross nucleolar and chromosomal changes occur. We used the controllable dnTRF2 system to precisely dissect the timing and progression of nucleolar and chromosomal instability induced by telomere dysfunction, demonstrating that nucleolar changes precede the DNA damage and morphological changes that occur at acrocentric short arms. The rDNA repeat arrays on the short arms decondense, and are coated by RNA polymerase I transcription binding factor UBF, physically linking acrocentrics to one another as they become fusogenic. These results highlight the importance of telomere function in nucleolar stability and structural integrity of acrocentric chromosomes, particularly the rDNA arrays. Telomeric stress is widely accepted to cause DNA damage at chromosome ends, but our findings suggest that it also disrupts chromosome structure beyond the telomere region, specifically within the rDNA arrays located on acrocentric chromosomes. These results have relevance for Robertsonian translocation formation in humans and mechanisms by which acrocentric-acrocentric fusions are promoted by DNA damage and repair.


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Purpose: To examine whether the levels of micronuclei induction, as a marker for genomic instability in the progeny of X-irradiated cells, correlates with DNA repair function.

Materials and methods: Two repair deficient cell lines (X-ray repair cross-complementing 1 [XRCC1] deficient cell line [EM9] and X-ray repair cross complementing 5 [XRCC5; Ku80] deficient X-ray sensitive Chinese hamster ovary [CHO] cell line [xrs5]) were used in addition to wild-type CHO cells. These cells were irradiated with low doses of X-rays (up to 1 Gy). Seven days after irradiation, micronuclei formed in binucleated cells were counted. To assess the contribution of the bystander effect micronuclei induction was measured in progeny of non-irradiated cells co-cultured with cells that had been irradiated with 1Gy.

Results: The delayed induction of micronuclei in 1 Gy-irradiated cells was observed in normal CHO and EM9 but not in xrs5. In the clone analysis, progenies of xrs5 under bystander conditions showed significantly higher levels of micronuclei, while CHO and EM9 did not.

Conclusion: Genomic instability induced by X-irradiation is associated with DSB (double-strand break) repair, even at low doses. It is also suggested that bystander signals, which lead to genomic instability, may be enhanced when DSB repair is compromised.


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Une dérégulation de la voie de signalisation Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK1/2 est observée dans plus de 30% des cancers et des mutations activatrices de RAS sont observées dans 30% à 50% des adénomes colorectaux. À la suite d’une analyse extensive de biopsies de tumeurs colorectales humaines par micromatrices tissulaires (TMA), nous avons observé que 44% des tissus cancéreux exprimaient MEK1/2 phosphorylés, contre 10% des tissus normaux. L'analyse des TMA a également révélé que 79% des tumeurs arboraient un marquage nucléaire de MEK1/2 phosphorylés, contre 4 % pour les tissus normaux. Bien que la voie MEK/ERK1/2 soit fréquemment activée dans les cancers, le rôle précis des isoformes de MEK1 et de MEK2 n'a jamais été clairement établie. De même, l'impact de cette localisation nucléaire aberrante de phospho-MEK1/2, dans l'initiation et la progression des cancers colorectaux, est inconnu. Lors d'un premier projet, nous avons démontré, que l’expression de MEK1 ou MEK2 activé est suffisante pour transformer in vitro des cellules intestinales épithéliales de rat (IEC-6). L'expression des mutants actifs de MEK1 ou MEK2 est suffisante pour induire une dérégulation de la prolifération cellulaire et engendrer la formation d'adénocarcinomes invasifs dans un modèle de greffe orthotopique du côlon chez la souris. Nous avons également démontré que l'inhibition de MEK2 par shRNA supprime complètement la prolifération des lignées humaines de cancer du côlon, alors que la suppression de MEK1 a peu d'effet sur la capacité de prolifération. Le deuxième projet, nous a permis d'observer que l'expression d'un mutant nucléaire de MEK1 dans les cellules IEC-6 transforme drastiquement les cellules. Une augmentation de prolifération, une résistance à l'anoikose, un dérèglement du cycle cellulaire, de l'instabilité chromosomique (CIN), de la tétra/aneuploïdie sont observés. La caractérisation des mécanismes responsables de cette localisation aberrante de MEK1/2 phosphorylés, a permis d'identifier la protéine Sef, un régulateur de la localisation cytoplasmique de MEK/ERK1/2. Nous avons démontré que l'expression d'une forme oncogénique de Ras (H-RasV12) inhibe l'expression de Sef, engendrant alors une accumulation nucléaire de MEK1/2 activés. Plus encore, la réexpression de Sef restaure la localisation cytoplasmique de MEK1/2 et renverse les propriétés tumorigéniques ainsi que l'aneuploïdie induite par Ras activé. Un troisième projet, visant la caractérisation des mécanismes associés à la CIN et à l'aneuploïde engendrés par l'activation aberrante de la voie de Ras-ERK1/2, a permis d'observer que l'hyperactivation de ERK1/2 induit des anomalies mitotiques menant à la binucléation. Une localisation erronée et une surexpression de la kinase Aurora A, de même que des protéines de passage du complexe chromosomique (CPC), Aurora B, Survivine et INCENP, sont observées. L'inhibition partielle de l'activation de ERK1/2 par de faible dose de PD184352, un inhibiteur de MEK1/2, est suffisante pour renverser la surexpression de ces régulateurs mitotiques, de même que corriger les anomalies de la mitose et réduire la tétra/aneuploïdie engendrée par Ras oncogénique. Ainsi, nous avons démontré, pour la première fois, que la voie des MAP kinases ERK1/2 est impliquée dans la CIN, la tétraploïdie et l'aneuploïdie. Nos résultats suggèrent que la perte de Sef est un événement oncogénique précoce, qui contribue à la localisation nucléaire aberrante de MEK1/2 qui est observée dans les tumeurs colorectales. Cette localisation anormale de MEK1/2 est associée à l'initiation de la transformation, la progression tumorale et la CIN, via l'activité soutenue de ERK1/2. Ces informations sont capitales et démontrent l’importance de la voie de signalisation Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK1/2 dans le processus de tumorigénèse colorectale.


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El cáncer de mama en Colombia, es la tercera causa de muerte en la población en general y la segunda en mujeres. En el año 2002 el 40.5% de los casos se presentaron en mujeres menores de 50 años (Pardo, et al. 2003). El cáncer de mama resulta de múltiples factores, entre los que se incluyen cambios sucesivos en el genoma de células epiteliales originalmente normales, que pueden conducir a la activación de oncogenes, inactivación de genes supresores de tumor y pérdida de función de genes reparadores de daños al ADN. Estas alteraciones pueden también ser producto de anomalías cromosómicas tales como monosomías, trisomías, translocaciones, inversiones, pérdida de material genético y amplificaciones que también afectan la expresión de genes (1) (2) (3) (4). Sin embargo, el orden de aparición de los diferentes eventos no está completamente dilucidado. En este estudio se determinaron las anomalías cromosómicas y secuencias de ADN amplificadas en pacientes con cáncer de mama, tanto en muestras de sangre periférica como de tumor de mama de 30 pacientes. En las dos líneas celulares analizadas se observó una alta frecuencia de monosomías principalmente de los cromosomas X, 6, 7, 9, 17, 19 y 22. Hay una asociación entre las monosomías de los cromosomas 17 y 22 con el estado negativo para los receptores de estrógenos y progestágenos (p=0.027, p=0.050). También se encontró asociación entre la monosomía del cromosoma 19 con edad avanzada (p=0.034), observándose formas más agresivas de la enfermedad cuando ésta estuvo presente. Las monosomías fueron características de carcinomas ductales infiltrantes de todos los grados. En los demás tipos de carcinoma su frecuencia fue más baja. En el presente estudio se encontró una asociación significativa entre algunas anomalías cromosómicas y la enfermedad, no reportadas anteriormente, como fueron algunas monosomías, fragilidades y roturas cromosómicas y cromatídicas. La alta frecuencia de fragilidades encontradas tanto en sangre periférica (fra 9q12 p=0.001 y fra 3p14 p= 0.38) como de fragilidades expresadas espontáneamente (no inducidas por el uso de reactivos específicos) en muestras de tumor de mama (fra 1p11 p= 0.001, fra 2q11 p= 0.002), pueden ser el reflejo de una alta inestabilidad cromosómica en el genoma de estos pacientes, mostrando lautilidad de los estudios de fragilidad en la determinación de individuos en alto riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de mama. En ensayos de FISH no se observaron amplificaciones de los genes ERBb2 y c-myc en los pacientes analizados. Esto concuerda con lo encontrado en la literatura en donde se ha reportado, para este tipo de tumores, una sobre expresión de la proteína sin amplificación del gen, explicada por desregulación de la expresión del gen, a su vez posiblemente debida a mutaciones en la región promotora o a alteraciones, que conducen a un aumento de la tasa de transcripción (5) (6) (7). Los resultados obtenidos, aunque preliminares, aportan nuevos marcadores cromosómicos que pueden orientar el diagnóstico, pronóstico y tratamiento de esta patología.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Colorectal cancer is a complex disease that is thought to arise when cells accumulate mutations that allow for uncontrolled growth. There are several recognized mechanisms for generating such mutations in sporadic colon cancer; one of which is chromosomal instability (CIN). One hypothesized driver of CIN in cancer is the improper repair of dysfunctional telomeres. Telomeres comprise the linear ends of chromosomes and play a dual role in cancer. Its length is maintained by the ribonucleoprotein, telomerase, which is not a normally expressed in somatic cells and as cells divide, telomeres continuously shorten. Critically shortened telomeres are considered dysfunctional as they are recognized as sites of DNA damage and cells respond by entering into replicative senescence or apoptosis, a process that is p53-dependent and the mechanism for telomere-induced tumor suppression. Loss of this checkpoint and improper repair of dysfunctional telomeres can initiate a cycle of fusion, bridge and breakage that can lead to chromosomal changes and genomic instability, a process that can lead to transformation of normal cells to cancer cells. Mouse models of telomere dysfunction are currently based on knocking out the telomerase protein or RNA component; however, the naturally long telomeres of mice require multiple generational crosses of telomerase null mice to achieve critically short telomeres. Shelterin is a complex of six core proteins that bind to telomeres specifically. Pot1a is a highly conserved member of this complex that specifically binds to the telomeric single-stranded 3’ G-rich overhang. Previous work in our lab has shown that Pot1a is essential for chromosomal end protection as deletion of Pot1a in murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) leads to open telomere ends that initiate a DNA damage response mediated by ATR, resulting in p53-dependent cellular senescence. Loss of Pot1a in the background of p53 deficiency results in increased aberrant homologous recombination at telomeres and elevated genomic instability, which allows Pot1a-/-, p53-/- MEFs to form tumors when injected into SCID mice. These phenotypes are similar to those seen in cells with critically shortened telomeres. In this work, we created a mouse model of telomere ysfunction in the gastrointestinal tract through the conditional deletion of Pot1a that recapitulates the microscopic features seen in severe telomere attrition. Combined intestinal loss of Pot1a and p53 lead to formation of invasive adenocarcinomas in the small and large intestines. The tumors formed with long latency, low multiplicity and had complex genomes due to chromosomal instability, features similar to those seen in sporadic human colorectal cancers. Taken together, we have developed a novel mouse model of intestinal tumorigenesis based on genomic instability driven by telomere dysfunction.


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Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection occurs early in life and leads to life-long viral persistence. An association between HCMV infection and malignant gliomas has been reported suggesting that HCMV may play a role in glioma pathogenesis. The reported effects of HCMV on cells suggest that it could facilitate accrual of genotoxic damage. We therefore tested the hypothesis that HCMV infection modifies the sensitivity of cells to genetic damage from environmental insults such as γ-irradiation. Peripheral blood lymphocytes from 110 glioma patients and 100 controls were used to measure the level of both chromosome damage and cell death as endpoints for genetic instability. For each study participant, the extent of baseline, HCMV-, γ-radiation- and both – induced genetic instability was evaluated. Radiation induced a significant increase in aberration frequency over baseline in both cases and controls. Similarly, HCMV induced a significant increase in aberration frequency regardless of the disease status. Interestingly, HCMV induced damage was either equal or higher than that induced by radiation. Infected with HCMV prior to challenge with γ-radiation demonstrated a significant increase in the aberration frequency as compared to baseline, radiation- or HCMV-treated cells. With regards to apoptosis, cases showed a lower percentage of induction following in vitro exposure to γ-radiation and/or HCMV infection. The level of apoptosis was inversely related to the amount of chromosome damage in the cases, but not in the controls. These data indicate that, HCMV infection enhances the sensitivity of PBLs to γ-radiation-induced genetic damage.^


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We previously generated a transgenic mouse model for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) by expressing the promyelocytic leukemia (PML)–retinoic acid receptor (RARα) cDNA in early myeloid cells. This fusion protein causes a myeloproliferative disease in 100% of animals, but only 15–20% of the animals develop acute leukemia after a long latency period (6–13 months). PML-RARα is therefore necessary, but not sufficient, for APL development. The coexpression of a reciprocal form of the fusion, RARα-PML, increased the likelihood of APL development (55–60%), but did not shorten latency. Together, these results suggested that additional genetic events are required for the development of APL. We therefore evaluated the splenic tumor cells from 18 transgenic mice with APL for evidence of secondary genetic events, by using spectral karyotyping analysis. Interstitial or terminal deletions of the distal region of one copy of chromosome 2 [del(2)] were found in 1/5 tumors expressing PML-RARα, but in 11/13 tumors expressing both PML-RARα and RARα-PML (P < 0.05). Leukemic cells that contained a deletion on chromosome 2 often contained additional chromosomal gains (especially of 15), chromosomal losses (especially of 11 or X/Y), or were tetraploid (P ≤ 0.001). These changes did not commonly occur in nontransgenic littermates, nor in aged transgenic mice that did not develop APL. These results suggest that expression of RARα-PML increases the likelihood of chromosome 2 deletions in APL cells. Deletion 2 appears to predispose APL cells to further chromosomal instability, which may lead to the acquisition of additional changes that provide an advantage to the transformed cells.


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It has been proposed recently that the type of genetic instability in cancer cells reflects the selection pressures exerted by specific carcinogens. We have tested this hypothesis by treating immortal, genetically stable human cells with representative carcinogens. We found that cells resistant to the bulky-adduct-forming agent 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) exhibited a chromosomal instability (CIN), whereas cells resistant to the methylating agent N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) exhibited a microsatellite instability (MIN) associated with mismatch repair defects. Conversely, we found that cells purposely made into CIN cells are resistant to PhIP, whereas MIN cells are resistant to MNNG. These data demonstrate that exposure to specific carcinogens can indeed select for tumor cells with distinct forms of genetic instability and vice versa.


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Oncogenic potential of human mycoplasmas was studied using cultured mouse embryo cells, C3H/10T1/2 (C3H). Mycoplasma fermentans and Mycoplasma penetrans, mycoplasmas found in unusually high frequencies among patients with AIDS, were examined. Instead of acute transformation, a multistage process in promotion and progression of malignant cell transformation with long latency was noted; after 6 passages (1 wk per passage) of persistent infection with M. fermentans, C3H cells exhibited phenotypic changes with malignant characteristics that became progressively more prominent with further prolonged infection. Up to at least the 11th passage, all malignant changes were reversible if mycoplasmas were eradicated by antibiotic treatment. Further persistent infection with the mycoplasmas until 18 passages resulted in an irreversible form of transformation that included the ability to form tumors in animals and high soft agar cloning efficiency. Whereas chromosomal loss and translocational changes in C3H cells infected by either mycoplasma during the reversible stage were not prominent, the onset of the irreversible phase of transformation coincided with such karyotypic alteration. Genetic instability--i.e., prominent chromosomal alteration of permanently transformed cells--was most likely caused by mutation of a gene(s) responsible for fidelity of DNA replication or repair. Once induced, chromosomal alterations continued to accumulate both in cultured cells and in animals without the continued presence of the transforming microbes. Mycoplasma-mediated multistage oncogenesis exhibited here shares many characteristics found in the development of human cancer.


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Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase [PARP; NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase; NAD+:poly(adenosine-diphosphate-D-ribosyl)-acceptor ADP-D-ribosyltransferase, EC] is a zinc-dependent eukaryotic DNA-binding protein that specifically recognizes DNA strand breaks produced by various genotoxic agents. To study the biological function of this enzyme, we have established stable HeLa cell lines that constitutively produce the 46-kDa DNA-binding domain of human PARP (PARP-DBD), leading to the trans-dominant inhibition of resident PARP activity. As a control, a cell line was constructed, producing a point-mutated version of the DBD, which has no affinity for DNA in vitro. Expression of the PARP-DBD had only a slight effect on undamaged cells but had drastic consequences for cells treated with genotoxic agents. Exposure of cell lines expressing the wild-type (wt) or the mutated PARP-DBD, with low doses of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) resulted in an increase in their doubling time, a G2 + M accumulation, and a marked reduction in cell survival. However, UVC irradiation had no preferential effect on the cell growth or viability of cell lines expressing the PARP-DBD. These PARP-DBD-expressing cells treated with MNNG presented the characteristic nucleosomal DNA ladder, one of the hallmarks of cell death by apoptosis. Moreover, these cells exhibited chromosomal instability as demonstrated by higher frequencies of both spontaneous and MNNG-induced sister chromatid exchanges. Surprisingly, the line producing the mutated DBD had the same behavior as those producing the wt DBD, indicating that the mechanism of action of the dominant-negative mutant involves more than its DNA-binding function. Altogether, these results strongly suggest that PARP is an element of the G2 checkpoint in mammalian cells.


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A systematic analysis is presented of the economic consequences of the abnormally high concentration of Zambia's exports on a commodity whose price is exceptionally unstable. Zambian macro-economic variables in the post-independence years are extensively documented, showing acute instability and decline, particularly after the energy price revolution and the collapse of copper prices. The relevance of stabilization policies designed to correct short-term disequilibrium is questioned. It is, therefore, a pathological case study of externally induced economic instability, complementing other studies in this area which use cross-country analysis of a few selected variables. After a survey of theory and issues pertaining to development, finance and stabilization, the emergence of domestic and foreign financial constraints on the Zambian economy is described. The world copper industry is surveyed and an examination of commodity and world trade prices concludes that copper showed the highest degree of price instability. Specific aspects of Zambia's economy identified for detailed analysis include: its unprofitable mining industry, external payments disequilibrium, a constrained government budget, potentially inflationary monetary growth, and external indebtedness. International comparisons are used extensively, but major copper exporters are subjected to closer scrutiny. An appraisal of policy options concludes the study.


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DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair via the homologous recombination pathway is a multi-stage process, which results in repair of the DSB without loss of genetic information or fidelity. One essential step in this process is the generation of extended single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) regions at the break site. This ssDNA serves to induce cell cycle checkpoints and is required for Rad51 mediated strand invasion of the sister chromatid. Here, we show that human Exonuclease 1 (Exo1) is required for the normal repair of DSBs by HR. Cells depleted of Exo1 show chromosomal instability and hypersensitivity to ionising radiation (IR) exposure. We find that Exo1 accumulates rapidly at DSBs and is required for the recruitment of RPA and Rad51 to sites of DSBs, suggesting a role for Exo1 in ssDNA generation. Interestingly, the phosphorylation of Exo1 by ATM appears to regulate the activity of Exo1 following resection, allowing optimal Rad51 loading and the completion of HR repair. These data establish a role for Exo1 in resection of DSBs in human cells, highlighting the critical requirement of Exo1 for DSB repair via HR and thus the maintenance of genomic stability.