410 resultados para INCONTINENCE


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INTRODUCTION: urinary incontinence (UI) is a phenomenon with high prevalence in hospitalized elderly patients, effecting up to 70% of patients requiring long term care. However, despite the discomfort it causes and its association with functional decline, it seems to be given insufficient attention by nurses in geriatric care. OBJECTIVES: to assess the prevalence of urinary incontinence in geriatric patients at admission and the level of nurse involvement as characterized by the explicit documentation of UI diagnosis in the patient's record, prescription of nursing intervention, or nursing actions related to UI. METHODS: cross-sectional retrospective chart review. One hundred cases were randomly selected from those patients 65 years or older admitted to the geriatric ward of a university hospital. The variables examined included: total and continence scores on the Measure of Functional Independence (MIF), socio-demographic variables, presence of a nursing diagnosis in the medical record, prescription of or documentation of a nursing intervention related to UI. RESULTS: the prevalence of urinary incontinence was 72 % and UI was positively correlated with a low MIF score, age and status of awaiting placement. Of the examined cases, nursing diagnosis of UI was only documented in 1.4 % of cases, nursing interventions were prescribed in 54 % of cases, and at least one nursing intervention was performed in 72 % of cases. The vast majority of the interventions were palliative. DISCUSSION: the results on the prevalence of IU are similar to those reported in several other studies. This is also the case in relation to nursing interventions. In this study, people with UI were given the same care regardless of their MIF score MIF, age or gender. One limitation of this study is that it is retrospective and therefore dependent on the quality of the nursing documentation. CONCLUSIONS: this study is novel because it examines UI in relation to nursing interventions. It demonstrates that despite a high prevalence of UI, the general level of concern for nurses remains relatively low. Individualized care is desirable and clinical innovations must be developed for primary and secondary prevention of UI during hospitalization.


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BACKGROUND: People with neurological disease have a much higher risk of both faecal incontinence and constipation than the general population. There is often a fine line between the two conditions, with any management intended to ameliorate one risking precipitating the other. Bowel problems are observed to be the cause of much anxiety and may reduce quality of life in these people. Current bowel management is largely empirical with a limited research base. OBJECTIVES: To determine the effects of management strategies for faecal incontinence and constipation in people with neurological diseases affecting the central nervous system. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Incontinence Group Specialised Trials Register (searched 26 January 2005), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Issue 2, 2005), MEDLINE (January 1966 to May 2005), EMBASE (January 1998 to May 2005) and all reference lists of relevant articles. SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomised or quasi-randomised trials evaluating any types of conservative or surgical measure for the management of faecal incontinence and constipation in people with neurological diseases were selected. Specific therapies for the treatment of neurological diseases that indirectly affect bowel dysfunction were also considered. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two reviewers assessed the methodological quality of eligible trials and two reviewers independently extracted data from included trials using a range of pre-specified outcome measures. MAIN RESULTS: Ten trials were identified by the search strategy, most were small and of poor quality. Oral medications for constipation were the subject of four trials. Cisapride does not seem to have clinically useful effects in people with spinal cord injuries (three trials). Psyllium was associated with increased stool frequency in people with Parkinson's disease but did not alter colonic transit time (one trial). Prucalopride, an enterokinetic did not demonstrate obvious benefits in this patient group (one study). Some rectal preparations to initiate defaecation produced faster results than others (one trial). Different time schedules for administration of rectal medication may produce different bowel responses (one trial). Mechanical evacuation may be more effective than oral or rectal medication (one trial). There appears to be a benefit to patients in one-off educational interventions from nurses. The clinical significance of any of these results is difficult to interpret. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is still remarkably little research on this common and, to patients, very significant condition. It is not possible to draw any recommendation for bowel care in people with neurological diseases from the trials included in this review. Bowel management for these people must remain empirical until well-designed controlled trials with adequate numbers and clinically relevant outcome measures become available.


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BACKGROUND: People with neurological disease have a much higher risk of both faecal incontinence and constipation than the general population. There is often a fine dividing line between the two conditions, with any management intended to ameliorate, one risking precipitating the other. Bowel problems are observed to be the cause of much anxiety and may reduce quality of life in these people. Current bowel management is largely empirical with a limited research base. OBJECTIVES: To determine the effects of management strategies for faecal incontinence and constipation in people with neurological diseases affecting the central nervous system. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Incontinence Group Trials Register, the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, MEDLINE, EMBASE and all reference lists of relevant articles. Date of the most recent searches: May 2000. SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomised or quasi-randomised trials evaluating any types of conservative, or surgical measure for the management of faecal incontinence and constipation in people with neurological diseases were selected. Specific therapies for the treatment of neurological diseases that indirectly affect bowel dysfunction have also been considered. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: All three reviewers assessed the methodological quality of eligible trials and two reviewers independently extracted data from included trials using a range of pre-specified outcome measures. MAIN RESULTS: Only seven trials were identified by the search strategy and all were small and of poor quality. Oral medications for constipation were the subject of four trials. Cisapride does not seem to have clinically useful effects in people with spinal cord injuries (two trials). Psyllium was associated with increased stool frequency in people with Parkinson's disease but not altered colonic transit time (one trial). Some rectal preparations to initiate defecation produced faster results than others (one trial). Different time schedules for administration of rectal medication may produce different bowel responses (one trial). Mechanical evacuation may be more effective than oral or rectal medication (one trial). The clinical significance of any of these results is difficult to interpret. REVIEWER'S CONCLUSIONS: It is not possible to draw any recommendation for bowel care in people with neurological diseases from the trials included in this review. Bowel management for these people must remain empirical until well-designed controlled trials with adequate numbers and clinically relevant outcome measures become available.


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L'incontinence urinaire (IU) se définit comme une élimination involontaire d'urine. Le programme transverse des Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève (HUG) sur la prévention et les traitements de I'IU avance l'hypothèse qu'environ 400'000 personnes, en Suisse en souf- frent. Parmi les personnes hospitalisées en réhabilitation et gériatrie, la proportion d'IU at- teindrait même 56%. Cette proportion s'élève encore dans des services de long séjour pour atteindre 70%. Malgré l'inconfort causé par l'IU et son lien avec un déclin fonctionnel, la litté- rature démontre que l'IU reste trop peu reconnue par les infirmières en soins gériatriques. Cette étude de type quantitatif descriptif corrélationnel vise à mesurer la prévalence de l'IU lors d'une admission en gériatrie et à évaluer le niveau d'implication infirmière dans la prise en compte de celle-ci. Le modèle de Classification Internationale du fonctionnement du han- dicap de la santé de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé est utilisé. L'implication infirmière est caractérisée par la présence explicite dans les dossiers patients d'un diagnostic infirmier, d'une prescription infirmière ou d'une intervention infirmière relatifs à l'IU. Après analyse de 100 dossiers sélectionnés au hasard au sein d'un département gériatrique d'un hôpital uni- versitaire, les résultats indiquent une prévalence de 72% d'incontinence. La majorité des personnes touchées sont des femmes (64%). Dans l'ensemble des dossiers de personnes présentant IU, on retrouve que 1,4% ont un diagnostic infirmier, 54% une prescription infir- mière, et 72%, une intervention infirmière. La grande majorité des interventions sont de type palliatif. Des corrélations montrent une association entre l'IU et l'âge et entre les préoccupa- tions infirmières et la raison principale d'admission. Ces résultats sont discutés en lien avec la littérature et des recommandations sont proposées pour améliorer la pratique clinique et favoriser la poursuite de la recherche infirmière dans ce domaine.


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Objective: To assess the application of aponeurotic sling by a modified technique with direct visualization of needles in patients with stress urinary incontinence. Methods: we applied the Kings Health Questionnaire (KHQ) for quality of life, gynecological examination, urinalysis I and urine culture approximately seven days prior to the urodynamic study (UDS) and the one-hour PAD test in patients undergoing making aponeurotic sling with its passing through the retropubic route with direct visualization of the needle, PAD test and King's Helth Questionnaire before and after surgery. Results: The mean age was 50.6 years, BMI of 28 and Leak Pressure (LP) 58,5cm H2O; 89% were Caucasian. Forty-six of them were monitored for three and six months, 43 for 12 months. The objective cure rate at 12 months postoperatively was approximately 93.5%. In evaluating quality of life, we observed a significant improvement in 12 months postoperatively compared with the preoperative period. There was no no urethral/bladder injury. As adverse results, we had one persistent urinary retention (2.3%), who was submitted to urethrolysis, currently without incontinence. Conclusion: The proposed procedure is safe as for the risk of bladder or urethral injuries, promoting significant improvement in quality of life and objective cure.


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OBJETIVOS: traduzir, adaptar culturalmente e validar o questionário International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Overactive Bladder (ICIQ-OAB) para a língua portuguesa. MÉTODOS: dois tradutores brasileiros, cientes dos objetivos da pesquisa, traduziram o ICIQ-OAB para o português e as duas traduções geradas foram retrotraduzidas por outros dois tradutores ingleses. As diferenças entre as versões foram harmonizadas e pré-testadas em um estudo piloto. A versão final do ICIQ-OAB foi aplicada junto com a versão já traduzida e validada do questionário International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire - Short Form (ICIQ-SF) em 142 pacientes, entre homens e mulheres, com sintomas miccionais irritativos. Para validação do ICIQ-OAB foram testadas propriedades psicométricas: confiabilidade (consistência interna e teste-reteste) e validade de construto. O reteste foi realizado quatro semanas após a primeira entrevista. RESULTADOS: a confiabilidade do instrumento foi avaliada por meio do Coeficiente α Cronbach, tendo como resultado geral 0,7. O teste-reteste avaliou a estabilidade do instrumento por meio do coeficiente de correlação intraclasse e apresentou resultado de 0,91 e 0,95, quando comparados aos questionários ICIQ-OAB e ICIQ-SF, respectivamente. Comparando os instrumentos por meio do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson foi encontrado 0,7 (p=0,0001), o que confirma a validade de critério do estudo. A validade concorrente foi avaliada pela correlação entre algumas variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas e o escore final do ICIQ-OAB. CONCLUSÃO: a versão em português do ICIQ-OAB traduzida e adaptada culturalmente para o português do Brasil apresentou confiabilidade e validade de constructo satisfatórias e foi considerada válida para avaliação dos sintomas miccionais irritativos de pacientes brasileiros de ambos os sexos.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a correlação entre o International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire - Urinary Incontinence/Short Form (ICIQ-UI/SF) e a Avaliação Urodinâmica (AU) em mulheres com incontinência urinária (IU). MÉTODOS: Foram analisados retrospectivamente dados clínicos, AU e escore do ICIQ-UI/SF de 358 mulheres com IU atendidas em clínica privada. O teste de correlação entre ICIQ-UI/SF e os parâmetros urodinâmicos foi o teste de Spearman. Foi utilizada a curva ROC, com os valores de sensibilidade e especificidade dos escores do ICIQ-UI/SF apresentados pelas pacientes, para identificar o valor do questionário que determinasse a presença da alteração urodinâmica estudada. Para o cálculo do valor p foi utilizado o teste do c² ou exato de Fisher. O nível de significância foi de 5% e o software utilizado para análise foi o SAS versão 9.2. RESULTADOS: As pacientes com IU aos Esforços segundo a AU - IUE urodinâmica - representaram 67,3% do total; aquelas com IUE na AU e Hiperatividade Detrusora (HD) - IUM urodinâmica - 16,2%, e as pacientes com HD isolada - HD - 7,3% do total. As pacientes com AU normal representaram 9,2% do total da amostra. Houve associação significativa entre escore ³14 no ICIQ-UI/SF e as pacientes com IUE urodinâmica e IUM urodinâmica. Pacientes com Pressão de Perda ao Esforço (PPE) £90 cmH2O apresentaram escore ao ICIQ-UI/SF³15. O teste de Spearman mostrou correlação inversa fraca entre o escore e a PPE, porém não mostrou correlação entre esse escore e a Capacidade Cistométrica Máxima (CCM) ou com o volume vesical no primeiro desejo miccional. CONCLUSÃO: Houve associação entre o escore do ICIQ-UI/SF e IUE urodinâmica (isolada ou associada à HD); porém não houve associação com a HD isolada. Quanto menor o valor da PPE, maior o escore total do ICIQ-UI/SF. O ICIQ-UI/SF não foi capaz de discriminar o tipo de IU na população estudada.


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We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials that studied the conservative management of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). There were 1058 results after the initial searches, from which 37 studies were eligible according to previously determined inclusion criteria. For the primary outcomes, pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) was more efficacious than no treatment in improving incontinence-specific quality of life (QoL) scales (SMD = [1]1.24SDs; CI 95% = [1]1.77 to [1]0.71SDs). However, its effect on pad tests was imprecise. Combining biofeedback with PFMT had an uncertain effect on QoL (MD = [1]4.4 points; CI 95% = [1]16.69 to 7.89 points), but better results on the pad test, although with elevated heterogeneity (MD = 0.9g; 95%CI = 0.71 to 1,10g); group PFMT was not less efficacious than individual treatment, and home PFMT was not consistently worse than supervised PFMT. Both intravaginal and superficial electrical stimulation (IES and SES) were better than no treatment for QoL and pad test. Vaginal cones had mixed results. The association of IES with PFMT may improve the efficacy of the latter for QoL and pad test, but the results of individual studies were not consistent. Thus, there is evidence of the use of PFMT on the treatment of SUI, with and without biofeedback.


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The regulation of bladder function is influenced by central serotonergic modulation. Several genetic polymorphisms related to serotonin control have been described in the literature. T102C polymorphism of the serotonin receptor 2A gene (5-HT2A) has been shown to be associated with certain diseases such as non-fatal acute myocardial infarction, essential hypertension, and alcoholism. In the present study, we examined the association between 5-HT2A gene polymorphism and urinary incontinence in the elderly. A case-control study was performed in 298 elderly community dwellers enrolled in the Gravataí-GENESIS Project, Brazil, which studies gene-environmental interactions in aging and age-related diseases. Clinical, physical, biochemical, and molecular analyses were performed on volunteers. 5-HT2A genotyping was determined by PCR-RFLP techniques using the HpaII restriction enzyme. The subjects had a mean age of 68.05 ± 6.35 years (60-100 years), with 16.9% males and 83.1% females. The C allele frequency was 0.494 and the T allele frequency was 0.506. The CC genotype frequency was 21.78%, the CT genotype frequency was 55.24% and the TT genotype frequency was 22.98%. We found an independent significant association between the TT genotype (35.7%) and urinary incontinence (OR = 2.06, 95%CI = 1.16-3.65). Additionally, urinary incontinence was associated with functional dependence and systolic hypertension. The results suggest a possible genetic influence on urinary incontinence involving the serotonergic pathway. Further investigations including urodynamic evaluation will be performed to better explain our findings.