520 resultados para ILEAL BRAKE


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Brake wear dust is a significant component of traffic emissions and has been linked to adverse health effects. Previous research found a strong oxidative stress response in cells exposed to freshly generated brake wear dust. We characterized aged dust collected from passenger vehicles, using microscopy and elemental analyses. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation was measured with acellular and cellular assays using 2′7-dichlorodihydrofluorescein dye. Microscopy analyses revealed samples to be heterogeneous particle mixtures with few nanoparticles detected. Several metals, primarily iron and copper, were identified. High oxygen concentrations suggested that the elements were oxidized. ROS were detected in the cell-free fluorescent test, while exposed cells were not dramatically activated by the concentrations used. The fact that aged brake wear samples have lower oxidative stress potential than fresh ones may relate to the highly oxidized or aged state of these particles, as well as their larger size and smaller reactive surface area.


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O reservatório ileal pélvico tem sido a melhor opção cirúrgica para a retocolite ulcerativa (RCU) e polipose adenomatosa familiar (PAF). Desde 1983 esta técnica vem sendo empregada, e o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar revisão desta casuística, analisando seus resultados e seus pontos controversos. Setenta e três pacientes, com média de idade de 34,6 (13-63) anos e com predomínio do sexo feminino (42 pacientes, 56,7%) se submeteram ao procedimento para tratamento de RCU (46 pacientes - 63,0%) e PAF(27 - 37,0%). Foram utilizadas as seguintes variantes técnicas: em S, de grande tamanho e ramo eferente longo (oito); em S pequeno e ramo eferente reduzido (22); em "dupla câmara" (20); em J (23). Todos os procedimentos foram seguidos da construção de ileostomia de proteção. De 1993 em diante, todos os pacientes tiveram a arcada do colo direito preservada. Setenta pacientes têm pelo menos um ano de pós-operatório e 61 têm dois anos ou mais com média de 7,01 (1-16) anos. Foram consideradas complicações precoces aquelas que ocorreram até o 30º dia de pós- operatório e tardias, após esse tempo. Resultados funcionais foram analisados após um ano do fechamento da ileostomia. Ocorreram 35 complicações precoces em 22 pacientes e 39 complicações tardias em 35 pacientes. Vinte e cinco pacientes não apresentaram complicações. As principais complicações foram: obstrução intestinal (19,1 %), fistulizações cutâneas, com vagina ou trato urinário (10,9%), isquemia de reservatório (parcial ou total), (9,5%), e ileíte do reservatório (pouchitis) (6,8%). Nove pacientes (12,3%) têm ileostomia funcionante, sendo que sete pacientes têm ainda o reservatório mantido no lugar e dois tiveram-no ressecado. A mortalidade diretamente relacionada ao procedimento foi em dois pacientes, mas outros quatro pacientes evoluíram tardiamente ao óbito, por causas como desnutrição crônica e tumor de cerebelo. Em conclusão, apesar da morbidade e da existência ainda de questões controversas, as perspectivas tardias têm sido animadoras e têm estimulado a indicação deste tipo de procedimento.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia da preservação da arcada vascular do cólon direito (AVCD) na manutenção da perfusão sangüínea do reservatório após manobras de alongamento do mesentério ileal. MÉTODOS: O estudo incluiu 46 pacientes (janeiro/1990 a julho/2000, para o tratamento de retocolite ulcerativa (RCU) e polipose adenomatosa familiar (PAF), que foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo com preservação da arcada (CPA), 27 pacientes, média de idade - 34,0 (19-53) anos, 15 (55,6%) eram do sexo feminino e 24 (88,9%) eram brancos; e grupo sem preservação da arcada (SPA), 19 pacientes, média de idade 41,5 (13 - 62) anos, oito (42,1%) eram do sexo feminino e 18 (94,8%) eram brancos. Trinta pacientes (65,2%) apresentavam RCU e 16 (34,7%) PAF. Foram comparadas a ocorrência de complicações atribuídas à má perfusão sangüínea ou tensão na anastomose ileoanal, assim como as indicações de reoperações. RESULTADOS: No grupo CPA, em quatro pacientes (18,5%), as complicações estavam relacionadas ao comprometimento da viabilidade intestinal ou à tensão ao nível da anastomose. No grupo SPA, estas complicações ocorreram em sete pacientes (36,9%). Foram reoperados três pacientes (11,1%) do grupo CPA, por causas relacionadas ou à má perfusão sangüínea ou à tensão excessiva no nível da anastomose e no grupo SPA cinco (26,3%), pela mesma causa. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar das limitações metodológicas, observou-se tendência para menor ocorrência de complicações isquêmicas no grupo com preservação da AVCD. Quando o abaixamento do reservatório ileal tem que ser ao nível da linha pectínea, torna-se importante a perfusão sangüínea via AVCD como auxiliar na preservação de sua viabilidade.


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Worldwide experience with laparoscopic radical cystectomy is increasing in the last few years. We describe a 29-year-old female who underwent a laparoscopic radical cystectomy with ileal reservoir for a bladder sarcoma. Operative time was 405 minutes and estimated blood loss was 500 mL. She had an uneventful postoperative course and was discharged in the fifth postoperative day. Key-words: bladder, cystectomy, laparoscopy, urinary diversion, bladder neoplasms.


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In view of the increasing interest in home-grown legumes as components of diets for non-ruminant livestock and in an attempt to reduce the reliance on imported soya bean meal (SBM), two experiments were conducted to evaluate samples of peas and faba beans for their standardised ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids determined with young broiler chicks. Experiment 1 evaluated six faba bean and seven pea cultivars and Experiment 2 evaluated two faba bean and three pea cultivars as well as a sample of soya bean meal provided as a reference material. Peas and beans were added at 750g/kg as the only source of protein/amino acids in a semi-synthetic diet containing the inert marker titanium dioxide; SBM was added, in a control diet, at 500g/kg. Each diet was fed to six replicates of a cage containing two Ross-type broilers for 96h at which point birds were culled allowing removal of ileal digesta. Chemical analyses allowed the calculation of the coefficient of SID of amino acids. There were no differences between samples of the same pulse species (P>0.05) but peas had higher values (P<0.05), similar to SBM, than beans. Trypsin inhibitor content (expressed as g trypsin inhibitor units/mg sample) of all pea samples was low and in the range 0.83–1.77mg/kg. There was relatively little variation in bean tannin content and composition amongst the coloured-flowered varieties; however, the white-flowered cultivar had no tannins. There was no correlation between tannin content and coefficient of SID. The content of SID of amino acids (g/kg legume) was higher in SBM when compared with peas and beans by virtue of having higher total concentrations.


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Rat ileal air interface and submerged explant models were developed and used to compare the adhesion of Salmonella enterica var Enteritidis wild-type strains with that of their isogenic single and multiple deletion mutants. The modified strains studied were defective for fimbriae, flagella, motility or chemotaxis and binding was assessed on tissues with and without an intact mucus layer. A multiple afimbriate/aflagellate (fim(-)/fla(-)) strain, a fimbriate but aflagellate (fla(-)) strain and a fimbriate/flagellate but non-motile (mot(-)) strain bound significantly less extensively to the explants than the corresponding wild-type strains. With the submerged explant model this difference was evident in tissues with or without a mucus layer, whereas in the air interface model it was observed only in tissues,vith an intact mucus layer. A smooth swimming chemotaxis-defective (che(-)) strain and single or multiple afimbriate strains bound to explants as well as their corresponding wild-type strain. This suggests that under the present experimental conditions fimbriae were not essential for attachment of S. enterica var Enteritidis to rat ileal explants, However; the possession of active flagella did appear to be an important factor. in enabling salmonellae to penetrate the gastrointestinal mucus layer and attach specifically to epithelial cells.


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The (poly)phenols in ileal fluid after ingestion of raspberries were analysed by targeted and non-targeted LC-MSn approaches. Targeted approaches identified major anthocyanin and ellagitannin components at varying recoveries and with considerable inter-individual variation. Non-targeted LC-MSn analysis using an Orbitrap mass spectrometer gave exact mass MS data which was sifted using a software program to select peaks that changed significantly after supplementation. This method confirmed the recovery of the targeted components but also identified novel raspberry-specific metabolites. Some components (including ellagitannin and previously unidentified proanthocyanidin derivatives) may have arisen from raspberry seeds that survived intact in ileal samples. Other components include potential breakdown products of anthocyanins, unidentified components and phenolic metabolites formed in either the gut epithelia or after absorption into the circulatory system and efflux back into the gut lumen. The possible physiological roles of the ileal metabolites in the large bowel are discussed.


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Let (M, g) be a complete Riemannian manifold, Omega subset of Man open subset whose closure is homeomorphic to an annulus. We prove that if a,Omega is smooth and it satisfies a strong concavity assumption, then there are at least two distinct geodesics in starting orthogonally to one connected component of a,Omega and arriving orthogonally onto the other one. Using the results given in Giamb et al. (Adv Differ Equ 10:931-960, 2005), we then obtain a proof of the existence of two distinct homoclinic orbits for an autonomous Lagrangian system emanating from a nondegenerate maximum point of the potential energy, and a proof of the existence of two distinct brake orbits for a class of Hamiltonian systems. Under a further symmetry assumption, the result is improved by showing the existence of at least dim(M) pairs of geometrically distinct geodesics as above, brake orbits and homoclinic orbits. In our proof we shall use recent deformation results proved in Giamb et al. (Nonlinear Anal Ser A: Theory Methods Appl 73:290-337, 2010).


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Let (M, g) be a complete Riemannian Manifold, Omega subset of M an open subset whose closure is diffeomorphic to an annulus. If partial derivative Omega is smooth and it satisfies a strong concavity assumption, then it is possible to prove that there are at least two geometrically distinct geodesics in (Omega) over bar = Omega boolean OR partial derivative Omega starting orthogonally to one connected component of partial derivative Omega and arriving orthogonally onto the other one. The results given in [6] allow to obtain a proof of the existence of two distinct homoclinic orbits for an autonomous Lagrangian system emanating from a nondegenerate maximum point of the potential energy, and a proof of the existence of two distinct brake orbits for a. class of Hamiltonian systems. Under a further symmetry assumption, it is possible to show the existence of at least dim(M) pairs of geometrically distinct geodesics as above, brake orbits and homoclinics.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da combinação de fitase e do complexo amilase, protease e xilanase, em dietas de milho e soja, formuladas com redução e sem redução dos níveis de energia, cálcio e fósforo sobre o desempenho e a digestibilidade ileal de nutrientes, em frangos de corte. Foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial 2x2, com duas dietas-controle: com redução e sem redução dos nutrientes, e duas suplementações das enzimas (sem adição e com adição de fitase e complexo enzimático), com dez repetições de 40 aves. A digesta ileal foi coletada aos 43 dias de idade, para determinação da energia digestível e dos coeficientes de digestibilidade da proteína bruta, matéria seca, cálcio e fósforo. O desempenho apresentou interação em todos os parâmetros analisados. As aves do tratamento com redução dos nutrientes mostraram pior desempenho em relação às aves da dieta sem redução dos nutrientes. Não houve efeito da matéria seca na digestibilidade e na retenção de cálcio. A adição da combinação enzimática melhorou a digestibilidade da proteína e a retenção de fósforo. Houve interação quanto à energia digestível, com efeito apenas nas dietas sem redução dos nutrientes, com maiores valores nas dietas suplementadas.