998 resultados para IGNEOUS PROVINCE


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This thesis is one of the contributions to NSFC project, “The Changbaishan Volcanism and its Links to the Northeast Asia Tectonic System”. The thesis presents our most recent works on Changbaishan Volcanism, on two aspects as (1) the chemical evolution of the Cenozoic volcanism and the physical links of magma genesis, (2) the Holocene activity of the Tianchi Volcano and risks of potential eruption. 1. Chemical evolution and physical links to the Changbaishan Volcanism Physical links to the Chanbaishan Volcanism, just like origins of most of the volcanisms in eastern China, has long been an enigma. A large scale of volcanic activity has dominated many places of eastern China in Meso-Cenozoic. Activity of these volcanisms in eastern China covers several quite different blocks, covers variety of tectonics, and covers a period of time over 200 million years. Such a large-scale and long-lived volcanism in a continental area challenges our knowledge on dynamics of the Earth’s interior. Some works on “Diwa” hypothesis and “lithospheric thinning” hypothesis present possible links between volcanisms and dynamic evolutions of the earth’s interior, but still cannot interpret where are the sources of the heat and fluid, which are essential to the volcanisms. Based on the study of this thesis, we suggest that dynamics of the deep subduction of western Pacific Plate is the critical factor to the Changbaishan Volcanism and volcanisms in NE China, and maybe even essential to most of the Meso-Cenozoic volcanisms in eastern China. In NE China, stagnant slabs flatted in the mantle transition zone (MTZ, ca. 660 km deep) transport and release significant hydrous fluid to the upper mantle. Metamorphism of the deep-subducted slabs and hence a series of mineral phases play an important role in the water transport, exchange, restore, and release. Dehydrated fluid of the wet slab ascending from the MTZ fertile the upper mantle, and also provide upward heat flow which is essential to the magma genesis. Then magma and volcanism occur with the deep subduction from Mesozoic to mordern time in eastern China. To discribe the exact chemical characteristics of the deep subduction releated volcanics is very difficult, because few researches has contributed to the chemical behaviors of fluid and trace elments in the very deep interior of the Earth, such 660 km deep, 410km or 350km where the fluid may ascend and react. However we can still find some chemical characteristics of oceanic subduction. Basalts of the Changbaishan Volcanism have siginficant characteristics of potassium rich, and even can be called a potassic igneous province. If there are only two possible ways, recycled continentical crust or oceanic crust, to fertile the mantle potossium element as we know now, it’s easy to attribute this to the deep-subducted of the west Pacific Plate. To the eastern China, fluid inclusions in mantle xenoliths from the Cenozic basalts also reveal potassium-rich characteristics. This reveals that the same potassium feritle agents may occur in the mantle sources of eastern China. 2. Holocene activiy of the Tianchi Volcano As one of the large volcanic center and complex volcanic cone, the Tianchi Volcano is a dangerous active volcano, with several Holocene eruptions. Among these eruptions, the Millennium Eruption is regardede as one of the biggist eruptions in the world in the last 2000 years. To estimate the potential danger of volcanic eruption, we discuss two essential factors, as (i) volcanic history of Holocene eruptions, including volcanic geolgy, chronnology and chemistry, (ii) state, evolution and relationship of the magma chambers in mantle and crust beneath the Tianchi Volcano.


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大陆溢流玄武岩根据TiO2含量可划分为高钛玄武岩和低钛玄武岩,这两种不同类型的玄武岩往往有不同的空间分布特征,也具有不同的成因指示意义。峨眉山玄武岩也有高、低钛之分,且其空间分布存在明显差异。然而,在以往的峨眉山玄武岩的研究中只对高、低钛玄武岩进行对比研究,而单独对同一类型玄武岩的研究甚少,尤其是对物质来源的研究。在本论文中,作者以峨眉山大火成岩省中部二滩地区高钛玄武岩为研究对象,通过主量元素、微量元素和Sr-Nd-Pb同位素对其地球化学、岩浆过程以及物质来源进行了探讨,得出以下初步认识和结论: ⑴ 二滩高钛玄武岩可划分出Group I和Group II两种岩石类型。Group I中Sr和Zr显示明显负异常,而Group II无Sr和Zr异常。此两种类型岩石的Sr-Nd-Pb同位素地球化学特征也较为不同。 ⑵ 二滩高钛玄武岩为板内构造环境,Group I和Group II显示出碱性或钙碱性岩特征。 ⑶ Group I和Group II具有不同的熔体形成熔融程度,Group I相对低(0~3.5%),Group II相对高(4.0~8.0%)。不同的部分熔融程度导致了控制矿物相的不同。 ⑷ Group I和Group II岩浆分别经历了不同的结晶分异过程。Group I主要显示出斜长石结晶分异趋势,Group II则主要显示出橄榄石结晶分异趋势。 ⑸ 微量不相容元素和Sr-Nd-Pb同位素特征表明,Group I和Group II均源自深部富集地幔,具有不同的物质来源,且与地幔柱有成因上的联系。 以上特征表明,二滩玄武岩与深源地幔柱有成因上的联系。这可能是深部地幔柱(来自核-幔边界或下地幔)上升过程中在不同深度携带了不同物质,这些物质发生部分熔融,从而导致了Group I和Group II的明显差异。其充分说明,二滩高钛玄武岩的物源是不均一的,反映了源区的不均一性特征。


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在峨眉山大火成岩省(ELIP)产出许多岩浆Cu-Ni-PGE岩浆硫化物矿床,如金宝山、杨柳坪、力马河、白马寨,以及大槽-阿布郎当矿化岩体。根据成矿元素组成特征,这些矿床可以区分为多种不同矿化类型,有以铂族元素为主贫铜镍的矿床,如金宝山Pt-Pd矿床;有含较高铂族元素和铜镍的矿床,如杨柳坪Ni-Cu-PGE矿床;也有贫铂族元素富铜镍的矿床,以力马河和白马寨Ni-Cu矿床最为典型。造成峨眉山大火成岩省中Ni-Cu-PGE岩浆硫化物矿床矿化类型变异的原因是什么?它们的母质岩浆性质如何,产生于怎样的熔融程度?既然能形成岩浆硫化物矿床,造成硫化物熔离的原因有哪些,什么因素起到了关键作用?这些矿化类型多样的Ni-Cu-PGE矿床的成矿岩浆有何差异?产生差异的原因是什么?带着这些疑问,通过借鉴国内外Ni-Cu-PGE岩浆硫化物矿床研究的经验,本文以金宝山铂钯矿、力马河镍矿及大槽-阿布郎当岩体的地球化学研究为基础,结合近几年来前人对杨柳坪,白马寨等矿床的系统研究,本文试图解决上述疑问。现在取得的主要认识有: 1) 根据成矿元素组成特征,可以把峨眉山大火成岩省中(ELIP)存在的Ni-Cu-PGE岩浆硫化物矿床分成多种不同的矿化类型,包括PGE矿床(例如金宝山Pt-Pd矿),Ni-Cu-PGE矿床(例如杨柳坪矿床),Ni-Cu矿床(例如力马河和白马寨矿床),以及弱矿化或不含矿的超镁铁质堆晶岩体(例如大槽-阿布郎当岩体)。通过对ELIP中几种类型Cu-Ni-PGE矿床成矿母岩浆的研究发现,它们均具有类似峨眉山苦橄岩的成分特征,表明母岩浆形成于较高程度的地幔部分熔融,并富集Ni和PGE。 2)硫化物熔离的多阶段性是导致矿床类型变异的一个重要因素。早期结晶矿物的分离结晶导致了金宝山母岩浆出现S的饱和,少量的浸染状硫化物被携带进入岩浆通道中发生了沉淀,继续富集PGE,形成了金宝山矿体。杨柳坪的母岩浆先发生了少量早期硫化物熔离丢失,PGE弱亏损的岩浆在后期上升过程中由于强烈的地壳混染,发生了大量硫化物熔离并发生堆积,形成杨柳坪矿体。力马河和白马寨的母岩浆在早期发生了较多的硫化物丢失,PGE强烈亏损的岩浆发生了二次以上的硫化物熔离,形成了力马河和白马寨矿体。 3) R因子(岩浆与熔离硫化物的比例)是决定ELIP中Cu-Ni-PGE矿床矿化类型变异的重要因素。金宝山矿床具有极高的R值(>10000),杨柳坪和朱布矿床具有中等的R值(2000~5000),而力马河矿床近似为在经过R=2000的硫化物熔离之后,残余岩浆再经过R=200的硫化物熔离。 4) 地壳混染程度的差异可能是造成ELIP中Ni-Cu-PGE矿床矿化类型发生变异的关键因素。金宝山矿床的地壳混染程度较低,可能主要是早期橄榄石和铬铁矿的分异结晶导致了岩浆中硫化物出现了饱和。对于大槽-阿布郎当矿化岩体,只是在岩体边缘的局部出现了硫化物熔离,可能是围岩混染造成的。对于杨柳坪Ni-Cu-PGE矿床、力马河和白马寨Ni-Cu矿床,从微量元素蛛网中明显的Nb-Ta负异常,高放射成因187Os丰度的初始Os同位素组成(γOs(t)=100~120),S同位素等反映出显著的地壳混染,因而出现大量硫化物熔离。


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地幔柱概念在19世纪60至70年代就被提出,但是由于板块构造理论在解释地球上岩浆活动的分布规律时取得了空前的成功,在当时这一理论是被排斥的。板块边界概念可以解释地球上绝大部分的岩浆产出,但在解释板内岩浆的成因时往往显得力不从心,尽管这些岩浆的体积只占地球岩浆总量的2%。地幔柱理论模型发展到现在得到不同学科的支持。地质学、地球化学、地球物理学、古生物学、比较行星学、实验岩石学等等都提供了直接或间接的证据,证明地幔柱几乎存在整个地:质历史时期。当前地幔柱理论中在地球化学领域有两大研究热点:高钦低钦玄武岩的起源以及地幔柱中是否存在循环俯冲洋壳物质。完全解决这些问题才可能深入系统地建立地慢柱成矿作用模型。现在已经建立了一些矿床类型与地慢柱作用的联系:如现在认为赋存在金伯利岩中的金刚石矿床的形成与地慢柱作用密不可分,一些岩浆硫化物矿床和岩浆氧化物矿床很显然是地慢柱岩浆作用形成的,如西伯利亚火成岩省的Noril'sk-Talnakh铜镍铂族元素矿床以及KeweenawaJI大陆裂谷体系的Dultlth杂岩体的Cu-Ni矿床。另外还有赋存在大型基性一超基性层状岩体中的PGE、Ni和cu矿床,如Great Dyke和布什维尔德杂岩体。一些超大型热液矿床也与地慢柱有可能的联系(Pirajno,2000):如270oMa形成的超大型Kidd Creek火山成因块状硫化物矿床(Bleeker et al.,1 999;Wynan et al.,1999)和南澳大利亚1600Ma形成的超大型olymPicD翻矿床。本文的研究工作包含两方面内容:通过热力学计算峨眉山玄武岩在深部的结晶分异,对峨眉山大火成岩省的岩浆量分布和岩浆氧化物矿床(华Ti磁铁矿矿床)的分布以及下地壳高波速层的物相进行理论解释;对峨眉山大火成岩省金宝山PGE典型矿床进行成岩成矿的地球化学研究,预测整个大火成岩省的岩浆硫化物矿床产出位置。大多数峨眉山玄武岩的 MgO<7%,Ni为4-232ppm,它们是原始岩浆结晶分异后的产物。峨眉山玄武岩省下地壳和上地幔之间存在厚度为:8-25km1,P彼速为7.1-7.8km/s的附加层(高地震波速层)。滇西地区出露的洲套第三纪富碱斑岩,地球化学和同位素研究表明斑岩的岩浆源是来自“壳一慢混合层”,源区的形成时代为220-25Ma,与峨眉山玄武岩的形成时代一致。所以有理由认为该附加层是由峨眉山玄武岩在此结晶分异形成的。与地慢柱有关的洋岛Hawaii、Marquesas Islands;海底高原Oniong Java、大陆火山岩省ColumbiaRiver Plateaus地震彼研究都表明在上地慢顶部有一高速附加层,Farnetani etal.(1996)的研歼表明高速附加层是由来自地幔柱的岩浆在此结晶分异形成的。玄武岩是一种混合的部分熔融产物,是不同成分的地幔橄榄岩在不同的压力下熔出的。这种降压熔融高温高压实验是做不到的。熔出的熔体成分是温度、压力及橄榄岩成分(源区)的函数,形成的岩浆是一个多压熔融的集合体。热力学计算能够较为精确地计算出生成的岩浆成分和约束岩浆产生的过程。岩浆的结晶分异也是同样的情形,尤其是分离结晶过程,实验岩石学是很精确难模拟其过程的。热力学计算使用的MELTS程序,MELTS适用范围很广,适用于模拟岩石熔融生成岩浆和岩浆的冷却结晶。现今峨眉山大火成岩省的地壳厚度为40恤,这被认为是后期褶皱加厚的缘故。根据峨眉山玄武岩中辉石斑晶成分和玄武岩本身成分计算出分异结晶的压力为6kb,那么当时的地壳厚度约为20km:选择氧逸度为QFM,这一氧逸度范围认为是大多数大陆溢流玄武岩结晶分异时的氧化还原环境。热力学计算结果通过峨眉山玄武岩成分进行约束和验证。Al2O3、NaZO+K 20、CaO与MgO计算的演化趋势线与实际观察的演化符合较好,橄榄石和斜方辉石的结晶使得CaO随着MgO的降低而增高;当单斜辉石成为液相线矿物时,cao也随着Mgo的降低而降低了。单斜辉石在岩浆演化到MgO=10.3%时成为液相线矿物。整个计算过程中斜长石未成为液相线矿物,这与大多数玄武岩不具有Eu异常是一致的,并月_Al2O3随着MgO的减小单调增加也说明了这点。不过大多数峨眉山玄武岩常含有斜长石斑晶,这是低压下结晶分异的结果。由于斜长石密度小,所有很难与高铁玄武岩分离。整个计算的难点也是创新点是波速计算。通过分离的堆晶矿物组合中各种矿物的成分和质量分数计算的附加层波速比观察值高,不过堆积岩体常常会有残留岩浆存在矿物晶粒间,这样会降低岩石的压缩波速。大型基性一超基性岩体常常会残留有或者捕获5-30%的岩浆。假定两个高波速附加层分别捕获7叭,和巧%的残留岩浆,计算的结果就大体等于观察值。热力学和质量平衡计算研究表明:高地震波速层为橄榄辉石岩一辉石岩的巨型侵入岩体;峨眉山中岩区的岩浆量最大也符合含V-Ti磁铁矿矿床只产在中岩区,如太和、白马、攀枝花、红格等岩体;西岩区的岩浆量最小表明几乎没有可能在西岩区形成有规模的V-Ti磁铁矿矿床,实际观察仅仅只见到数量少而小的岩体;东岩区下地壳厚达20灿1的高波速层暗示东岩区上地壳的侵入岩体积也应该具有相当规模,应该是V-Ti磁铁矿矿床成矿区。目前在东岩区很少发现与峨眉山玄武岩有关的岩浆矿床的主要原因是:东岩区的剥蚀深度不够,没有可观的侵入岩体出露,而中岩区侵入岩都侵入在元古代地层中。按照质量平衡的计算方法,最保守的估算整个峨眉地慢柱岩浆事件产生的岩浆量为8.9*106km3,上地壳峨眉山玄武岩和侵入岩体积为3.9*106km3。如果按照初始覆盖面积5x106km2计算(与西伯利亚暗色岩初始覆盖面积相当),喷发高峰期为2Ma,计算的喷发速率为3.9km3/year。这并不亚于西伯利亚暗色岩的喷发速率4km3/year。这对于研究峨眉山大火成岩浆事件与二叠·三叠交界或end-QuadaluPian生物灭绝之间的可能联系具有重要意义。本文另一方面的研究工作是:首先系统地介绍了岩浆硫化物矿床的基本原理,然后通过金宝山PGE矿床实例研究,提出金宝山岩体成岩模式,并且对整个峨眉山大火成岩省的岩浆硫化物矿床产出位置进行理论预测。详细地球化学研究表明金宝山镁铁一超镁铁岩是峨眉山大火成岩省古老火山岩浆房的残留物。岩体主要由底部超镁铁岩和上部镁铁岩组成,两种岩石的质量大致相同。根据超镁铁岩的矿物组合计算的成岩时的氧逸度较高,热力学方法计算的成岩压力为2kb左右。超镁铁岩的包嵌结构和铁铁岩的微晶一细晶结构说明超镁铁岩为镁铁岩结晶的矿物堆积形成的。镁铁一超镁铁岩的蚀变程度不同以及Sc、Sr、Eu等元素在两类岩石中的不同特征指示了整个成岩过程。金宝山岩体的原始岩浆 MgO=8%说明高镁玄武岩并不是形成PGE矿床的必要条件。金宝山的成岩模式是:在火山喷发前,岩浆侵位时橄榄石和少量铬尖晶石先结晶,沉淀在岩浆房底部;随后结晶的是斜方辉石和斜长石,斜方辉石也沉淀在岩浆房底部,斜长石由于密度较小集中中岩浆房上部,岩浆房的中部是:少量的斜长石小斑晶。由于斜方辉石和斜长石的结晶,这样岩浆中的Sc、Sr和Eu就会亏损,也是岩浆房底部堆积岩的原始捕获岩浆。火山喷发后,由于压力的突然降低,岩浆房底部的堆晶会发生再熔融,几乎消耗掉所有的斜方辉石,橄榄石也呈熔蚀状浑圆形态,重新熔融的斜方辉石导致超镁铁岩中残留岩浆比原始捕获岩浆更加富Sc,这种岩浆由于富MgO和在快速冷却的环境下同时结晶,最终形成光性方位一致的单刹辉石。喷发后岩浆房空间的剩余导致围岩-灰岩进入,造成岩浆房中剩余岩浆强烈的碳酸盐化。峨眉山玄武岩Cr-Mg#的相关关系定义一条正常玄武岩演化线。大多数这些玄武岩的Ni也保持了这种演化关系,其中低钦玄武岩和过渡型高钦玄武岩Ni-Mg#相关关系远离了正常演化线,这些玄武岩的Cu-Mg#相关关系也有类似的情形。峨眉山低钦和过渡类型高钦玄武岩Ni和 Cu的非正常亏损,表明它们在地表下经历了硫饱和事件。金宝山岩浆硫化物矿床成岩模型的建立,为在整个大火成岩省寻找岩浆硫化物矿床提供了一种新认识。低钦和过渡型高钦玄武岩的古老火山口下部是岩浆硫化物矿床的所在地。


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From 1989 to 1994 a series of papers outlined evidence for a brief episode of climate change from arid to humid, and then back to arid, during the Carnian Stage of the late Triassic. This time of climate change was compared to marine and terrestrial biotic changes, mainly extinction and then radiation of flora and fauna. Subsequently termed, albeit incorrectly, the Carnian Pluvial Event (CPE) by successive authors, interest in this episode of climatic change has increased steadily, with new evidence being published as well as several challenges to the theory. The exact nature of this humid episode, whether reflecting widespread precipitation or more local effects, as well as its ultimate cause remains equivocal. Bed-by-bed sampling of the Carnian in the Southern Alps (Dolomites), shows the episode began with a negative carbon isotope excursion that lasted for only part of one ammonoid zone (A. austriacum). However, that the Carnian Humid Episode represents a significantly longer period, both environmentally and biotically, is irrefutable. The evidence is strongest in the European, Middle East, Himalayan, North American and Japanese successions, but not always so clear in South America, Antarctica and Australia. The eruption of the Wrangellia Large Igneous Province and global warming (causing increased evaporation in the Tethyan and Panthalassic oceans) are suggested as causes for the humid episode.


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The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP), emplaced at the Triassic-Jurassic (T-J) boundary (-200 Ma), is among the largest igneous provinces on Earth. The Maranhao basin in NE Brazil is located around 700 km inland and 2000 km from the site of the earliest Pangea disruption. The CAMP tholeiites occur only in the western part of the basin and have been described as low and high-Ti. Here we document the occurrence of two sub-groups among the high-Ti tholeiites in the Western Maranhao basin. The major and trace elements and the Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic ratios define three chemical groups corresponding to the low-Ti (TiO(2)< 1.3 wt.%), high-Ti (TiO(2)-2.0 wt.%) and evolved high-Ti (TiO(2 >)3 wt.%) western Maranhao basin tholeiites (WMBT). The new (40)Ar/(39)Ar plateau ages obtained on plagioclase separates for high-Ti (199.7 +/- 2.4 Ma) and evolved high-Ti WMBT (197.2 +/- 0.5 Ma and 198.2 +/- 0.6 Ma) are indistinguishable and identical to those of previously analyzed low-Ti WMBT (198.5 +/- 0.8 Ma) and to the mean (40)Ar/(39)Ar age of the CAMP (199 +/- 2.4 Ma). We also present the first Re-Os isotopic data for CAMP basalts. The low and high-Ti samples display mantle-like initial ((187)Os/(188)Os)(i) ranging from 0.1267 to 0.1299, while the evolved high-Ti samples are more radiogenic (((187)Os/ (188)Os)(i) up to 0.184) We propose that the high-Ti WMBT were derived from the sub-lithospheric asthenosphere, and contaminated during ascent by interaction with the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM). The evolved high-Ti WMBT were derived from the same asthenospheric source but experienced crustal contamination. The chemical characteristics of the low-Ti group can be explained by partial melting of the most fertile portions of the SCLM metasomatized during paleo-subduction. Alternatively, the low-Ti WMBT could be derived from the sub-lithospheric asthenosphere but the resulting melts may have undergone contamination by the SCLM. The occurrences of high-Ti basalts are apparently not restricted to the area of initial continental disruption which may bring into question previous interpretations such as those relating high-Ti CAMP magmatism to the initiation of Atlantic ridge spreading or as the expression of a deep mantle plume. We propose that the CAMP magmatism in the Maranhao basin may be attributed to local hotter mantle conditions due to the combined effects of edge-driven convection and large-scale mantle warming under the Pangea supercontinent. The involvement of a mantle-plume with asthenosphere-like isotopic characteristics cannot be ruled out either as one of the main source components of the WMBT or as a heat supplier. (C) 2010 Elsevier BM. All rights reserved.


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The deep crustal structure of the Parana Basin of southern Brazil is investigated by analyzing P- and PP-wave receiver functions at 17 Brazilian Lithosphere Seismic Project stations within the basin. The study area can be described as a typical Paleozoic intracratonic basin that hosts one of the largest Large Igneous Province of the world and makes a unique setting for investigating models of basin subsidence and their interaction with mantle plumes. Our study consists of (1) an analysis of the Moho interaction phases in the receiver functions to obtain the thickness and bulk Vp/Vs ratio of the basin`s underlying crust and (2) a joint inversion with Rayleigh-wave dispersion velocities from an independent tomographic study to delineate the detailed S-wave velocity variation with depth. The results of our analysis reveal that Moho depths and bulk Vp/Vs ratios (including sediments) vary between 41 and 48 km and between 1.70 and 1.76, respectively, with the largest values roughly coinciding with the basin`s axis, and that S-wave velocities in the lower crust are generally below 3.8 km/s. Select sites within the basin, however, show lower crustal S-wave velocities slightly above 3.9 km/s suggestive of underplated mafic material. We show that these observations are consistent with a fragmented cratonic root under the Parana basin that defined a zone of weakness for the initial Paleozoic subsidence of the basin and which allowed localized mafic underplating of the crust along the suture zones by Cenozoic magmatism.


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Early Cretaceous (similar to 129 Ma) silicic rocks crop out in SE Uruguay between the Laguna Merin and Santa Lucia basins in the Lascano, Sierra Sao Miguel. Salamanca and Minas areas They are mostly rhyolites with minor quartz-trachytes and are nearly contemporaneous with the Parana-Etendeka igneous province and with the first stages of South Atlantic Ocean opening A strong geochemical variability (particularly evident from Rb/Nb, Nb/Y trace element ratios) and a wide range of Sr-Nd isotopic ratios ((143)Nd/(144)Nd((129)) = 0.51178-0.51209, (87)Sr/(86)Sr((129)) = 0.70840-0.72417) characterize these rocks Geochemistry allows to distiniguish two compositional groups, corresponding to the north-eastern (Lascano and Sierra Sao Miguel, emplaced on the Neo-Proterozoic southern sector of the Dom Feliciano mobile belt) and south-eastern localities (Salamanca, Minas, emplace on the much older (Archean) Nico Perez teriane or on the boundary between the Dom Feliciano and Nico Perez termites) These compositional differences between the two groups are explained by variable mantle source and crust contributions. The origin of the silicic magmas is best explained by complex processes involving assimilation and fractional crystallization and mixing of a basaltic magma with upper crustal lithologies, for Lascano and Sierra Sao Miguel rhyolites. In the Salamanea and Minas rocks genesis, a stronger contribution from lower crust is indicated.


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An integrated whole-rock petrographic and geochemical study has been carried out on kamafugites and kimberlites of the Late Cretaceous Alto Paranaiba igneous province, in Brazil, and their main minerals, olivine, clinopyroxene, perovskite, phlogopite, spinels and ilmenite. Perovskite is by far the dominant repository for light lanthanides, Nb, Ta, Th and U, and occasionally other elements, reaching concentrations up to 3.4 x 10(4) chondrite values for light lanthanides and 105 chondrite for Th. A very strong fractionation between light and heavy lanthanides (chondrite-normalized La/Yb from similar to 175 to similar to 2000) is also observed. This is likely the first comprehensive dataset on natural perovskite. Clinopyroxene has variable trace-element contents. likely due to the different position of this phase in the crystallization sequence; Sc reaches values as high as 200 ppm whereas the lanthanides show very variable enrichment in light over heavy REE, and commonly show a negative Eu anomaly. The olivine, phlogopite (and tetra-ferriphlogopite), Cr-Ti oxide and ilmenite are substantially barren minerals for lanthanides and most other trace elements, with the exception of Ba, Cs and Rb in mica, and V, Nb and Ta in ilmenite. Estimated mineral/whole-rock partition coefficients for lanthanides in perovskite are similar to previous determinations, though much higher than those calculated in experiments with synthetic compositions, testifying once more to the complex behavior of these elements in a natural environment. The enormous potential for exploitation of lanthanides, Th, U and high-field-strength elements in the Brazilian kamafugites, kimberlites and related rocks is clearly shown.


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We report the first U-Pb baddeleyite/zircon date for a felsic volcanic rock from the Parana Large Igneous Province in south Brazil. The new date of 134.3 +/- 0.8 Ma for a hypocrystalline Chapeco-type dacite from Ourinhos (northern Parana basin) is an important regional time marker for the onset of flood basalt volcanism in the northern and western portion of the province. The dated dacite was erupted onto basement rocks and is overlain by a high-Ti basalt sequence, interpreted to be correlative with Pitanga basalts elsewhere. This new U-Pb date for the Ourinhos dacite is consistent with the local stratigraphy being slightly older than the few reliable step-heating (40)Ar/(39)Ar dates currently available for overlying high-Ti basalts (133.6-131.5 Ma). This indicates an similar to 3 Ma time span for the building of the voluminous high-Ti lava sequence of the Parana basin. On the other hand, it overlaps the (40)Ar/(39)Ar dates (134.8-134.1 Ma) available for the stratigraphically older low-Ti basalt (Gramado + Esmeralda types) and dacite-rhyolite (Palmas type) sequences from South Brazil, which is consistent with the short-lived character of this volcanism and its rapid succession by the high-Ti sequence. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Brazilian Granitic Province from southeastern Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso region, central western Brazil, can be divided into two major groups and/or magmatic events related to the evolution of the Paraguay Fold Belt. The southern portion crops out in Mato Grosso do Sul State and is constituted by the Taboco, Rio Negro, Coxim and Sonora massifs forming NE-SW oriented, elongated small intrusions. The north portion crops out in Mato Grosso State and is constituted by the São Vicente, Araguaiana and Lajinha batholiths. Lithogeochemical aspects of the northern granites point to Type-I granites ranging from K calc-alkaline to high-K, peraluminous to metaluminous in composition, generated in an environment of continental collision and/or post- collision decompression. The southern granites are Type-I, from K calc-alkaline to high-K, peraluminous to subordinate metalummous, in a syn-collision continental arc environment with the exception of some pre-collisional facies from the Rio Negro Massif. The southern granites have less SiO 2 and K 2O, and are less differentiated and evolved than granites from the northern region. The four southern granites can be grouped into two subordinate sets with the degree of differentiation increasing from South (Taboco and Rio Negro) to North (Coxim and Sonora). The granitic rocks are characterized by a magmatism generated by melting of material from the lower crust which suggests that in this province the formation from non-cogenetic magmas with diversified compositions and distinct degrees of fractioning reaching more steady consolidated environments at the end of the collisional event in the southeastern Amazonian Craton.


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O Grupo Iricoumé compreende rochas vulcânicas efusivas e piroclásticas, com texturas e estruturas bastante preservadas, que pertence a um extenso evento vulcano-plutônico que marcou a região central do Cráton Amazônico durante o Orosiriano. Tais rochas estão expostas no noroeste do estado do Pará, na porção meridional do sudoeste do Domínio Erepecuru-Trombetas, sul do Escudo das Guianas. Estudos petrográficos permitiram distinguir um vulcanismo explosivo, predominante e representado por rochas piroclásticas (ignimbritos, reoignimbritos, tufo coignimbrítico de queda e lápili-tufo relacionado a surge), e um efusivo, subordinado, representado por fluxos de lavas coerentes e rochas hipabissais (andesitos, lamprófiros espessartíticos e latitos). A maioria das rochas piroclásticas exibe feições diagnósticas da deposição dos piroclastos sob altas temperaturas, sugerindo que as rochas vulcânicas estão provavelmente relacionadas a ambientes de geração de caldeiras. As idades Pb-Pb de 1888 ± 2,5 e 1889 ± 2 Ma obtidas em zircão de ignimbritos traquidacíticos confirmam que a maioria das rochas estudadas pertence ao Grupo Iricoumé. Por outro lado, a idade Pb-Pb de 1992 ± 3 Ma obtida em zircão de um andesito evidencia um episódio vulcânico efusivo orosiriano mais antigo, já reconhecido, localmente, mais a sul, no Domínio Tapajós. Os dados obtidos demonstram a ampla extensão do vulcanismo Iricoumé e rochas vulcânicas correlatas na porção central do Cráton Amazônico, e constituem argumentos favoráveis para associar esse episódio vulcânico e rochas magmáticas correlatas a uma silicic large igneous province (SLIP), como já vem sendo descrito por alguns autores.


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New volumetric and mass flux estimates have been calculated for the Kenya Rift. Spatial and temporal histories for volcanic eruptions, lacustrine deposition, and hominin fossil sites are presented, aided by the compilation of a new digital geologic map. Distribution of volcanism over time indicates several periods of southward expansion followed by relative positional stasis. Volcanism occurs throughout the activated rift length, with no obvious abandonment as the rift system migrated. The main exception is a period of volcanic concentration around 10 Ma, when activity was constrained within 2° of the equator. Volumes derived from seismic data indicate a total volume of c. 310,000 km3 (2.47 x 1010 kg/yr ), which is significantly more than the map-derived volumes found here or published previously. Map-based estimates are likely affected by a bias against recognizing small volume events in the older record. Such events are, however, the main driver of erupted volume over the last 5 Ma. A technique developed here to counter this bias results in convergence of the two volume estimation techniques. Relative erupted composition over time is variable. Overall, the erupted material has a mafic to silicic ratio of 0.9:1. Basalts are distinctly more common in the Turkana region, which previously experienced Mesozoic rifting. Despite the near equal ratio of mafic to silicic products, the Kenya Rift otherwise fits the definition of a SLIP. It is proposed that the compositions would better fit the published definition if the Turkana region was not twice-rifted. Lacustrine sedimentation post-dates initial volcanism by about 5 million years, and follows the same volcanic trends, showing south and eastward migration over time. This sedimentation delay is likely related to timing of fault displacements. Evidence of hominin habitation is distinctly abundant in the northern and southern sections of the Kenya Rift, but there is an observed gap in the equatorial rift between 4 and 0.5 million years ago. After 0.5 Ma, sites appear to progress towards the equator. The pattern and timing of hominid site distributions suggests that the equatorial gap in habitation may be the result of active volcanic avoidance.


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Results of 40Ar-39Ar Ar dating constrain the age of the submerged volcanic succession, part of the seaward-dipping reflector sequence of the Southeast Greenland volcanic rifted margin, recovered during Leg 163. At the 63ºN drilling transect, the fully normally magnetized volcanic units at Holes 989B (Unit 1) and 990A (Units 1 and 2) are dated at 57.1 ± 1.3 Ma and 55.6 ± 0.6 Ma, respectively. This correlates with a common magnetochron, C25n. The underlying, reversely magnetized lavas at Hole 990A (Units 3-13) yield an average age of 55.8 ± 0.7 Ma and may correlate with C25r. The argon data, however, are also consistent with eruption of the lavas at Site 990 during the very earliest portion of C24. If so, the normally polarized units have to be correlated to a cryptochron (e.g., C24r-11 at ~55.57 Ma). The lavas at Holes 989B and 990A have typical oceanic compositions, implying that final plate separation between Greenland and northwest Europe took place at ~56 Ma. The age for Hole 989B lava is younger than expected from the seismic interpretations, posing questions about the structural evolution of the margin. An age of 49.6 ± 0.2 Ma for the basaltic lava at Site 988 (~66ºN) points to the importance of postbreakup tholeiitic magmatism at the rifted margin. Together with results from Leg 152, a virtually complete time frame for ~12 m.y. of pre-, syn-, and postbreakup volcanism during rifted margin evolution in Southeast Greenland can now be assembled. This time frame includes continental type volcanism at ~61-60 Ma, synbreakup volcanism beginning at ~57 Ma, and postbreakup volcanism at ~49.6 Ma. These discrete time windows coincide with distinct periods of tholeiitic magmatism from the onshore East Greenland Tertiary Igneous Province and is consistent with discrete mantle-melting events triggered by plume arrival (~61-60 Ma) under central Greenland, continental breakup (~57-54 Ma), and passage of the plume axis beneath the East Greenland rifted margin after breakup (~50-49 Ma), respectively.


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The petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks in CRP-3 core have been examined in detail in order to characterise and to compare them with volcanic and subvolcanic rocks cropping out in the Victoria Land area, and to define the clast provenance or to establish possible volcanic activity coeval with deposition. Clasts with sizes ranging from granule to boulder show geochemical and mineralogical features comparable with those of Ferrar Supergroup rocks. They display a subalkaline affinity and compositions ranging from basalts to dacite. Three different petrographic groups with distinct textural and grain size features (subophitic, intergranular-intersertal, and glassy-hyalopilitic) are recognised and are related to the emplacement/cooling mechanism. In the sand to silt fraction, the few glass shards that have been recognised are strongly altered: however chemical analyses show they have subalkalic magmatic affinity. Mineral compositions of the abundant free clinopyroxene grains found in the core, are less affected by alteration processes, and indicate an origin from subalkaline magmas. This excludes the presence, during the deposition of CRP-3 rocks of alkaline volcanic activity comparable with the McMurdo Volcanic Group. Strong alteration of the magmatic body intruded the Beacon sandstones obliterates the original mineral assemblage. Geochemical investigations confirm that intrusion is part of the Ferar Large Igneous Province.