991 resultados para IBM 360 (Computer)
The Property and Equipment Department has a central supply of automotive parts, tools, and maintenance supplies. This central supply is used to supply the repair shop and also to supply parts to the various field garages and all departments of the Commission. The old procedure involved keeping track manually of all of the parts, which involved some 22,000 items. All records, billings, arid re-order points were kept manually. Mani times the re-order points were located by reaching into a bin and finding nothing there. Desiring to improve this situation, an inventory control system was established for use on the computer. A complete record of the supplies that are stored in the central warehouse was prepared and this information was used to make a catalog. Each time an item is issued or received, it is processed through the inventory program. When the re-order point is reached, a notice is given to reorder. The procedure for taking inventory has been improved. A voucher invoice is now prepared by the computer for all issues to departments. These are some of the many benefits that have been de rived from this system.
What happens when the traditional framing mechanisms of our performance environments are removed and we are forced as directors to work with actors in digital environments that capture performance in 360 degrees? As directors contend with the challenges of interactive performance, the emergence of the online audience and the powerful influence of the games industry, how can we approach the challenges of directing work that is performance captured and presented in real time using motion capture and associated 3D imaging software? The 360 degree real time capture of performance, while allowing for an unlimited amount of framing potential, demands a unique and uncompromisingly disciplined style of direction and performance that has thus far remained unstudied and unquantified. By a close analysis of the groundbreaking work of artists like Robert Zemeckis and the Wetta Digital studio it is possible to begin to quantify what the technical requirements and challenges of 360 degree direction might be, but little has been discovered about the challenges of communicating the unlimited potential of framing and focus to the actors who work with these directors within these systems. It cannot be argued that the potential of theatrical space has evolved beyond the physical and moved into a more accessible virtual and digitised form, so how then can we direct for this unlimited potential and where do we place the focus of our directed (and captured) performance?
IBM provide a comprehensive academic initiative, (http://www-304.ibm.com/ibm/university/academic/pub/page/academic_initiative) to universities, providing them free of charge access to a wide range of IBM Software. As part of this initiative we are currently offering free IBM Bluemix accounts, either to be used within a course, or for students to use for personal skills development. IBM Bluemix provides a comprehensive cloud based platform as a service solution set which includes the ability to quickly and easily integrate data from devices from Internet of Things ( IoT) solutions to develop and run productive and user focused web and mobile applications. If you would be interested in hearing more about IBM and Internet of Things or you would like to discuss prospective research projects that you feel would operate well in this environment, please come along to the seminar!
Comprobar la idoneidad de las técnicas CMI (Computer Managed Instruction) para la formación en Matemáticas del profesorado de EGB. Realizaron el curso por ordenador 12 profesores de EGB que iban a seguir un curso de actualización en Matemáticas por el método tradicional (de los 28 iniciales). Dividido en 2 fases. En la primera fase se diseñaron y pusieron en marcha los programas de ordenador necesarios para implementar el curso a seguir por el grupo experimental en el computador, y se prepararon los tests a que se sometieron los alumnos antes y después del curso. La segunda fase consiste en la experimentación del curso por computador con alumnos, análisis de los resultados y conclusiones de la investigación. Test previos de conocimientos, uno de respuesta libre y otro de elección de respuesta. Test de Inteligencia general (dominó D-48), batería DAT para medir la capacidad numérica (NA) y de razonamiento (AR). Cuestionarios de personalidad CEP de Pinillos. Conversaciones para detectar la actitud y el interés de los profesores por el curso. Cintas del curso, utilizando el miniordenador IBM 5100. Porcentajes de aciertos y errores por alumnos y por preguntas efectuadas. Se detectaron preguntas poco acertadas por el bajo porcentaje de éxitos. El 80 por ciento de los profesores mantuvo un interés notable a lo largo del curso. La mayoría opinó que el procedimiento era demasiado lento y echaron de menos que el sistema no presentase la respuesta correcta una vez contestada la pregunta por el alumno. Necesidad de reelaborar algunas partes del cuestionario. Un curso como el experimentado encuentra su principal aplicación como un medio adicional puesto a disposición del estudiante, con la finalidad de ayudarle a fijar y repasar los conceptos esenciales de la materia estudiada, sirviéndole, a la vez, de instrumento de diagnóstico de sus propias deficiencias.
This paper describes a prototype grid infrastructure, called the eMinerals minigrid, for molecular simulation scientists. which is based on an integration of shared compute and data resources. We describe the key components, namely the use of Condor pools, Linux/Unix clusters with PBS and IBM's LoadLeveller job handling tools, the use of Globus for security handling, the use of Condor-G tools for wrapping globus job submit commands, Condor's DAGman tool for handling workflow, the Storage Resource Broker for handling data, and the CCLRC dataportal and associated tools for both archiving data with metadata and making data available to other workers.
Supported in part by Contract AT(11-1)-1018 with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission .
"This work was supported in part by Contract No. AT(11-1)-1018 of the Atomic Energy Commission. This report supercedes File No. 513."
Originally presented as the author's thesis (M.S.), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
"Supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant No. NSF-GP-7634."
No. 467- accompanied by 5 1/4 in. computer disk.