74 resultados para Hyrtios-erecta


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En los estudios dinámicos de la deambulación bipodal, el hombre por su posición erecta, se distingue y se diferencia del resto del reino animal. De todo el reino animal, el hombre es el que presenta el centro de gravedad más elevado, la cabeza erguida, la cintura escapular y raquis situados por encima del centro de gravedad.


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Cinco amostras de solo com alto teor de matéria orgânica (10,14 dag/kg) de 1 kg cada foram autoclavadas (120 °C/1h), cinco foram aquecidas em forno de microondas a 660 watts e 2450 Hz por 4 min e cinco não foram aquecidas. Raízes de Mucuna aterrima, Crotalaria juncea, Tagetes erecta e Lycopersicon esculentum foram maceradas separadamente em liquidificador à baixa velocidade durante 30 s em 1000 mL de água e peneiradas. As suspensões resultantes foram adicionadas às amostras de solos as quais foram acondicionadas em saco plástico e submetidas aos três tratamentos térmicos e posteriormente mantidas a 28 ºC por 24 h. Setenta e oito isolados bacterianos foram obtidos das amostras de solo por diluição em série e submetidos à seleção para o biocontrole de M. javanica. Sementes de tomate foram microbiolizadas por imersão em suspensão de propágulos de cada uma das culturas e semeadas em substrato dentro de tubetes em casa de vegetação. As mudas resultantes foram inoculadas com 400 ovos do nematóide, cada. O isolado UFV-6 de Escherichia coli reduziu o número de galhas em maior magnitude (80%) ao passo que o isolado UFV-8 de Citrobacter freundii foi o mais eficiente na redução do número de ovos (83%). A identificação dos isolados foi feita por análise de ácidos graxos esteres de metil e testes bioquímicos.


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Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram identificar e avaliar a estrutura das comunidades e a diversidade das espécies herbáceas invasoras presentes no banco de sementes do solo, em áreas de cultivo de subsistência nos Municípios de Bacabal, Lago Verde, São Luís Gonzaga e Vitorino Freire, localizados em trechos da Floresta Ombrófila Aberta com Babaçu, no Maranhão. Em cada município foram alocadas 15 parcelas de 50 m2, de onde foram retiradas 90 amostras de solo com um gabarito de metal vazado de 25 x 16 x 3 cm e colocadas em bandejas em casa telada. Foi avaliado o número de espécies e de indivíduos, bem como os valores relativos da densidade, frequência, abundância e o valor de importância de cada espécie. Os dados foram submetidos às Análises de Variância e de Coordenadas Principais. A diversidade foi calculada por meio do Índice de Diversidade de Shannon. O banco de sementes apresentou a maior riqueza florística em Bacabal, com 50 espécies de 34 gêneros e 17 famílias, bem como o maior número de indivíduos, 11.541. A maior similaridade florística foi observada entre Lago Verde e Vitorino Freire. As espécies predominantes, baseado no valor de importância, foram: Ludwigia octovalvis (VI = 34,8%) em Bacabal; Scleria lithosperma (VI = 37,0%), em Lago Verde; e Boerhavia erecta (VI = 40,4%), em São Luís Gonzaga; e (VI = 57,0%), em Vitorino Freire. A maior diversidade foi observada em Bacabal, com H’ = 2,66 nats ind-1. Os resultados podem ser aplicados na previsão de infestações de plantas invasoras nos municípios da região.


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As trapoerabas pertencem à família Commelinaceae e são plantas daninhas de difícil controle em diferentes regiões do país. No Brasil, a espécie Commelina benghalensis destaca-se como a principal trapoeraba infestante nas culturas de soja, milho, café e citros. Outras duas espécies desse gênero, Commelina diffusa e Commelina erecta, também são conhecidas como infestantes de ocorrência freqüente no território nacional. Commelina villosa está registrada, até o momento, apenas para os Estados da Bahia e Goiás além do Distrito Federal. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos caracterizar e registrar a ocorrência de C. villosa no Estado do Paraná, onde pode estar sendo confundida com outras trapoerabas, principalmente C. benghalensis. Exemplares de C. villosa e C. benghalensis foram coletados, de forma aleatória, em lavouras de soja, feijão e milho, nos municípios de Ponta Grossa, Tibagi, Piraí do Sul, Guarapuava, Pato Branco, Francisco Beltrão, Cascavel, Campo Mourão e Londrina. Parte desse material foi herborizado para a confecção de exsicatas e outra parte foi mantida in vivo, cultivada no Departamento de Botânica, do Instituto de Biociências de Botucatu-UNESP. Caracteres morfológicos descritivos e quantitativos foram avaliados e as espécies comparadas entre si. C. villosa distinguiu-se de C. benghalensis por apresentar folhas maiores (9,76 x 3,26 cm), elíptica a elípticaestreita, sésseis, de coloração verde escura com manchas violáceas na face inferior, filetes translúcidos, entre outras características. A ocorrência de C. villosa no Paraná foi constatada em todos os municípios amostrados, com exceção de Campo Mourão e Londrina.


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O controle químico de espécies do gênero Commelina (trapoerabas) é, muitas vezes, insatisfatório, apesar do uso intenso de herbicidas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o controle de quatro espécies daninhas de Commelina com o uso de diferentes herbicidas aplicados em pós-emergência. Foram avaliadas plantas de C. benghalensis, C. villosa, C. diffusa e C. erecta, em estádio com mais de quatro folhas e caules com cerca de 15 a 25 cm de comprimento, submetidas aos tratamentos com carfentrazone-ethyl (30 e 50 g ha-1), glyphosate (960 g ha-1), carfentrazone-ethyl + glyphosate (30 + 960 g ha-1) e sulfentrazone + glyphosate (150 + 960 g ha-1), além de uma testemunha sem aplicação. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Verificou-se que o controle químico de trapoerabas foi dependente da espécie, sendo C. benghalensis controlada mais eficientemente com os tratamentos testados, enquanto C. erecta apresentou o menor controle. A aplicação de glyphosate em mistura com carfentrazone-ethyl foi mais eficiente no controle das espécies de trapoeraba do que os demais tratamentos empregados.


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As espécies Commelina benghalensis, C. villosa, C. diffusa e C. erecta são conhecidas como trapoeraba e, freqüentemente, são confundidas entre si, dificultando o controle químico, o que pode provocar prejuízos econômicos e danos ambientais. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo selecionar características morfológicas que possibilitem facilitar a identificação dessas espécies, utilizando a técnica de análise multivariada. Foram avaliadas 12 características morfológicas descritivas e 13 quantitativas, utilizando-se os métodos de análise de agrupamento e análise de componentes principais. As espécies apresentaram alto grau de dissimilaridade, sobretudo em relação às características descritivas, destacando-se: hábito da planta, pilosidade do caule e da folha, entre outros. As características quantitativas também mostraram poder discriminatório. Características que apresentaram alto valor taxonômico foram selecionadas para compor a chave de identificação para as quatro espécies de Commelina.


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Foram estudados a fenologia, a morfologia floral, o sistema de polinização e de reprodução de Sauvagesia erecta L. e S. sprengelii A. St.-Hil., respectivamente, em um remanescente de Mata Atlântica, localizado no Parque Estadual Dois Irmãos, Recife, e em áreas abertas, em Goiana, litoral norte de Pernambuco. As espécies apresentam flores de pólen com anteras poricidas envolvidas por um cone, formado por estaminódios petalóides, deixando apenas um poro apical, através do qual o pólen é liberado. As espécies possuem um padrão de floração contínuo. Ambas são auto-compatíveis, autógamas e não formam frutos apomíticos. Foram observadas visitas de abelhas das famílias Apidae e Halictidae, as quais polinizam as flores através da vibração das anteras. Duas espécies de Paratetrapedia visitaram apenas flores de S. erecta. Bombus brevivillus Franklin, Florilegus similis Urban e Xylocopa muscaria Fabricius foram observadas somente em flores de S. sprengelii. Por sua vez, as espécies de Augochloropsis visitaram flores de ambas as espécies. Todas essas abelhas vibram o cone de estaminódios e as anteras e podem polinizar a flor, com exceção de uma espécie de Paratetrapedia. De acordo com o comportamento dos visitantes, observa-se que o cone de estaminódios tem uma função na polinização por vibração, equivalente a uma antera poricida, tratando-se, portanto, de uma transferência de função, já mencionada anteriormente para a família.


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In the State Park Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga - PEFI, located in the city of São Paulo, samples of submerged mixed leaf litter were collected monthly from 10 sites with different levels of eutrophication, from October 2003 to April 2005. Some abiotic factors, such as pH, temperature, conductivity and dissolved oxygen were simultaneously measured in 20 cm deep water at each site. The leaf litter samples were washed in laboratory, cut into 1 cm² pieces and incubated in Petri dishes containing distilled sterile water for five to seven days at 15 °C to 20 °C. Twenty-four aquatic Hyphomycete species were identified, with predominance of Anguillospora crassa Ingold, Lunulospora curvula Ingold, Tetrachaetum elegans Ingold and Camposporium pellucidum (Grove) Hughes. First reports for South America are: Anguillospora filiformis Greathead, Dendrospora erecta Ingold and Pyramidospora casuarinae Nilsson. These species, as well as Tetracladium setigerum (Grove) Ingold, Tricladium splendens Ingold and Varicosporium elodeae Kegel, are reported for the first time in Brazil. According to the multivariate analysis, the occurrence of the aquatic Hyphomycetes was mainly influenced by the trophic level of the aquatic environments.


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In recent years, there have been studies that show a correlation between the hyperactivity of children and use of artificial food additives, including colorants. This has, in part, led to preference of natural products over products with artificial additives. Consumers have also become more aware of health issues. Natural food colorants have many bioactive functions, mainly vitamin A activity of carotenoids and antioxidativity, and therefore they could be more easily accepted by the consumers. However, natural colorant compounds are usually unstable, which restricts their usage. Microencapsulation could be one way to enhance the stability of natural colorant compounds and thus enable better usage for them as food colorants. Microencapsulation is a term used for processes in which the active material is totally enveloped in a coating or capsule, and thus it is separated and protected from the surrounding environment. In addition to protection by the capsule, microencapsulation can also be used to modify solubility and other properties of the encapsulated material, for example, to incorporate fat-soluble compounds into aqueous matrices. The aim of this thesis work was to study the stability of two natural pigments, lutein (carotenoid) and betanin (betalain), and to determine possible ways to enhance their stability with different microencapsulation techniques. Another aim was the extraction of pigments without the use of organic solvents and the development of previously used extraction methods. Stability of pigments in microencapsulated pigment preparations and model foods containing these were studied by measuring the pigment content after storage in different conditions. Preliminary studies on the bioavailability of microencapsulated pigments and sensory evaluation for consumer acceptance of model foods containing microencapsulated pigments were also carried out. Enzyme-assisted oil extraction was used to extract lutein from marigold (Tagetes erecta) flower without organic solvents, and the yield was comparable to solvent extraction of lutein from the same flowers. The effects of temperature, extraction time, and beet:water ratio on extraction efficiency of betanin from red beet (Beta vulgaris) were studied and the optimal conditions for maximum yield and maximum betanin concentration were determined. In both cases, extraction at 40 °C was better than extraction at 80 °C and the extraction for five minutes was as efficient as 15 or 30 minutes. For maximum betanin yield, the beet:water ratio of 1:2 was better, with possibly repeated extraction, but for maximum betanin concentration, a ratio of 1:1 was better. Lutein was incorporated into oil-in-water (o/w) emulsions with a polar oil fraction from oat (Avena sativa) as an emulsifier and mixtures of guar gum and xanthan gum or locust bean gum and xanthan gum as stabilizers to retard creaming. The stability of lutein in these emulsions was quite good, with 77 to 91 percent of lutein being left after storage in the dark at 20 to 22°C for 10 weeks whereas in spray dried emulsions the retention of lutein was 67 to 75 percent. The retention of lutein in oil was also good at 85 percent. Betanin was incorporated into the inner w1 water phase of a water1-in-oil-inwater2 (w1/o/w2) double emulsion with primary w1/o emulsion droplet size of 0.34 μm and secondary w1/o/w2 emulsion droplet size of 5.5 μm and encapsulation efficiency of betanin of 89 percent. In vitro intestinal lipid digestion was performed on the double emulsion, and during the first two hours, coalescence of the inner water phase droplets was observed, and the sizes of the double emulsion droplets increased quickly because of aggregation. This period also corresponded to gradual release of betanin, with a final release of 35 percent. The double emulsion structure was retained throughout the three-hour experiment. Betanin was also spray dried and incorporated into model juices with different pH and dry matter content. Model juices were stored in the dark at -20, 4, 20–24 or 60 °C (accelerated test) for several months. Betanin degraded quite rapidly in all of the samples and higher temperature and a lower pH accelerated degradation. Stability of betanin was much better in the spray dried powder, with practically no degradation during six months of storage in the dark at 20 to 24 °C and good stability also for six months in the dark at 60 °C with 60 percent retention. Consumer acceptance of model juices colored with spray dried betanin was compared with similar model juices colored with anthocyanins or beet extract. Consumers preferred beet extract and anthocyanin colored model juices over juices colored with spray dried betanin. However, spray dried betanin did not impart any off-odors or off-flavors into the model juices contrary to the beet extract. In conclusion, this thesis describes novel solvent-free extraction and encapsulation processes for lutein and betanin from plant sources. Lutein showed good stability in oil and in o/w emulsions, but slightly inferior in spray dried emulsions. In vitro intestinal lipid digestion showed a good stability of w1/o/w2 double emulsion and quite high retention of betanin during digestion. Consumer acceptance of model juices colored with spray dried betanin was not as good as model juices colored with anthocyanins, but addition of betanin to real berry juice could produce better results with mixture of added betanin and natural berry anthocyanins could produce a more acceptable color. Overall, further studies are needed to obtain natural colorants with good stability for the use in food products.


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Bei der Begehung von Olebach, Losse und Alte Losse wurden der ökomorphologische Zustand von Sohle, Böschung, Linienführung, Verzahnung von Wasser und Land und der Ufergehölze sowie die Landnutzung notiert. Einleitungen von Abwässern und die Ablagerung von Abfällen auf Böschung und Ufer wurde protokolliert. Wassertemperatur und elektrische Leitfähigkeit wurden an mehreren Punkten gemessen. Die Leitfähigkeitswerte werden vor dem Hintergrund der Geologie der Einzugsgebiete interpretiert und zur chemischen Indikation von diffusen und punktförmigen Einleitungen genutzt. Es werden Maßnahmen zur Renaturierung, Maßnahmen gegen die Ablagerung von Gartenabfällen auf Ufer und Böschung, Maßnahmen gegen die ackerbauliche Nutzung und Bebauung im Gewässerrandstreifen vorgeschlagen.


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Resumen tomado del autor. Incluido en el monográfico `II Congreso Estatal de Psicomotricidad : Movimiento, Emoción y Pensamientoï


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Environmental cues influence the development of stomata on the leaf epidermis, and allow plants to exert plasticity in leaf stomatal abundance in response to the prevailing growing conditions. It is reported that Arabidopsis thaliana ‘Landsberg erecta’ plants grown under low relative humidity have a reduced stomatal index and that two genes in the stomatal development pathway, SPEECHLESS and FAMA, become de novo cytosine methylated and transcriptionally repressed. These environmentally-induced epigenetic responses were abolished in mutants lacking the capacity for de novo DNA methylation, for the maintenance of CG methylation, and in mutants for the production of short-interfering non-coding RNAs (siRNAs) in the RNA-directed DNA methylation pathway. Induction of methylation was quantitatively related to the induction of local siRNAs under low relative humidity. Our results indicate the involvement of both transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene suppression at these loci in response to environmental stress. Thus, in a physiologically important pathway, a targeted epigenetic response to a specific environmental stress is reported and several of its molecular, mechanistic components are described, providing a tractable platform for future epigenetics experiments. Our findings suggest epigenetic regulation of stomatal development that allows for anatomical and phenotypic plasticity, and may help to explain at least some of the plant’s resilience to fluctuating relative humidity.


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Ingestion of caesium (Cs) radioisotopes poses a health risk to humans. Crop varieties that accumulate less Cs in their edible tissues may provide a useful countermeasure. This study was performed to determine whether quantitative genetics on a model plant (Arabidopsis thaliana) might inform such 'safe'-crop strategies. Arabidopsis accessions and recombinant inbred lines (RILs), from Landsberg erecta (Ler) x Cape Verdi Island (Cvi), Ler x Columbia (Col), and Niederzenz (Nd) x Col mapping populations, were grown on agar supplemented with subtoxic levels of Cs. Shoot Cs concentration varied up to three-fold, and shoot f. wt varied up to 25-fold within populations. The heritability of growth and Cs accumulation traits ranged from 0.06 to 0.28. Four quantitative trait loci (QTL) accounted for > 80 of the genetic contribution to the total phenotypic variation in shoot Cs concentration in the Ler x Col population. QTL identified in this study, in particular, QTL co-localizing to the top and bottom regions of Chromosomes I and V in two different mapping populations, are amenable to positional cloning and, through collinearity, may inform selection or breeding strategies for the development of 'safe' crops.


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The fungi Aspergillus sydowii Ce15, Aspergillus sydowii Ce19, Aspergillus sydowii Gc12, Bionectria sp. Ce5, Penicillium miczynskii Gc5, Penicillium raistrickii Ce16 and Trichoderma sp. Gc1, isolated from marine sponges Geodia corticostylifera and Chelonaplysylla erecta, were evaluated for their ability to grow in the presence of DDD pesticide. Increasing concentrations of DDD pesticide, i.e., 5.0 mg (1.56 x 10(-12) mmol), 10.0 mg (3.12 x 10(-2) mmol) and 15.0 mg (4.68 x 10(-2) mmol) in solid and liquid culture media were tested. The fungi Trichoderma sp. Gc1 and Penicillium miczynskii Gc5 were able to grow in the presence of up to 15.0 mg of DDD, suggesting their potential for biodegradation. A 100% degradation of DDD was attained in liquid culture medium when Trichoderma sp. Gc1 was previously cultivated for 5 days and supplemented with 5.0 mg of DDD in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. However, the quantitative analysis showed that DDD was accumulated on mycelium and biodegradation level reached a maximum value of 58% after 14 days.