138 resultados para Hypercapnia
Introduction. Obesity and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) are common coexisting conditions associated with a chronic low-grade inflammatory state underlying some of the cognitive, metabolic, and cardiovascular morbidities. Aim. To examine the levels of inflammatory markers in obese community-dwelling children with OSA, as compared to no-OSA, and their association with clinical and polysomnographic (PSG) variables. Methods. In this cross-sectional, prospective multicenter study, healthy obese Spanish children (ages 4-15 years) were randomly selected and underwent nocturnal PSG followed by a morning fasting blood draw. Plasma samples were assayed for multiple inflammatory markers. Results. 204 children were enrolled in the study; 75 had OSA, defined by an obstructive respiratory disturbance index (RDI) of 3 events/hour total sleep time (TST). BMI, gender, and age were similar in OSA and no-OSA children. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) levels were significantly higher in OSA children, with interleukin-6 concentrations being higher in moderate-severe OSA (i.e., AHI > 5/hrTST; P < 0.01), while MCP-1 levels were associated with more prolonged nocturnal hypercapnia (P < 0.001). Conclusion. IL-6, MCP-1, and PAI-1 are altered in the context of OSA among community-based obese children further reinforcing the proinflammatory effects of sleep disorders such as OSA. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01322763.
Plateau zokor (Myospalax baileyi) is one of the blind subterranean mole rats that spend their life solely underground in scaled burrows. It is one of the special species of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. In their burrows, oxygen is low and carbon dioxide is high and their contents fluctuate with the change of seasons, soil types, rain and depth of burrows. However, plateau zokors show successful adaptation to that extreme environment. In this study, their adapting mechanisms to the hypoxic hypercapnic environment were analyzed through the comparison of their blood-gas properties with that of pikas (Ochotona curzniae) and Sprague-Dawley rats. The results indicated that plateau zokors had higher red blood corpuscle counts (8.11 +/- 0.59 (10(12)/L)) and hemoglobin concentrations (147 +/- 9.85 g/L), but hematocrit (45.9 +/- 3.29%) and mean corpuscular volume (56.67 +/- 2.57 fL) were lower than the other rodents. Their arterial blood and venous blood pH were 7.46 +/- 0.07 and 7.27 +/- 0.07. Oxygen pressure in arterial blood of plateau zokors was about 1.5 times higher than that of pikas and rats, and it was 0.36 and 0.26 times in their venous blood. Partial pressure for carbon dioxide in arterial and venous blood of plateau zokors was 1.5-fold and 2.0-fold higher, respectively, than in rats and pikas. Oxygen saturation of plateau zokors was 5.7 and 9.3 times lower in venous blood than that of pikas and rats, respectively. As result, the difference of oxygen saturation in arterial blood to venous blood was 2- and 4.5-fold higher in plateau zokors as that of pikas and rats, respectively. In conclusion, plateau zokors had a high tolerance to pH changes in tissues, together with strong capabilities to obtain oxygen from their hypoxic-hypercapnic environment. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Inc.
The distribution patterns of many species in the intertidal zone are partly determined by their ability to survive and recover from tidal emersion. During emersion, most crustaceans experience gill collapse, impairing gas exchange. Such collapse generates a state of hypoxemia and a hypercapnia-induced respiratory acidosis, leading to hyperlactaemia and metabolic acidosis. However, how such physiological responses to emersion are modified by prior exposure to elevated CO2 and temperature combinations, indicative of future climate change scenarios, is not known. We therefore investigated key physiological responses of velvet swimming crabs, Necora puber, kept for 14 days at one of four pCO(2)/temperature treatments (400 mu atm/10 degrees C, 1000 mu atm/10 degrees C, 400 mu atm/15 degrees C or 1000 mu atm/15 degrees C) to experimental emersion and recovery. Pre-exposure to elevated pCO(2) and temperature increased pre-emersion bicarbonate ion concentrations [HCO3-], increasing resistance to short periods of emersion (90 min). However, there was still a significant acidosis following 180 min emersion in all treatments. The recovery of extracellular acid-base via the removal of extracellular pCO(2) and lactate after emersion was significantly retarded by exposure to both elevated temperature and pCO(2). If elevated environmental pCO(2) and temperature lead to slower recovery after emersion, then some predominantly subtidal species that also inhabit the low to mid shore, such as N. puber, may have a reduced physiological capacity to retain their presence in the low intertidal zone, ultimately affecting their bathymetric range of distribution, as well as the structure and diversity of intertidal assemblages.
We investigated the neural basis for spontaneous chemo-stimulated increases in ventilation in awake, healthy humans. Blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) functional MRI was performed in nine healthy subjects using T2 weighted echo planar imaging. Brain volumes (52 transverse slices, cortex to high spinal cord) were acquired every 3.9 s. The 30 min paradigm consisted of six, 5-min cycles, each cycle comprising 45 s of hypoxic-isocapnia, 45 s of isooxic-hypercapnia and 45 s of hypoxic-hypercapnia, with 55 s of non-stimulatory hyperoxic-isocapnia (control) separating each stimulus period. Ventilation was significantly (p<0.001) increased during hypoxic-isocapnia, isooxic-hypercapnia and hypoxic-hypercapnia (17.0, 13.8, 24.9 L/min respectively) vs. control (8.4 L/min) and was associated with significant (p<0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons) signal increases within a bilateral network that included the basal ganglia, thalamus, red nucleus, cerebellum, parietal cortex, cingulate and superior mid pons. The neuroanatomical structures identified provide evidence for the spontaneous control of breathing to be mediated by higher brain centres, as well as respiratory nuclei in the brainstem.
A low arousal threshold is believed to predispose to breathing instability during sleep. The present authors hypothesised that trazodone, a nonmyorelaxant sleep-promoting agent, would increase the effort-related arousal threshold in obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients. In total, nine OSA patients, mean+/-sd age 49+/-9 yrs, apnoea/hypopnoea index 52+/-32 events.h(-1), were studied on 2 nights, one with trazodone at 100 mg and one with a placebo, in a double blind randomised fashion. While receiving continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), repeated arousals were induced: 1) by increasing inspired CO(2) and 2) by stepwise decreases in CPAP level. Respiratory effort was measured with an oesophageal balloon. End-tidal CO(2 )tension (P(ET,CO(2))) was monitored with a nasal catheter. During trazodone nights, compared with placebo nights, the arousals occurred at a higher P(ET,CO(2)) level (mean+/-sd 7.30+/-0.57 versus 6.62+/-0.64 kPa (54.9+/-4.3 versus 49.8+/-4.8 mmHg), respectively). When arousals were triggered by increasing inspired CO(2) level, the maximal oesophageal pressure swing was greater (19.4+/-4.0 versus 13.1+/-4.9 cm H(2)O) and the oesophageal pressure nadir before the arousals was lower (-5.1+/-4.7 versus -0.38+/-4.2 cm H(2)O) with trazodone. When arousals were induced by stepwise CPAP drops, the maximal oesophageal pressure swings before the arousals did not differ. Trazodone at 100 mg increased the effort-related arousal threshold in response to hypercapnia in obstructive sleep apnoea patients and allowed them to tolerate higher CO(2) levels.
Une morbidité et une mortalité néonatales élevées limitent l’efficacité du clonage somatique chez les bovins. Des malformations myoarthrosquelettiques, des anomalies ombilicales, des problèmes respiratoires et de la faiblesse ont été fréquemment observés chez les veaux clonés nouveaux-nés. Cette étude rétrospective porte sur 31 veaux clonés. Ses objectifs étaient de décrire les problèmes respiratoires rencontrés, leur évolution au cours du temps, les traitements instaurés pour soutenir la fonction respiratoire et la réponse aux traitements. Vingt-deux veaux ont souffert de problèmes respiratoires. La tachypnée, l’hypoxémie et l’hypercapnie sont les signes cliniques les plus fréquemment observés. L’analyse des gaz sanguins a été un outil essentiel dans le diagnostic et le suivi de la fonction respiratoire. La radiographie a permis une évaluation globale du poumon. L’oxygénothérapie intranasale et la ventilation mécanique ont permis de limiter la mortalité due à une insuffisance respiratoire à 18% (4/22). Cette étude a permis d’émettre des hypothèses quant à l’origine des problèmes respiratoires chez les veaux clonés. Plus d’une maladie semblent affecter les veaux clonés. La déficience en surfactant, l’hypertension pulmonaire persistante et le retard de résorption du fluide pulmonaire figurent parmi les entités pathologiques les plus probables.
La débitmétrie au laser à effet Doppler (LDF) constitue une méthode prometteuse et non-invasive pour l'étude du débit sanguin local dans l'œil. Cette technique est basée sur un changement de fréquence subi par la lumière lors du mouvement des globules rouges dans les vaisseaux. Une nouvelle sonde LDF a été testée pour sa sensibilité à évaluer la circulation rétinienne/choroïdienne sous des conditions hypercapniques et en présence de diverses substances vasoactives ou suivant la photocoagulation des artères rétiniennes chez le rat. Après dilatation pupillaire, la sonde LDF a été placée en contact avec la cornée de rats anesthésiés et parallèle à l'axe optique. L'hypercapnie a été provoquée par inhalation de CO2 (8% dans de l'air médical), alors que les agents pharmacologiques ont été injectés de façon intravitréenne. La contribution relative à la circulation choroïdienne a été évaluée à la suite de la photocoagulation des artères rétiniennes. Le débit sanguin s'est trouvé significativement augmenté à la suite de l'hypercanie (19%), de l'adénosine (14%) ou du nitroprusside de sodium (16%) comparativement au niveau de base, alors que l'endothéline-1 a provoqué une baisse du débit sanguin (11%). La photocoagulation des artères rétiniennes a significativement diminué le débit sanguin (33%). Des mesures en conditions pathologiques ont ensuite été obtenues après l'injection intravitréenne d'un agoniste sélectif du récepteur B1 (RB1). Ce récepteur des kinines est surexprimé dans la rétine des rats rendus diabétiques avec la streptozotocine (STZ) en réponse à l'hyperglycémie et au stress oxydatif. Les résultats ont montré que le RB1 est surexprimé dans la rétine chez les rats diabétiques-STZ à 4 jours et 6 semaines. À ces moments, le débit sanguin rétinien/choroïdien a été significativement augmenté (15 et 18 %) après l'injection de l'agoniste, suggérant un effet vasodilatateur des RB1 dans l'œil diabétique. Bien que la circulation choroïdienne contribue probablement au signal LDF, les résultats démontrent que le LDF représente une technique efficace et non-invasive pour l'étude de la microcirculation rétinienne in-vivo en continu. Cette méthode peut donc être utilisée pour évaluer de façon répétée les réponses du débit sanguin pendant des modifications métaboliques ou pharmacologiques dans des modèles animaux de maladies oculaires.
Les études d’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) ont pour prémisse générale l’idée que le signal BOLD peut être utilisé comme un succédané direct de l’activation neurale. Les études portant sur le vieillissement cognitif souvent comparent directement l’amplitude et l’étendue du signal BOLD entre des groupes de personnes jeunes et âgés. Ces études comportent donc un a priori additionnel selon lequel la relation entre l’activité neurale et la réponse hémodynamique à laquelle cette activité donne lieu restent inchangée par le vieillissement. Cependant, le signal BOLD provient d’une combinaison ambiguë de changements de métabolisme oxydatif, de flux et de volume sanguin. De plus, certaines études ont démontré que plusieurs des facteurs influençant les propriétés du signal BOLD subissent des changements lors du vieillissement. L’acquisition d’information physiologiquement spécifique comme le flux sanguin cérébral et le métabolisme oxydatif permettrait de mieux comprendre les changements qui sous-tendent le contraste BOLD, ainsi que les altérations physiologiques et cognitives propres au vieillissement. Le travail présenté ici démontre l’application de nouvelles techniques permettant de mesurer le métabolisme oxydatif au repos, ainsi que pendant l’exécution d’une tâche. Ces techniques représentent des extensions de méthodes d’IRMf calibrée existantes. La première méthode présentée est une généralisation des modèles existants pour l’estimation du métabolisme oxydatif évoqué par une tâche, permettant de prendre en compte tant des changements arbitraires en flux sanguin que des changements en concentrations sanguine d’O2. Des améliorations en terme de robustesse et de précisions sont démontrées dans la matière grise et le cortex visuel lorsque cette méthode est combinée à une manipulation respiratoire incluant une composante d’hypercapnie et d’hyperoxie. Le seconde technique présentée ici est une extension de la première et utilise une combinaison de manipulations respiratoires incluant l’hypercapnie, l’hyperoxie et l’administration simultanée des deux afin d’obtenir des valeurs expérimentales de la fraction d’extraction d’oxygène et du métabolisme oxydatif au repos. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, les changements vasculaires et métaboliques liés à l’âge sont explorés dans un groupe de jeunes et aînés, grâce au cadre conceptuel de l’IRMf calibrée, combiné à une manipulation respiratoire d’hypercapnie et une tâche modifiée de Stroop. Des changements de flux sanguin au repos, de réactivité vasculaire au CO2 et de paramètre de calibration M ont été identifiés chez les aînés. Les biais affectant les mesures de signal BOLD obtenues chez les participants âgés découlant de ces changements physiologiques sont de plus discutés. Finalement, la relation entre ces changements cérébraux et la performance dans la tâche de Stroop, la santé vasculaire centrale et la condition cardiovasculaire est explorée. Les résultats présentés ici sont en accord avec l’hypothèse selon laquelle une meilleure condition cardiovasculaire est associée à une meilleure fonction vasculaire centrale, contribuant ainsi à l’amélioration de la santé vasculaire cérébrale et cognitive.
Understanding neurovascular coupling is a prerequisite for the interpretation of results obtained from modern neuroimaging techniques. This study investigated the hemodynamic and neural responses in rat somatosensory cortex elicited by 16 seconds electrical whisker stimuli. Hemodynamics were measured by optical imaging spectroscopy and neural activity by multichannel electrophysiology. Previous studies have suggested that the whisker-evoked hemodynamic response contains two mechanisms, a transient ‘backwards’ dilation of the middle cerebral artery, followed by an increase in blood volume localized to the site of neural activity. To distinguish between the mechanisms responsible for these aspects of the response, we presented whisker stimuli during normocapnia (‘control’), and during a high level of hypercapnia. Hypercapnia was used to ‘predilate’ arteries and thus possibly ‘inhibit’ aspects of the response related to the ‘early’ mechanism. Indeed, hemodynamic data suggested that the transient stimulus-evoked response was absent under hypercapnia. However, evoked neural responses were also altered during hypercapnia and convolution of the neural responses from both the normocapnic and hypercapnic conditions with a canonical impulse response function, suggested that neurovascular coupling was similar in both conditions. Although data did not clearly dissociate early and late vascular responses, they suggest that the neurovascular coupling relationship is neurogenic in origin.
A recent nonlinear system by Friston et al. (2000. NeuroImage 12: 466–477) links the changes in BOLD response to changes in neural activity. The system consists of five subsystems, linking: (1) neural activity to flow changes; (2) flow changes to oxygen delivery to tissue; (3) flow changes to changes in blood volume and venous outflow; (4) changes in flow, volume, and oxygen extraction fraction to deoxyhemoglobin changes; and finally (5) volume and deoxyhemoglobin changes to the BOLD response. Friston et al. exploit, in subsystem 2, a model by Buxton and Frank coupling flow changes to changes in oxygen metabolism which assumes tissue oxygen concentration to be close to zero. We describe below a model of the coupling between flow and oxygen delivery which takes into account the modulatory effect of changes in tissue oxygen concentration. The major development has been to extend the original Buxton and Frank model for oxygen transport to a full dynamic capillary model making the model applicable to both transient and steady state conditions. Furthermore our modification enables us to determine the time series of CMRO2 changes under different conditions, including CO2 challenges. We compare the differences in the performance of the “Friston system” using the original model of Buxton and Frank and that of our model. We also compare the data predicted by our model (with appropriate parameters) to data from a series of OIS studies. The qualitative differences in the behaviour of the models are exposed by different experimental simulations and by comparison with the results of OIS data from brief and extended stimulation protocols and from experiments using hypercapnia.
Resistive respiratory loading is an established stimulus for the induction of experimental dyspnoea. In comparison to unloaded breathing, resistive loaded breathing alters end-tidal CO2 (PETCO2), which has independent physiological effects (e.g. upon cerebral blood flow). We investigated the subjective effects of resistive loaded breathing with stabilized PETCO2 (isocapnia) during manual control of inspired gases on varying baseline levels of mild hypercapnia increased PETCO2). Furthermore, to investigate whether perceptual habituation to dyspnoea stimuli occurs, the study was repeated over four experimental sessions. Isocapnic hypercapnia did not affect dyspnoea unpleasantness during resistive loading. A post hoc analysis revealed a small increase of respiratory unpleasantness during unloaded breathing at +0.6 kPa, the level that reliably induced isocapnia. We didnot observe perceptual habituation over the four sessions. We conclude that isocapnic respiratory loading allows stable induction of respiratory unpleasantness, making it a good stimulus for multi-session studies of dyspnoea.
Neonatal anoxia is a worldwide clinical problem that has serious and lasting consequences. The diversity of models does not allow complete reproducibility, so a standardized model is needed. In this study, we developed a rat model of neonatal anoxia that utilizes a semi-hermetic system suitable for oxygen deprivation. The validity of this model was confirmed using pulse oximetry, arterial gasometry, observation of skin color and behavior and analysis of Fos immunoreactivity in brain regions that function in respiratory control. For these experiments, 87 male albino neonate rats (Rattus norvegicus, lineage Wistar) aged approximate 30 postnatal hours were divided into anoxia and control groups. The pups were kept in an euthanasia polycarbonate chamber at 36 +/- 1 degrees C, with continuous 100% nitrogen gas flow at 3 L/min and 101.7 kPa for 25 min. The peripheral arterial oxygen saturation of the anoxia group decreased 75% from its initial value. Decreased pH and partial pressure of oxygen and increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide were observed in this group, indicating metabolic acidosis, hypoxia and hypercapnia. respectively. Analysis of neuronal activation showed Fos immunoreactivity in the solitary tract nucleus, the lateral reticular nucleus and the area postrema, confirming that those conditions activated areas related to respiratory control in the nervous system. Therefore, the proposed model of neonatal anoxia allows standardization and precise control of the anoxic condition, which should be of great value in indentifying both the mechanisms underlying neonatal anoxia and novel therapeutic strategies to combat or prevent this widespread public health problem. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A rise in arterial PCO(2) stimulates breathing and sympathetic activity to the heart and blood vessels. In the present study, we investigated the involvement of the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) and glutamatergic mechanisms in the Botzinger/C1 region (Botz/C1) in these responses. Splanchnic sympathetic nerve discharge (sSND) and phrenic nerve discharge (PND) were recorded in urethane-anesthetized, sino-aortic-denervated, vagotomized, and artificially ventilated rats subjected to hypercapnia (end-expiratory CO(2) from 5% to 10%). Phrenic activity was absent at end-expiratory CO(2) of 4%, and strongly increased when end-expiratory CO(2) reached 10%. Hypercapnia also increased sSND by 103 +/- 7%. Bilateral injections of the GABA-A agonist muscimol (2 mM) into the RTN eliminated the PND and blunted the sSND activation (Delta = +56 +8%) elicited by hypercapnia. Injections of NMDA receptor antagonist AP-5 (100 mM), non-NMDA receptor antagonist 6,7-dinitro-quinoxaline-2,3-dione (DNQX; 100 mM) or metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist (+/-)-alpha-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine (MCPG; 100 mM) bilaterally into the Botz/C1 reduced PND (Delta = +43 +/- 7%, +52 +/- 6% or +56 +/- 11%, respectively). MCPG also reduced sSND (Delta = +41 +/- 7%), whereas AP-5 and DNQX had no effect. In conclusion, the increase in sSND caused by hypercapnia depends on increased activity of the RTN and on metabotropic receptors in the Botz/C1, whereas PND depends on increased RTN activity and both ionotropic and metabotropic receptors in the Botz/C1.
In the present study, we evaluated the role of glutamatergic mechanisms in the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) in changes of splanchnic sympathetic nerve discharge (sSND) and phrenic nerve discharge (PND) elicited by central and peripheral chemoreceptor activation. Mean arterial pressure (MAP), sSND and PND were recorded in urethane-anaesthetized, vagotomized, sino-aortic denervated and artificially ventilated male Wistar rats. Hypercapnia (10% CO(2)) increased MAP by 32 +/- 4 mmHg, sSND by 104 +/- 4% and PND amplitude by 101 +/- 5%. Responses to hypercapnia were reduced after bilateral injection of the NMDA receptor antagonist D,L-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (AP-5; 100mm in 50 nl) in the RTN (MAP increased by 16 +/- 3 mmHg, sSNDby 82 +/- 3% and PND amplitudeby 63 +/- 7%). Bilateral injection of the non-NMDA receptor antagonist 6,7-dinitro-quinoxaline-2,3-dione(DNQX; 100 mm in 50 nl) and the metabotropic receptor antagonist (+/-)-alpha-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine (MCPG; 100mm in 50 nl) in the RTN did not affect sympathoexcitatory responses induced by hypercapnia. Injection of DNQX reduced hypercapnia-induced phrenic activation, whereas MCPG did not. In animals with intact carotid chemoreceptors, bilateral injections of AP-5 and DNQX in the RTN reduced increases in MAP, sSND and PND amplitude produced by intravenous injection of NaCN (50 mu g kg(-1)). Injection of MCPG in the RTN did not change responses produced by NaCN. These data indicate that RTN ionotropic glutamatergic receptors are involved in the sympathetic and respiratory responses produced by central and peripheral chemoreceptor activation.
The cardiopulmonary effects of desflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia were compared in cats breathing spontaneously. Heart (HR) and respiratory (RR) rates; systolic (SAP), diastolic (DAP) and mean arterial (MAP) pressures; partial pressure of end tidal carbon dioxide (PETCO(2)), arterial blood pH (pH), arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO(2)) and carbon dioxide (PaCO(2)); base deficit (BD), arterial oxygen saturation (SaO(2)) and bicarbonate ion concentration (HCO(3)) were measured. Anesthesia was induced with propofol (8 +/- 2.3 mg/kg IV) and maintained with desflurane (GD) or sevoflurane (GS), both at 1.3 MAC. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by the Tukey test (P < 0.05). Both anesthetics showed similar effects. HR and RR decreased when compared to the basal values, but remained constant during inhalant anesthesia and PETCO(2) increased with time. Both anesthetics caused acidemia and hypercapnia, but BD stayed within normal limits. Therefore, despite reducing HR and SAP (GD) when compared to the basal values, desflurane and sevoflurane provide good stability of the cardiovascular parameters during a short period of inhalant anesthesia (T20-T60). However, both volatile anesthetics cause acute respiratory acidosis in cats breathing spontaneously. (c) 2004 ESFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.