990 resultados para Hydraulic structures.


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Surface vortex behavior in front of the tunnel intake was investigated in this paper. The critical submergence of vortex was discussed based on the concept of 'critical spherical sink surface' (CSSS). The vortex formation and evolution at the tunnel intake were analyzed based on the theory of CSSS considering the effect of circulation. A theory was proposed to explain the surface vortex. The theoretical development was verified by the physical model experiments of Xiluodu hydropower station. The radial velocity and vortex circulation were considered as the main factors that influence the formation and evolution of surface vortex. Finally, an anti-vortex intake configuration was proposed to weaken the air-core vortex in front of the tunnel intakes of the hydraulic structures. © 2011 Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Este artículo tiene por finalidad analizar las medidas de adaptación al riesgo de inundación que se han realizado en el ámbito de la Costa Brava, con especial incidencia en el papel que han tenido las obras de infraestructura hidráulica en la prevención de avenidas. Se intenta comprobar hasta que punto la percepción local dominante sobre las obras hidráulicas como una de las formas más eficientes pera la prevención de inundaciones se contradice con las nuevas tendencias tanto en relación a los costes ecológicos de la construcción de estos dispositivos hidráulicos como al planeamiento urbanístico y fluvial, en general


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Due to the increase in water demand and hydropower energy, it is getting more important to operate hydraulic structures in an efficient manner while sustaining multiple demands. Especially, companies, governmental agencies, consultant offices require effective, practical integrated tools and decision support frameworks to operate reservoirs, cascades of run-of-river plants and related elements such as canals by merging hydrological and reservoir simulation/optimization models with various numerical weather predictions, radar and satellite data. The model performance is highly related with the streamflow forecast, related uncertainty and its consideration in the decision making. While deterministic weather predictions and its corresponding streamflow forecasts directly restrict the manager to single deterministic trajectories, probabilistic forecasts can be a key solution by including uncertainty in flow forecast scenarios for dam operation. The objective of this study is to compare deterministic and probabilistic streamflow forecasts on an earlier developed basin/reservoir model for short term reservoir management. The study is applied to the Yuvacık Reservoir and its upstream basin which is the main water supply of Kocaeli City located in the northwestern part of Turkey. The reservoir represents a typical example by its limited capacity, downstream channel restrictions and high snowmelt potential. Mesoscale Model 5 and Ensemble Prediction System data are used as a main input and the flow forecasts are done for 2012 year using HEC-HMS. Hydrometeorological rule-based reservoir simulation model is accomplished with HEC-ResSim and integrated with forecasts. Since EPS based hydrological model produce a large number of equal probable scenarios, it will indicate how uncertainty spreads in the future. Thus, it will provide risk ranges in terms of spillway discharges and reservoir level for operator when it is compared with deterministic approach. The framework is fully data driven, applicable, useful to the profession and the knowledge can be transferred to other similar reservoir systems.


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The semiarid rainfall regime is northeastern Brazil is highly variable. Climate processes associated with rainfall are complex and their effects may represent extreme situations of drought or floods, which can have adverse effects on society and the environment. The regional economy has a significant agricultural component, which is strongly influenced by weather conditions. Maximum precipitation analysis is traditionally performed using the intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) probabilistic approach. Results from such analysis are typically used in engineering projects involving hydraulic structures such as drainage network systems and road structures. On the other hand, precipitation data analysis may require the adoption of some kind of event identification criteria. The minimum inter-event duration (IMEE) is one of the most used criteria. This study aims to analyze the effect of the IMEE on the obtained rain event properties. For this purpose, a nine-year precipitation time series (2002- 2011) was used. This data was obtained from an automatic raingauge station, installed in an environmentally protected area, Ecological Seridó Station. The results showed that adopted IMEE values has an important effect on the number of events, duration, event height, mean rainfall rate and mean inter-event duration. Furthermore, a higher occurrence of extreme events was observed for small IMEE values. Most events showed average rainfall intensity higher than 2 mm.h-1 regardless of IMEE. The storm coefficient of advance was, in most cases, within the first quartile of the event, regardless of the IMEE value. Time series analysis using partial time series made it possible to adjust the IDF equations to local characteristics


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different light-curing units on the bond strength (push-out) of glass fiber posts in the different thirds of the root (cervical, middle and apical) with different adhesive luting resin systems (dual-cure total-etch; dual-cured and self-etch bonding system; and dual-cure self-adhesive cements), Disks of the samples (n = 144) were used, with approximately 1 mm of thickness of 48 bovine roots restored with glass fiber posts, that were luted with resin cements photo-activated by halogen LCU (QTH, Optilux 501) and blue LED (Ultraled), with power densities of 600 and 550 mW/cm 2, respectively. A universal testing machine (MTS 810 Material Test System) was used with a 1 mm diameter steel rod at cross-head speed of 0.5 mm/min until post extrusion, with load cell of 50 kg, for evaluation of the push-out strength in the different thirds of each sample. The push-out strength values in kgf were converted to MPa and analyzed through Analysis of Variance and Tukey's test, at significance level of 5%. The results showed that there were no statistical differences between the QTH and LED LCUs. The self-adhesive resin cement had lower values of retention. The total-etch and self-adhesive system resin cements seem to be a possible alternative for glass fiber posts cementation into the radicular canal and the LED LCU can be applied as an alternative to halogen light on photo-activation of dual-cured resin cements. © 2009 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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El objetivo de la presente tesis se enmarca dentro del estudio del estado de hormigones de presas, desarrollado en los últimos años en el Laboratorio Central del CEDEX, en el que se ratifica que una de las causas más importantes del deterioro de obras hidráulicas en España es la reacción álcali-sílice. La tesis que se presenta pretende contribuir al mejor conocimiento de la reacción álcali sílice con fines normativos preventivos, abordando los aspectos relativos a la identificación de áridos reactivos en el hormigón. El conocimiento de los áridos reactivos en España (origen de la reactividad, tipos de reacción y su comportamiento, así como las herramientas disponibles para su detección) es imprescindible para evitar la futura aparición de esta patología en nuevas estructuras, ya sea evitando el uso de áridos reactivos o tomando las medidas preventivas necesarias si su utilización es inevitable. A partir del Estudio Bibliográfico realizado se han detectado diversas lagunas en la identificación y caracterización de áridos de reacción rápida, cuya característica principal es que son reactivos con concentraciones muy bajas de diferentes componentes reactivos. Para resolver las lagunas identificadas se ha planeado un estudio experimental, consistente en el análisis de áridos cuya reactividad es conocida porque han sido empleados en obras afectadas por la reacción álcali sílice. Sobre el árido grueso extraído de estas estructuras se han realizado una serie de ensayos normalizados (estudio petrográfico, ensayo acelerado de probetas de mortero, ensayo Gel Pat y ensayos químicos). El análisis de los resultados experimentales ha permitido conocer las limitaciones reales en áridos reactivos españoles de las diferentes técnicas existentes, tratando de minimizarlas para áridos cuya reactividad es debida a componentes minoritarios (áridos de reacción rápida). Además, se ha evaluado la utilización de la difracción de rayos X (no normalizada) y la creación de un nuevo ensayo (Gel Pat Modificado). Finalmente, el estudio experimental ha permitido fijar una metodología de ensayo para el estudio de áridos reactivos por su contenido en componentes minoritarios (áridos de reacción rápida). The objective of this Thesis fits into the research program developed in CEDEX the last years and focused on the durability of concrete in Dams. This research work confirms that one of the main problems related to the deterioration of hydraulic structures is the alkali silica reaction. This Thesis aims to contribute to a better understanding of alkali-silica reaction, for preventive regulation purposes, considering the aspects related to the identification of reactive aggregates. The knowledge of Spanish reactive aggregates (origin of the reactivity, types of reaction and their behavior, and the tools available to detect and describe them) is essential to avoid the appearance of this pathology in new structures, either not using the reactive aggregate or taking the necessary preventive measures available in bibliography if the use of the reactive aggregate is inevitable. From the State-of –the-Art developed, several gaps have been detected in the detection and description of rapid reactive aggregates, which main characteristic if that they are reactive with low content of some reactive components. An experimental programme has been designed to solve these gaps, consisting on studying the reactivity of aggregates used in Spanish structures affected by the alkali silica reaction. Several Standard Tests have been carried out on coarse aggregates removed from the affected structures (Petrographic description, Accelerated Mortar Bar Test, Gel Pat Test and Chemical Tests). The analysis of the results obtained in Spanish reactive aggregates allows to know the advantages and limitations of each test, trying to minimize the disadvantages to detect Spanish reactive aggregates because of the minority content of rapid reactive components (rapid reactive aggregates). Moreover, X ray diffraction (not standardized) has been tested to detect rapid reactive aggregates and also a new test has been developed for the same purpose (Optimized Gel Pat Test). Finally, the experimental programme has made possible to define a methodology for detection of Spanish rapid reactive aggregates.


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A multivariate analysis on flood variables is needed to design some hydraulic structures like dams, as the complexity of the routing process in a reservoir requires a representation of the full hydrograph. In this work, a bivariate copula model was used to obtain the bivariate joint distribution of flood peak and volume, in order to know the probability of occurrence of a given inflow hydrograph. However, the risk of dam overtopping is given by the maximum water elevation reached during the routing process, which depends on the hydrograph variables, the reservoir volume and the spillway crest length. Consequently, an additional bivariate return period, the so-called routed return period, was defined in terms of risk of dam overtopping based on this maximum water elevation obtained after routing the inflow hydrographs. The theoretical return periods, which give the probability of occurrence of a hydrograph prior to accounting for the reservoir routing, were compared with the routed return period, as in both cases hydrographs with the same probability will draw a curve in the peak-volume space. The procedure was applied to the case study of the Santillana reservoir in Spain. Different reservoir volumes and spillway lengths were considered to investigate the influence of the dam and reservoir characteristics on the results. The methodology improves the estimation of the Design Flood Hydrograph and can be applied to assess the risk of dam overtopping


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La adecuada estimación de avenidas de diseño asociadas a altos periodos de retorno es necesaria para el diseño y gestión de estructuras hidráulicas como presas. En la práctica, la estimación de estos cuantiles se realiza normalmente a través de análisis de frecuencia univariados, basados en su mayoría en el estudio de caudales punta. Sin embargo, la naturaleza de las avenidas es multivariada, siendo esencial tener en cuenta características representativas de las avenidas, tales como caudal punta, volumen y duración del hidrograma, con el fin de llevar a cabo un análisis apropiado; especialmente cuando el caudal de entrada se transforma en un caudal de salida diferente durante el proceso de laminación en un embalse o llanura de inundación. Los análisis de frecuencia de avenidas multivariados han sido tradicionalmente llevados a cabo mediante el uso de distribuciones bivariadas estándar con el fin de modelar variables correlacionadas. Sin embargo, su uso conlleva limitaciones como la necesidad de usar el mismo tipo de distribuciones marginales para todas las variables y la existencia de una relación de dependencia lineal entre ellas. Recientemente, el uso de cópulas se ha extendido en hidrología debido a sus beneficios en relación al contexto multivariado, permitiendo superar los inconvenientes de las técnicas tradicionales. Una copula es una función que representa la estructura de dependencia de las variables de estudio, y permite obtener la distribución de frecuencia multivariada de dichas variables mediante sus distribuciones marginales, sin importar el tipo de distribución marginal utilizada. La estimación de periodos de retorno multivariados, y por lo tanto, de cuantiles multivariados, también se facilita debido a la manera en la que las cópulas están formuladas. La presente tesis doctoral busca proporcionar metodologías que mejoren las técnicas tradicionales usadas por profesionales para estimar cuantiles de avenida más adecuados para el diseño y la gestión de presas, así como para la evaluación del riesgo de avenida, mediante análisis de frecuencia de avenidas bivariados basados en cópulas. Las variables consideradas para ello son el caudal punta y el volumen del hidrograma. Con el objetivo de llevar a cabo un estudio completo, la presente investigación abarca: (i) el análisis de frecuencia de avenidas local bivariado centrado en examinar y comparar los periodos de retorno teóricos basados en la probabilidad natural de ocurrencia de una avenida, con el periodo de retorno asociado al riesgo de sobrevertido de la presa bajo análisis, con el fin de proporcionar cuantiles en una estación de aforo determinada; (ii) la extensión del enfoque local al regional, proporcionando un procedimiento completo para llevar a cabo un análisis de frecuencia de avenidas regional bivariado para proporcionar cuantiles en estaciones sin aforar o para mejorar la estimación de dichos cuantiles en estaciones aforadas; (iii) el uso de cópulas para investigar tendencias bivariadas en avenidas debido al aumento de los niveles de urbanización en una cuenca; y (iv) la extensión de series de avenida observadas mediante la combinación de los beneficios de un modelo basado en cópulas y de un modelo hidrometeorológico. Accurate design flood estimates associated with high return periods are necessary to design and manage hydraulic structures such as dams. In practice, the estimate of such quantiles is usually done via univariate flood frequency analyses, mostly based on the study of peak flows. Nevertheless, the nature of floods is multivariate, being essential to consider representative flood characteristics, such as flood peak, hydrograph volume and hydrograph duration to carry out an appropriate analysis; especially when the inflow peak is transformed into a different outflow peak during the routing process in a reservoir or floodplain. Multivariate flood frequency analyses have been traditionally performed by using standard bivariate distributions to model correlated variables, yet they entail some shortcomings such as the need of using the same kind of marginal distribution for all variables and the assumption of a linear dependence relation between them. Recently, the use of copulas has been extended in hydrology because of their benefits regarding dealing with the multivariate context, as they overcome the drawbacks of the traditional approach. A copula is a function that represents the dependence structure of the studied variables, and allows obtaining the multivariate frequency distribution of them by using their marginal distributions, regardless of the kind of marginal distributions considered. The estimate of multivariate return periods, and therefore multivariate quantiles, is also facilitated by the way in which copulas are formulated. The present doctoral thesis seeks to provide methodologies that improve traditional techniques used by practitioners, in order to estimate more appropriate flood quantiles for dam design, dam management and flood risk assessment, through bivariate flood frequency analyses based on the copula approach. The flood variables considered for that goal are peak flow and hydrograph volume. In order to accomplish a complete study, the present research addresses: (i) a bivariate local flood frequency analysis focused on examining and comparing theoretical return periods based on the natural probability of occurrence of a flood, with the return period associated with the risk of dam overtopping, to estimate quantiles at a given gauged site; (ii) the extension of the local to the regional approach, supplying a complete procedure for performing a bivariate regional flood frequency analysis to either estimate quantiles at ungauged sites or improve at-site estimates at gauged sites; (iii) the use of copulas to investigate bivariate flood trends due to increasing urbanisation levels in a catchment; and (iv) the extension of observed flood series by combining the benefits of a copula-based model and a hydro-meteorological model.


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"August 1984."


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"June 1987."


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"September 1988."


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