924 resultados para Hutchby, Ian: Conversation analysis. Principles, practices and application
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Decision curve analysis has been introduced as a method to evaluate prediction models in terms of their clinical consequences if used for a binary classification of subjects into a group who should and into a group who should not be treated. The key concept for this type of evaluation is the "net benefit", a concept borrowed from utility theory. METHODS: We recall the foundations of decision curve analysis and discuss some new aspects. First, we stress the formal distinction between the net benefit for the treated and for the untreated and define the concept of the "overall net benefit". Next, we revisit the important distinction between the concept of accuracy, as typically assessed using the Youden index and a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, and the concept of utility of a prediction model, as assessed using decision curve analysis. Finally, we provide an explicit implementation of decision curve analysis to be applied in the context of case-control studies. RESULTS: We show that the overall net benefit, which combines the net benefit for the treated and the untreated, is a natural alternative to the benefit achieved by a model, being invariant with respect to the coding of the outcome, and conveying a more comprehensive picture of the situation. Further, within the framework of decision curve analysis, we illustrate the important difference between the accuracy and the utility of a model, demonstrating how poor an accurate model may be in terms of its net benefit. Eventually, we expose that the application of decision curve analysis to case-control studies, where an accurate estimate of the true prevalence of a disease cannot be obtained from the data, is achieved with a few modifications to the original calculation procedure. CONCLUSIONS: We present several interrelated extensions to decision curve analysis that will both facilitate its interpretation and broaden its potential area of application.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to characterize oligonucleotide-polyethylenimine (ODN/PEI) complex preparation for potential transfection of retinal cells in vitro and in vivo. METHODS: The effect of medium preparation [HEPES-buffered saline (HBS), water] on particle size and morphology was evaluated. Cultured Lewis rat retinal Müller glial (RMG) cells were transfected using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-ODN/PEI complexes specifically directed at transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta)-2. Efficacy of transfection was evaluated using confocal microscopy, and regulation of gene expression was assayed using quantitative real-time RT-PCR and ELISA assay. One, 24, and 72 h after injection of FITC-ODN/PEI complexes into the vitreous of rat eyes, their distribution was analyzed on eye sections. RESULTS: Complexes prepared in HBS were smaller than complexes prepared in pure water and presented a core-shell structure. These particles showed a high cellular internalization efficacy, along with a significant and specific down-regulation of TGFbeta-2 expression and production in RMG cells, correlating with specific inhibition of cell growth at 72 h. In vivo, complexes efficiently transfect retinal cells and follow a transretinal migration at 24 h. After 72 h, ODN seems to preferentially target RMG cells without inducing any detectable toxicity. CONCLUSIONS: Specific down-regulation of TGFbeta-2 expression using ODN/PEI complexes may have potential interest for the treatment of retinal diseases associated with glial proliferation.
The Wigner higher order moment spectra (WHOS)are defined as extensions of the Wigner-Ville distribution (WD)to higher order moment spectra domains. A general class oftime-frequency higher order moment spectra is also defined interms of arbitrary higher order moments of the signal as generalizations of the Cohen’s general class of time-frequency representations. The properties of the general class of time-frequency higher order moment spectra can be related to theproperties of WHOS which are, in fact, extensions of the properties of the WD. Discrete time and frequency Wigner higherorder moment spectra (DTF-WHOS) distributions are introduced for signal processing applications and are shown to beimplemented with two FFT-based algorithms. One applicationis presented where the Wigner bispectrum (WB), which is aWHOS in the third-order moment domain, is utilized for thedetection of transient signals embedded in noise. The WB iscompared with the WD in terms of simulation examples andanalysis of real sonar data. It is shown that better detectionschemes can be derived, in low signal-to-noise ratio, when theWB is applied.
Les approches multimodales dans l'imagerie cérébrale non invasive sont de plus en plus considérées comme un outil indispensable pour la compréhension des différents aspects de la structure et de la fonction cérébrale. Grâce aux progrès des techniques d'acquisition des images de Resonance Magnetique et aux nouveaux outils pour le traitement des données, il est désormais possible de mesurer plusieurs paramètres sensibles aux différentes caractéristiques des tissues cérébraux. Ces progrès permettent, par exemple, d'étudier les substrats anatomiques qui sont à la base des processus cognitifs ou de discerner au niveau purement structurel les phénomènes dégénératifs et développementaux. Cette thèse met en évidence l'importance de l'utilisation d'une approche multimodale pour étudier les différents aspects de la dynamique cérébrale grâce à l'application de cette approche à deux études cliniques: l'évaluation structurelle et fonctionnelle des effets aigus du cannabis fumé chez des consommateurs réguliers et occasionnels, et l'évaluation de l'intégrité de la substance grise et blanche chez des jeunes porteurs de la prémutations du gène FMR1 à risque de développer le FXTAS (Fragile-X Tremor Ataxia Syndrome). Nous avons montré que chez les fumeurs occasionnels de cannabis, même à faible concentration du principal composant psychoactif (THC) dans le sang, la performance lors d'une tâche visuo-motrice est fortement diminuée, et qu'il y a des changements dans l'activité des trois réseaux cérébraux impliqués dans les processus cognitifs: le réseau de saillance, le réseau du contrôle exécutif, et le réseau actif par défaut (Default Mode). Les sujets ne sont pas en mesure de saisir les saillances dans l'environnement et de focaliser leur attention sur la tâche. L'augmentation de la réponse hémodynamique dans le cortex cingulaire antérieur suggère une augmentation de l'activité introspective. Une investigation des ef¬fets au niveau cérébral d'une exposition prolongée au cannabis, montre des changements persistants de la substance grise dans les régions associées à la mémoire et au traitement des émotions. Le niveau d'atrophie dans ces structures corrèle avec la consommation de cannabis au cours des trois mois précédant l'étude. Dans la deuxième étude, nous démontrons des altérations structurelles des décennies avant l'apparition du syndrome FXTAS chez des sujets jeunes, asymptomatiques, et porteurs de la prémutation du gène FMR1. Les modifications trouvées peuvent être liées à deux mécanismes différents. Les altérations dans le réseau moteur du cervelet et dans la fimbria de l'hippocampe, suggèrent un effet développemental de la prémutation. Elles incluent aussi une atrophie de la substance grise du lobule VI du cervelet et l'altération des propriétés tissulaires de la substance blanche des projections afférentes correspondantes aux pédoncules cérébelleux moyens. Les lésions diffuses de la substance blanche cérébrale peu¬vent être un marquer précoce du développement de la maladie, car elles sont liées à un phénomène dégénératif qui précède l'apparition des symptômes du FXTAS. - Multimodal brain imaging is becoming a leading tool for understanding different aspects of brain structure and function. Thanks to the advances in Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI) acquisition schemes and data processing techniques, it is now possible to measure different parameters sensitive to different tissue characteristics. This allows for example to investigate anatomical substrates underlying cognitive processing, or to disentangle, at a pure structural level degeneration and developmental processes. This thesis highlights the importance of using a multimodal approach for investigating different aspects of brain dynamics by applying this approach to two clinical studies: functional and structural assessment of the acute effects of cannabis smoking in regular and occasional users, and grey and white matter assessment in young FMR1 premutation carriers at risk of developing FXTAS. We demonstrate that in occasional smokers cannabis smoking, even at low concentration of the main psychoactive component (THC) in the blood, strongly decrease subjects' performance on a visuo-motor tracking task, and globally alters the activity of the three brain networks involved in cognitive processing: the Salience, the Control Executive, and the Default Mode networks. Subjects are unable to capture saliences in the environment and to orient attention to the task; the increase in Hemodynamic Response in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex suggests an increase in self-oriented mental activity. A further investigation on long term exposure to cannabis, shows a persistent grey matter modification in brain regions associated with memory and affective processing. The degree of atrophy in these structures also correlates with the estimation of drug use in the three months prior the participation to the study. In the second study we demonstrate structural changes in young asymptomatic premutation carriers decades before the onset of FXTAS that might be related to two different mechanisms. Alteration of the cerebellar motor network and of the hippocampal fimbria/ fornix, may reflect a potential neurodevelopmental effect of the premutation. These include grey matter atrophy in lobule VI and modification of white matter tissue property in the corresponding afferent projections through the Middle Cerebellar Peduncles. Diffuse hemispheric white matter lesions that seem to appear closer to the onset of FXTAS and be related to a neurodegenerative phenomenon may mark the imminent onset of FXTAS.
This research report presents an application of systems theory to evaluating intellectual capital (IC) as organization's ability for self-renewal. As renewal ability is a dynamic capability of an organization as a whole, rather than a static asset or an atomistic competence of separate individuals within the organization, it needs to be understood systemically. Consequently, renewal ability has to be measured with systemic methods that are based on a thorough conceptual analysis of systemic characteristics of organizations. The aim of this report is to demonstrate the theory and analysis methodology for grasping companies' systemic efficiency and renewal ability. The volume is divided into three parts. The first deals with the theory of organizations as self-renewing systems. In the second part, the principles of quantitative analysis of organizations are laid down. Finally, the detailed mathematics of the renewal indices are presented. We also assert that the indices produced by the analysis are an effective tool for the management and valuation of knowledge-intensive companies.
Combining headspace (HS) sampling with a needle-trap device (NTD) to determine priority volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in water samples results in improved sensitivity and efficiency when compared to conventional static HS sampling. A 22 gauge stainless steel, 51-mm needle packed with Tenax TA and Carboxen 1000 particles is used as the NTD. Three different HS-NTD sampling methodologies are evaluated and all give limits of detection for the target VOCs in the ng L−1 range. Active (purge-and-trap) HS-NTD sampling is found to give the best sensitivity but requires exhaustive control of the sampling conditions. The use of the NTD to collect the headspace gas sample results in a combined adsorption/desorption mechanism. The testing of different temperatures for the HS thermostating reveals a greater desorption effect when the sample is allowed to diffuse, whether passively or actively, through the sorbent particles. The limits of detection obtained in the simplest sampling methodology, static HS-NTD (5 mL aqueous sample in 20 mL HS vials, thermostating at 50 °C for 30 min with agitation), are sufficiently low as to permit its application to the analysis of 18 priority VOCs in natural and waste waters. In all cases compounds were detected below regulated levels
Case-crossover is one of the most used designs for analyzing the health-related effects of air pollution. Nevertheless, no one has reviewed its application and methodology in this context. Objective: We conducted a systematic review of case-crossover (CCO) designs used to study the relationship between air pollution and morbidity and mortality, from the standpoint of methodology and application.Data sources and extraction: A search was made of the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases.Reports were classified as methodologic or applied. From the latter, the following information was extracted: author, study location, year, type of population (general or patients), dependent variable(s), independent variable(s), type of CCO design, and whether effect modification was analyzed for variables at the individual level. Data synthesis: The review covered 105 reports that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Of these, 24 addressed methodological aspects, and the remainder involved the design’s application. In the methodological reports, the designs that yielded the best results in simulation were symmetric bidirectional CCO and time-stratified CCO. Furthermore, we observed an increase across time in the use of certain CCO designs, mainly symmetric bidirectional and time-stratified CCO. The dependent variables most frequently analyzed were those relating to hospital morbidity; the pollutants most often studied were those linked to particulate matter. Among the CCO-application reports, 13.6% studied effect modification for variables at the individual level.Conclusions: The use of CCO designs has undergone considerable growth; the most widely used designs were those that yielded better results in simulation studies: symmetric bidirectional and time-stratified CCO. However, the advantages of CCO as a method of analysis of variables at the individual level are put to little use
Choice of industrial development options and the relevant allocation of the research funds become more and more difficult because of the increasing R&D costs and pressure for shorter development period. Forecast of the research progress is based on the analysis of the publications activity in the field of interest as well as on the dynamics of its change. Moreover, allocation of funds is hindered by exponential growth in the number of publications and patents. Thematic clusters become more and more difficult to identify, and their evolution hard to follow. The existing approaches of research field structuring and identification of its development are very limited. They do not identify the thematic clusters with adequate precision while the identified trends are often ambiguous. Therefore, there is a clear need to develop methods and tools, which are able to identify developing fields of research. The main objective of this Thesis is to develop tools and methods helping in the identification of the promising research topics in the field of separation processes. Two structuring methods as well as three approaches for identification of the development trends have been proposed. The proposed methods have been applied to the analysis of the research on distillation and filtration. The results show that the developed methods are universal and could be used to study of the various fields of research. The identified thematic clusters and the forecasted trends of their development have been confirmed in almost all tested cases. It proves the universality of the proposed methods. The results allow for identification of the fast-growing scientific fields as well as the topics characterized by stagnant or diminishing research activity.
A study was undertaken' to determine the applicability of gas liquid chromatography to the simultaneous analysis of sugars and sugar phosphates from biological samples. A new method of silylation involving dimethylsulfoxide, hexamethyldisilazane, trimethylchlorosilane and cyclohexane (1:0.2:0.1:1) which rapidly silylated sugars and sugar phosphates was developed. Subsequent chromatography on a 5% SE-52 column gave good resolution of the sugar and sugar phosphate samples. Sugar phosphates decomposed during chromatography and were lost at the 7 x 10-3 ~mole level. Acidic ethanol extraction of yeast samples revealed background contamination from the yeast sample, the culture medium and the silylation reagents which would further limit the level of detection obtainable with the glc for sugars in biological samples to the 3 x 10-4 ~mole level.
Median filtering is a simple digital non—linear signal smoothing operation in which median of the samples in a sliding window replaces the sample at the middle of the window. The resulting filtered sequence tends to follow polynomial trends in the original sample sequence. Median filter preserves signal edges while filtering out impulses. Due to this property, median filtering is finding applications in many areas of image and speech processing. Though median filtering is simple to realise digitally, its properties are not easily analysed with standard analysis techniques,
In connection with the (revived) demand for considering applications in the teaching of mathematics, various schemata or lists of criteria have been developed since the end of the sixties, which set up requirements about closeness to the real world or about the type of mathematics being used, and which have made it possible to analyze the available applications in their light. After having stated the problem (in section 1), we present (in section 2) a sketch of some of the best known of these and of some earlier schemata, although we are not aiming for a complete picture. Then (in section 3) we distinguish among different dimensions.in the analysis of applications. With this as a basis, we develop (in section 4) our own suggestion for categorizing types of applications and conceptions for an application-oriented mathematics instruction. Then (in section 5) we illustrate our schemata by some examples of performed evaluations. Finally (in section 6), we present some preliminary first results of the analysis of teaching conceptions.
Conversación y expresión oral son elementos fundamentales en el aprendizaje de idiomas. Este texto aumenta la conciencia de los profesores sobre el lenguaje hablado y sugiere formas de aplicar esos conocimientos a la enseñanza de habilidades de interacción de un segundo idioma, basado en las percepciones del análisis de la conversación. Presenta reseñas de los conceptos clave de análisis de la conversación y los resultados, conecta directamente los resultados con la pedagogía de la segunda lengua, presenta un modelo de prácticas interactivas basadas en dichos conceptos, incluye transcripciones de conversaciones reales, tareas para consolidar y ampliar su comprensión, actividades prácticas.
Case-crossover is one of the most used designs for analyzing the health-related effects of air pollution. Nevertheless, no one has reviewed its application and methodology in this context. Objective: We conducted a systematic review of case-crossover (CCO) designs used to study the relationship between air pollution and morbidity and mortality, from the standpoint of methodology and application.Data sources and extraction: A search was made of the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases.Reports were classified as methodologic or applied. From the latter, the following information was extracted: author, study location, year, type of population (general or patients), dependent variable(s), independent variable(s), type of CCO design, and whether effect modification was analyzed for variables at the individual level. Data synthesis: The review covered 105 reports that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Of these, 24 addressed methodological aspects, and the remainder involved the design’s application. In the methodological reports, the designs that yielded the best results in simulation were symmetric bidirectional CCO and time-stratified CCO. Furthermore, we observed an increase across time in the use of certain CCO designs, mainly symmetric bidirectional and time-stratified CCO. The dependent variables most frequently analyzed were those relating to hospital morbidity; the pollutants most often studied were those linked to particulate matter. Among the CCO-application reports, 13.6% studied effect modification for variables at the individual level.Conclusions: The use of CCO designs has undergone considerable growth; the most widely used designs were those that yielded better results in simulation studies: symmetric bidirectional and time-stratified CCO. However, the advantages of CCO as a method of analysis of variables at the individual level are put to little use
En la literatura sobre mecànica quàntica és freqüent trobar descriptors basats en la densitat de parells o la densitat electrònica, amb un èxit divers segons les aplicacions que atenyin. Per tal de que tingui sentit químic un descriptor ha de donar la definició d'un àtom en una molècula, o ésser capaç d'identificar regions de l'espai molecular associades amb algun concepte químic (com pot ser un parell solitari o zona d'enllaç, entre d'altres). En aquesta línia, s'han proposat diversos esquemes de partició: la teoria d'àtoms en molècules (AIM), la funció de localització electrònica (ELF), les cel·les de Voroni, els àtoms de Hirshfeld, els àtoms difusos, etc. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és explorar descriptors de la densitat basats en particions de l'espai molecular del tipus AIM, ELF o àtoms difusos, analitzar els descriptors existents amb diferents nivells de teoria, proposar nous descriptors d'aromaticitat, així com estudiar l'habilitat de totes aquestes eines per discernir entre diferents mecanismes de reacció.