965 resultados para Human Colorectal-cancer


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Background: A transcription regulatory complex (TRC) that includes Ets1, Ets2, PEA3 and ß-catenin/T-cell factors regulates osteopontin (OPN) that is implicated in colorectal cancer (CRC) dissemination. The consistency of OPN transcriptional control between primary CRC and metastases is unclear. This study investigates expression and prognostic significance of the OPN–TRC in primary human CRC and associated colorectal liver metastases (CRLM).

Methods: Osteopontin–TRC factors were assayed by digital microscopy in 38 primary CRCs and matched CRLM specimens and assessed against clinical prognosis.

Results: In primary CRC, OPN expression intensity correlated with that of its co-activators, PEA3 (r=0.600; P<0.01), Ets1 (r=0.552; P<0.01), Ets2 (r=0.521; P<0.01) and had prognostic significance. Osteopontin intensity in primary CRC inversely correlated with the interval between diagnosis and resection of CRLM. Overall OPN intensity was lower in CRLM than primary CRC and correlations with co-activators were weaker, for example, Ets1 (P=0.047), PEA3 (P=0.022) or nonsignificant (Ets2). The ratio of OPN expression in CRLM vs primary CRC had prognostic significance.

Conclusion: This study supports transcriptional control of OPN by known coregulators in both primary and secondary CRC. Weaker associations in CRLM suggest involvement of other unknown factors possibly from the liver microenvironment or resulting from additional genetic or epigenetic changes that drive tumour metastatic capability in OPN transcriptional control.


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Disruption of glandular architecture associates with poor clinical outcome in high-grade colorectal cancer (CRC). Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten (PTEN) regulates morphogenic growth of benign MDCK (Madin Darby Canine Kidney) cells through effects on the Rho-like GTPase cdc42 (cell division cycle 42). This study investigates PTEN-dependent morphogenesis in a CRC model. Stable short hairpin RNA knockdown of PTEN in Caco-2 cells influenced expression or localization of cdc42 guanine nucleotide exchange factors and inhibited cdc42 activation. Parental Caco-2 cells formed regular hollow gland-like structures (glands) with a single central lumen, in three-dimensional (3D) cultures. Conversely, PTEN-deficient Caco-2 ShPTEN cells formed irregular glands with multiple abnormal lumens as well as intra- and/or intercellular vacuoles evocative of the high-grade CRC phenotype. Effects of targeted treatment were investigated. Phosphatidinylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) modulating treatment did not affect gland morphogenesis but did influence gland number, gland size and/or cell size within glands. As PTEN may be regulated by the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-? (PPAR?), cultures were treated with the PPAR? ligand rosiglitazone. This treatment enhanced PTEN expression, cdc42 activation and rescued dysmorphogenesis by restoring single lumen formation in Caco-2 ShPTEN glands. Rosiglitazone effects on cdc42 activation and Caco-2 ShPTEN gland development were attenuated by cotreatment with GW9662, a PPAR? antagonist. Taken together, these studies show PTEN-cdc42 regulation of lumen formation in a 3D model of human CRC glandular morphogenesis. Treatment by the PPAR? ligand rosiglitazone, but not PI3K modulators, rescued colorectal glandular dysmorphogenesis of PTEN deficiency.


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A downstream target of the Wnt pathway, neurone glial-related cell adhesion molecule (Nr-CAM) has recently been implicated in human cancer development. However, its role in colorectal cancer (CRC) pathobiology and clinical relevance remains unknown. In this study, we examined the clinical significance of Nr-CAM protein expression in a retrospective series of 428 CRCs using immunohistochemistry and tissue microarrays. Cox proportional hazards regression was used to calculate hazard ratios (HR) of mortality according to various clinicopathological features and molecular markers. All CRC samples were immunoreactive for Nr-CAM protein expression, compared to 10 / 245 (4%) matched normal tissue (P <0.0001). Of 428 CRC samples, 97 (23%) showed Nr-CAM overexpression, which was significantly associated with nodal (P = 0.012) and distant (P = 0.039) metastasis, but not with extent of local invasion or tumor size. Additionally, Nr-CAM overexpression was associated with vascular invasion (P = 0.0029), p53 expression (P = 0.036), and peritoneal metastasis at diagnosis (P = 0.013). In a multivariate model adjusted for other clinicopathological predictors of survival, Nr-CAM overexpression correlated with a significant increase in disease-specific (HR 1.66; 95% confidence interval 1.11-2.47; P = 0.014) and overall mortality (HR 1.57; 95% confidence interval 1.07-2.30; P = 0.023) in advanced but not early stage disease. Notably, 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy conferred significant survival benefit to patients with tumors negative for Nr-CAM overexpression but not to those with Nr-CAM overexpressed tumors. In conclusion, Nr-CAM protein expression is upregulated in CRC tissues. Nr-CAM overexpression is an independent marker of poor prognosis among advanced CRC patients, and is a possible predictive marker for non-beneficence to 5-fluorouracil- based chemotherapy.


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Background: Studies have examined whether tumor expression of PTGS2 (also known as COX-2), an enzyme inhibited by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, is associated with prognosis in patients with colorectal cancer. However, results to date have been mixed. Methods: Using terms for PTGS2 and colorectal cancer, the Medline, Embase, and Web of Science databases were systematically searched for studies published, in any language, until December 2011. Random effects meta-analyses were used to calculate pooled HRs [95% confidence intervals (CI)] for the association between PTGS2 expression and tumor recurrence, colorectal cancer-specific survival, and overall survival. Results: In total, 29 studies, which had prognostic data on 5,648 patients, met the inclusion criteria. PTGS2- positive patients were at an increased risk of tumor recurrence (n = 9 studies; HR, 2.79; 95% CI, 1.76-4.41; P <0.001) and had poorer colorectal cancer-specific survival (n = 7; HR, 1.36; 95% CI, 1.02-1.82; P = 0.04). However, there was funnel plot asymmetry, possibly due to publication bias, for the association with cancerspecific survival but less so for recurrence. PTGS2 expression was not associated with overall survival [(n= 16; pooled unadjusted HR, 1.30; 95% CI, 0.94-1.79; P=0.11) and (n=9; pooled adjusted HR, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.72-1.45; P = 0.91)]. Conclusions: PTGS2 expression was associated with an increased risk of tumor recurrence and poorer colorectal cancer-specific survival but not overall survival among patients with colorectal cancer. However, confounding by tumor characteristics such as tumor stage seems likely. Impact: There is insufficient evidence to recommend PTGS2 expression as a prognostic marker in patients with colorectal cancer. Furthermore, studies providing adjusted results are required. © 2013 AACR.


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Organotypic models may provide mechanistic insight into colorectal cancer (CRC) morphology. Three-dimensional (3D) colorectal gland formation is regulated by phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) coupling of cell division cycle 42 (cdc42) to atypical protein kinase C (aPKC). This study investigated PTEN phosphatase-dependent and phosphatase-independent morphogenic functions in 3D models and assessed translational relevance in human studies. Isogenic PTEN-expressing or PTEN-deficient 3D colorectal cultures were used. In translational studies, apical aPKC activity readout was assessed against apical membrane (AM) orientation and gland morphology in 3D models and human CRC. We found that catalytically active or inactive PTEN constructs containing an intact C2 domain enhanced cdc42 activity, whereas mutants of the C2 domain calcium binding region 3 membrane-binding loop (M-CBR3) were ineffective. The isolated PTEN C2 domain (C2) accumulated in membrane fractions, but C2 M-CBR3 remained in cytosol. Transfection of C2 but not C2 M-CBR3 rescued defective AM orientation and 3D morphogenesis of PTEN-deficient Caco-2 cultures. The signal intensity of apical phospho-aPKC correlated with that of Na/H exchanger regulatory factor-1 (NHERF-1) in the 3D model. Apical NHERF-1 intensity thus provided readout of apical aPKC activity and associated with glandular morphology in the model system and human colon. Low apical NHERF-1 intensity in CRC associated with disruption of glandular architecture, high cancer grade, and metastatic dissemination. We conclude that the membrane-binding function of the catalytically inert PTEN C2 domain influences cdc42/aPKC-dependent AM dynamics and gland formation in a highly relevant 3D CRC morphogenesis model system.


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Une dérégulation de la voie de signalisation Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK1/2 est observée dans plus de 30% des cancers et des mutations activatrices de RAS sont observées dans 30% à 50% des adénomes colorectaux. À la suite d’une analyse extensive de biopsies de tumeurs colorectales humaines par micromatrices tissulaires (TMA), nous avons observé que 44% des tissus cancéreux exprimaient MEK1/2 phosphorylés, contre 10% des tissus normaux. L'analyse des TMA a également révélé que 79% des tumeurs arboraient un marquage nucléaire de MEK1/2 phosphorylés, contre 4 % pour les tissus normaux. Bien que la voie MEK/ERK1/2 soit fréquemment activée dans les cancers, le rôle précis des isoformes de MEK1 et de MEK2 n'a jamais été clairement établie. De même, l'impact de cette localisation nucléaire aberrante de phospho-MEK1/2, dans l'initiation et la progression des cancers colorectaux, est inconnu. Lors d'un premier projet, nous avons démontré, que l’expression de MEK1 ou MEK2 activé est suffisante pour transformer in vitro des cellules intestinales épithéliales de rat (IEC-6). L'expression des mutants actifs de MEK1 ou MEK2 est suffisante pour induire une dérégulation de la prolifération cellulaire et engendrer la formation d'adénocarcinomes invasifs dans un modèle de greffe orthotopique du côlon chez la souris. Nous avons également démontré que l'inhibition de MEK2 par shRNA supprime complètement la prolifération des lignées humaines de cancer du côlon, alors que la suppression de MEK1 a peu d'effet sur la capacité de prolifération. Le deuxième projet, nous a permis d'observer que l'expression d'un mutant nucléaire de MEK1 dans les cellules IEC-6 transforme drastiquement les cellules. Une augmentation de prolifération, une résistance à l'anoikose, un dérèglement du cycle cellulaire, de l'instabilité chromosomique (CIN), de la tétra/aneuploïdie sont observés. La caractérisation des mécanismes responsables de cette localisation aberrante de MEK1/2 phosphorylés, a permis d'identifier la protéine Sef, un régulateur de la localisation cytoplasmique de MEK/ERK1/2. Nous avons démontré que l'expression d'une forme oncogénique de Ras (H-RasV12) inhibe l'expression de Sef, engendrant alors une accumulation nucléaire de MEK1/2 activés. Plus encore, la réexpression de Sef restaure la localisation cytoplasmique de MEK1/2 et renverse les propriétés tumorigéniques ainsi que l'aneuploïdie induite par Ras activé. Un troisième projet, visant la caractérisation des mécanismes associés à la CIN et à l'aneuploïde engendrés par l'activation aberrante de la voie de Ras-ERK1/2, a permis d'observer que l'hyperactivation de ERK1/2 induit des anomalies mitotiques menant à la binucléation. Une localisation erronée et une surexpression de la kinase Aurora A, de même que des protéines de passage du complexe chromosomique (CPC), Aurora B, Survivine et INCENP, sont observées. L'inhibition partielle de l'activation de ERK1/2 par de faible dose de PD184352, un inhibiteur de MEK1/2, est suffisante pour renverser la surexpression de ces régulateurs mitotiques, de même que corriger les anomalies de la mitose et réduire la tétra/aneuploïdie engendrée par Ras oncogénique. Ainsi, nous avons démontré, pour la première fois, que la voie des MAP kinases ERK1/2 est impliquée dans la CIN, la tétraploïdie et l'aneuploïdie. Nos résultats suggèrent que la perte de Sef est un événement oncogénique précoce, qui contribue à la localisation nucléaire aberrante de MEK1/2 qui est observée dans les tumeurs colorectales. Cette localisation anormale de MEK1/2 est associée à l'initiation de la transformation, la progression tumorale et la CIN, via l'activité soutenue de ERK1/2. Ces informations sont capitales et démontrent l’importance de la voie de signalisation Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK1/2 dans le processus de tumorigénèse colorectale.


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Both environmental and genetic factors contribute to cancers of the gastrointestinal tract including, the stomach, colon and rectum. The mechanisms associated with gastrointestinal cancer causation and prevention are largely unknown and the subject of much research. Many of the proposed mechanisms implicate the metabolic activities of the bacterial biota normally resident in the gastrointestinal tract. This review examines both the adverse and beneficial consequences of bacterial activity of the gastrointestinal tract focusing, in particularly on the stomach and large intestine. Studies on the role of the bacterial biota in colon carcinogenesis have also resulted in several useful biomarkers for use in human.


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The etiology of colorectal cancer (CRC), a common cause of cancer-related mortality globally, has strong associations with diet. There is considerable epidemiological evidence that fruits and vegetables are associated with reduced risk of CRC. This paper reviews the extensive evidence, both from in vitro studies and animal models, that components of berry fruits can modulate biomarkers of DNA damage and that these effects may be potentially chemoprotective, given the likely role that oxidative damage plays in mutation rate and cancer risk. Human intervention trials with berries are generally consistent in indicating a capacity to significantly decrease oxidative damage to DNA, but represent limited evidence for anticarcinogenicity, relying as they do on surrogate risk markers. To understand the effects of berry consumption on colorectal cancer risk, future studies will need to be well controlled, with defined berry extracts, using suitable and clinically relevant end points and considering the importance of the gut microbiota.


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Background - Alterations in folate status are associated with colorectal carcinogenesis. Folate’s role has been postulated to be either via prevention of changes in DNA methylation or uracil misincorporation.
Objective - To investigate the effect of folic acid supplementation on colonocyte folate status and DNA biomarkers.
Design - Twenty individuals harbouring colonic adenomas were randomised to receive folic acid (600 g daily) or placebo for 6 months post polypectomy. Systemic and colonocyte folate status was determined at baseline and following the intervention. Modified Comet assays were used to determine uracil misincorporation and global DNA hypomethylation at the site adjacent to the polyp and a site distal to the polyp.
Outcomes - Supplementation resulted in increased colonocyte folate, which approached significance, at the site adjacent to the polyp (P= 0.06) but not distal to the polyp (P= 0.36); correspondingly there was a reduction in uracil misincorporation at the site adjacent to the polyp (P = 0.02) and the distal site showed no such trend (P= 0.39). There were no significant changes in global DNA hypomethylation at either site post-intervention.
Conclusions - Folic acid supplementation resulted in increased colonocyte folate and decreased uracil misincorporation at the site of the adenoma but not distal to the adenoma. This supports the hypothesis that localised areas of folate deficiency may exist in human colonic mucosa which respond to folic acid supplementation through increasing colonocyte folate and improving folate-related DNA biomarkers of cancer risk.


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Introduction: 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is considered to be the backbone of colorectal cancer (CRC) systemic therapy since the great majority of recommended regimens include its administration. A clinical picture consisting of chest pain, sometimes cardiac enzyme elevation, electrocardiogram abnormalities consistent with myocardial ischemia, and normal coronary angiogram associated with 5-FU administration have been infrequently reported. The clinical dilemma is: Which chemotherapy regimen should we use in CRC patients with a previous acute coronary syndrome (ACS) associated with 5-FU? Case Report: We describe the case of a 55-year-old otherwise healthy woman with metastatic colon adenocarcinoma who presented an ACS probably secondary to arterial vasospasm while receiving continuous intravenous 5-FU infusion (mFOLFOX6 regimen). After the ACS, the patient was treated with raltitrexate plus oxaliplatin (TOMOX) and subsequently with irinotecan plus cetuximab with no other cardiac event. Conclusion: The risk of cardiotoxicity associated with 5-FU is low but real. The probable mechanism is arterial vasospasm, as suggested by our case report. Both the use of the TOMOX regimen and irinotecan plus cetuximab seems to be safe regimens to be considered in this clinical scenario. © 2009 Humana Press Inc.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a disease whose genesis may include metabolic dysregulation. Cancer stem cells are attractive targets for therapeutic interventions since their aberrant expansion may underlie tumor initiation, progression, and recurrence. To investigate the actions of metabolic regulators on cancer stem cell-like cells (CSC) in CRC, we determined the effects of soybean-derived bioactive molecules and the anti-diabetes drug metformin (MET), alone and together, on the growth, survival, and frequency of CSC in human HCT116 cells. Effects of MET (60 μM) and soybean components genistein (Gen, 2 μM), lunasin (Lun, 2 μM), β-conglycinin (β-con, 3 μM), and glycinin (Gly, 3 μM) on HCT116 cell proliferation, apoptosis, and mRNA/protein expression and on the frequency of the CSC CD133(+)CD44(+) subpopulation by colonosphere assay and fluorescence-activated cell sorting/flow cytometry were evaluated. MET, Gen, and Lun, individually and together, inhibited HCT116 viability and colonosphere formation and, conversely, enhanced HCT116 apoptosis. Reductions in frequency of the CSC CD133(+)CD44(+) subpopulation with MET, Gen, and Lun were found to be associated with increased PTEN and reduced FASN expression. In cells under a hyperinsulinemic state mimicking metabolic dysregulation and without and with added PTEN-specific inhibitor SF1670, colonosphere formation and frequency of the CD133(+)CD44(+) subpopulation were decreased by MET, Lun and Gen, alone and when combined. Moreover, MET + Lun + Gen co-treatment increased the pro-apoptotic and CD133(+)CD44(+)-inhibitory efficacy of 5-fluorouracil under hyperinsulinemic conditions. Results identify molecular networks shared by MET and bioavailable soy food components, which potentially may be harnessed to increase drug efficacy in diabetic and non-diabetic patients with CRC.


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Background Interactions between CXCR4 and its ligand CXCL12 have been shown to be involved in cancer progression in colorectal cancer (CRC). We performed a comparative CXCL12/CXCR4 expression analysis and assessed the effect of external CXCL12 stimulation on migration of CRC cells without and with CXCR4 inhibition. Methods Expression of CXCL12/CXCR4 was assessed by quantitative real-time PCR, ELISA and immunohistochemistry in resection specimens of 50 CRC patients as well as in the corresponding normal tissues and in three human CRC cell lines with different metastatic potential (Caco-2, SW480 and HT-29). Migration assays were performed after stimulation with CXCL12 and CXCR4 was inhibited by siRNA and neutralizing antibodies. Results In CRC tissues CXCL12 was significantly down-regulated and CXCR4 was significantly up-regulated compared to the corresponding normal tissues. In cell lines CXCR4 was predominantly expressed in SW480 and less pronounced in HT-29 cells. CXCL12 was only detectable in Caco-2 cells. CXCL12 stimulation had no impact on Caco-2 cells but significantly increased migration of CXCR4 bearing SW480 and HT-29 cells. This effect was significantly abrogated by neutralizing anti-CXCR4 antibody as well as by CXCR4 siRNAs (P < 0.05). Conclusions CXCR4 expression was up-regulated in CRC and CXCL12 stimulation increased migration in CXCR4 bearing cell lines. Migration was inhibited by both neutralizing CXCR4 antibodies and CXCR4 siRNAs. Thus, the expression and functionality of CXCR4 might be associated with the metastatic potential of CRC cells and CXCL12/CXCR4 interactions might therefore constitute a promising target for specific treatment interventions.


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In colorectal cancer, tumor budding at the invasive front (peritumoral budding) is an established prognostic parameter and decreased in mismatch repair-deficient tumors. In contrast, the clinical relevance of tumor budding within the tumor center (intratumoral budding) is not yet known. The aim of the study was to determine the correlation of intratumoral budding with peritumoral budding and mismatch repair status and the prognostic impact of intratumoral budding using 2 independent patient cohorts. Following pancytokeratin staining of whole-tissue sections and multiple-punch tissue microarrays, 2 independent cohorts (group 1: n = 289; group 2: n = 222) with known mismatch repair status were investigated for intratumoral budding and peritumoral budding. In group 1, intratumoral budding was strongly correlated to peritumoral budding (r = 0.64; P < .001) and less frequent in mismatch repair-deficient versus mismatch repair-proficient cases (P = .177). Sensitivity and specificity for lymph node positivity were 72.7% and 72.1%. In mismatch repair-proficient cancers, high-grade intratumoral budding was associated with right-sided location (P = .024), advanced T stage (P = .001) and N stage pN (P < .001), vascular invasion (P = .041), infiltrating tumor margin (P = .003), and shorter survival time (P = .014). In mismatch repair-deficient cancers, high intratumoral budding was linked to higher tumor grade (P = .004), vascular invasion (P = .009), infiltrating tumor margin (P = .005), and more unfavorable survival time (P = .09). These associations were confirmed in group 2. High-grade intratumoral budding was a poor prognostic factor in univariate (P < .001) and multivariable analyses (P = .019) adjusting for T stage, N stage distant metastasis, and adjuvant therapy. These preliminary results on 511 patients show that intratumoral budding is an independent prognostic factor, supporting the future investigation of intratumoral budding in larger series of both preoperative and postoperative rectal and colon cancer specimens.


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Meprin-α is a metalloprotease overexpressed in cancer cells, leading to the accumulation of this protease in a subset of colorectal tumors. The impact of increased meprin-α levels on tumor progression is not known. We investigated the effect of this protease on cell migration and angiogenesis in vitro and studied the expression of meprin-α mRNA, protein and proteolytic activity in primary tumors at progressive stages and in liver metastases of patients with colorectal cancer, as well as inhibitory activity towards meprin-α in sera of cancer patient as compared to healthy controls. We found that the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)-induced migratory response of meprin-transfected epithelial cells was increased compared to wild-type cells in the presence of plasminogen, and that the angiogenic response in organ-cultured rat aortic explants was enhanced in the presence of exogenous human meprin-α. In patients, meprin-α mRNA was expressed in colonic adenomas, primary tumors UICC (International Union Against Cancer) stage I, II, III and IV, as well as in liver metastases. In contrast, the corresponding protein accumulated only in primary tumors and liver metastases, but not in adenomas. However, liver metastases lacked meprin-α activity despite increased expression of the corresponding protein, which correlated with inefficient zymogen activation. Sera from cancer patients exhibited reduced meprin-α inhibition compared to healthy controls. In conclusion, meprin-α activity is regulated differently in primary tumors and metastases, leading to high proteolytic activity in primary tumors and low activity in liver metastases. By virtue of its pro-migratory and pro-angiogenic activity, meprin-α may promote tumor progression in colorectal cancer.


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Despite improvements in prevention and management of colorectal cancer (CRC), uncontrolled tumor growth with metastatic spread to distant organs remains an important clinical concern. Genetic deletion of CD39, the dominant vascular and immune cell ectonucleotidase, has been shown to delay tumor growth and blunt angiogenesis in mouse models of melanoma, lung and colonic malignancy. Here, we tested the influence of CD39 on CRC tumor progression and metastasis by investigating orthotopic transplanted and metastatic cancer models in wild-type BALB/c, human CD39 transgenic and CD39 deficient mice. We also investigated CD39 and P2 receptor expression patterns in human CRC biopsies. Murine CD39 was expressed by endothelium, stromal and mononuclear cells infiltrating the experimental MC-26 tumors. In the primary CRC model, volumes of tumors in the subserosa of the colon and/or rectum did not differ amongst the treatment groups at day 10, albeit these tumors rarely metastasized to the liver. In the dissemination model, MC-26 cell line-derived hepatic metastases grew significantly faster in CD39 over-expressing transgenics, when compared to CD39 deficient mice. Murine P2Y2 was significantly elevated at both mRNA and protein levels, within the larger liver metastases obtained from CD39 transgenic mice where changes in P2X7 levels were also noted. In clinical samples, lower levels of CD39 mRNA in malignant CRC tissues appeared associated with longer duration of survival and could be linked to less invasive tumors. The modulatory effects of CD39 on tumor dissemination and differential levels of CD39, P2Y2 and P2X7 expression in tumors suggest involvement of purinergic signalling in these processes. Our studies also suggest potential roles for purinergic-based therapies in clinical CRC.