430 resultados para Hordeum.
Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)[02/01167-1]
O objetivo foi avaliar os padrões isoenzimáticos de Esterase (EST - EC, Fosfatase Ácida (ACP - EC, Malato Desidrogenase (MDH - EC, Álcool Deshidrogenase (ADH - EC e Glutamato Oxalacetato Transaminase (GOT - EC, em sementes e plântulas de dois cultivares de cevada (MN 721 e Scarlett). As sementes foram fornecidas pela empresa Westermann, localizada no município de Piratini, Rio Grande do Sul, onde foi realizado o cultivo da cevada em 2007. Foram colhidas em três épocas com diferentes percentuais de umidade, secas a 13% de umidade e armazenadas em câmara fria. Os cinco sistemas isoenzimáticos analisados apresentaram variações na expressão, principalmente quando comparados entre sementes e plântulas. Concluiu-se que há variação no padrão de expressão das enzimas EST, ACP, MDH, ADH e GOT entre sementes e plântulas. A expressão das enzimas EST e GOT foi pouco e muito influenciada pela época de colheita, respectivamente.
Dissertação de mestrado em Arqueologia
Se estudia el rol de las hormonas como intermediarios en los procesos de dormición de yemas florales y crecimiento caulinar de especies arbóreas frutales ( Prunus spp., Pyrus malus normal y mutante enana) y herbáceas (lechuga, cebada, Arabidopsis ) por parte de factores ambientales y en el efecto benéfico de rizobacterias sobre el crecimiento de cereales. Abarca tres subproyectos: Subproyecto 1. Dormición en yemas florales de duraznero. Estudia el efecto de diferentes giberelinas en aplicaciones exógenas en laboratorio y a campo, sobre la fenología y morfología ( al microscopio) de yemas florales de duraznero. Se intenta establecer el papel de GAs como mediadores entre señal ambiental y los procesos de diferenciación de los verticilos florales. Objetivos: Estudiar el efecto de aplicaciones exógenas de GA3, GA5, dihidro-GA5 y dihidro-GA4 sobre la fenología y morfología de yemas florales de: i) plantas a campo y ii) estacas aisladas. Subproyecto 2. Fitohormonas como intermediarios entre calidad de luz y alargamiento caulinar en Prunus spp. Estudia cuali-cuantitativamente IAA, ABA y giberelinas de especies arbóreas frutales ( Prunus spp., Pyrus malus normal y mutante enana) y herbáceas (lechuga, cebada, Arabidopsis ) sometidas a diferentes calidades de luz (sistema fito y criptocromo). Las hormonas se analizan por HPLC, bioensayo y GC-SIMILAR. Intenta establecer la posible correlación entre señal ambiental, sistema fotorreceptor, metabolismo de hormonas y respuesta morfogénica. Objetivos: Determinar el efecto de luz azul (sistema criptocromo) y rojo/rojo lejano (sistema fitocromo) sobre los niveles de giberelinas, ABA y AIA en plantas de Prunus avium, Pyrus malus (normal y enano), Latuca sativa, Hordeum vulgare (normal y enano) y Arabidopsis thaliana . Subproyecto 3. Producción de GAs por Azospirillum spp. Estudia la producción de giberelinas y su metabolismo por Azospirillum spp. y sus efectos sobre crecimiento y desarrollo de cereales. La identificación y cuantificación de giberelinas se realiza como en el Subproyecto 2. Estudios de metabolismo incluyen alimentación con giberelinas deuteradas o sus conjugados. Semillas pre-germinadas de cereales se inoculan con distintas cepas y/o concentraciones de GA3, evaluándose diversos parámetros de crecimiento radical. Los resultados de laboratorio se probarán a campo. Objetivos: Estudiar la producción de GAs o factores que regulan su metabolismo (relación C/N, calidad de luz, pH y tiempo de incubación) por A. spp., en cultivo aislado y con la asociación diazotrofo/sistema radical de gramíneas y los efectos de la batería sobre el crecimiento de dichas especies.
Land plants have developed a cuticle preventing uncontrolled water loss. Here we report that an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) subfamily G (ABCG) full transporter is required for leaf water conservation in both wild barley and rice. A spontaneous mutation, eibi1.b, in wild barley has a low capacity to retain leaf water, a phenotype associated with reduced cutin deposition and a thin cuticle. Map-based cloning revealed that Eibi1 encodes an HvABCG31 full transporter. The gene was highly expressed in the elongation zone of a growing leaf (the site of cutin synthesis), and its gene product also was localized in developing, but not in mature tissue. A de novo wild barley mutant named "eibi1.c," along with two transposon insertion lines of rice mutated in the ortholog of HvABCG31 also were unable to restrict water loss from detached leaves. HvABCG31 is hypothesized to function as a transporter involved in cutin formation. Homologs of HvABCG31 were found in green algae, moss, and lycopods, indicating that this full transporter is highly conserved in the evolution of land plants.
The root-colonizing bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 was used to construct an oxygen-responsive biosensor. An anaerobically inducible promoter of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which depends on the FNR (fumarate and nitrate reductase regulation)-like transcriptional regulator ANR (anaerobic regulation of arginine deiminase and nitrate reductase pathways), was fused to the structural lacZ gene of Escherichia coli. By inserting the reporter fusion into the chromosomal attTn7 site of P. fluorescens CHA0 by using a mini-Tn7 transposon, the reporter strain, CHA900, was obtained. Grown in glutamate-yeast extract medium in an oxystat at defined oxygen levels, the biosensor CHA900 responded to a decrease in oxygen concentration from 210 x 10(2) Pa to 2 x 10(2) Pa of O(2) by a nearly 100-fold increase in beta-galactosidase activity. Half-maximal induction of the reporter occurred at about 5 x 10(2) Pa. This dose response closely resembles that found for E. coli promoters which are activated by the FNR protein. In a carbon-free buffer or in bulk soil, the biosensor CHA900 still responded to a decrease in oxygen concentration, although here induction was about 10 times lower and the low oxygen response was gradually lost within 3 days. Introduced into a barley-soil microcosm, the biosensor could report decreasing oxygen concentrations in the rhizosphere for a 6-day period. When the water content in the microcosm was raised from 60% to 85% of field capacity, expression of the reporter gene was elevated about twofold above a basal level after 2 days of incubation, suggesting that a water content of 85% caused mild anoxia. Increased compaction of the soil was shown to have a faster and more dramatic effect on the expression of the oxygen reporter than soil water content alone, indicating that factors other than the water-filled pore space influenced the oxygen status of the soil. These experiments illustrate the utility of the biosensor for detecting low oxygen concentrations in the rhizosphere and other soil habitats.
El objetivo de este proyecto ha sido analizar los posibles efectos del biochar obtenido de restos de biomasa de resinosas, de caducifolios y de un lodo de depuradora por tres procedimientos de pirolisis (lenta, rápida y gasificación), sobre un suelo (Haploxerept típico) y una planta de interés agrícola (Hordeum vulgare). Adicionalmente, se han comparado los efectos del biochar con los producidos por la aplicación de los materiales originales, y la interacción del biochar sobre el fertilizante mineral incorporado al suelo. Por último, se ha completado el trabajo con la observación de la influencia del biochar en la formación de micorrizas. Para llevar a cabo este estudio se ha realizado un ensayo en invernadero y diferentes análisis en laboratorio que han permitido el estudio comparativo de la germinación y crecimiento de la cebada, y de diferentes parámetros fisicoquímicos del suelo que podrían explicar la respuesta de las plantas crecidas sobre los distintos tipos de biochar. A partir de la interpretación de los resultados se ha determinado que los diferentes tipos de biochar han provocado un mayor desarrollo de la cebada en comparación con la aplicación de sus respectivas materias primas, o bien se ha observado la desaparición de efectos inhibidores como en el caso de los lodos de depuradora. Por otro lado, ha destacado el biochar obtenido por pirólisis lenta del resto de los biochars puesto que se ha observado menor mineralización de su materia orgánica de los suelos y mayor eficiencia en el desarrollo de las plantas. Por último, el efecto de la enmienda orgánica en forma de biochar sobre el desarrollo de las plantas ha sido menor que el efecto provocado directamente por la fertilización mineral.
Selostus: Ohrasato ja verkko- ja rengaslaikku virallisissa lajikekokeissa
Selostus: Ponsiviljelymenetelmän optimointi ohranjalostuksen käyttöön
Annual crop yield and nutrition have shown differentiated responses to modifications in soil chemical properties brought about by gypsum application. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of gypsum application rates on the chemical properties of a Latossolo Bruno (Clayey Oxisol), as well as on the nutrition and yield of a maize-barley succession under no-till. The experiment was set up in November 2009 in Guarapuava, Parana, Brazil, applying gypsum rates of 0.0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, and 6.0 Mg ha-1 to the soil surface upon sowing maize, with crop succession of barley. Gypsum application decreased the levels of Al3+ and Mg2+ in the 0.0-0.1 m layer and increased soil pH in the layers from 0.2-0.6 m depth. Gypsum application has increased the levels of Ca2+ in all soil layers up to 0.6 m, and the levels of S-SO4(2-) up to 0.8 m. In both crops, the leaf concentrations of Ca and S were increased while Mg concentrations have decreased as a function of gypsum rates. There was also an effect of gypsum rates on grain yield, with a quadratic response of maize and a linear increase for barley. Yield increases were up to 11 and 12 % in relation to control for the maximum technical efficiency (MTE) rates of 3.8 and 6.0 Mg ha-1 of gypsum, respectively. Gypsum application improved soil fertility in the profile, especially in the subsurface, as well as plant nutrition, increasing the yields of maize and barley.
Selostus: Maan hengityksen ja ohran kasvun reagointi hapensaannin muutoksiin maassa
Since there is evidence that malting quality is related to the storage protein (hordein) fraction, in the present work the hordein polypeptide patterns from 13 barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) varieties of different malting quality were analysed in order to explore the feasibility of using hordein electrophoresis to assist in the selection of malting barleys. The formation of clusters separating the varieties with higher malting quality from the others with lower quality suggests that there is a relationship between the general hordein polypeptide pattern and malting quality in the varieties analysed. By the Sperman's correlation test three hordein bands correlated negatively with malting quality in the germplasm studied.
Objetivou-se avaliar a reação de 58 cultivares de cevada a Drechslera teres, agente causal da mancha-em-rede, bem como a variabilidade patogênica e freqüência de sintomas do patógeno. A reação das cultivares foi estimada com auxílio de uma escala de notas de 0 a 4, em que zero (0) representa a ausência de sintomas, e 4 representa os sintomas típicos da mancha-em-rede. O mesmo método foi utilizado para avaliar a variabilidade patogênica de 25 isolados oriundos do Sul do Brasil. Seis isolados de boa capacidade de esporulação foram utilizados para comparar o número de lesões e a severidade da doença. As cultivares diferiram quanto à reação a D. teres, e identificaram-se as três cultivares, BR 2, EMBRAPA 43 e PFC 8590, como fontes de resistência moderada à doença. Em testes de 25 isolados de D. teres, inoculados na concentração de 1,7x10(4) conídios/mL, detectaram-se diferenças significativas entre os isolados, evidenciando diferenças na sua virulência. Pelo sistema de nomenclatura de Limpert & Müller, foi possível diferenciar padrões de virulência de isolados oriundos de diferentes regiões do Sul do Brasil. O número de lesões e a severidade foram intimamente relacionadas com o local de origem do isolado.
Aluminum (Al) toxicity is a major factor limiting barley growth in acid soils, and genotypes with adequate level of tolerance are needed for improving barley adaptation in Brazil. To study the inheritance of Al tolerance in Brazilian barleys, cultivars Antarctica 1, BR 1 and FM 404 were crossed to sensitive Kearney and PFC 8026, and intercrossed. Parental, F1, F2 and F6 generations were grown in nutrient solution containing 0.03, 0.05 and 0.07 mM of Al and classified for tolerance by the root tip hematoxylin staining assay. Tolerant by sensitive F2 progenies segregated three tolerant to one sensitive, fitting the 3:1 ratio expected for a single gene. The F6 populations segregated one tolerant to one sensitive also fitting a monogenic ratio. The F2 seedlings from crosses among tolerant genotypes scored the same as the parents. Since the population size used would allow detection of recombination as low as 7%, the complete absence of Al sensitive recombinants suggests that tolerance in these cultivars is most probably, controlled by the same gene. Thus, the potential for improving Al tolerance through recombination of these genotypes is very low and different gene sources should be evaluated.