973 resultados para Hopkins Grammar School


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Spencer Fullerton Baird was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, February 3, 1823. In 1834 he was sent to a Quaker boarding-school kept by Dr. McGraw, at Port Deposit, Maryland, and the year following to the Reading Grammar School. In 1836 he entered Dickinson College, and was graduated at the age of seventeen. After leaving college, his time for several years was devoted to studies in general natural history, to long pedestrian excursions for the purpose of observing animals and plants and collecting specimens, and to the organization of a private cabinet of natural history, which a few years later became the nucleus of the museum of the Smithsonian Institution. During this period he published a number of original papers on natural history. He also read medicine with Dr. Middleton Goldsmith, attending a winter course of lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, in New York, in 1842. His medical course was never formally completed, although in 1848 he received the degree of M. D., honoris causa, from the Philadelphia Medical College. In 1845 he was chosen professor of natural history in Dickinson College, and in 1846 his duties and emoluments were increased by election to the chair of natural history and chemistry in the same institution. In 1848 he declined a call to the professorship of natural science in the University of Vermont. In 1849 he undertook his first extensive literary work, translating and editing the text for the "Iconographic Encyclopedia," an English version of Heck's Bilder Atlas, published in connection with Brockhaus's Conversations Lexikon.


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Pheromones are chemical cues released and sensed by individuals of the same species, which are of major importance in regulating reproductive and social behaviors of mammals. Generally, they are detected by the vomeronasal system (VNS). Here, we first investigated and compared an essential genetic component of vomeronasal chemoreception, that is, TRPC2 gene, of four marine mammals varying the degree of aquatic specialization and related terrestrial species in order to provide insights into the evolution of pheromonal olfaction in the mammalian transition from land to water. Our results based on sequence characterizations and evolutionary analyses, for the first time, show the evidence for the ancestral impairment of vomeronasal pheromone signal transduction pathway in fully aquatic cetaceans, supporting a reduced or absent dependence on olfaction as a result of the complete adaptation to the marine habitat, whereas the amphibious California sea lion was found to have a putatively functional TRPC2 gene, which is still under strong selective pressures, reflecting the reliance of terrestrial environment on chemical recognition among the semiadapted marine mammals. Interestingly, our study found that, unlike that of the California sea lion, TRPC2 genes of the harbor seal and the river otter, both of which are also semiaquatic, are pseudogenes. Our data suggest that other unknown selective pressures or sensory modalities might have promoted the independent absence of a functional VNS in these two species. In this respect, the evolution of pheromonal olfaction in marine mammals appears to be more complex and confusing than has been previously thought. Our study makes a useful contribution to the current understanding of the evolution of pheromone perception of mammals in response to selective pressures from an aquatic environment.


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This paper analyzes the relationship between communication apprehension and language anxiety from the perspective of gender. As virtually no empirical studies have addressed the explicit influence of gender on language anxiety in communication apprehensives, this paper proposes that females are generally more sensitive to anxiety, as reflected in various spheres of communication. For this reason, language anxiety levels in communication apprehensive females should be higher, unlike those of communication apprehensive males. Comparisons between them were made using a student t test, two-way ANOVA, and post-hoc Tukey test. The results revealed that Polish communication apprehensive secondary grammar school males and females do not differ in their levels of language anxiety, although nonapprehensive males experience significantly lower language anxiety than their female peers. It is argued that the finding can be attributed to developmental patterns, gender socialization processes, classroom practices, and the uniqueness of the FL learning process, which is a stereotypically female domain.


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PURPOSE: To determine whether optical aberrations caused by cataract can be detected and quantified objectively using a newly described focus detection system (FDS). SETTING: The Wilmer Opthalmological Institute, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. METHODS: The FDS uses a bull's eye photodetector to measure the double-pass blur produced from a point source of light. To determine the range and level of focus, signals are measured with a series of trial lenses in the light path selected to span the point of best focus to generate focus curves. The best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), refractive error, lens photograph grades, and FDS signals were obtained in 18 patients scheduled to have cataract surgery. The tests were repeated 6 weeks after surgery. RESULTS: The mean FDS outcome measures improved after cataract surgery, with increased peak height (P=.001) and decreased peak width (P=.001). Improvement in signal strength (integral of signal within +/-1.5 diopters of the point of best focus) strongly correlated with improvement in peak height (R(2)=.88, P<.0001) and photographic cataract grade (R(2)=.72, P<.0001). The mean BCVA improved from 20/50 to 20/26 (P<.0001). The improvement in BCVA correlated more closely with FDS signal strength (R(2)=.44, P=.001) than with cataract grade (R(2)=.25, P=.06). CONCLUSIONS: Improvement in FDS outcome measures correlated with cataract severity and improvement in visual acuity. This objective approach may be useful in long-term studies of cataract progression.


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The correspondence from D.W. [David William] Smith to President Peter Russell regarding Smith’s desire to sell a certain piece of property in Newark (now Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.) to be used as a location for a common grammar school. The notice gives a description of the building situated on the property as being adaptable for the use of a school. The Board of Survey convened in December 1798 to examine Smith’s property and gave an appropriate valuation of the properties and buildings Smith was offering for sale. Smith was the deputy surveyor general of lands for Upper Canada.


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The origins of the St. Catharines Collegiate Institute can be traced back to the formation of the Grantham Academy on Church St. in 1829. In 1845, the name was changed to the St. Catharines District Grammar School and in 1890 the Grammar School was renamed the St. Catharines Collegiate Institute. The current site of the school on Catherine Street was built in 1923 to accommodate the increasing demand for technical education, and became known as the St. Catharines Collegiate Institute and Vocational School. The school was enlarged with additions in 1945, 1965 and 1969. In 2006, the school underwent major renovations, which were completed in 2008. It is currently a secondary school administered by the District School Board of Niagara.


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This is an article written by Sophie Sibley, a former student from South Wilts Grammar School in Salisbury, who attended a talk on Biofuels and Sustainability given by David Read at Bishop Wordsworth's School in Salisbury. The article will provide valuable supplementary reading material for students studying A-level chemistry who want to learn more about the topic.


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Protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22 (PTPN22) is a negative regulator of T-cell activation associated with several autoimmune diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Missense rs2476601 is associated with SLE in individuals with European ancestry. Since the rs2476601 risk allele frequency differs dramatically across ethnicities, we assessed robustness of PTPN22 association with SLE and its clinical subphenotypes across four ethnically diverse populations. Ten SNPs were genotyped in 8220 SLE cases and 7369 controls from in European-Americans (EA), African-Americans (AA), Asians (AS), and Hispanics (HS). We performed imputation-based association followed by conditional analysis to identify independent associations. Significantly associated SNPs were tested for association with SLE clinical sub-phenotypes, including autoantibody profiles. Multiple testing was accounted for by using false discovery rate. We successfully imputed and tested allelic association for 107 SNPs within the PTPN22 region and detected evidence of ethnic-specific associations from EA and HS. In EA, the strongest association was at rs2476601 (P = 4.761029, OR = 1.40 (95% CI = 1.25–1.56)). Independent association with rs1217414 was also observed in EA, and both SNPs are correlated with increased European ancestry. For HS imputed intronic SNP, rs3765598, predicted to be a cis-eQTL, was associated (P = 0.007, OR = 0.79 and 95% CI = 0.67–0.94). No significant associations were observed in AA or AS. Case-only analysis using lupus-related clinical criteria revealed differences between EA SLE patients positive for moderate to high titers of IgG anti-cardiolipin (aCL IgG .20) versus negative aCL IgG at rs2476601 (P = 0.012, OR = 1.65). Association was reinforced when these cases were compared to controls (P = 2.761025, OR = 2.11). Our results validate that rs2476601 is the most significantly associated SNP in individuals with European ancestry. Additionally, rs1217414 and rs3765598 may be associated with SLE. Further studies are required to confirm the involvement of rs2476601 with aCL IgG.


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Los déficit neurológicos en el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana VIH, específicamente las alteraciones en el funcionamiento cognitivo, han estado presentes desde el inicio de su propagación y han sido una de las principales manifestaciones a lo largo de todas las etapas del virus. No obstante, gracias a los avances de la terapia antirretroviral se ha dado un aumento de la expectativa de vida de los pacientes, dándose de la misma manera un incremento en los déficits anteriormente mencionados. El objetivo del presente estudio es describir el perfil neuropsicológico de los pacientes con VIH y establecer si existen relaciones entre las funciones que se encuentren deterioradas, el tiempo de diagnóstico y la terapia antiretroviral. Para esto se llevo a cabo un estudio descriptivo de tipo exploratorio con el fin de medir las características de las funciones neuropsicológicas en un grupo de 24 pacientes pertenecientes al programa especial B24 del Hospital Universitario Mayor y Hospital de Barrios Unidos MÉDERI en Bogotá, Colombia. Para esto, se utilizó un protocolo de pruebas neuropsicológicas: Mini Mental StateExamination (MMSE), WAIS-III (sub-pruebas dígitos, letras y números, aritmética y semejanzas), Curva de aprendizaje auditivo verbal de Rey (RAVLT), WMS-III (sub-pruebas de recobro de historias y Localización), TMT A y B, Set Test de Isaacs, Figura Compleja de Rey y Test de Stroop. Dentro de los resultados se encontró que la medida de edad fue de 50 con un total de 19 hombres y 5 mujeres. Las funciones con mayor predominio de deterioro fueron la atención sostenida y alternante, la memoria declarativa, las funciones ejecutivas (específicamente en el control inhibitorio) y la velocidad de procesamiento, los pacientes presentan un rango de deterioro cognitivo leve (GDS 3). Se concluyó que el perfil de deterioro es mixto y que es necesario ampliar la muestra para obtener resultados más precisos en cuanto a las diferencias de acuerdo al tiempo de diagnóstico y la terapia antiretroviral.


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La presente monografía tiene por objetivo identificar la influencia de las acciones emprendidas por la sociedad civil y las organizaciones internacionales frente a la problemática de la trata de personas en Colombia, durante el período comprendido entre los años 2000 y 2012. En este sentido, la investigación constituye un esfuerzo por develar las transformaciones en las narrativas institucionales que han posibilitado el reconocimiento de los elementos de prevención y centralidad de las víctimas, como ejes articuladores del discurso gubernamental frente a la trata de personas. Para ello, se hace uso de la teoría de la gobernanza global enmarcada en el enfoque constructivista de las Relaciones Internacionales, en tanto permite establecer una relación entre las acciones de los diferentes actores y el impacto de estas en la construcción de estrategias nacionales para hacer frente a problemáticas que, como la trata de personas, se encuentran en estrecha relación con el mundo globalizado.


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Introducción: El objetivo principal de la selección del donante es disminuir la posibilidad de transmisión de enfermedades infecciosas o neoplásicas en el receptor. De forma cruda se calcula que aproximadamente el 50% de los potenciales donantes son contraindicados, la mayoría por infección. La alta demanda de órganos obliga a revalorar las contraindicaciones que hasta hace poco eran absolutas, el reto es diferenciar el SIRS del donante por Muerte Encefálica con el SIRS por infecciones. Método: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo; que busca evaluar la respuesta inflamatoria sistémica (SIRS) como predictor de infección en pacientes con trasplante renal en el primer mes pos trasplante. Resultados: El contraste de hipótesis proporciono una significancia bilateral (P= 0,071). La pruebas de hipótesis aceptaron la hipótesis nula (P= 0,071), que no existe asociación entre la presencia de SIRS en el donante con la incidencia de infección en el primer mes del pos trasplante renal. La estimación del riesgo de no reingreso por infección al primer mes pos trasplante renal es de 0.881 veces para los donantes con SIRS (IC 0.757 – 1.025). Conclusión: A pesar de no encontrar significancia estadística: el SIRS en el donante no se asocia con un aumento en la incidencia de infección en el primer mes postrasplante. Para encontrar la significancia se propone un estudio con un tamaño de muestra mayor.


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Anuncios de la televisión peruana sobre prevención y transmisión del SIDA.


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Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial se produce un desarrollo de la idea de que la educación puede ser un medio de elevar el nivel de vida y reducir las diferencias de clase social y en 1944 se aprueba la Ley Butler, ley de educación que establece por primera vez la educación secundaria para todos. Entró en vigor en 1947 no mencionaba la creación de escuelas multilaterales, pero no se oponía a ellas y la escuela secundaria para todos llegó a ser una realidad y se habló de escuela integrada o comprensiva: sistemas de escuelas secundarias comprensivas en todo el condado administrativo de Londres, que proporcione a todos los alumnos igualdad de oportunidades par su desarrollo físico, intelectual, social y espiritual y que a la vez se vale de los intereses concretos de los alumnos, haga del desarrollo completo de la personalidad su primer objetivo. Estos principios serán defendidos durante los treinta años siguientes por los defensores de la educación comprensiva. Así, tres importantes elementos se pusieron de manifiesto: las enormes pérdidas de la guerra y la reparación tenía que llegar antes de que pudieran proyectarse nuevas construcciones; el sistema tripartito existía ya y fuerte presión por mantener la estructura de educación vigente y la actitud del gobierno laborista de la posguerra y así, las escuelas que existían las Grammar school eran las idóneas para los hijos de los trabajadores y se hizo lo posible por crear escuelas comprensivas. Estas escuelas fueran la principal arma política entre los partidos. Total en los cincuenta se desarrolló este tipo de escuela. Pero actualmente existen dos problemas concretos: los cambios educativos forman parte de cambios más amplios en la sociedad y que es difícil aislar los factores educativos de otros y el segundo, muchos puntos de vista sobre la educación comprensiva entre los profesores, educadores y otros. Las grandes dimensiones de muchas escuelas comprensivas han hecho la enseñanza más difícil y exacerbados los problemas del comportamiento, aunque las escuelas grandes también tienen muchos defensores. El rasgo más importante de estas escuelas es el de haber aportado una mayor flexibilidad y libertad a la anterior rígida estructura de la educación secundaria inglesa. Actualmente intenta servir a una sociedad que se debate hacia nuevas formas de democracia participativa. Sus éxitos o fracasos deben juzgarse bajo esta perspectiva.


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