40 resultados para Honeydew


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The species of the genus Coenosia Meigen are polyphagous predators both in the larval and in the adult stage. In Europe five Coenosia species of the ‘tigrina group’ are naturally present in greenhouses, where they can establish for long periods. As their wide preys range includes important pests of protected crops, as Aleyrodidae, Sciaridae and Agromyzidae, Coenosia species are considered promising potential biological control agents. A method for rearing Coenosia species in vivo was developed for the first time in 1993 in Germany, where C. attenuata, C. strigipes and C. humilis were bred on Bradysia paupera (Diptera Sciaridae), reared on Fusarium spp. cultivated on wood fibre. Although this method was partially simplified afterwards, it is still too complex and expensive for a mass production. This research aimed at simplifying this rearing procedure and making it cheaper, in the perspective of an eventual mass production. Studies on potential preys were conducted, to determine their suitability for C. attenuata larvae and adults and to develop rearing methods. Biology and rearing methods of Bradysia paupera Tuomikoski, Scatella stagnalis Fallén and Drosophila melanogaster Meigen (Diptera: Sciaridae, Ephydridae, Drosophilidae) were compared. B. paupera resulted the most suitable prey for rearing C. attenuata in vivo. The Sciarid fly was effectively reared on damp coconut fibre with fresh Agaricus bisporus (J.E. Lange) Pilát, thus simplifying the existing method. After preliminary trials with different potential preys, attempts to rear C. attenuata in vivo on B. paupera and D. melanogaster were made. The best results were obtained with B. paupera, reared on coconut fibre and A. bisporus, but the method needs further improvement. Trials of in vitro rearing of C. attenuata were also made: as no specific diet for Coenosia species is reported in literature, different potentially suitable media were tested. Among these, a specific diet for Diptera Tachinidae resulted a good starting point for further studies and improvements. The biology of C. attenuata adults captured in greenhouses was also studied, by observing both groups and isolated individuals. Data on lifespan, daily number of preys per adult, daily number of laid eggs and hatching rate were recorded, and the effects of different foods on these parameters were analyzed. The following foods were compared: D. melanogaster adults only, as preys for C. attenuata; D. melanogaster adults and a water-honey solution; the water-honey solution only. Honey resulted an effective food integration for C. attenuata, increasing lifespan and the number of egg laying females. It is possible that in greenhouses Coenosia adults complete the preys diet with nectar and/or honeydew. Moreover, the integration with honey reduced the daily preys consumption. This may allow to prevent cannibalism among Coenosia adults in the rearing conditions, where high population densities are required. A survey of the Coenosia species naturally present in Lombardy greenhouses was conducted. The species C. attenuata, C. strigipes, C. tigrina and C. atra were detected. C. attenuata resulted the most common, recorded in most greenhouses and for consecutive years. Besides, the presence of potential preys, weeds and the crops were recorded in each greenhouse. Nevertheless, it is difficult to determine the relation between these parameters and the presence of Coenosia species.


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Ethylene is a stress hormone with contrasting effects on herbivore resistance. However, it remains unknown whether these differences are plant- or herbivore-specific. We cloned a rice 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase gene, OsACS2, whose transcripts were rapidly up-regulated in response to mechanical wounding and infestation by two important pests: the striped stem borer (SSB) Chilo suppressalis and the brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens. Antisense expression of OsACS2 (as-acs) reduced elicited ethylene emission, SSB-elicited trypsin protease inhibitor (TrypPI) activity, SSB-induced volatile release, and SSB resistance. Exogenous application of ACC restored TrypPI activity and SSB resistance. In contrast to SSB, BPH infestation increased volatile emission in as-acs lines. Accordingly, BPH preferred to feed and oviposit on wild-type (WT) plants—an effect that could be attributed to two repellent volatiles, 2-heptanone and 2-heptanol, that were emitted in higher amounts by as-acs plants. BPH honeydew excretion was reduced and natural enemy attraction was enhanced in as-acs lines, resulting in higher overall resistance to BPH. These results demonstrate that ethylene signaling has contrasting, herbivore-specific effects on rice defense responses and resistance against a chewing and a piercing-sucking insect, and may mediate resistance trade-offs between herbivores of different feeding guilds in rice.


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The soybean aphid (Aphis glycines), native to China, has become the most economically damaging insect in soybeans in northeast Iowa. Soybean aphid may have up to 18 generations per year, beginning with overwintering eggs on the alternate host buckthorn. In spring, winged aphids migrate from buckthorn to nearby emerged soybeans. Generations advance in these fields, and then another winged migration occurs in summer spreading from these fields to others. A third migration occurs in fall with aphids moving back to buckthorn. Depending on the season, soybean proximity to buckthorn, and soybean aphid migration patterns, populations of aphids tend to peak in soybeans anywhere from late July to early September. With higher aphid populations, the production of honeydew (the excrement of the aphid) and the resulting black fungus that grows on it (sooty mold) may become apparent. Aphid feeding may cause stunted plants, reduced pods and seeds, and may also transmit viruses that could cause mottling and distortion of leaves, reduced seed set, and discolored seeds.


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Le formiche svolgono un importante ruolo all’interno degli ecosistemi ed alcune specie sono considerate keystone in quanto in grado di modificare la componente biotica e/o abiotica dell’ecosistema stesso. Sono animali ubiquitari che hanno colonizzato molteplici ambienti, compresi gli agroecosistemi. Negli agroecosistemi spesso svolgono un ruolo impattante determinando la diffusione o il regresso di specie di artropodi, alcune delle quali dannose alle colture. La presente ricerca tiene conto di un’ampia visione dei rapporti ecoetologici intercorrenti tra le formiche e la componente biotica di un ecosistema, utilizzando il concetto di rete multitrofica. In quest’ottica, si è pensato di costruire un sistema multitrofico costituito da una specie vegetale di interesse agrario (Cucumis sativus), dai suoi fitofagi naturali, divisi in fitomizi (afidi) (Aphis gossypii e Myzus persicae) e fitofagi masticatori (bruchi del lepidottero Mamestra brassicae), formiche (Formica pratensis) e predatori afidofagi (Aphidolets aphidimyza). Il sistema multitrofico è stato utilizzato sia per studiare l’aggressività delle formiche, sia per verificare l’esistenza di una comunicazione interspecifica tra le formiche e le piante (allelochimici). Gli studi sull’aggressività sono consistiti nel: • Verificare il livello di aggressività delle formiche nei confronti di un fitofago masticatore, competitore degli afidi nello sfruttare la pianta ospite. • Verificare se la presenza di afidi mutualisti fa variare il livello di aggressività delle formiche verso il competitore. • Verificare se esiste aggressività verso un predatore di afidi, i quali, secondo il paradigma della trofobiosi, dovrebbero essere difesi dalle formiche in cambio della melata. • Verificare se il predatore ha evoluto strategie volte ad eludere il controllo delle formiche sugli insetti che si approcciano alla colonia di afidi. Gli studi sui rapporti piante-formiche sono stati effettuati mediante olfattometro, osservando la risposta delle formiche alle sostanze volatili provenienti da piante infestate in modo differente con i fitofagi del sistema. Attraverso il trappolaggio e l’analisi gas-cromatografica delle sostanze prodotte dalle piante oggetto di studio abbiamo quindi individuato tipo e quantità di ogni composto volatile. Oltre alle piante di cetriolo, per questi esperimenti sono state utilizzate anche piante di patata (Solanum tuberosum). Dagli esperimenti sull’aggressività è risultato che le formiche manifestano un elevato potenziale predatorio, eradicando completamente la presenza dei bruchi sulle piante. Questo livello di aggressività tuttavia non cresce con la presenza degli afidi mutualisti che dovrebbero essere difesi dai competitori. Le formiche inoltre non sono in grado di sopprimere i predatori afidofagi che ipotizziamo riescano ad effettuare un camuffamento chimico, assumendo gli odori degli afidi dei quali si nutrono. I risultati degli esperimenti in olfattometro mostrano una chiara risposta positiva delle formiche verso gli odori di alcune delle piante infestate. Vi sono delle differenze nella risposta in funzione della specie di fitofago presente e della specie di pianta utilizzata. Nei trattamenti in cui erano presenti le piante di C. sativus, gli esperimenti in olfattometro hanno mostrato che le formiche rispondono in modo significativo agli odori emessi dalle piante in cui vi era la presenza del fitofago masticatore M. brassicae, solo o in associazione con A. gossypii. La presenza dei soli afidi, sia mutualisti (A. gossypii) sia non mutualisti (M. persicae), non ha invece indotto una risposta significativa nelle formiche rispetto agli odori delle piante non infestate. Nei trattamenti in cui erano presenti le piante di S. tuberosum la scelta delle formiche è stata significativa verso gli odori emessi dalle piante infestate con ciascuna delle singole specie di erbivori rispetto alle piante non infestate. Gli esperimenti sull’analisi delle sostanze volatili emesse dalle piante hanno confermato che gli organismi vegetali sono una vera centrale di produzione biochimica, infatti ben 91 composti volatili diversi sono stati individuati dall’analisi gas-cromatografica delle piante di cetriolo e 85 in quelle di patata. Dalle elaborazioni effettuate, rispettivamente 27 e 4 di essi sono prodotti esclusivamente dalle piante attaccate dai fitofagi. In generale, il cambiamento più consistente è dato dalla quantità di alcune sostanze volatili emesse dalle piante infestate rispetto a quelle integre che determina un cambiamento nei rapporti tra le sostanze che compongono i volatiles. E’ probabile che l’effetto attrattivo esercitato sulle formiche sia dato da un Blend di sostanze più che dai singoli composti presenti


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The encyrtid Coccidoxenoides perminutus is a widely distributed parasitoid of citrus mealybug (Planococcus citri). Worldwide, it has been implicated in successful biocontrol in only a few widely separated localities. C perminutus contributes little to control P. citri in field situations in south-east Queensland, Australia, but invades insectary cultures and reduces mealybug populations considerably under these controlled conditions. This discrepancy between poor field performance and good performance under controlled conditions was investigated to establish whether climatic factors inhibit the field performance of this species in the biological control of P. citri. Subsequent laboratory examination of the influence of varied humidities and temperatures on the activity levels and survival of C perminutus revealed a low tolerance for high saturation deficits (i.e., low % RH at high T degreesC) with reduced reproductive output. The influence of different food sources on adult survival and reproduction was also quantified, to establish if the adverse effects of climate could be overcome by supplementing adult diet. Neither honeydew from their mealybug hosts nor nectar from Alphitonia flowers significantly enhanced parasitoid survival. A subsequent test of five nectar species revealed a significant difference in their influence on C. perminutus survival and reproduction, with only Alpinia zerumbet proving to be as suitable as honey. The floral species that proved suitable in the laboratory need to be checked for their attractiveness to C perminutus in the field and for their ability to enhance the survival and reproductive output of parasitoids. This information suggests that the prevailing dry conditions in south-east Queensland citrus-growing areas apparently impede successful biological control of P. citri by C perminutus, but possibilities are available for habitat manipulation (by providing suitable nectar sources for adult parasitoids) to conserve and enhance C perminutus activity in the field. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Silverleaf whitefly (SLW) is a major late season pest of cotton due to its potential to contaminate cotton lint with honeydew. To prevent this, management is often reliant on the use of insecticides to control SLW populations. With selection pressure SLW develop resistance to insecticides they are exposed to, resulting in spray failures. Our lab tests resistance levels in SLW populations collected from across the cotton industry. In this presentation I will provide an update of emerging SLW resistance issues the cotton industry is facing.


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The honeydew moth Cryptoblabes gnidiella is the main problem for the wineries in the Northeast of the Brazil, because it attacks the bunch and reduces the quality of the grapes and the wines. In order to stretch out the bunch to facilitate the penetration of the insecticides, it was used gibberellic acid. Six treatments with different concentrations and different dates of application, and the control were compared. The bunches are compact, characteristic of the "Syrah" grapes in the region. The grape berries were analysed at harvest and wines were made by microvinifications. The grape berries showed different qualitative characteristics, as berry weight, number of berries. °Brix, total acidity and heterogeneity of the maturation. The microvinifications were carried out with 50 kg of grapeberries into glass bottles of 20 L at 22°C, for the alcoholic and malolactic fermentations, then stabilized and bottled. The wines were tasted by a panel of ten people and compared on smell and taste plans. The tasting results showed that the control treatment was the best graded wine. The application of gibberellic acid allowed to control the honeydew moth attack, but it caused a heterogeneity on grape maturation, with a lower quality of the grapes and wines compared to the control.


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Olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is a major olive pest in the Mediterranean basin where increasing insecticide resistance has enhanced damage and necessitates more reliance on other control strategies, such as biological control. Provision of floral resources has been reported to improve the effectiveness of natural enemies. Here, we tested the effect of six plant nectars and two honeydew sources on the survival of Psyttalia concolor (Szépligeti) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitoid wasp used in the biological control of olive fruit fly. Our results showed a positive effect on survival associated with nectars of Anchusa azurea Mill., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Lavatera cretica L. and Calamintha nepeta (L.) Savi, while honeydew proved to be a valuable alternative food source. When offering flowers directly to insects, Anchusa azurea, Lavatera cretica, and Foeniculum vulgare L. were found to be the most beneficial species, indicating also that P. concolor feeds predominantly on shallow corollas.


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Temperate fruit production is an important economic activity in Southern Brazil. In this region, persimmon Diospyros kaki L. (Ebenaceae) is grown in small farms for domestic consumption and internal market. Mealybugs are o*en found in at least 50% of the orchards causing damages on fruits due to the honeydew secretion. However, there is a lack of informatin about species composition damaging orchards in Southern Brazil. In this work, we present a survey of mealybugs associated with persimmon trees in the Serra Gaúcha Region, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.


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A região do Submédio São Francisco é pioneira na produção de uvas em condições tropicais no Brasil. No entanto, com a expansão das áreas cultivadas, surge simultaneamente, a ampliação da distribuição de insetos-praga (OLIVEIRA et al., 2010), como as cochonilhas. Dentre as espécies que atacam os cultivos de videira na região, destacam-se as cochonilhas-farinhentas (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) das espécies Maconelicoccus hirsutus (Green, 1908), Planococcus citri (Risso, 1813) e Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell, 1893). Estas espécies podem ocasionar danos em uvas destinadas ao consumo in natura, danificando as bagas devido à sucção de seiva e como consequência, favorecer o aparecimento da fumagina, depreciando a fruta para o mercado externo e o interno (MORANDI FILHO, 2008). As formigas são muito importantes por dispersarem as cochonilhas-farinhentas e a constatação de algumas espécies em videira pode ser um indicativo da presença de populações destes insetos (DAANE et. al., 2006). Formigas e cochonilhas da família Pseudococcidade podem associar-se com benefícios mútuos. Neste tipo de relação, as formigas se alimentam do honeydew excretado e em troca, defendem as cochonilhas dos seus inimigos naturais, diminuem a taxa de mortalidade, e consequentemente, aumentam a população de cochonilhas, auxiliam na diminuição da contaminação dos fungos e/ou transportam as suas ninfas para outros locais de nidificação (ZHOU et al., 2015). Um exemplo é a espécie de formiga argentina Linepithema humile (Hymenoptera: formicidae) que tem se associado diretamente à cochonilha-farinhenta em busca das excreções açucaradas, tendo sido considerada uma das principais pragas, como na Califórnia e na África do Sul (DAANE et al. 2006). Além disso, a presença de formigas dificulta o controle biológico (MGOCHEKI; ADDISON, 2009) e como as formigas transportam as ninfas para o interior dos cachos, o controle é dificultado. Assim, o controle de formigas deve estar associado às estratégias de manejo das cochonilhas-praga (DAANE et. al., 2008). Com isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar o levantamento de espécies de formigas 31 doceiras associadas à cochonilhas-farinhentas (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) em cultivos de videira no Submédio São Francisco.