999 resultados para Homologue humain de cornichon 4 (CNIH4)


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BnSP-7, a Lys49 myotoxic phospholipase A, homologue from Bothrops neuwiedi pauloensis venom, was structurally and functionally characterized. Several biological activities were assayed and compared with those of the chemically modified toxin involving specific amino acid residues, the cDNA produced from the total RNA by RT-PCR contained approximately 400 bp which codified its 121 amino acid residues with a calculated pi and molecular weight of 8.9 and 13,727, respectively. Its amino acid sequence showed strong similarities with several Lys49 phospholipase A, homologues from other Bothrops sp, venoms. By affinity chromatography and gel diffusion, it was demonstrated that heparin formed a complex with BnSP-7, held at least in part by electrostatic interactions. BnSP-7 displayed bactericidal activity and promoted the blockage of the neuromuscular contraction of the chick, biventer cervicis muscle. In addition to its in vivo myotoxic and edema-inducing activity, it disrupted artificial membranes, Both BnSP-7 and the crude venom released creatine kinase from the mouse gastrocnemius muscle and induced the development of a dose-dependent edema. His, Tyr, and Lys residues of the toxin were chemically modified by 4-bromophhenacyl bromide (BPB), 2-nitrobenzenesulfonyl fluoride (NBSF), and acetic anhydride (AA), respectively. Cleavage of its N-terminal octapeptide was achieved with cyanogen bromide (CNBr), the bactericidal action of BnSP-7 on Escherichia coli was almost completely abolished by acetylation or cleavage of the N-terminal octapeptide, the neuromuscular effect induced by BnSP-7 was completely inhibited by heparin, BPB, acetylation, and CNBr treatment. The creatine kinase releasing and edema-inducing effects were partially inhibited by heparin or modification by BPB and almost completely abolished by acetylation or cleavage of the N-terminal octapeptide, the rupture of liposomes by BnSP-7 and crude venom was dose and temperature dependent. Incubation of BnSP-7 with EDTA did not change this effect, suggesting a Ca2+-independent membrane lytic activity. BnSP-7 cross-reacted with antibodies raised against B. moojeni (MjTX-II), B. jararacussu (BthTX-I), and B. asper (Basp-II) myotoxins as well as against the C-terminal peptide (residues 115-129) from Basp-II. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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Hydrolysis of phospholipids by Group II phospholipase A(2) enzymes involves a nucleophilic attack on the sn-2 ester bond by the His48 residue and stabilization of the reaction intermediate by a Ca2+ ion cofactor bound to the Asp49 residue in the protein active site region, Bothropstoxin-I (BthTX-I) is a PLA, variant present in the venom of the snake Bothrops jararacussu which shows a Asp49 to Lys substitution and which lacks hydrolytic activity yet damages artificial membranes by a noncatalytic Ca2+-independent mechanism. In order to better characterize this unusual mechanism of membrane damage, we have established an expression system for BthTX-I in Escherichia coli. The DNA-coding sequence for BthTX-I was subcloned into the vector pET11-d, and the BthTX-I was expressed as inclusion bodies in E, coli BL21(DE3). The native BthTX-I contains seven disulfide bonds, and a straightforward protocol has been developed to refold the recombinant protein at high protein concentration in the presence of surfactants using a size-exclusion chromatography matrix. After refolding, recovery yields of 2.5% (corresponding to 4-5 mg of refolded recombinant BthTX-I per liter of bacterial culture) were routinely obtained. After refolding, identical fluorescent and circular dichroism spectra were obtained for the recombinant BthTX-I compared to those of the native protein. Furthermore, the native and refolded recombinant protein demonstrated identical membrane-damaging properties as evaluated by measuring the release of an entrapped fluorescent marker from liposomes, (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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Lys49-Phospholipase A(2) (Lys49-PLA(2)) homologues damage membranes by a Ca2+-independent mechanism which does not involve catalytic activity, We have solved the structure of myotoxin-I, a Lys49-PLA(2) homologue isolated from the venom of Bothrops nummifer (jumping viper) at 2.4 Angstrom resolution using molecular replacement techniques. The final model has been refined to a final R-factor of 18.4% (R-free = 23.2%), and shows excellent geometry, the myotoxin-I from Bothrops nummifer is dimeric in the crystalline state as has been observed for other Lys49-PLA(2) homologues. In addition, a continuous electron density in the active site and substrate binding channel could be successfully modeled as a fatty-acid molecule. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd, All rights reserved.


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Bothropstoxin I(BthTX-I) from the venom of Bothrops jararacussu is a myotoxic phospholipase A2 (PLA2) homologue which, although catalytically inactive due to an Asp49-->Lys substitution, disrupts the integrity of lipid membranes by a Ca2+-independent mechanism, the crystal structures of two dimeric farms of BthLTX-I which diffract X-rays eo resolutions of 3.1 and 2.1 Angstrom have been determined, the monomers in both structures are related by an almost perfect twofold axis of rotation and the dimer interfaces are defined by contacts between the N-terminal alpha-helical regions and the tips of the beta-wings of partner monomers. Significant differences in the relative orientation of the monomers in the two crystal forms results in open and closed dimer conformations, Spectroscopic Investigations of BthTX-I in solution have correlated these conformational differences with changes in the intrinsic fluorescence emission of the single tryptophan residues located at the dimer interface, the possible relevance of this structural transition in the Ca2+-independent membrane damaging activity is discussed. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The crystal structure of Myotoxin-II (MjTX-II), a Lys49 PLA(2)-homologue from Bothrops moojeni venom has been determined and refined at 2.0 Angstrom to a crystallographic residual of 19.7% (R-free = 28.1%). MjTX-II is a dimer in the crystal, with the monomers in the asymmetric unit related by a two-fold symmetry axis running through the dimer interface. The dimers of MjTX-II and the Lys49 PLA(2) from B. asper venom are similar, however the relative orientations of the monomers suggests a flexible dimer interface, which serves as a hinge between the two molecules.


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Zhaoermiatoxin, an Arg49 phospholipase A(2) homologue from Zhaoermia mangshanensis (formerly Trimeresurus mangshanensis, Ermia mangshanensis) venom is a novel member of the PLA(2)-homologue family that possesses an arginine residue at position 49, probably arising from a secondary Lys49 -> Arg substitution that does not alter the catalytic inactivity towards phospholipids. Like other Lys49 PLA(2) homologues, zhaoermiatoxin induces oedema and strong myonecrosis without detectable PLA(2) catalytic activity. A single crystal with maximum dimensions of 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.5 mm was used for X-ray diffraction data collection to a resolution of 2.05 angstrom using synchrotron radiation and the diffraction pattern was indexed in the hexagonal space group P6(4), with unit-cell parameters a = 72.9, b = 72.9, c = 93.9 angstrom.


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Myotoxin-I (MjTX-I) was purified to homogeneity from the venom of Bothrops moojeni by ion-exchange chromatography on CM-Sepharose. Its molecular weight, estimated by SDS-PAGE, was 13,400 (reduced) or 26,000 (unreduced). The extinction coefficient (E-1.0 cm(1.0 mg/ml)) of MjTX-I was 1.145 at lambda = 278 nm, pH 7.0, and its isoelectric point was 8.2 at ionic strength mu = 0.1. When lyophilized and stored at 4 degrees C, dimeric, trimeric, and pentameric forms of the protein were identified by SDS-PAGE. This heterogeneous sample could be separated into three fractions by gel filtration on Sephadex 6-50. The fractions were analyzed by isoelectric focusing, immunoelectrophoresis, and amino acid composition, which indicated that heterogeneity was the result of different levels of self-association. Protein sequencing indicated that MjTX-I is a Lys49 myotoxin and consists of 121 amino acids (M-r = 13,669), containing a high proportion of basic and hydrophobic residues. It shares a high degree of sequence identity with other Lys49 PLA(2)-like myotoxins, but shows a significantly lower identity with catalytically active Asp49 PLA(2)s. The three-dimensional structure of MjTX-I was modeled based on the crystal structures of three highly homologous Lys49 PLA(2)-like myotoxins. This model showed that the amino acid substitutions are conservative, and mainly the beta-wing region, and the C-terminal extended random coil. MjTX-I displays local myotoxic and edema-inducing activities in mice, and is lethal by intraperitoneal injection, with an LD50 value of 8.5 +/- 0.8 mg/kg, In addition, it is cytotoxic to myoblasts/ myotubes in culture, and disrupts negatively charged liposomes. In comparison with the freshly prepared dimeric sample, the more aggregated forms showed significantly reduced myotoxic activity. However, the edema-inducing activity of MjTX-I was independent of molecular association. Phospholipase A(2) activity on egg yolk, as well as anticoagulant activity, were undetectable both in the native and in the more associated forms. His, Tyr, and Trp residues of the toxin were chemically modified by specific reagents. Although the myotoxic and lethal activities of the modified toxins were reduced by these treatments, neither its edema-inducing or Liposome-disrupting activities were significantly altered. Rabbit antibodies to native MjTX-I cross-reacted with the chemically modified forms, and both the native and modified MjTX-I preparations were recognized by antibodies against the C-terminal region 115-129 of myotoxin II from B. asper, a highly Lys49 PLA(2)-homologue with high sequencial similarity. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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The plant PTR/NRT1 (peptide transporter/nitrate transporter 1) gene family comprises di/tripeptide and low-affinity nitrate transporters; some members also recognize other substrates such as carboxylates, phytohormones (auxin and abscisic acid), or defence compounds (glucosinolates). Little is known about the members of this gene family in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Here, we report the influence of altered OsPTR9 expression on nitrogen utilization efficiency, growth, and grain yield. OsPTR9 expression is regulated by exogenous nitrogen and by the day-night cycle. Elevated expression of OsPTR9 in transgenic rice plants resulted in enhanced ammonium uptake, promotion of lateral root formation and increased grain yield. On the other hand, down-regulation of OsPTR9 in a T-DNA insertion line (osptr9) and in OsPTR9-RNAi rice plants had the opposite effect. These results suggest that OsPTR9 might hold potential for improving nitrogen utilization efficiency and grain yield in rice breeding.


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Most organisms are able to synthesize vitamin C whereas humans are not. In order to contribute to the elucidation of the molecular working mechanism of vitamin C transport through biological membranes, we cloned, overexpressed, purified, functionally characterized, and 2D- and 3D-crystallized a bacterial protein (UraDp) with 29% of amino acid sequence identity to the human sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter 1 (SVCT1). Ligand-binding experiments by scintillation proximity assay revealed that uracil is a substrate preferably bound to UraDp. For structural analysis, we report on the production of tubular 2D crystals and present a first projection structure of UraDp from negatively stained tubes. On the other hand the successful growth of UraDp 3D crystals and their crystallographic analysis is described. These 3D crystals, which diffract X-rays to 4.2Å resolution, pave the way towards the high-resolution crystal structure of a bacterial homologue with high amino acid sequence identity to human SVCT1.


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Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 is a Gram negative facultative photoheterotrophic bacterium that has been shown to have an N-acyl homoserine lactone-based quorum sensing system called cer for c&barbelow;ommunity e&barbelow;scape r&barbelow;esponse. The cer ORFs are cerR, the transcriptional regulator, cerI, the autoinducer synthase and cerA , whose function is unknown. The autoinducer molecule, 7,8- cis-N-(tetradecenoyl) homoserine lactone, has been characterized. The objective of this study was to identify an environmental stimulus that influences the regulation of cerRAI and, to characterize transcription of the cer operon. ^ A cerR::lacZ transcriptional fusion was made and β-Galactosidase assays were performed in R. sphaeroides 2.4.1 strains, wild type, AP3 (CerI−) and AP4 (CerR−). The cerR::lacZ β-Galactosidase assays were used as an initial survey of the mode of regulation of the Cer system. A cerA::lacZ translational fusion was created and was used to show that cerA can be translated. The presence of 7,8-cis-N-(tetradecenoyl) homoserine lactone was detected from R. sphaeroides strains wild type and AP4 (CerR−) using a lasR::lacZ translational fusion autoinducer bioassay. The cerR::lacZ transcriptional fusion in R. sphaeroides 2.4.1 wild type was tested under different environmental stimuli, such as various carbon sources, oxygen tensions, light intensities and culture media to determine if they influence transcription of the cer ORFs. Although lacZ assay data implicated high light intensity at 100 W/m2 to stimulate cer transcription, quantitative Northern RNA data of the cerR transcript showed that low light intensity at 3 W/m2 is at least one environmental stimulus that induces cer transcription. This finding was supported by DNA microarray analysis. Northern analysis of the cerRAI transcript provided evidence that the cer ORFs are co-transcribed, and that the cer operon contains two additional genes. Bioinformatics was used to identify genes that may be regulated by the Cer system by identifying putative lux box homologue sequences in the presumed promoter region of these genes. Genes that were identified were fliQ, celB and calsymin, all implicated in interacting with plants. Primer extension was used to help localize cis-elements in the promoter region. The cerR::lacZ transcriptional fusion was monitored in a subset of different global DNA binding transcriptional regulator mutant strains of R. sphaeroides 2.4.1. Those regulators involved in maintaining an anaerobic photosynthetic lifestyle appeared to have an effect. Collectively, the data imply that R. sphaeroides 2.4.1 activates the Cer system when grown anaerobic photosynthetically at low light intensity, 3 W/m2, and it may be involved in an interaction with plants. ^


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Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) bind to and stabilize microtubules (MTs) both in vitro and in vivo and are thought to regulate MT dynamics during the cell cycle. It is known that p220, a major MAP of Xenopus, is phosphorylated by p34cdc2 kinase as well as MAP kinase in mitotic cells, and that the phosphorylated p220 loses its MT-binding and -stabilizing abilities in vitro. We cloned a full-length cDNA encoding p220, which identified p220 as a Xenopus homologue of MAP4 (XMAP4). To examine the physiological relevance of XMAP4 phosphorylation in vivo, Xenopus A6 cells were transfected with cDNAs encoding wild-type or various XMAP4 mutants fused with a green fluorescent protein. Mutations of serine and threonine residues at p34cdc2 kinase-specific phosphorylation sites to alanine interfered with mitosis-associated reduction in MT affinity of XMAP4, and their overexpression affected chromosome movement during anaphase A. These findings indicated that phosphorylation of XMAP4 (probably by p34cdc2 kinase) is responsible for the decrease in its MT-binding and -stabilizing abilities during mitosis, which are important for chromosome movement during anaphase A.


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Members of the MKLP1 subfamily of kinesin motor proteins localize to the equatorial region of the spindle midzone and are capable of bundling antiparallel microtubules in vitro. Despite these intriguing characteristics, it is unclear what role these kinesins play in dividing cells, particularly within the context of a developing embryo. Here, we report the identification of a null allele of zen-4, an MKLP1 homologue in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, and demonstrate that ZEN-4 is essential for cytokinesis. Embryos deprived of ZEN-4 form multinucleate single-celled embryos as they continue to cycle through mitosis but fail to complete cell division. Initiation of the cytokinetic furrow occurs at the normal time and place, but furrow propagation halts prematurely. Time-lapse recordings and microtubule staining reveal that the cytokinesis defect is preceded by the dissociation of the midzone microtubules. We show that ZEN-4 protein localizes to the spindle midzone during anaphase and persists at the midbody region throughout cytokinesis. We propose that ZEN-4 directly cross-links the midzone microtubules and suggest that these microtubules are required for the completion of cytokinesis.


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Although extensively studied biochemically, members of the Protein 4.1 superfamily have not been as well characterized genetically. Studies of coracle, a Drosophila Protein 4.1 homologue, provide an opportunity to examine the genetic functions of this gene family. coracle was originally identified as a dominant suppressor of EgfrElp, a hypermorphic form of the Drosophila Epidermal growth factor receptor gene. In this article, we present a phenotypic analysis of coracle, one of the first for a member of the Protein 4.1 superfamily. Screens for new coracle alleles confirm the null coracle phenotype of embryonic lethality and failure in dorsal closure, and they identify additional defects in the embryonic epidermis and salivary glands. Hypomorphic coracle alleles reveal functions in many imaginal tissues. Analysis of coracle mutant cells indicates that Coracle is a necessary structural component of the septate junction required for the maintenance of the transepithelial barrier but is not necessary for apical–basal polarity, epithelial integrity, or cytoskeletal integrity. In addition, coracle phenotypes suggest a specific role in cell signaling events. Finally, complementation analysis provides information regarding the functional organization of Coracle and possibly other Protein 4.1 superfamily members. These studies provide insights into a range of in vivo functions for coracle in developing embryos and adults.


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Capacitative Ca2+ entry (CCE) is Ca2+ entering after stimulation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) formation and initiation of Ca2+ store depletion. One hallmark of CCE is that it can also be triggered merely by store depletion, as occurs after inhibition of internal Ca2+ pumps with thapsigargin. Evidence has accumulated in support of a role of transient receptor potential (Trp) proteins as structural subunits of a class of Ca2+-permeable cation channels activated by agonists that stimulate IP3 formation—very likely through a direct interaction between the IP3 receptor and a Trp subunit of the Ca2+ entry channel. The role of Trp’s in Ca2+ entry triggered by store depletion alone is less clear. Only a few of the cloned Trp’s appear to enhance this type of Ca2+ entry, and when they do, the effect requires special conditions to be observed, which native CCE does not. Here we report the full-length cDNA of mouse trp2, the homologue of the human trp2 pseudogene. Mouse Trp2 is shown to be readily activated not only after stimulation with an agonist but also by store depletion in the absence of an agonist. In contrast to other Trp proteins, Trp2-mediated Ca2+ entry activated by store depletion is seen under the same conditions that reveal endogenous store depletion-activated Ca2+ entry, i.e., classical CCE. The findings support the general hypothesis that Trp proteins are subunits of store- and receptor-operated Ca2+ channels.


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Nuclear LIM domains interact with a family of coregulators referred to as Clim/Ldb/Nli. Although one family member, Clim-2/Ldb-1/Nli, is highly expressed in epidermal keratinocytes, no nuclear LIM domain factor is known to be expressed in epidermis. Therefore, we used the conserved LIM-interaction domain of Clim coregulators to screen for LIM domain factors in adult and embryonic mouse skin expression libraries and isolated a factor that is highly homologous to the previously described LIM-only proteins LMO-1, -2, and -3. This factor, referred to as LMO-4, is expressed in overlapping manner with Clim-2 in epidermis and in several other regions, including epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal, respiratory and genitourinary tracts, developing cartilage, pituitary gland, and discrete regions of the central and peripheral nervous system. Like LMO-2, LMO-4 interacts strongly with Clim factors via its LIM domain. Because LMO/Clim complexes are thought to regulate gene expression by associating with DNA-binding proteins, we used LMO-4 as a bait to screen for such DNA-binding proteins in epidermis and isolated the mouse homologue of Drosophila Deformed epidermal autoregulatory factor 1 (DEAF-1), a DNA-binding protein that interacts with regulatory sequences first described in the Deformed epidermal autoregulatory element. The interaction between LMO-4 and mouse DEAF-1 maps to a proline-rich C-terminal domain of mouse DEAF-1, distinct from the helix–loop–helix and GATA domains previously shown to interact with LMOs, thus defining an additional LIM-interacting domain.