37 resultados para Hobbies.
Este trabajo indaga el "nuevo modelo de Educación Física" propuesto para Uruguay luego del retorno a la democracia en 1985. Una vez finalizada la dictadura cívico-militar (1973-1985) la Educación Física reorganiza sus programas de intervención en espacios no formales, procurando la correcta utilización del tiempo libre de estudiantes y trabajadores. Para ello apunta a diseñar actividades que permitan contrarrestar el sufrimiento que el trabajo causa, al tiempo que contribuye con la productividad de las tareas laborales. El descanso activo se torna el medio para el gobierno del organismo. La educación del tiempo libre y la promoción de hobbies, como formas útiles de ocupar este tiempo, serán las formas que la Comisión Nacional de Educación Física promovió, contribuyendo indirectamente con la administración del sufrimiento
Este trabajo indaga el "nuevo modelo de Educación Física" propuesto para Uruguay luego del retorno a la democracia en 1985. Una vez finalizada la dictadura cívico-militar (1973-1985) la Educación Física reorganiza sus programas de intervención en espacios no formales, procurando la correcta utilización del tiempo libre de estudiantes y trabajadores. Para ello apunta a diseñar actividades que permitan contrarrestar el sufrimiento que el trabajo causa, al tiempo que contribuye con la productividad de las tareas laborales. El descanso activo se torna el medio para el gobierno del organismo. La educación del tiempo libre y la promoción de hobbies, como formas útiles de ocupar este tiempo, serán las formas que la Comisión Nacional de Educación Física promovió, contribuyendo indirectamente con la administración del sufrimiento
Este trabajo indaga el "nuevo modelo de Educación Física" propuesto para Uruguay luego del retorno a la democracia en 1985. Una vez finalizada la dictadura cívico-militar (1973-1985) la Educación Física reorganiza sus programas de intervención en espacios no formales, procurando la correcta utilización del tiempo libre de estudiantes y trabajadores. Para ello apunta a diseñar actividades que permitan contrarrestar el sufrimiento que el trabajo causa, al tiempo que contribuye con la productividad de las tareas laborales. El descanso activo se torna el medio para el gobierno del organismo. La educación del tiempo libre y la promoción de hobbies, como formas útiles de ocupar este tiempo, serán las formas que la Comisión Nacional de Educación Física promovió, contribuyendo indirectamente con la administración del sufrimiento
Children develop in a sea of reciprocal social interaction, but their brain development is predominately studied in non-interactive contexts (e.g., viewing photographs of faces). This dissertation investigated how the developing brain supports social interaction. Specifically, novel paradigms were used to target two facets of social experience—social communication and social motivation—across three studies in children and adults. In Study 1, adults listened to short vignettes—which contained no social information—that they believed to be either prerecorded or presented over an audio-feed by a live social partner. Simply believing that speech was from a live social partner increased activation in the brain’s mentalizing network—a network involved in thinking about others’ thoughts. Study 2 extended this paradigm to middle childhood, a time of increasing social competence and social network complexity, as well as structural and functional social brain development. Results showed that, as in adults, regions of the mentalizing network were engaged by live speech. Taken together, these findings indicate that the mentalizing network may support the processing of interactive communicative cues across development. Given this established importance of social-interactive context, Study 3 examined children’s social motivation when they believed they were engaged in a computer-based chat with a peer. Children initiated interaction via sharing information about their likes and hobbies and received responses from the peer. Compared to a non-social control, in which children chatted with a computer, peer interaction increased activation in mentalizing regions and reward circuitry. Further, within mentalizing regions, responsivity to the peer increased with age. Thus, across all three studies, social cognitive regions associated with mentalizing supported real-time social interaction. In contrast, the specific social context appeared to influence both reward circuitry involvement and age-related changes in neural activity. Future studies should continue to examine how the brain supports interaction across varied real-world social contexts. In addition to illuminating typical development, understanding the neural bases of interaction will offer insight into social disabilities such as autism, where social difficulties are often most acute in interactive situations. Ultimately, to best capture human experience, social neuroscience ought to be embedded in the social world.
Este estudo caracteriza a incidência do excesso de peso e da obesidade no Externato João Alberto Faria (Arruda dos Vinhos), procurando identificar as variáveis que os determinam e definir um projecto de intervenção na área da educação para a saúde no âmbito dos estilos de vida saudáveis e do combate ao excesso de peso e à obesidade. Dos 432 alunos que participaram no estudo, 53,7°/o eram do sexo feminino e 46,3% do sexo masculino. Os resultados relativos ao índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) dos alunos indicaram que, na população em estudo, 31,7% dos alunos apresentavam peso em excesso, dos quais 10,5% eram obesos. A prevalência de excesso de peso e obesidade era superior nos alunos mais novos e nas raparigas, no entanto os rapazes eram mais obesos. Em virtude dos resultados, identificaram-se como áreas de intervenção, a melhoria dos hábitos alimentares, o aumento dos níveis de actividade física e a diminuição das catividades de lazer sedentárias dos alunos, bem como intervenções ao nível das crenças, atitudes e comportamentos dos alunos e dos pais. O projecto de intervenção apresentado tem como objectivo reduzir a prevalência do excesso de peso e obesidade infantil através da aquisição e desenvolvimento de atitudes e comportamentos que visem a promoção e adopção de hábitos e estilos de vida saudáveis. É sabido que mudar atitudes e comportamentos, nomeadamente, os que dizem respeito a mudança de estilos de vida, é um processo difícil e que leva tempo, sendo fundamental uma abordagem integrada que afecte as várias dimensões das causas do problema em que se pretende intervir. ABSTRACT; This study characterizes the incidence of overweight and obesity in Externato João Alberto Faria (Arruda dos Vinhos). lts aim was to identify the variables that causes it and to define a project of intervention in the health educational field related to healthy lifestyles and against overweight and childhood obesity. 432 students participated in the survey: 53,7% females and 46,3% males. The results as far as students Body Mass Index are concerned show that within the surveyed people 31,7% were overweight and 10,5% were obese. Overweight and obesity have more evidence in the younger students and in the girls' group, despite the fact that boys were more obese. Such results lead to the intervention in certain areas: improving eating habits, increasing physical activity, diminishing sedentary hobbies and also interfering in the beliefs and attitudes of children and their parents. The intervention project presented has the following goal: to reduce the prevalence of overweight and childhood obesity through the acquisition and development of attitudes and behaviours witch aim at de promotion and adoption of healthy habits and lifestyles. Changing attitudes and behaviours related to the improving of lifestyles is difficult and takes time. Therefore, the need for an integrated approach is crucial in order to affect the several causes of the problem in witch we want to intervene.
Remotivation refers to a variety of group therapy techniques used with chronically mentally ill patients in inpatient settings to stimulate their communication, vocational, and social skills and interest in their environment (Keane and O’Toole 2003). The National Remotivation Therapy Organization (NRTO) defines remotivation ther- apy (RT) as a small-group therapeutic modality, designed to help clients by promoting self- esteem, awareness, and socialization (National Remotivation Therapy Organization 2003). As the concept itself suggests, remotivation relates to the creation of interest in life, i.e., in a person’s daily activities, talents, hobbies, and social rela- tionships with family and friends.
Remotivation refers to a variety of group therapy techniques used with chronically mentally ill patients in inpatient settings to stimulate their communication, vocational, and social skills and interest in their environment (Keane and O’Toole 2003). The National Remotivation Therapy Organization (NRTO) defines remotivation ther- apy (RT) as a small-group therapeutic modality, designed to help clients by promoting self- esteem, awareness, and socialization (National Remotivation Therapy Organization 2003). As the concept itself suggests, remotivation relates to the creation of interest in life, i.e., in a person’s daily activities, talents, hobbies, and social rela- tionships with family and friends.