976 resultados para Historical Center
This dissertation focuses on the theme of urban revitalization in historical centers. It starts from a survey of international and national concepts and experiences about the subject, in special, the historical center of Ribeira, in Natal, Brazil. It gives more attention to local management and it is dedicated to the study of objectives and actions developed, basically, by two segments that manage works in the district. Companhia Docas do Rio Grande do Norte aims at the economical development of the state and it implies the enlargement of capacity of loading and unloading of the harbor of Natal and the Natal city counsil aims at urban preservation and revitalization. It was analysed speeches ans projects related to Ribeira and it was discovered that Natal has done very little to revitalize its historical center in the last two dacades. It analyses what seemed, or at least, should be a conflict of interests between incompatible projects, revealing both conciliatory proceedings and connivance between the participants in decision making. The conclusion directs attentions to the threat to historical building in the city and the importance of enhancing discussion about the future of our historical sites
The central question of the research if inserts in thematic current and of relevance for the studies in Preservation and a Conservation of Historical Centers. It analyzes the relations between habitacional use, satisfaction of the inhabitants and preservation of the patrimony constructed in the Historical Center of São Luis-MA It considers that the use is factor that makes possible the transformation of spaces in places , prioritizing the point of view of the user as essential element to the analysis of the reality and that enriches the evaluation technique of the functional and formal aspects of the constructed environment. It is looked to understand the relation man-environment, and mainly, to verify as it happens throughout the process of the occupation and of appropriation of historical buildings destined to habitacional reuse, and still if this appropriation favors the preservation of the Historical Center of São Luís
El Centro Histórico de Cuenca tiene como actividades predominantes el comercio, la administración, gestión de servicios, entre otros. Sin embargo, el uso de vivienda se ha ido perdiendo a través de los años. Este abandono perjudica a toda la ciudad, puesto que las personas buscan establecer sus nuevos domicilios en zonas periféricas, ocasionando disgregación y dispersión espacial de actividades, alterando el correcto crecimiento de la ciudad. Así mismo, uno de los mayores problemas que enfrenta el Centro Histórico es el no poder desarrollarse como un organismo vivo, teniendo un uso combinado de vivienda y comercio, que permite que la zona esté activa todo el tiempo. La habitabilidad es fundamental para el mantenimiento y buena salud de los Centros Históricos. Cuenca no es la excepción y es necesario devolverle a esta zona de la ciudad una función residencial más intensa. Por estas razones y a manera de estudio, se ha decidido hacer un proyecto de diseño de modelos arquitectónicos de vivienda multifamiliar en predios vacíos del área de Primer Orden del Centro Histórico de Cuenca, no solo respetando la normativa municipal, sino también aplicando la normativa BACS ensamble!, desarrollada por el Departamento de Investigación Espacio y Población a través del grupo LlactaLab Ciudades Sustentables de la Universidad de Cuenca, que defiende la posibilidad de generar barrios compactos sustentables, en zonas consolidadas de la ciudad, que ayuden a construir un modelo de ciudad diferente a la actual, donde el ser humano sea el centro de reflexión.
A percepção e intervenção no espaço histórico, enquanto arquétipo cultural, constituíram o mote enquadrador do presente trabalho, merecendo amplo tratamento no primeiro capítulo. O segundo capítulo é dedicado ao estudo do palacete dos condes de Sampayo, elemento patrimonial de elevado valor significativo e que aqui se apresenta como objecto de tratamento central. O espólio consultado relativo ao arquivo da casa de Sampayo, permitiu-nos claramente fazer recuar no tempo a construção original do palacete, num percurso temporal análogo ao contíguo moinho de maré, ambos implementados no núcleo histórico de Alhos Vedros. Igualmente clarificou como, quando e de que forma a casa da Cova, dos Mendonça Furtado, convergirá com a casa dos Sampayo, num contexto socioeconómico específico em que a estruturação interna da nobreza se escorava nos sistemas de parentesco para consolidação do seu poder e para o fortalecimento e manutenção das casas titulares. Os modelos comparativos são tratados no capítulo três e surgem na figura das pousadas, valorizadoras dos edifícios com valor histórico e indutoras de sinergias locais. Por último, o capítulo quatro é totalmente dedicado à conceptualização de um projecto para a funcionalização do palacete como pousada. A perspectiva da sustentabilidade na fundamentação patrimonial do projeto, inscreve-se no programa de requalificação da frente ribeirinha do concelho da Moita e ancora numa perspetiva de âmbito mais alargado, inerente às políticas da administração do território e turismo da Grande Área Metropolitana de Lisboa. ABSTRACT; The perception and action in space history, as cultural archetype, constituted the framed motto of this work deserves wider treatment in the first chapter. The second chapter is devoted to the study of the palace of the Counts of Sampayo, of its assets in high-value significant and presented here is treated as central. The stock found on the file's house Sampayo, allowed us to clearly back in time the original construction of the palace, a temporal course similar to the adjacent tidal mill, both implemented in the historical center of Plantsville. He also clarified how, when and how the pit house, the Mendonca Furtado, converge with the house of Sampayo, specific socio-economic context in which the internal structure of the nobility was underpinned in kinship systems to consolidate its power and the strengthening and maintaining the homes owners. Comparative models are treated in chapter three, appearing in the picture of the holiday, not value of buildings of historic and inducing local synergies. Finally, chapter four is devoted entirely to the conceptualization of a project to re-functionalization of the mansion and guesthouse. The perspective of sustainability in the grounds of equity of the project is part of the program of the riverfront redevelopment of Moita and grounded on a broader scope, inherent in the policies of the planning and tourism Greater Metropolitan Area of Lisbon.
La elaboración de este trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad el diseño de una Guía de Marketing Social basado en la Responsabilidad Social para locales comerciales del centro histórico de la ciudad de Cuenca, mediante la cual pretendemos aportar estrategias que beneficien a los emprendedores cuencanos en especial, del centro histórico de la ciudad. Este trabajo se estructuró de la siguiente manera: Primerose ha visto fundamentalla investigación de las Bases Teorías de Responsabilidad Social y Marketing Social, antecedentes, definiciones, conceptos, diferencias, semejanzas y el avance de estas a través de organizaciones e instituciones nacionales e internacionales. También se ha valorado los conocimientos de los emprendedores del centro histórico, para este importante aspecto seclasificó a los locales en tres tipos o variables que corresponden: Servicio, Alimentación y Bebidas, y Comercio; posteriormente setrabajó con 266 encuestasque se dividieron de acuerdo a los resultados de la muestra. Finalmente se elaboró la guía de Marketing Social la misma que se basa en la Responsabilidad Social, allí se consideran pilares fundamentales a:Políticas de Responsabilidad Social; Aplicación del Marketing Social; Medición de impacto de Responsabilidad Social; Posicionamiento de marca desde el Marketing Social; Formación de la Reputación Corporativa; Construcción del Personal Branding; y Fidelización de clientes desde la Web 2.0.
Este proyecto propone el diseño de un jardín interior en una vivienda del Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de Cuenca partiendo de una consideración histórica, conceptual y referencial, es decir, trataremos acerca de los jardines a lo largo de la historia sus características y funcionalidad; un análisis tipológico de acuerdo con el uso del jardín en nuestra ciudad y a través de un muestreo, observación y análisis de viviendas conseguiremos un registro claro del estado de conservación actual de estos espacios. Luego, en un segundo momento, y a partir de conceptos y directrices para la generación de formas en el diseño del jardín interior generaremos una fuente de apoyo para finalmente realizar una propuesta útil y armónica que mantenga características y vegetación adecuada a nuestras condiciones y medios ambientales, además se intentara representar los criterios aprendidos a lo largo del proyecto para que puedan servir como guía en el diseño de cualquier jardín
This dissertation focuses on the theme of urban revitalization in historical centers. It starts from a survey of international and national concepts and experiences about the subject, in special, the historical center of Ribeira, in Natal, Brazil. It gives more attention to local management and it is dedicated to the study of objectives and actions developed, basically, by two segments that manage works in the district. Companhia Docas do Rio Grande do Norte aims at the economical development of the state and it implies the enlargement of capacity of loading and unloading of the harbor of Natal and the Natal city counsil aims at urban preservation and revitalization. It was analysed speeches ans projects related to Ribeira and it was discovered that Natal has done very little to revitalize its historical center in the last two dacades. It analyses what seemed, or at least, should be a conflict of interests between incompatible projects, revealing both conciliatory proceedings and connivance between the participants in decision making. The conclusion directs attentions to the threat to historical building in the city and the importance of enhancing discussion about the future of our historical sites
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura com Especialização em Arquitectura de Interiores, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitetura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.
Históricamente la ciudad de Cuenca es, ha sido y muy probablemente será un importante centro de desarrollo tanto para la provincia del Azuay, como para el país; dicho desarrollo tuvo su inicio en lo que hoy se conoce como Centro Histórico de la ciudad. No se puede dejar de lado el hecho de que este sector tiene el reconocimiento de Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad otorgado por la UNESCO en diciembre de 1999. El presente trabajo de titulación se ha centrado en el Área de Primer Orden del Centro Histórico de Cuenca, con el objetivo principal de proponer un modelo de usos de suelo que ayude a regular tanto la intensidad como el comportamiento de las actividades humanas presentes en el área de estudio; así como la preservación del patrimonio edificado. El camino para alcanzar dicho objetivo se dividió en cuatro etapas: la primera se centró en la recopilación de información tanto teórica como histórica; la segunda fue la elaboración del diagnóstico de la situación actual en lo referente a los usos de suelo; la tercera estuvo destinada a la formulación de una metodología que guíe la elaboración del modelo, basado en la información bibliográfica revisada con anterioridad, y finalmente en la última etapa se llevó a cabo la aplicación de lo propuesto para el área de análisis.
The central question of the research if inserts in thematic current and of relevance for the studies in Preservation and a Conservation of Historical Centers. It analyzes the relations between habitacional use, satisfaction of the inhabitants and preservation of the patrimony constructed in the Historical Center of São Luis-MA It considers that the use is factor that makes possible the transformation of spaces in places , prioritizing the point of view of the user as essential element to the analysis of the reality and that enriches the evaluation technique of the functional and formal aspects of the constructed environment. It is looked to understand the relation man-environment, and mainly, to verify as it happens throughout the process of the occupation and of appropriation of historical buildings destined to habitacional reuse, and still if this appropriation favors the preservation of the Historical Center of São Luís
Mode of access: Internet.
Robert E. Whitmoyer, OARDC Historical Records Officer.
During the Cold War the foreign policy of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), was heavily criticized by scholars and activists for following the lead of the U.S. state in its overseas operations. In a wide range of states, the AFL-CIO worked to destabilize governments selected by the U.S. state for regime change, while in others the Federation helped stabilize client regimes of the U.S. state. In 1997 the four regional organizations that previously carried out AFL-CIO foreign policy were consolidated into the American Center for International Labor Solidarity (Solidarity Center). My dissertation is an attempt to analyze whether the foreign policy of the AFL-CIO in the Solidarity Center era is marked by continuity or change with past practices. At the same time, this study will attempt to add to the debate over the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the post-Cold War era, and its implications for future study. Using the qualitative "process-tracing" detailed by of Alexander George and Andrew Bennett (2005) my study examines a wide array of primary and secondary sources, including documents from the NED and AFL-CIO, in order to analyze the relationship between the Solidarity Center and the U.S. state from 2002-2009. Furthermore, after analyzing broad trends of NED grants to the Solidarity Center, this study examines three dissimilar case studies including Venezuela, Haiti, and Iraq and the Middle East and North African (MENA) region to further explore the connections between U.S. foreign policy goals and the Solidarity Center operations. The study concludes that the evidence indicates continuity with past AFL-CIO foreign policy practices whereby the Solidarity Center follows the lead of the U.S. state. It has been found that the patterns of NED funding indicate that the Solidarity Center closely tailors its operations abroad in areas of importance to the U.S. state, that it is heavily reliant on state funding via the NED for its operations, and that the Solidarity Center works closely with U.S. allies and coalitions in these regions. Finally, this study argues for the relevance of "top-down" NGO creation and direction in the post-Cold War era.