854 resultados para Hispanic American children


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Public schools traditionally have been held accountable for educating the majority of the nation’s school children, and through the years, these schools have been evaluated in a variety of ways. Currently, evaluation measures for accountability purposes consist solely of standardized test scores. In the past, only test scores of general education students were analyzed. Laws governing the education of students with disabilities, however, have extended accountability measures not only to include those students, but to report their scores in a disaggregated form (No Child Left Behind Act, 2001). The recent emphasis on accountability and compliance has resulted in the need for schools to carefully examine how programs, services, and policies impact student achievement (Bowers & Figgers, 2003). ^ Standard-based school reform and accountability systems have raised expectations about student learning outcomes for all students, including those with disabilities and minority students. Yet, overall, racial/ethnic minority students are performing well below their White non-Hispanic peers in most academic areas. Additionally, with respect to special education, there exists an enduring problem of disproportionate representation of racial/ethnic minority students (National Research Council, 2000). ^ This study examined classroom placement (inclusive versus non-inclusive) relative to academic performance of urban, low socioeconomic Hispanic students with and without disabilities in secondary content area classrooms. A mixed method research design was used to investigate this important issue using data from a local school district and results from field observations. The study compared performance levels of four middle school Hispanic student subgroups (students with disabilities in inclusive settings, students without disabilities in inclusive settings, students with disabilities in resource settings, and student without disabilities in general education settings) each in their respective placements for two consecutive years, exploring existing practices within authentic settings. ^ Significant differences were found in the relationship of educational placement and achievement between grade level and disability in the areas of math and reading. Additionally, clear and important differences were observed in student-teacher interactions. Recommendations for further researchers and stakeholders include soliciting responses from teams at the schools composed of general education and special education teachers, administrative personnel, and students as well as broadening the study across grade levels and exceptionalities. ^


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Maltreatment experienced in childhood or adolescence is a known risk factor for later problem alcohol and/or other drug (AOD) use (Bailey & McCloskey, 2005; Shin, Edwards, Heeren, 2009). A growing body of empirical work has found significant associations between adolescent girls’ AOD use and maltreatment experiences. However, questions remain as to how this relation unfolds with African-American and Hispanic adolescent girls. Guided by four relational models that have been proposed in the literature, this study examined the links between maltreatment, trauma symptoms, and alcohol and/or other drug (AOD) problems in a sample of 170 African-American and Hispanic adolescent girls who were participants in a school-based AOD use intervention. Results of this study revealed that maltreatment experiences (physical and emotional abuse) were positively related to trauma symptoms, which were positively related to AOD problem severity, alcohol abuse, alcohol dependency, drug abuse, and drug dependency. Perceived discrimination moderated this relation between sexual abuse and trauma symptoms, such that more perceived discrimination resulted in a stronger effect of sexual abuse on trauma symptoms. Ethnic identity moderated the relation between sexual abuse and AOD problem severity, such that ethnic identity demonstrated protective properties in the relation between sexual abuse and AOD problem severity. My research adds to extant knowledge on the relation between maltreatment and AOD use in adolescent girls and suggests the importance of developing interventions targeting maltreatment and AOD use concurrently.


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Background Understanding the factors that influence physical activity behavior is important in the design of intervention programs targeted at youth. Methods A prospective study design was used to identify the predictors of vigorous physical activity (VPA) (greater than or equal to 6 METs) and moderate and vigorous physical activity (MVPA) (greater than or equal to 3 METs) among 202 rural, predominantly African-American children. Selected social-cognitive determinants of physical activity were assessed via questionnaire in the fifth grade. Participation in VPA and MVPA was assessed via the previous day physical activity recall 1 year later in the sixth grade. Results For girls, participation in community sports, self-efficacy in overcoming barriers, enjoyment of school physical education, race (white > black), and perception of mother's activity level (active vs inactive) were significant predictors of VPA. For MVPA, participation in community sports and self-efficacy in overcoming barriers were significant predictors. For boys, self-efficacy in overcoming barriers was the only significant predictor of VPA, while beliefs regarding activity outcomes and participation in community sports were significant predictors of MVPA. Conclusion Social-cognitive constructs such as physical activity self-efficacy, access to community physical activity outlets, and positive beliefs regarding physical activity outcomes are important predictors of future physical activity behavior among rural, predominantly African-American children.


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A prototype scotopic sensitivity machine was used to evaluate pupillary and visual thresholds for 295 Indonesian children aged 1-5 y, most of whom were initially vitamin A-deficient. Subjects were tested 6 and 9 mo after receiving a high dose of vitamin A. A group of 136 older children was tested at 6 mo after dosing; all subjects underwent testing at 9 mo. After testing at 9 mo, children randomly received either a second high dose of vitamin A or placebo and were tested a final time 2 wk later. Children with abnormal pupillary thresholds had significantly higher relative dose responses (RDRs) (P < 0.01) and significantly lower serum retinol values (P = 0.05) than did normal children. The mean pupillary threshold rose (eg, retinal sensitivity fell) as vitamin A status deteriorated between 6 and 9 mo after initial dosing, and was significantly different from a group of normal American children tested previously (P < 0.001). After placebo-controlled dosing, the decline in pupillary and visual thresholds (rise in retinal sensitivity) was significant for children receiving vitamin A but not for children receiving placebo.


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Two hundred seven vitamin A-deficient southern Indian children aged 1-7 y (mean age: 56.9 mo) underwent testing of dark-adapted visual and pupillary thresholds in their village setting according to a previously reported protocol. One hundred thirty (62.8%) of the children also underwent serum retinol testing, and 178 (86.0%) participated in a randomized, placebo-controlled vitamin A dosing trial with pre- and postdose testing of dark-adaptation threshold. Most subjects (184 of 207, 88.9%) were able to complete pupillary testing, an objective sign requiring minimal cooperation, including a high proportion of the youngest children (72.2% of subjects aged 2 y). The proportion of children completing visual threshold testing, which requires greater understanding and cooperation, was significantly smaller than that able to complete pupillary testing (131 of 207, 63.3%; P < 0.0001, chi square). At baseline (predosing), the mean serum retinol concentration declined in linear fashion with a higher pupillary threshold (0.73 mumol/L with a score < or = 4; 0.47 mumol/L with a score > or = 8; P < 0.01). The mean pupillary threshold for these highly vitamin A-deficient Indian children (-0.622 log cd/m2) was significantly higher than that for 136 more moderately deficient Indonesian children (-0.985 log cd/m2; P < 0.001, two-sample t test) and 56 normal American children (-1.335 log cd/m2; P < 0.0001, two-sample t test). The improvement in pupillary dark-adaptation testing was not significant for children receiving vitamin A or placebo, though there was a nonsignificant trend toward greater improvement in children receiving vitamin A (P = 0.2, two-sample t test). Pupillary threshold testing represents a new, noninvasive, practical, and seemingly valid approach to assessing the vitamin A status of a moderately to severely deficient preschool population.


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80% de los niños con ITU recurrente tiene algún síntoma de disfunción del tracto urinario inferior. Estos síntomas se clasifican según la ICCS (International Childrens Continence Society) de acuerdo a la fase del funcionamiento de la vejiga en la que presenten alteración, están los síntomas de llenado, los de eliminación y los asociados. Caracterizar estos síntomas, en forma objetiva para que no fueran simples relatos descriptivos de quejas de pacientes y pudieran ser utilizados para hacer diagnóstico y monitorear tratamiento obligó al uso de escalas que puntuaran cada uno de ellos. Estas escalas tienen su origen en el concepto del I-PSS (Puntaje Internacional de los Síntomas Prostáticos) que es una herramienta de gran utilidad para la clasificación de la hipertrofia prostática Hoy en día hay tres herramientas validadas para evaluar las alteraciones del tracto urinario inferior en niños; sin embargo ninguna de ellas ha sido a sido traducida al español ni adaptada culturalmente a la población hispanoamericana. El objetivo de este estudio es realizar la adaptación cultural (validación lingüística y psicométrica) de la escala PLUTSS,(4) que ya esta validada y es ampliamente utilizada; para aplicarla en un grupo de niños Colombianos estableciendo así el comportamiento de estos síntomas en nuestra población y para que pueda ser utilizada como herramienta de diagnóstico y seguimiento en los niños con alteración del tracto urinario inferior


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Background: This study evaluated a wide range of viral load (VL) thresholds to identify a cut-point that best predicts new clinical events in children on stable highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Methods: Cox proportional hazards modeling was used to assess the adjusted risk for World Health Organization stage 3 or 4 clinical events (WHO events) as a function of time-varying CD4, VL, and hemoglobin values in a cohort study of Latin American children on HAART >= 6 months. Models were fit using different VL cut-points between 400 and 50,000 copies per milliliter, with model fit evaluated on the basis of the minimum Akaike information criterion value, a standard model fit statistic. Results: Models were based on 67 subjects with WHO events out of 550 subjects on study. The VL cut-points of >2600 and >32,000 copies per milliliter corresponded to the lowest Akaike information criterion values and were associated with the highest hazard ratios (2.0, P = 0.015; and 2.1, P = 0.0058, respectively) for WHO events. Conclusions: In HIV-infected Latin American children on stable HAART, 2 distinct VL thresholds (>2600 and >32,000 copies/mL) were identified for predicting children at significantly increased risk for HIV-related clinical illness, after accounting for CD4 level, hemoglobin level, and other significant factors.


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Sodium is the most abundant extracellular cation and therefore pivotal in determining fluid balance. At the beginning of life, a positive sodium balance is needed to grow. Newborns and preterm infants tend to lose sodium via their kidneys and therefore need adequate sodium intake. Among older children and adults, however, excessive salt intake leads to volume expansion and arterial hypertension. Children who are overweight, born preterm, or small for gestational age and African American children are at increased risk of developing high blood pressure due to a high salt intake because they are more likely to be salt sensitive. In the developed world, salt intake is generally above the recommended intake also among children. Although a positive sodium balance is needed for growth during the first year of life, in older children, a sodium-poor diet seems to have the same cardiovascular protective effects as among adults. This is relevant, since: (1) a blood pressure tracking phenomenon was recognized; (2) the development of taste preferences is important during childhood; and (3) salt intake is often associated with the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (predisposing children to weight gain).


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The objective of this cross sectional pilot study was to understand the cultural and social influences associated with the participation and retention of Mexican American parents in research studies. Mexican American parent's participation is limited due to cultural barriers that researchers may not recognize. Successful recruitment and retention of participants is a critical element for prevention research, particularly for groups that are underrepresented and carry a high burden of disease (Dunika, Garza, Roosa, & Stoerzinger, 1997). ^ The goal of this pilot study was to increase the understanding of research participation, recruitment and retention strategies among Mexican American adults using an instrument based on the Health Belief Model. This instrument was used to assess the cultural beliefs of Mexican American adults toward research participation. The dependent variable (research scenarios indexed by invasiveness) for each participant was compared to the independent variable (HBM scores) using chi-square analysis to see how the Health Belief Model constructs of perceived threat, perceived barriers, cues to action and perceived benefits are associated with how willing the participants are to participate in different risk levels of research. Descriptive statistics were used to assess the items on the instrument regarding acculturation, demographics, and sample size. ^ This study expands on current knowledge of research participation and retention strategies and methods involving the Mexican American parents. Using data from this study, researchers can observe relevant patterns from the participant's responses.^


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Background. Estimates of perinatal depression have ranged from 5% to more than 25% of women (Gavin et al. 2005). Although Hispanics have one of the highest birthrates, few studies have looked at the prevalence of depression among this population. This study aims to describe the prevalence of depressive symptoms among a sample of Hispanic women. Methods. A convenience sample of 439 Hispanic women were screened for depression using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Sociodemographic data relating to pregnancy were also collected. Results. Although bivariate analysis found several variables to be significant, multivariate analysis found only marital and pregnancy status to be significant in predicting depression. Conclusions. While marital and pregnancy status proved to the strongest predictors for depression, future research would benefit from collecting information on timing of pregnancy and postpartum to further explore the role of pregnancy status and depressive symptoms. ^


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Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between ethnicity and skin cancer risk perception while controlling for other risk factors: education, gender, age, access to healthcare, family history of skin cancer, fear, and worry. ^ Methods. This study utilized the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) dataset, a nationally representative sample of 5,586 individuals 18 years of age or older. One third of the respondents were chosen at random and asked questions involving skin cancer. Analysis was based on questions that identified skin cancer risk perception, fear of finding skin cancer, and frequency of worry about skin cancer and a variety of sociodemographic factors. ^ Results. Ethnicity had a significant impact on risk perception scores while controlling for other risk factors. Other risk factors that also had a significant impact on risk perception scores included family history of skin cancer, age, and worry. ^


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Background. Previous findings reported more depression among Mexican American adolescents than among adolescents from other groups. There has been minimal research published on distribution of depression symptoms among Mexican American adolescents and practically no data has been published from community samples. ^ Objective. To examine the phenomenology of DSM-IV major depression symptoms across groups defined by ethnic status, by gender and language use focusing on the Mexican American group. ^ Methods. Secondary data from 2624 adolescents (ages 10-17) among three ethnic subgroups, Mexican (26.7%), African (45%) and Anglo Americans (28.3%), was analyzed. Data come from the Teen Life Changes (TLC) Survey conducted in 1994 by Roberts et al. (1997). A self-report questionnaire, which includes the DSD scale to measure depression, was used. ^ Results. Analysis of data showed significant differences among youth in the phenomenology of depression symptoms by ethnicity, by gender and by language use at home. ^ Conclusion. This study adds knowledge to the psychopathology and mental health literature from the identification of depression symptoms profile as well as permits the design of more appropriate policy for prevention and intervention programs among culturally diverse youth. ^


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Background. Of the over five million annual pediatric visits to U.S. emergency departments, one-third to one-half are for non-emergent conditions. Minorities are more likely to utilize the emergency department (ED) for non-emergent conditions. Very little research has analyzed the role of illness type, perceived need, or family preferences in explaining this disparity. ^ Objectives. This study examined racial-ethnic differences in preferences for care among non-emergent users of the ED. ^ Research design. A random selection of pediatric non-emergent ED users within a single CHIP managed care plan were surveyed regarding attitudes and health care preferences. Preferences for ED utilization were analyzed by racial-ethnic category, controlling for illness type, child and guardian age, education level, language, and perceived need. ^ Results. A total of 250 families were surveyed. Most respondents reported having a regular doctor, satisfaction with their physician, and ready access to their physician. Fifteen percent of White, 39% of Hispanic, and 38% of Black families reported they preferred the emergency department for ill care. In multivariate analysis, Whites families were significantly less likely to prefer the emergency department for ill visits (odds ratio, 0.12; 95% confidence interval 0.03-0.55) compared to Blacks and Hispanics. ^ Conclusions. Racial-ethnic disparities in non-emergent ED utilization may be partially explained by different preferences for care. ^ Key words: children, emergency department, preferences for care, disparities ^


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Early prenatal care has been found to improve pregnancy and birth outcomes by reducing the risk of low birth weight and preterm births. Statistics point to lower utilization rates of prenatal care in El Paso, Texas and increasing rates of low birth weight. This study was a secondary data analysis, which explored the perceived benefits and barriers known to influence the utilization of prenatal care, and the birth outcomes among participating subjects attending three different prenatal care programs offered at the Centro San Vincent Clinic during the period of December 2006 to February 2008. A survey was used to collect data on demographics and assess perceived benefits and barriers regarding early prenatal care and self-efficacy of the participants. Post-partum birth records were used to gather data about the participant's newborns to include birth weight, gestational age, and the type of delivery (i.e. vaginal versus Cesarean birth). Chi square analysis was conducted to test for significant differences and associations. The sample of women in the study had high risk factors for inadequate utilization of prenatal care. In spite of high demographic risk factors, these women had higher perceived benefits, lower perceived barriers and high self-efficacy associated with prenatal care utilization. The perceived benefits and barriers to prenatal care were associated with place of birth and language preferred, with women from Mexico and who preferred Spanish having higher perceived benefits and lower barriers. There was no significant difference in birth outcomes among the women in different prenatal care programs. The findings of this study suggest that of all participants in the study, those born in Mexico demonstrated higher rates of perceived benefits of early prenatal care. The analysis also suggested that healthy birth outcomes were evenly distributed among women participating in one of the three prenatal care programs. ^


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This research is a secondary analysis of the Qué Sabrosa Vida population-based cross-sectional study of two predominately Mexican American communities located along the Texas-Mexico border in 2000. There were two aims for this research. The first was to determine the relationship between knowledge of exercise and water recommendations, and exercise behavior and water consumption. The second was to determine the relationship between exercise behavior and percentage of energy consumption from beverages. Chi-square analysis revealed the majority of both populations had adequate knowledge about water and exercise recommendations, although significant percentages of the populations (>40%) did not consume water or exercise in adequate amounts. Knowledge was found to be a component of both behaviors, as it was more prevalent in the adults who exercised and consumed water in adequate amounts. Analysis of variance revealed no significant difference between overall beverage calorie percentage and exercise level (all p-values > 0.05); both regions and genders reported ∼18% of total caloric intake from beverages. There was no disproportionate influence of beverage calories on total caloric intake, after controlling for water consumption and independent of exercise behavior. These findings suggest that overall caloric intake, from both foods and beverages, may be the most influential factor to the energy imbalance contributing to the obesity crisis in these Hispanic border populations. ^